World History 1500 to present Unit 4 Vocbulary: Growth of Western Democracies, End of Old Empires,...

World History 1500 to present Unit 4 Vocbulary: Growth of Western Democracies, End of Old Empires, Causes and Effects of WWI SOLs: WHII 8 a-c; 9 a-c; 10a

Transcript of World History 1500 to present Unit 4 Vocbulary: Growth of Western Democracies, End of Old Empires,...

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World History 1500 to present Unit 4 Vocbulary: Growth of Western Democracies, End of Old Empires, Causes and Effects of WWI SOLs: WHII 8 a-c; 9 a-c; 10a Slide 2 Slide 3 Unit 3 Review before moving on. Industrialization Need for natural resources Need for new markets for industrially produced finished goods Need to establish the most powerful empire Need to embrace and justify IMPERIALISM Slide 4 Imperialism Justified as the White Mans Burden (Rudyard Kipling) Idea that technologically advanced Europeans were morally and socially superior to natives of Asia, Africa, and the Americas Colonies, Protectorates, and Spheres of Influence Slide 5 India Unit 1 (Location, Civ, religion, Mughals) Unit 2 (European exploration) Unit 3 (status?) Unit 4:____________________? Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 CHINA: Dynasty Song?! Confucian values and traditional beliefs External pressures from the Western powers Internal pressures Corruption and incompetence Peasant unrest Increased population growth and decreased food production (famine and death) Slide 9 CHINA: Opium War 1839-1842 Economics of trade balance Britain spent too much silver on Chinese imports British East India Co. sold Opium to Chinese Chinese lost the war and Hong Kong Slide 10 China: Taiping Rebellion Taiping Rebellion: led by Christian convert who thought he was Jesus little brother Means Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace 14 year civil war with 20 million killed Foreign powers came together to crush it Slide 11 CHINA: Western spheres of influence Extraterritoriality: Europeans living in China did not have to live by Chinese laws, but by their own nations laws USAs Open Door Policy declares equal access to China to all European nations(AND the USA!) Slide 12 Slide 13 CHINA: Boxer Rebellion Shadow-boxing and the name Society of the Harmonious Fists Another attempt to get foreigners OUT of China Failed after allied foreign armies crushed them and demanded payment for damages Slide 14 China:Moving into the Modern Age Republic of China est. 1911 under Sun Yat-Sen (Sun Yixian) Three Principles of the People: NATIONALISM SOCIALISM DEMOCRACY Slide 15 Sun Yat-Sens 3 Principles Nationalism: to unite the Chinese people against foreign influences and give them a Chinese Identity Socialism: to lead to greater equality and opportunity Democracy: to give the people the ability to make their own future Slide 16 Sun-Yat Sen & Communists Most of the intended reforms did not happen and a workable system did not emerge in modern China By 1921, radical Chinese college students and faculty form The Chinese Communist Party Communist International, formed in 1919, (Comintern) advised the new party to join Sun Yat-Sens Nationalist Party Slide 17 Sun-Yat Sen and Chiang Kai-shek The Communist/Nationalist Alliance helped oppose Chinese warlords and drive out imperialist powers.3 years Revolutionary army marches north to take control Sun Yat-Sen dies in 1925 and Chiang Kai-shek becomes the head of the Nationalist Party Slide 18 Sun Yat-Sen Chiang Kai-shek CHINESE NATIONALISTS (Nationalist Party) Slide 19 Communists are a disease of the heart Chiang Kai-shek and his forces attacked the communists in Shanghai, killing thousands (Shanghai Massacre) Slide 20 The Nationalist Party- Chinese Communist alliance was..over Slide 21 Chinese Communists After the Shanghai Massacre they go into hiding In the mountainous south, they find a strong leader in MAO ZEDONG Mao sees the future of Communism not in the urban working poor but in the rural peasants Slide 22 Slide 23 Chinese Nationalists vs Communists By 1931, Nationalists drive most Communists from Shanghai Maos Communists are smaller in number BUTeffective at guerilla tactics in battle LONG MARCH 1935-1936: Maos communist forces marched 6,000 miles to the last base in the North Slide 24 Slide 25 90,000 troops marched North---only 9,000 made it Slide 26 Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) tries to force China to reform Use of dictatorial powers to prevent spread of communism Land reform program Small middle class in urban areas accepted some western practices: material wealth individual advancement Peasants were 80% of Chinese population Slide 27 Confucian Values and New China Successes: roads, railways, education Chiang Kai-shek wanted to combine the BEST Western innovations with traditional Chinese values (while rejecting excessive greed and individualism) Hard-work Obedience Integrity Slide 28 Major Problems for China Japan was threatening to take over more of Northern China (Manchuria, 1931) Great Depression was affecting the Chinese economy Chiang Kai-Sheks support base (landed gentry and urban middle class)..he did not want to lose their support Did NOT attempt redistribution of wealth programs Censorship and suppression of opposition alienated intellectuals and moderates Slide 29 Nationalists & Communists:Part 2 Chiang Kai-sheks Nationalists and Mao Zedongs Communists put the civil war on hold in 1936 to work together against the JAPANESE Japanese take capital of Nanjing WW II ends in 1945 1946 Nationalists and Communists go back to full scale civil war Slide 30 Communists eventually win China Peasants love the idea of free land Millions join the Communists Nationalists flee to Island of Formosa (TAIWAN) Mao Zedong takes over China and begins the Great Leap Forward (but China falls on its butt) Saga to be continued in Unit 5 Slide 31 JAPAN Slide 32 Japan: a brief review By 1000 AD the Imperial period was in decline and the feudal age on the rise Certain families gained power and weakened the central power of the emperor Emperor becomes more of a ceremonial figure than a real POWER Slide 33 Social organization in Japan Shogun- appointed by emperor, military leader, most powerful person in Japan Daimyo (DIME-yo)- landowners, loyal to the shogun, but powerful in their own right Samurai- warrior class that supported the daimyo and shogun militarily in return for land and supplies Peasants and Artisans: exchange services for protection Merchants: bottom of the social scale, but rich Slide 34 Slide 35 China VS Japan Scholars were respected in China Buddhism and Confucian values focused on family and relationships China was easily invaded Warriors were respected in Japan Japanese were able to repel attacks by invaders & develop in isolation Fostered a militaristic attitude (Code of Bushido) Slide 36 Japan: Between 1500 and 1800 3 Great Unifiers (Last was the powerful daimyo of Tokugawa Ieyasu) Tokugawa shogunate takes over 1603 great peace until 1868 Europeans come in with clocks, tobacco, eyeglasses, Christianity (Jesuits destroyed shrinesnot good PR move) Slide 37 Japan: Between 1500 and 1800 Japanese Christians were persecuted European merchants were also forced out, only a small Dutch port was left in time every year, 2-3 months MAX Daimyo hostage system of rule Samurai lost warrior status and became managers of daimyo hans Ronin were masterless samurai Slide 38 Japan: Between 1500 and 1800 Formal foreign relations until 1800 with only Korea, The Hermit Kingdom Foreign trade ships were driven away from Japan 4 US WARships under Commodore Matthew Perry Perry brings a letter from President Millard Fillmore (sailors in cages, trade) Perry comes back with bigger fleet Treaty of Kanagawa signed Slide 39 Treaty of Kanagawa: Return shipwrecked sailors (free from cages) Open 2 ports for US trade Consulate established Exchange foreign ministers Slide 40 Japanese Resistance Samurai classes strongly resisted 1863, Satsuma and Choshu areas formed an alliance to force the shogun to end relations with the West Western ships were stronger and revealed to the Japanese that they were militarily WEAK! The Sat-Cho alliance attacked the shogun and forced the restoration of the emperor Slide 41 Meiji Restoration Sat-Cho leaders began a new policy to make Japan strong enough to resist Western imperialism Young emperor was Mutsuhito who called the new era Meiji for Enlightened Rule Slide 42 Changes under Meiji rule in Japan Western political style: a legislative assembly with imperial rule Liberals (want Parliament powerful and representative of people) and Progressives (power shared between legislative and executive**) emerge By 1890, the German model (attractive to Progressives) won Traditional and modern..same power people had power Democratic in form, authoritarian in practice Slide 43 Japanese society under Meiji Aristocratic privileges abolished Women got jobs and education More industrialization and shift to cities LOTS of westernization (dancing, eating, playing games, clothing) Exploitation of working classes Demands for more political voice Slide 44 Slide 45 Japans Imperial dreams. Need for colonies, just like the west Ryukyu islands (had been under Chinese control) Korean ports forced to open up Manchurian city of Port Arthur and Taiwan War with Russia over Korea, Japan wins (Peace negotiated by POTUS Teddy Roosevelt) Japan becomesSignificant as a world power Slide 46 Chilly relations with United States USA wants more power in the Pacific and authority over Philippines US restricts Japanese immigration Racism and nativism in US, especially on West Coast Slide 47 World War I see overhead notes Slide 48 Causes of World War I The Industrial Revolution leads nations to compete for economic dominance and international prestige. Question: By 1900, which countries were the most industrially developed in the world? Slide 49 Slide 50 Causes of World War I Imperialism: Militarism: Alliance System: Nationalism: Slide 51 Imperialism (as a cause of WWI) Competition over access to resources and markets = economic rivalry British and French concern over GERMAN competition and colonial claims German growth in all areas: Slide 52 French Colonies 1914: British Colonies 1914: Slide 53 Militarism (as a cause of WWI) Arms race =Industrial nations build up better weapons Military power = national prestige Glorification of all things military Military leaders become powerful ..Social Darwinism.stronger can outfight the weaker Slide 54 Militarism: New tech for WWI Machine guns Hand grenades Poison gas Zeppelins Submarines SOME airplanes trench warfare strategy Slide 55 Trench Warfare = STALEMATE! Defensive strategy Horrific casualities Rats: feeding on dead Lice: everywhere Mud: WET, slimy Trenchfoot Slide 56 Slide 57 Alliance System (as a cause of WWI) Agreements between nations to aid each other if attacked (OLD, new, flimsy, etc.) Russia is the protector of smaller Slavic nations Emergence of the Allies (Britain, France, Russia) Emergence of the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire) Slide 58 Examples of Nationalism (as a cause of WWI) French want revenge against Germany French want Alsace and Lorraine back from Germany (after Franco-Prussian war) Pan-Slavism unites those wanting a Southern European state for Slavic people Germany wants a place in the sun (recognition and respect for its power) Slide 59 Immediate Cause: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, August 1914 Slide 60 Slide 61 United States and World War I For three years, America remained neutral, and there was strong sentiment not to get involved in a European war. continuing German submarine warfare restricts freedom of the seas American cultural ties to Great Britain. Wilson wanted to make the world safe for democracy. Slide 62 United States and World War I 1. Propaganda fuels anti-German feelings 2. Germany sinks Lusitania ship 3. Zimmerman telegram intercepted 4. Russian revolution breaks out and a non- autocratic government is set up..BEFORE it goes communist 5. April 2, 1917USA declares war on Germany Slide 63 United States and World War I Draft laws Rationing and government organizes war production Americans SUPPORT war effort Govt acts to STOP those who protest: Espionage and Sedition Act Slide 64 Americas military resources of soldiers and war materials tipped the balance of the war and led to Germanys defeat. Slide 65 Armistice Day November 11 th, 11:00 am, 1918 Slide 66 Wilsons Fourteen Points Wilsons plan to eliminate the causes of war Key ideas: Self-determination Freedom of the sea League of Nations Mandate system Slide 67 Treaty of Versailles (Verse-EYE) The French and English insisted on punishment of Germany. A League of Nations was created. National boundaries were redrawn, creating many new nations. Slide 68 League debate in United States Objections to U.S. foreign policy decisions made by an international organization, not by U.S. leaders U.S. Senates failure to approve Treaty of Versailles Slide 69 Russia and the Revolution Slide 70 RUSSIA: the Land and People 1/6 of Earths surface is Russia and its republics Tundra, taiga, steppe and desert from the Caspian Sea in Asiatic highlands Ural mountains divide Europe from Asia Volga River is longest in all of Europe (flows South to Caspian) Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake (1 mile at deepest) Slide 71 Historical Background of Russia Earliest invaders were Vikings from the North (Norsemen or Varangians) Reddish hair (rus) gave name to earliest state of Kiev Kievan Rus..became Russia Viking names (Helga and Waldamar) became Russian names (Olga and Vladimir) Slide 72 Background History of Russia Riches of Kiev led to its downfall Tatar/Mongol Domination for almost 300 years Paid taxes to Khans; military service Cut off from West Allowed Orthodox Christianity to remain Autocracy is accepted; screws up Russian thinking about govt for..(ever?!) Rise of Moscow: Russian princes eventually put down Mongols 1380 at Battle of Kulikovo Moscow is geographically important on trade routes from East Princes of Moscow maintain a stable govt Slide 73 Background History of Russia Ivan III (The Great) 1462 1505 built a framework absolute rule Limited the power of boyars Adopted Byzantine customs,grandson: Ivan IV (The Terrible) 1533- 1584 Centralized royal power Exchanged land to boyars for military service Entrenched serfdom Was NUTS Slide 74 Background History of Russia Time of Troubles 1604-1613 Political instability, peasant uprisings, invasions by foreigners Ends with the Zemsky Sobor appointment of the Romanov Dynasty beginning with Michael in 1613 Slide 75 Brief Outline of the modern Age)Romanovs Alexander I: 1 st to embrace liberal ideas, but after Napoleon, went conservative at COV Nicholas I: cracks down on dissent, uses secret police, starts modernization Alexander II: loses Crimean War; FREES the serfs, assassinated Alexander III: cracks down on dissent, censorship, secret police, exiled people, Russification esp against Jews (pogroms) Nicholas II: Ineffective ruler and soldier, WWI, October Manifesto, Bloody Sunday, assassinated w/family Slide 76 Russian Revolution Czar Nicholas IIs reforms were too little too late No industrial power = no national power Loss to the Japanese was humiliating announcement of weakness WWI participation sucked Russia dry and made civil war inevitable Weak resistance to well organized and mobilized Bolshevik radicals Total abdication and assassination end the Romanov Dynasty Slide 77 Vladimir Lenin Marxist Revolutionary NEP allowed some capitalism and helped Soviet economy recover from early communist stagnation Dies of stroke, 1924 Slide 78 Leon Trotsky Co-founder with Lenin Organized and trained the RED ARMY Practice of decimation made Red Army effective Rival of Stalin Assassinated in Mexico with an ice- pick Slide 79 Lenins Communist Dictatorship in Russia 1917-1924 Bloodshed & Brainwashing Terror Tactics: use mass executions to wipe out opposition Economic Control: nationalization of industry, banks, foreign trade (& NEP) Centralization of Govt: total control of govt, trade unions, youth groups, ban other political parties, ethnic republics est. Religious Persecution: seizure of church land & property, jail/kill priests, close church schools, GOD does not exist, Lenin is your god now Ideology: censor critics and foreign news, use of PROPAGANDA Slide 80 Causes of the Great Depression Industrial OVERPRODUCTION Over speculation on stocks Buying stock using borrowed money Borrowers can NOT PAY when the stock market crashed in 1929 stock prices collapsed Ripple effect across economy Slide 81 Great Depression..GOES GLOBAL: Federal Reserves failure to prevent widespread collapse of the nations banking system in the late 1920s/early 1930s leading to severe contraction of the money supply (less in circulation) High protective tariffs that produced retaliatory tariffs in other countries, strangling world trade Slide 82 Impact of the Great Depression Unemployment and homelessness Collapse of financial system (bank closings) Political unrest (growing militancy of labor unions) Farm foreclosures and migration Slide 83 New Deal (Franklin Roosevelt) This program changed the role of the government to a more active participant in solving problems. Roosevelt rallied a frightened nation in which one in four workers was unemployed. (We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.) Slide 84 In Times of Crisis, governments tend to assume more power. Slide 85 Rise of Other Totalitarian Regimes Common Features: Single party dictatorship State control of the economy Secret police/state sponsored terrorism Censorship & Propaganda/government control of the media Schools used to indoctrinate citizens Unquestioning obedience to a single ruler Slide 86 Fascism vs. Communism Political philosophy that values the nation or race above the individual Looks to PAST greatness and glory as a model for the future Political, economic and social system that seeks to abolish private property, social classes and achieve a society where all things are held in common and complete equality is achieved and the state disappears Looks to the FUTURE........ Slide 87 Fascists Benito Mussolini- Italy Adolph Hitler- Germany Francisco Franco- Spain Juan Peron- Argentina Slide 88 Communists Joseph Stalin - USSR Mao Zedong- China Ho Chi Minh- Vietnam Fidel Castro- Cuba Josep Marshal Tito- Yugoslavia Slide 89 Benito Mussolini 1883-1945 Il Duce Italy- in political and economic crisis had support of middle class seeking stability 1922- march on Rome- Victor Emmanuel made him PM Could legislate by decree, police state Created Young Fascists Slide 90 Adolph Hitler 1889-1945 Der Fuhrer core of beliefs- anti- Semitic wrote Mein Kampf in jail in 20s built Nazi party on dissatisfaction won over elite and establishment fear of communists- largest party, became chancellor legally Slide 91 The Nazi State 1933-1945 Total State techniques propaganda masters mass demonstrations rearmament of the military SS control of police using terror based on Nazi ideology (secret police,camps execution and extermination) Churches and youth groups under control GOAL Aryan ???? racial ??? state. Slide 92 Fascists (cont..) Spain General Francisco Franco 1892-1975 resulted from a civil war with communists aided by Italy and Germany Slide 93 Fascists (cont..) Latin America military dictators popular Juan Peron in Argentina Slide 94 Joseph Stalin and the USSR Communist State 3 rd to Lenin, had Trotsky murdered in Mexico Similar to Totalitarian state oppression of the masses ownership of production and land by the state forced rapid industrialization cruel Great Purge (get rid of old Bolshevik rev) Elections: one party. 10% member Slide 95 Mao Zedong: China Led the Communists of China to victory over Chiang Kai- Sheks Nationalist Party Made PRC Communist in 1949 Slide 96 Ho Chi Minh: Vietnam Nationalist who wanted to rid Vietnam of French and foreign domination Slide 97 Tito and Castro: stay tuned for Unit 5! Slide 98 Totalitarian Regime at FDHS extra TEST grade creative writing???? Follow each direction to the letter It is a test grade Video presentation is OK, but it must make sense, follow the rubric and not waste time! Slide 99 Post World War I Nationalist Movements Slide 100 Mehmet II enters the city of Constantinople in 1453.. by 1633, spans 3 continents Slide 101 Ottoman Empire circa 1683 Slide 102 Ottoman Empire post WW I Great Britain & France decided during WWI (secretly via Sykes-Picot Agreement) to divide parts of the Ottoman Empire amongst themselves Mandate system est. by League of Nations New foreign rulers simply planted the seeds for future conflicts in the region Slide 103 Slide 104