Women in the military

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Transcript of Women in the military


Women In The Military

BY: Kathryn Marter & Alissa Sellers





+ Branches for women





+Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps

Created in May 1942

First Director was Oveta Culp Hobby

First to serve in within ranks of the

United States Army, other than nurses

Gave Women knowledge, skills,

and special training for the war


+Women Airforce Service Pilots

First women, in history, trained to fly military aircraft

Mascot: Fifinella, wore them as

patches on their uniforms

Did not receive benefits and pay

that men who did it (At first)

Served from September 1942 to

December 20, 1944


+Women Accepted for Volunteer Military Services Established 1942 – as United States Naval Reserve

Clerical or administrative positions, instructors for pilots, and to calculate bomb trajectories

Received the same pay and military discipline of men


+United States Coast Guard Women’s Reserveo Established November 23, 1942

o Based on coast guard motto – “semper paratus-Already Ready”

o Clerical work in Coast Guard’s Washington headquarters

o Worked the length of the war plus six months


+Women in Military Branches

Army – 140,000

Navy – 100,000

Marines – 23,000

Coast Guard – 13,000

AirForce – 1,000

Army and Navy Nurse corps – 74,000

+ Propaganda

+ Propaganda

+In U.S.A Building ships,

aircraft, vehicles, and weaponry

Worked in factories, on munitions plants and farms

Also drove trucks Provided logistic support for soldiers

+Eleanor Roosevelt “This is not a time when

women should be patient. We are in a war and we need to fight it with all of our ability and every weapon possible. Women Pilots, in this particular case, are a weapon waiting to be used.”

Strong Supporter in Women In Military


"Women Army Corps | Women Auxiliary Army Corps." The Official Homepage of the United States Army. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. http://www.army.mil/women/wac.html

"WASP on the WEB--HOME." WASP, Women Airforce Service Pilots of WWII Home Page. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. http://www.wingsacrossamerica.us/wasp/index.htm

"Womens Airforce Service Pilots (WASP)." Air Force History Program. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. http://www.airforcehistory.hq.af.mil/PopTopics/WASP.htm

"WAVES – Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service." Online Study Guide: Education and Learning, Help with Term Papers and Tests. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. http://online-study-guide.com/history/women-womens/waves-navy-volunteer.html

"Eleanor Roosevelt." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_Roosevelt


"SPARS: Definition from Answers.com." Answers.com: Wiki Q&A Combined with Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Encyclopedias. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. http://www.answers.com/topic/spars

"Women in the Military During World War II : Library : MNHS.ORG." Web. 05 Apr. 2011. http://www.mnhs.org/library/tips/history_topics/133women_military.htm