Working in a Plenary Session

Post on 08-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Working in a Plenary Session

  • Working in a plenary session

  • Why plenaries?There are clearly many reasons for plenaries, but the general objective is to come up with decisions representing all members of IFMSA

  • With any decision, you have choicesIn favour(support/agree/want)Against(not in favour/do not agree/do not want)Abstain(doesnt matter/dont care/couldnt be bothered/couldnt be arsed)

  • MotionA decision to be madeHow you behave during a motion depends on whether you support, do not support, or dont care about it.

  • Components of a motionALL MOTIONS MUST HAVE A PROPOSER AND A SECONDERIf at any point there is one of these missing, the motion dies, unless a replacement is found.Proposer someone who suggests the motionSeconder someone who supports the motion to be brought to a decision

  • How it worksSomeone proposes a motionThey are called the proposerMaybe youMaybe some other countryMaybe the IFMSA EB or Team of Officials

  • SecondingIf you support the motion, you may second itYou will then be called the seconderYou need to second a motion for it to be considered. If not the motion dies right there.In the really odd event and unlikely event that the proposer suddenly decides to withdraw, the seconder will become the proposer and a new seconder must be found.

  • After seconding now whatIf you dont support the motion in its current form, you are allowed to propose amendments.

  • AmendmentsRaise your voting cardWait for your country to be calledYou may propose your amendmentIt doesnt always happen like this. Sometimes, amendments are proposed long before the actual plenary.This is, of course, our preferred way of business. If you dont agree with a motion discussed in presidents session, better to work on an amendment beforehand to be presented with the motion.

  • AmendmentsIf there are amendmentsProposer needs to acceptSeconder needs to accept


  • Three possibilitiesFirst possibility: Proposer does not acceptThe amendment is voted onIf you support the motion WITH amendment, vote FORIf you support the motion WITHOUT the amendment, vote AGAINSTIf you dont care, ABSTAINIf for is more than against, the amendment is addedIf against is more than for, the amendment is not added

  • A quick primer on the act of votingYou can only vote if you have a black stripe on the bottom of your cardListen carefully to the plenary chairWhen your choice is called, show your card stripe-side to the chair and raise your hand clearly

  • Three possibilitiesProposer accepts, seconder does not acceptNeed to find new seconderIf found, amendment is addedIf not, motion dies

  • Three possibiltiesBoth proposer and seconder accept the amendmentClearly, the amendment is ADDED.

  • Amendment - summaryAmendments are proposedBoth proposer and seconder need to acceptIf they accept, motion is amendedIf proposer doesnt accept, vote is heldMajority = motion not amended or amendedIf seconder doesnt accept, new seconder is neededNo seconder = motion failsNew seconder = motion amended

  • Amendments doneNow what?

  • Now whatChair asks for direct negativeWhat is a direct negative?If you DO NOT support the motion, perhaps you should speak up

  • Direct negative: noThis slide is easy.No direct negative = motion passes.

  • Direct negative: yesIf you do not agree with the motion this is your last chance to do so.Raise your hand (a la voting procedures) and card and state that you have a direct negative.

  • So you have a direct negativeA direct negative may be accompanied by an alternative motionSo what?

  • Alternative motion - noVote on originalIf you dont want it vote against (not in favour)If you do want it vote for (in favour)If you dont care abstain (couldnt care less)

  • Alternative motion - yesFind another seconder for the motionVote between motionsIf you support the original vote for the originalIf you support the new motion vote for the alternativeIf you dont like either motion vote againstIf you dont care - abstain

  • Points that can be usedPoint of orderIf something is wrong with the process, raise your card and state Point of Order, wait for the chair to acknowledge, and then state your point brieflyDo not use this to make opinion statementsPoint of informationIf you have more information about the issue being discussed, raise your card and state, Point of Information. Wait for the chair, and then give us the lowdown.

  • Lets try oneI will hand out piece of paper to each of youDO WHAT THE PAPER SAYS

  • Motion 1That the 2nd NLT be cancelled.

    Proposed by: CIMSA Executive Board Seconded by:

  • PlayactionNo seconder, motion died.

  • Motion 2That the 2nd NLT venue be changed from Padang to Poso

    Proposed by: CIMSA Executive BoardSeconded by:

  • PlayactionSecondedAmended both proposer and seconder agreedDirect negative without alternativeNo further amendmentsVote against majority, motion voted down

  • Motion 3That all attendees in the 2nd NLT should wear pink shirts.

    Proposed by: Seconded by:

  • PlayactionSecondedAmended proposer did not agreeVote was held, amendment was not addedNo further amendmentsOriginal motion continued. Direct negative without alternativeVote held, motion passes

  • Motion 4That all sessions in the 2nd NLT should be conducted with music

    Proposed by:Seconded by:

  • PlayactionSecondedAmended proposer agreed, seconder did notNew seconder foundNo further amendmentsNo direct negativeMotion passed nemo contra

  • Motion 5That all the food served at General Assemblies should be Javanese food

    Proposed by:Seconded by:

  • Motion 5 and alternativeOriginal: That all food served at the General Assembly should be Chinese foodAlternative: That all food served at the General Assembly should be Chinese food

  • PlayactionSecondedNo amendmentsDirect negative with alternative motionVote one motion versus the otherAlternative motion passed.

  • Motion 6That this session is over

    Proposed by:Seconded by:

  • PlayactionSecondedPoint of informationAmendmentsNo direct negativesMotion passes nemo contra