World History 1500 to Present Unit 1 Vocabulary: World Empires and Religions circa 1500 AD;...

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Transcript of World History 1500 to Present Unit 1 Vocabulary: World Empires and Religions circa 1500 AD;...

World History 1500 to Present

Unit 1 Vocabulary: World Empires and Religions circa 1500 AD; Renaissance,

Reformation and Scientific Revolution IntroSOLs: 1 a-e; 2 a-d; 3 a-c; 6 a-c; 14 a,b

How do we LEARN terms?

• RECALL– “Know it:

• ANALYZE– “Understand it”

• APPLY– “DO something

with that demonstrates that you really get it!”


• This is a complex culture in which large numbers of human beings share a

number of common elements.

Key Features of Civilization

• CitiesCities

• Well organized Well organized governmentgovernment

• Complex ReligionComplex Religion

• Job SpecializationJob Specialization

• Social ClassesSocial Classes

• Arts & Arts & ArchitectureArchitecture

• Public WorksPublic Works

• WritingWriting

Locate the earliest human civilizations….

1.Know the Rivers/regions

2.Identify Main Religion


• This is the study of religion and God which was the most highly regarded subject of the medieval university.

•Name the 5 major world religions

•Founders, books, tenets, and geographic distribution from Civ-Present

Four Noble Truths

• This is the basic beliefs of Buddhism that most of life’s suffering is caused by our desires for self-satisfaction.

Caste System

• This is a rigid set of social categories that determined a person’s occupation

and position in society.

Ten Commandments

• This was the set of guidelines revealed to Moses by God on Mount Sinai as

part of the covenant between God and the Hebrews.


• This person was ruler of a Mesopotamian kingdom who built

many temples and encouraged trade, but is best remembered for his super-

strict law code.


• This was a large Mayan City in present day Guatemala that may have had a hundred thousand inhabitants.

Chichen Itza

• Ancient city of the Mayan Indians located in the northern center of the Yucatán Peninsula of present-day



• Island city that was the Aztec capital where present day Mexico City is


Black Death

• The most devastating natural disaster in European history which killed about

1/3 of the population.

Great Schism

• This was a conflict within the Catholic Church when two popes, one French and one Italian, were elected at the

same time and the disputes that followed weakened the political and spiritual authority of the Catholic


This “schism” was the Western Roman Church…

not the Eastern/Western Schism”

Leonardo da Vinci

• This multi-talented Italian artist, painter, inventor, sculptor, architect and mathematician was the ultimate

Renaissance man and even cut up dead bodies to better illustrate the human

form in his art.

Medici Family

• This was a powerful banking family from Florence that financed much of

the Renaissance through their patronage of artists and inspiration to


Giovanni Di Bicci Cosimo il Vecchio Cosimo I

Lorenzo the Magnificent

Niccolo Machiavelli

• This writer of the Renaissance believed that the key to gaining and maintaining

power was to not let oneself be restricted by moral principles. He was

one of the first political writers to abandon morality as a basis for

analyzing political power.

The Prince

• One of the most influential books on political power in the Western world,

this work has stood the test of time as a handbook on how to achieve political

power at any cost.


• This was an intellectual and artistic movement based on the renewed

interest in the classical heritage of Greeks and Romans. It began in Italy

and spread throughout Europe.

Protestant Reformation

• This was the religious movement that divided the Western Catholic Church in the early 1500s and created numerous

Christian sects that are still in existence today.

“THE CHURCH” =Roman Catholic

1054 AD 1st E/W Schism =

Roman Catholicism

Eastern Orthodox based in


1378 -1417 AD = “The Great Schism

Martin Luther95 Theses starts the Protestant


John CalvinTheocracy


King Henry VIIIEngland

Under Elizabeth I, Anglican

In America, Episcopal

Huguenots = FrenchPresbyterians = Scotland

Pilgrims = Protestant Separatists in America

Catholic Counter-Reformation

• This was the official Church response to the divisive Christian reform

movement that included the founding of the Jesuits, the reform of the

papacy, the decrees of the Council of Trent,… and the establishment of

courts of the Inquisition.

1560 -1648 (After conclusion of Thirty Years War in Europe)

• Society of Jesus, Jesuits

• More missionaries sent

• Strengthened Inquisition

• 1545 @ Council of Trent….clarified doctrines

• Made several changes based on complaints of Protestants

Johann Tetzel

• This monk sold indulgences to German Christians, telling them they could buy

forgiveness for their sins and for the sins of family members already dead.

• German Dominican friar

• Disgusted Martin Luther to write his 95 theses (reasons the Catholic Church needed to shape up)

Martin Luther

• This German monk and Bible professor believed that Christians

could achieve salvation through faith alone and launched a religious reform movement to break with the Catholic


John Calvin

• This Protestant leader set up a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland and

believed in predestination.

Henry VIII

• This ruler of England broke with the Catholic Church for mostly political

reasons. He wanted a divorce from his first wife and when the Pope said, “No,” he turned to his own church courts and eventually made himself head of the

Protestant Church of England.

• Handsome and Athletic in his youth

• Married to a Spanish Catholic, had one child that survived, Mary I aka, “Bloody Mary”

• Married 5 more times, only notable child: Elizabeth I with wife #2, Anne Boleyn


• This term refers to works of literature that are published in regional

languages rather than classical languages like Latin or Greek.

EGO LATINAM• Latin represented

the glory that was ROME

• Latin was the language of learning, business, law, medicine, and most importantly, THE CHURCH

• Romans “spoke” Italian

• Spaniards spoke Spanish

• People in Gaul spoke French

• German, English, Dutch, Finnish, etc….


• This term refers to nonreligious or “worldly” things.


• This was an intellectual movement that was based on the study of the

classic literary works and the culture Greece and Rome. It focused on the

glorification of the worldly achievements of men.


• One of the earliest leaders of the Renaissance, this man led the initial search for ancient Latin manuscripts and revived the use of pure, classical Latin. He is famous for works such as

Sonnets to Laura.

What is Love?

Love is Agony and Sorrow

Characteristics of Petrarch’s Sonnets

• Self- Centered

• Combines secular love with religious passion. The Baroque poets, esp. the metaphysical poets are influenced by this. Different from Shakespeare's sonnets.

• Love as sorrow. Different from Dante (Love as an enlightening or transcendent power).


• This famous author of the Divine Comedy (in Italian) takes readers on a journey through Hell, Purgatory, and



• This artist, most famous for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, was

also a magnificent sculptor and architect


• Best known for his 1509 writing, In Praise of Folly, this leading Christian humanist believed that society cannot be improved until the people in society improved themselves from within. It

was said, “He laid the egg that the other guy hatched.”

Dutch humanist AND theologian

Middle of the road reformer, FREE Will, not predestination

Wrote In Praise of Folly

Peace of Augsburg

• This was a 1555 agreement to formally accept the division of Christianity in Germany between Catholicism and

Lutheranism. It did not allow religious choice for individuals, only for German

rulers to choose for their subjects.

"Cuius regio eius religio".

On a regular QUIZ: You must answer my questions ABOUT the terms we have covered in HW or class

FIB = fill in the blank, no word bank– I give you the definition and you write the

vocabulary term from your comps sheet

• Spelling must be phonetically close

•Writing must be PRINTED Legibly

• +10 pts if you get 100% on the Vocab Quiz / +5 pts if you get all 30 on the Unit TEST