Workforce Development An Economic Development Asset

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Transcript of Workforce Development An Economic Development Asset




Solutions Through Teamwork

MEDA 2010 Economic Development Basic Course – October 7, 2010

What we will cover and why

Understanding The Workforce System Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Workforce Boards Why you need to understand and engage Roles of Federal, State, Regions, Education and


Your Role in the Workforce System Where do workforce and economic development align What are the opportunities for collaboration What are the challenges Business Solutions Professionals

What is Workforce Development?

"Workforce development consists of activities which increase the capacity of individuals to participate effectively in the workplace, thereby improving their productivity and employability."

The Workforce Development System

Workforce Investment Act Primer:

What It’s About


1935 - 1942 Works Progress Administration (WPA)

1962 Manpower Development and Training Act (MDTA)

1973 Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA)

1978 Jobs Training Partnership Act (JTPA)

1998 Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Purpose of WIA:

Enhance National Productivity and Competitiveness by:

Increasing Occupational Skill Levels Improving Quality of Workforce

Improve Lives of Workers by: Increasing Employment, Retention and Earning of


WIA Predecessors

Federal Control

Serve Job Seekers Only

Social Service Intent - helping people

“Silo” Programs

Boards Directly Provide Services

Services to Specific Target Groups

Workforce Board Composition

Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs) appoint Local Board Members:

Business Reps (must be board majority) Economic Development Community Based Organizations Local Education Labor Organizations Employment Services User/Organization Others As Determined Locally

Workforce Development Board Responsibilities

ResearchVisionCoordinationConveningLeveraging resourcesLeadership!

One Stop Service System

ProgramsWIA Title 1: Adult, Youth and

Dislocated WorkersEligibilityDocumentationService ProvisionTrackingReporting

One Stop Service System: Core Services

Intake and OrientationSkill & Interest AssessmentAccess to job listingsAccess to resume writing toolsLabor Market InformationWorkshops (job seeking, resume writing,

interviewing, etc.)Info on PartnersResource Room (computers, phones, etc.)

One Stop Service System: Intensive Services

More comprehensive assessments

Individual career and service planning

Individualized job readiness help

Case (Career) Management

One Stop Service System: Training

Michigan’s NWLB (tuition assistance for vocational / technical training)

Local flexibility / ability to narrow eligible occupations / industries (demand & high growth)

Community Colleges & Technical SchoolsOn The JobCustomized (including incumbent worker)Eligible Training Provider lists

One Stop Service System: Business Services (typical)

Business Needs Must Be Addressed in Local Plan

Provide Labor Market Information

Resource Room


Job Postings

Business Solutions – A Michigan Model


Definition 1General: Cooperative arrangement in which two or more

parties (which may or may not have any previous relationship) work jointly towards a common goal.

Definition 2Knowledge management (KM): Effective method of

transferring 'know how' among individuals, therefore critical to creating and sustaining a competitive advantage.

Definition 3Negotiations: Conflict resolution strategy that uses both

assertiveness and cooperation to seek solutions advantageous to all parties. It succeeds usually where the participants' goals are compatible, and the interaction among them is important in attaining those goals.


DefinitionEstablishing a long term win-win relationship

based on mutual trust and teamwork, and on sharing of both risks and rewards.

Partnering arrangement can be between labor and management, subordinates and the executive, suppliers and customers, and suppliers and suppliers.

The objective is to focus on what each party does best, by sharing financial and other resources, and establishing specific roles for each participant.

The Business Solutions Driving Philosophy

Business IS the primary customerEducation and Workforce Development IS

Economic DevelopmentPhilosophy IS backed by comprehensive

strategic partnerships and operational plans

Example of a Business Solutions Partnership Structure

Workforce Development

The Economic Developer drives

the demand side of the model

Workforce Development

prepares the labor force with their programs and


Education meets the demand with training programs


Economic Development Education

Common Challenges

TurfResistance to Change (Individuals

& Systems)Duplicative EffortsOrganizational Cultural DifferencesOrganizational SilosShort-Term Nature of Grant


The Demand Driven Model

Demand Supply

Partners Resources

What is demand?

•An urgent requirement or need•The state of being sought after

Economics • The desire to possess a commodity or make use of a service, combined with the ability to purchase it.

• The amount of a commodity or service that people are ready to buy for a given price: Supply should rise to meet demand.

• Along with supply, demand is one of the two key determinants of the market price.

What resources do you use to meet business demand?

Economic Development

• Block Grants• Tax Abatements• Site Selections• Business Growth• Brownfield Redevelopment• Retention Calls• Strategic Planning• Other…..


•Michigan New Jobs Training Initiative• Curriculum Development• Customized Skills Training• Apprenticeship classes• Other….

Workforce Development

• On the Job Training• Incumbent Worker Training• Classroom Training• Skilled Workforce• Skills Upgrading• Apprenticeship creation• Customized Hiring Projects• Workforce Planning• Other….

Why Inventory Your Assets

• What resources can you deliver to the partnership

• Who is in your network

• What resources does your network have

• Who can deliver the solutions to your customer

• Can you deliver on your commitments

• What partners do you trust and rely on

• Who trusts and relies on you

• How will your resources blend with your partners

Understand your programs and services

Learn about your partners Talent Bank

Pre-Employment Testing

WOTC Identification

CRT Training

OJT Training

EEO/CDBG Tracking

Application Pre-Screening

EDJT Grants

Incumbent Worker Training

Resource Rooms

Tax Abatements

TRA/NAFTA Assistance

CDBG Grants

Employer Specific Job Fairs

Labor Market Research

BEST Processes

Lay-Off Aversion Projects

Education and Training Programs

Placement Assistance

Retention Call Programs

Veteran Employment Project

Area Labor Management Groups

Empowerment Zones

What does a Business Solutions Professional do?

Through discovery - identifies the need(s) ofthe customer – understanding their ownassets as well as their partners – assists inproviding solutions through their resources orby referrals to partners – - - dependent on thesituation and demand.

Why this approach?...

Prevent Michigan's traditional industries and jobs from leaving the state by adopting a surviving to thriving strategy

Support community-led efforts to prevent plant closings and lay-offs through the development of strategies that link economic development workforce, and education

Create a regional approach to implement these strategies and make a successful transition to new markets, new jobs, and talent development. 

…Why this approach?

Assist Michigan businesses to retain workers, create

jobs, and operate competitively in the global market

and to attract new companies to Michigan. Growth situationsBusiness enhancement / layoff prevention

situationsAttraction situationsClosure situations

What we teach

How to use your resources to provide solutionsHow to create collaborative partnershipsHow to recognize opportunities for your customerHow to blend your resources with your partnersA different way of doing local and regional

businessAbout available resources from 21st Century

PartnersThe five proven BSP steps (Entry, Fact Finding ,

Solution Design, Implementation, Follow-up)

Purpose of the Workforce Development Proposal / Plan

Answers the question of “Can we, and will we be able to get a trained workforce”

It is a written business plan of action that the customer owns

It is a working document for all partners to follow.

It demonstrates coordination to your customer

It is a value added document for your customer and partners

Is it a Proposal or a Plan

A proposal is drafted to “suggest options”

A proposal may be done without a fact finding

A proposal is added to an attraction proposal

A plan is crafted with customer participation

A plan is endorsed by the customer

A plan is what the partners follow to deliver the commitments to the customer

Plans are to be flexible for quality control


Growth and Expansion ProjectsAttraction ProjectsLay-Off Prevention ProcessesAllows you to build a repository of BEST

Practices for future use.Plans can be activated or deactivated to serve

your customerIt enhances your economic development



Must be 6 or less pages in lengthUse 12pt or 14pt font Arial or Times New

RomanUse “Justify” AlignmentKeep it short and to the pointDesign it to offer solutions for your customerBold Print important information Always under promise and over deliverMaintain Confidentiality


1st Page use logos and add goal statement for project

Don’t use logos without permission

You can copy and paste customers logos from WEB sites

Remaining pages contain the element of the proposal


Background (who, what, why,)

Project Coordination (who, how)

Steps to achieve the project outcomes or

Recommended Solutions

Value added section when needed

Disclaimer Language

Process map for partners

Value Added

Factor in Projected Training DollarsEstimate value of usage of one stop centersStaff value for time spent on projectAny future IWT commitmentsWork Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)*?Other?(CAN NOT promise WIA Dollars when a

customer is closing another location and moving the work to your area)

Follow-up Letter

Produced at project completion

Remember some projects can take 1-2 years to complete

Write the letter to your partners and customers.

State the commitments made in the original plan

Summarize the value added and outcomes

Rules of the Road

Key decision maker is the author of the proposal

If you can’t deliver don’t promise itMaintain ConfidentialityWatch for legal issuesReview your proposal in-person Have customer sign WDP if possibleCoordinate with your partnersYour customer will see the proposal as

something special

Keys to Success

Identify your Local and Regional Partners

Communicate with those partners

Learn about what your partners do and respect their work

Work on Definable, Targeted Projects/Tasks

Play to Your State and Local Strengths and the Strengths of Your Partners

Create a Formal, On-going Process to Solve New Projects/Tasks

Lessons Learned

Burn your enemies listCommunicate with your partnersStay in your laneWhen you help people get what they want you

will get what you wantYou don’t need to be an expert in everything

(RP)Give away or share the creditCelebrate the successes Under promise and over deliverAlways have positive words for others


Christine Quinn, President, South Central Michigan Works! –

*The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit incentive thatthe Congress provides to private sector businesses for hiring individuals fromtwelve target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers toemployment. The main objective of this program is to enable the targetedemployees to gradually move from economic dependency into self-sufficiency asthey earn a steady income and become contributing taxpayers, while theparticipating employers are compensated by being able to reduce their federalincome tax liability. WOTC joins other workforce programs that help incentivizeworkplace diversity and facilitate access to good jobs for American workers.