Women in Enterprise Summitie.theinnovationenterprise.com/eb/WomenInEnterprise2016.pdfWomen in...

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Transcript of Women in Enterprise Summitie.theinnovationenterprise.com/eb/WomenInEnterprise2016.pdfWomen in...

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Women in Enterprise

SummitOctober 25 & 26 2016 | Boston

Achieving Gender Equality Through Innovation

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October 25 & 26, 2016

Marriott Copley Place Boston, 110 HuntingtonAvenue, Boston, MA 02116


Women in Enterprise Summit

The main themes for this year's discussion are:

• HR & Strategy, STEM, Innovation, Marketing, Finance & Politics

• Gender Equality & Innovation

• Shaping Great Women Leaders

• Case Studies from Female Entrepreneurs

This summit will gather the world’s most dynamic entrepreneursand executives to discuss how to succeed in the workplace. Weinvite you to discuss your thoughts and feelings openly, andconnect with like-minded individuals. The summit is a primeopportunity for you to air your personal and business challenges,and learn from women and men who have successfully solvedthem.



Confirmed Speakers

Alanah Joseph, Contributor, The Huffington Post

Alexa Roscoe, Consultant, International Finance Corporation

Brittani Hunter, Editor, Lifestyle, xoNecole

Cara Hogan, Manager, Content Marketing , InsightSquared

Carol Sankar, Founder, The Confidence Factor for Women in Leadership

Courtney Emerson, Co-Founder & COO, All In Together

Diana Dosik, Principal, The Boston Consulting Group

Dustin McKissen, CEO & Founder, McKissen + Company

Elyse Bogacz, Senior UX/UI Designer, Drift

Gina Helfrich, Co-Founder, recruitHER

Ilene Fischer, Partner, Mark Kamin & Associates

Kat Bloomfield, Individual Giving Manager, Tribeca Film Institute

Megan McKissen, Community Manager, OPO Startups

Michelle Whittaker, Director, Communications, FairVote

Olga Mack, Founder, Women Serve on Boards

Parna Sarkar-Basu, Head of Global Brand & Buzz Marketing, Kaminario

Susannah Wellford, President, Running Start

Shannon Muruli, Founder, School of Courage

Letizia Amadini -Lane, VP, Strategic Alliances, SBP

Karina Taylor, Manager, Social Media Performance, US Bank

We all face challenges getting womeninvolved in certain industries… it’sinvigorating to attend a summit that istrying to address these challenges.



Carrie KerpenChief Executive OfficerLIKEABLE MEDIA

The (Non)trepreneur: How WomenCan Build Their Tolerance ForRisk:

As an early adopter of technology, Carrie Kerpenunderstands the impact of social media and that itcan be a confidence killer for women. If we were tolook at our friends, our colleagues and ourcompetitors' social profiles, we'd see lives that seemabsolutely perfect. And why not? Social mediacreates a highlight reel of our greatestaccomplishments. But behind the mask of socialmedia, there is great struggle, even for the mostsuccessful of leaders. In this presentation, Carrieunveils an honest exploration of how her ownexperiences and struggles as a leader have led her totake risks she never thought she would, and becomethe entrepreneur that she wanted to be.@carriekerpen

Pallas HorwitzLead Data ScientistMAYVENN

Is Your Data Team Being Misused?

If your data team only collects data and createsreports, you are not maximizing their value. This talkwill cover how to collaboratively communicate withyour data team. Both data team members and dataconsumers will benefit from learning about how toensure data findings have context and are businessaction oriented. I will also give some personalexamples of where this has gone horribly wrong.


Women Serve On Boards Initiative

Olga Mack is the founder ofthe WomenServeOnBoards.com movement making afiscal and social case for gender equality oncorporate boards. Olga will be presenting her findingsand demonstrating how you can encourage genderequality on boards.



Karina TaylorManager, Social Media PerformanceUS BANK

Marketer Meets Her Math: MyAccidental Career in Data Science

Using data to make important business decisions isparamount to ensure your company strategy is beingeffective. Karina will be offering a case study on herjourney into STEM, and how she utilises data tocreate a business case for products to deliver ROI foryour company.

Traci SperoDirector, HR Strategy & AnalyticsCANON

Strategy and its Evolution

Traci has developed an analytics driven, two yearstrategy at Canon to push business performance.Traci is going to discuss the importance of strategyand how to line up with other areas of the business toenhance opportunities at Canon. The key theme ishow strategies are now put in place to empowerwomen.


Serving on a Corporate Board:Uncover if It’s for You & Where toStart

The journey to the boardroom can, at times, be anoverwhelming undertaking filled with questions aboutwhat to expect, how to prepare, and how to be aneffective board member. During this session withWomen in the Boardroom CEO & FounderSheila Ronning, you will get answers to burningboardroom questions, including, "What are the fourmain types of boards? What is the job &responsibilities of a board director? What are the risksof serving on a board? Why pursue board service?And what is the time commitment &compensation for board service?"



Mina SeetharamanGlobal Director, Content StrategyTHE ECONOMIST

Mina is currently the Global Director of ContentStrategy & Content Solutions at The EconomistGroup.

Letizia Amadini -LaneVP, Strategic AlliancesSBP

Leadership through Images andtheir Influence

Why is developing an impactful leadership cultureacross the organization a business imperative formany companies? Effective leadership spursproductivity and helps teams thrive in times oftransition and change, leading to a competitive edgeand better bottom lines. Visual Leadershipsm is apowerful, results-oriented leadership developmenttechnique that uses images to help participantsaccess and express deeply held attitudes aboutleadership. Images elicit ideas, attitudes andemotions in a profound and authentic way, whichallows us to better perceive, understand and actupon the patterns that emerge. This unique approachincreases leader self-awareness and builds high-performing leaders and teams by driving deeperthinking and stimulating more open and personalconversations about leadership.

Natasha Cholerton-BrownGlobal Director, Visual Media ContentBLOOMBERG

Gender Bias in the Workplace: TheSecret to Cracking the Code atLast

The numbers are shocking: Based on today’s wagegap, the average U.S. woman starting her career nowwill lose more than $425,000 over a 40-year career.And it has been reported that some $12 trillion couldbe added to the global GDP by 2025 by advancingwomen’s equality. We’ve heard the talk. Where’s theaction? Bloomberg wants to be a game changerwhen it comes to helping women get ahead. In thistalk, Natasha Cholerton-Brown, a former war-zonephotographer, takes on a battle close to home: Shewill discuss her path through the unchartered watersof a rather unconventional career, her employer’snew data-based tracker, the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, and what companies and leadersneed to do to help make sure more ambitiousemployees have a shot at the top.



Kat BloomfieldIndividual Giving ManagerTRIBECA FILM INSTITUTE

Hacking STEM Education andWomen In STEM

Elyse BogaczSenior UX/UI DesignerDRIFT

Setting the Tone Early, and Often

As women working in the start-up/tech world, we arein the minority. We will use this session to discuss thethings we can do as early female hires to setboundaries and expectations as well as cultivatework environments where gender equality canflourish and ultimately become the professionalnorm.


Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Attracting and retaining top talent is a criticalbusiness issue. Recent focus on this topic hashighlighted the poor job many companies are doingin attracting and retaining top women, a significanthandicap in a world where women represent 50% ofthe talent pool I would like to discuss ways thatcompanies can improve on this score, borrowingtactics that they already use in other aspects ofbusiness life.




Innovation and ProducingExtraordinary Business Results

We have years of experience in working withorganizations to create a context for highperformance. We do this by weaving togetherinnovation practices with individual transformationwork causing a shift people’s relationship to Integrityand authentic communication and as a result wehave seen strategy implementation teams produceextraordinary business results.  In my presentation Iwill discuss the secret sauce of creating a culture ofhigh performance, one that creates a structure forextraordinary business results. the foundation forthese results are: Integrity, authentic communicationand innovation processes.

Marisa HeadOwner, Coach & WriterMY WRITING COACH

This is What Feminine LeadershipLooks Like

When women first entered the workforce and beganadvancing into leadership positions, there was onlyone model for how to lead: like a man. That modelhas its advantages, but is inherently incompletewithout its feminine complement. Any effective leadermust value and demonstrate qualities of both, yet toooften the feminine gets lost in the competitive cultureof More, Bigger, Faster, NOW. Conscious FeminineLeadership empowers women leaders to own andvalue their strengths as women. By invitingmindfulness, inclusivity, authenticity, and self-careinto our work, we can shift the culture and create amore holistic and healthy way of doing business. Thisinteractive session will show you how you can beginincorporating Conscious Feminine Leadershippractices and ideals in your everyday work life andsee that effort ripple outward to effect real change.

Gina HelfrichCo-FounderRECRUITHER

Combatting Stereotypes in STEM

In the new knowledge economy, outdated 20thcentury approaches to HR and performancemanagement are incapable of supporting a highlycompetitive and productive workforce. Savvycompanies are redesigning their workplaces basedon cutting-edge research in psychology andsociology. Formerly obscure academic terms likestereotype threat, unconscious bias, and growthmindset are rapidly becoming key concepts for HRprofessionals. This talk will explain the core businessprocesses most affected by this research andhighlight tools and methods for addressing these newHR challenges. I will discuss the most effectivestrategies to attract, retain, and develop a diverseand productive workforce for the 21st century.



Cara HoganManager, Content Marketing INSIGHTSQUARED

Cara is a content marketer and podcaster with afocus on SaaS technology and business growth. Sheenjoys creating high-quality content like blogs,podcasts, case studies and in-depth eBooks, thenpromoting that content through social media, onlinecommunities, and influencer marketing. Cara is agrammar perfectionist, a prolific Tweeter, and a newslover.

Brittani HunterEditor, LifestyleXONECOLE

Social Media Strategy

Brittani Hunter is a General Manager for AmericanCampus Communities. She currently manages a2,222 bed student housing property, and oversees alloperations including leasing, accounting, facilities,hiring, and employee development. When she is notleading teams and managing projects, she is afreelance journalist and the Career/Business Editor forxoNecole. As a freelance journalist, she has writtenexclusive interview features that combined have beenshared over 70,000 times through various socialmedia mediums. Besides xoNecole, her work indigital media has been featured in publications likeBlavity, Black Enterprise, HerAgenda, Blogionista,and Houston Style Magazine.

Alanah JosephContributorTHE HUFFINGTON POST

Experiential Marketing forEmpowerment

Alanah wants to challenge the notion of what itmeans to be a woman. Her presentation willdemonstrate how content marketing and socialmedia can empower women.



Susannah WellfordPresidentRUNNING START

The Future of Women in Politics

Politics is ineffective and uninspiring right now.  Whatwe need are new voices in political leadership.  I willtalk about the need to get more young women to runand why including this diverse, fresh thinking groupwill help change politics and society for the better. Adding young women to a Congress where theaverage age is  62, 94%  are white and 81% are malewill help break the partisan gridlock and bring newsolutions to problems that haven’t been consideredbefore. I will talk about how we inspire young womento run, and how we train them to win.  I will alsodiscuss the barriers that hold young women backfrom running and how to overcome them. 

Parna Sarkar-BasuHead of Global Brand & BuzzMarketingKAMINARIO

Education in STEM

Parna is also a STEM ambassador and an advocateof women in technology. Her presentation will focuson education in STEM, and how we can ensure morestudents to study the STEM subjects and pursue'non-traditional' careers.



Confidence Factor for Women inLeadership

Diversity and inclusion is more than a gender andracial gap; it is also a language gap. To increase thepercentage of women in leadership, we must learnthe language of the leaders at the table. In ourresearch, we recognized that our participantsremained at the “beginners table” and mislabeledtheir expertise due to a lack of confidence to leveragenew leadership skills. It takes confidence to learn anew language, but it is a necessary part of increasingthe percentage of women leaders. The language ofleadership will bridge the gap for women who areseeking to fill elevated leadership and advisory roles,while limiting the effects of professional intimidation.The Confidence Factor for Women in Leadership isbased on 4 years of in house research and thelanguage barrier for women was one of the topissues women expressed was the lack of preparationfor high level leadership roles. This talk will givewomen the confidence to create value in themarketplace by limiting the language gap.



Michelle WhittakerDirector, CommunicationsFAIRVOTE

How Political Parties and ElectionRules Can Empower Women toRun, Win, and Serve

Michelle has been working in public policy / non profitfor nine years, and her presentation focus will be howwe can encourage local and internationalgovernments can empower women, and encouragemore women to be involved in politics.

Dustin McKissenCEO & FounderMCKISSEN + COMPANY

Why Employers Need to Tap intoFemale Labour Pool

In 2015, after 12 years as a stay-at-home mom,Megan McKissen chose to return to the workforce asCommunity Manager of OPO Startups, a startupincubator focused on technology and design in St.Charles, Missouri. At the same time her husband,Dustin, a highly read writer on LinkedIn and Inc.comand marketing executive chose to quit his job andstart his own firm. Over the past year they’ve learnedhow to share responsibilities they never had to sharein their prior roles. 

Megan McKissenCommunity ManagerOPO STARTUPS

Why Employers Need to Tap intoFemale Labour Pool

In 2015, after 12 years as a stay-at-home mom,Megan McKissen chose to return to the workforce asCommunity Manager of OPO Startups, a startupincubator focused on technology and design in St.Charles, Missouri. At the same time her husband,Dustin, a highly read writer on LinkedIn and Inc.comand marketing executive chose to quit his job andstart his own firm. Over the past year they’ve learnedhow to share responsibilities they never had to sharein their prior roles. 





Innovating in the Women’sEconomy

To date, most commentators have focused on thetotal size of the women’s economy. However, limiteddata has prevented a more nuanced sense what thewomen’s economy really looks like. How do“women’s products” meet targeted needs?  Howdoes women’s consumer power vary globally, orbetween spending categories? Drawing on newlypublished evidence from International FinanceCorporation (IFC),  this presentation will highlight whatwe know, what we don't know, and what really worksin designing for and marketing to the global women’seconomy.  It will also discuss how  best to put  thebusiness case for serving the women’s economy intopractice.

Courtney EmersonCo-Founder & COOALL IN TOGETHER

Bridging the Gender Gap inPolitical Engagement

Courtney will discuss the challenges we are facing inbridging the gender gap in political engagement. Herfocus will be on developing women's leadership inthe public sector, and how we can expand theconversation on women in politics.

Shannon MuruliFounderSCHOOL OF COURAGE

Speak With Courage: Say Nothing,Solve Nothing

Uncover The Potential Impact That The Fear OfPublic Speaking Can Have On You, Your Family,and Your Organization.



Cindy WhiteheadSports Stylist & Former ProfessionalSkateboarderGIRL IS NOT A 4 LETTER WORD

Women In Sports and InfluentialMarketing Campaigns

For women it’s no longer acceptable for companiesto just “shrink it and pink it” - the old “lets just scaledown the men’s version of a product” and add aglossy coat of what is perceived to be a “femalepleasing color” on them just doesn’t work as a sellingtool anymore. Women want and need, research tocreate a product that works for them on every levelfor superior performance, fit, and functionality. Theywant to see the research, they want to know WHY,and most of all, they want to see someone likethemselves using the product in a honest way.Marketing campaigns need to strive for using realwomen over models, athletic builds over skinny girls,action vs lounging, and have a message and climaxto them that makes you want to take action andbetter yourself. Authentic is IN.

Stephani RobertsSocial Media StrategistSTEPH GETS SOCIAL

Case Study: Steph Gets Social

Stephani will be focusing on how to leveragepodcasts to connect and empower women.

Nora FeeleyCommunications ConsultantDELICATO FAMILY VINEYARDS

How to Champion Employees

How gender equality has improved – and how ithasn’t. What men and women managers andcolleagues can do to support each other in theircareers to create balance in the workplace and athome. Topics will include:·  Gender Equality – Then,now and the future·  Gender Quality – Embracingwhat men and women do best and how to leverage itto your advantage·  Negotiating and other timeswhen a woman should act like a man· Communicating and other times when a man shouldact like a woman·  “Men”toring and “Woman”tering· X and Y  - Chromosomes within Generations



Zainab Zeb KhanPresidentMALA

Panel Session - Women AroundThe World

Women and girls make up more than half the world’spopulation — and they are on the frontlines — oftenmore deeply impacted than men and boys bypoverty, climate change, food insecurity, lack ofhealthcare, and global economic crises. Theircontributions and leadership are central to finding asolution. Through the power of personal stories, wecan bring forth the issues that need to be addressedfor impactful and measurable change. Women are acritical solution for peace and prosperity. The panelstrives to engage discourse and dialogue to buildbridges through a respectful and impactful engage ofideas. Freedom and equal opportunity provides animportant framework of the values we hold in orderfor women to thrive and strive.

PanelistsLeading ProfessionalsWOMEN IN ENTERPRISE

Panel Session: Gender Equality &The Future

In this panel session we will discuss all the keytakeaways from the Women In Enterprise summit,and what we plan to do next in the drive to achievegender equality in the workplace. Some keydiscussion points will include:Underrepresentation in certain industries, and howwe plan ensuring equalityMoving forward, how can we celebrate professionalwomen and everything they have achievedWhat's next for gender equality? What needs to bedone now to reach our goal?

PanelistLeading Sports ProfessionalsWOMEN IN ENTERPRISE

Panel Session - Paving the Way forWomen & Girls in Sports

This panel session will focus on how we can tacklegender stereotypes in sports. Some key discussiontopics include:Why do you think the sports industry is still maledominated?Are there enough female role models in sports? Howcan promote them to ensure a positive image ofsports in portrayed to young girls?What can be done in education to encourage younggirls into sports? Are we doing enough?How do we approach the gender pay gap in sportsprofessions?



Shahla HaeriAssociate Professor, AnthropologyBOSTON UNIVERSITY

Shahla Haeri is an Associate Professor of CulturalAnthropology and the former director of Women'sStudies Program (2001-2010) at Boston University.She has conducted ethnographic research in Iran,Pakistan and India, focusing on the implications ofmarriage contract, gender inequality, comparativefeminisms and fundamentalisms, and women’spolitical leadership in the Muslim world. Herforthcoming book, tentatively called “MuslimWomen’s Paths to Power: From Bilqis to Benazir,”concentrates on the challenges of authority faced bycharismatic Muslim women sovereigns (2017). She isthe author of Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage,Mut’a, in Iran (1989, Revised Edition 2014), and NoShame for the Sun: Lives of Professional Pakistaniwomen (2002).Dr. Haeri is the producer and directorof a video documentary (46 min.) entitled,Mrs. President: Women and Political Leadership inIran, focusing on six women presidential contendersin Iran in 2001, and is the recipient of severalpostdocs, fellowships and grants,

Edina SkaljicFinance ProfessionalBOSTON UNIVERSITY

Edina Skaljic was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina,and she spent her childhood and adolescencebetween Bosnia and numerous refugee campsin Croatia, during the Bosnian genocide. It is duringthis difficult period that Edina’s strong desire forequality, justice, and being a voice for the voiceless,was born. Her activism and community organizingprimarily focuses on genocide awareness andrefugee issues. She volunteers for various local andnational organizations, and is a co-founder of the "IAlso Was a Refugee Campaign", focusing ondebunking harmful mythsabout refugees, and sharing positive and inspiringstories of current and former refugees.  Edina holds aBachelors Degree in Business Managementfrom Simmons College, and works as a financeprofessional for Boston University. 

Shaheen PashaAssistant ProfessorUMASS AMHERST

Shaheen Pasha is a journalist and assistant professorof international journalism at the University ofMassachusetts-Amherst. She worked as the MiddleEast Regional Editor for The Brief, a legal magazinepublished by Thomson Reuters. Prior to launchingthe magazine, Pasha was the Islamic financecorrespondent at Thomson Reuters, based in Dubai.She taught journalism at the American University inCairo and Pace University in New York. She was abanking and legal reporter at CNNMoney.com,covering the Supreme Court and the Enron trial.Pasha was also a reporter at Dow Jones Newswires,where she had a daily column in the Wall StreetJournal and appeared as a regular correspondent onCNBC Asia, covering the ADR market. Her freelancework has appeared in Quartz, The Daily Beast, USAToday and The Dallas Morning News among others.She has a master's degree in journalism fromColumbia Graduate School of Journalism and abachelor's degree in speech communication fromPace University.



Jean KilbourneWriter & LecturerJEAN KILBOURNE

Advertising’s Image of Women

Jacque RushinPresidentWOMEN IN TECHNOLOGY

Panel Session - How Can WeReach Out to Millennial Men?

Lauren DillardChapter Co-LeadCHICKTECH

Solving for STEM: How GenderEquality Matters in Innovation andEnterprise

The number of unfilled STEM jobs in the U.S. isestimated to nearly quintuple to 2.4M by 2018. Thesejobs don't just represent an opportunity for skilledworkers. They represent an opportunity for yourcompany to become more innovative and moreprofitable. Gender-diverse companies are 15% morelikely to outperform industry averages. Thispresentation aims to help you understand the barrierswomen face to get into and stay in STEM careersand arm you with real, tactical solutions to increasingthe representation of women in these careers and atyour company. 



Erin Moran McCormickDirector, Entrepreneurship CenterUMASS BOSTON

Panel Session - How to DevelopYour Entrepreneurial mindset toSucceed in Today’s InnovationEconomy

Whether you’re running a business, running adepartment, or runningaround trying to figure out what to do next, you needto develop an entrepreneurialmindset to succeed in today’s innovative anddisruptive economy.  This panel will teach you entrepreneurial principlesthat show youhow to spot new opportunities, creatively solveproblems and provide uniquevalue to any organization.

In addition, it will focus on practical steps to get laser-focused,feel more confident and accomplish more whenstarting your own business orinnovating within a company. Learn from top womenand their experiences for howyou can set yourself up for success.

Maryam EskandariEducator, Entrepreneur and FounderMIIM DESIGNS

Prior to establishing MIIM Designs, Eskandari was theDirector of the American Institute of ArchitectAssociates. In 2012, MIIM Designs LLC was awardedthe "Faith and Form Award" from The AmericanInstitute of Architects. The International Museum ofWomen in San Francisco awarded MIIM Designs forthe "Sacred Space" exhibit, re-configuring genderedspaces in religious architecture. Recently, MIIMDesigns was the architect for the new Children’sMuseum of Manhattan’s America to Zanzibar: MuslimCultures Near and Far exhibit. MIIM Designs currentlyis working on projects in New York City, SanFrancisco Bay Area, Accra, and New Delhi.  

Eskandari is a Rothschild Fellow at Cambridge JudgeBusiness School and graduated from Aga KhanProgram for Islamic Architecture at Harvard + MIT.She serves on the Board of Open ArchitectureCollaborative and Harvard Iranian Alumni Associationand is an Advisor to Harvard's FDR Foundation,CleanAcwa, and the 1947 Partition Archives. She is

Sadaf BaghbaniAssociate Director, Regional MajorGiftsUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

Sadaf Baghbani immigrated to the United Statessoon after the end of the Iran/Iraq War. She holds aBachelors of Science Degree in Biology and PoliticalScience as well as a Masters Degree in Public Policyand Global Management.  She was a Ronald E.McNair Scholar, an ACCESS Women in ScienceScholar, Desert News Foundation Fellow, and ahuman rights writer with the Good of All PendletonFoundation.  She has spent time in South Africa aspart of the US Department of Education FulbrightProgram for McNair Scholars where she conductedindependent research on skills development amongHIV+ men as well as development and grantproduction for local charities throughout SouthernAfrica. Sadaf's passion lies in philanthropy where,after years of development work with philanthropicinitiatives around the US and abroad, helped with thecreation of a foundation for a Major League Baseballplayer, as well as with members of the Qatari royalfamily for both foundation and businessdevelopment.  Sadaf's love for business and



Day 1

08:00 Light Breakfast & Registration

08:50 Chairperson Introduction

09:00 Keynote

10:30 Coffee Break & Networking

11:00 Session

12:30 Lunch & Networking

13:30 Session

15:00 Coffee Break & Networking

15:00 Coffee Break & Networking

15:00 Coffee Break & Networking

15:30 Session

17:00 Networking Drinks

Day 2

08:00 Light Breakfast & Registration

08:50 Chairperson Introduction

09:00 Keynote

10:30 Coffee Break & Networking

11:30 Session

12:30 Lunch & Networking

13:30 Session

15:00 Coffee Break & Networking

15:00 Coffee Break & Networking

15:30 Session

17:30 More Speakers Coming Soon -Check Back For Updates!


CHECK INAn opportunity to check yourself into the event and meet

other leaders in your industry ahead of the day

KEYNOTEListen to actionable case studies largely brought to you by

Fortune 500 companies

SESSIONListen to actionable case studies largely brought to you by

Fortune 500 companies

COFFEE BREAK & LUNCHA chance to sit down, network and connect with decision

makers within the industry

NETWORKING DRINKSA more relaxed environment in which to engage with all

attendees and gain valuable connections

Great resources regarding the opportunitiesto enlarge our personal and professionalnetworks.

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PURCHASE AN ON DEMAND PASS HERE**Recordings and presentations available subject to speakers consent.Innovation Enterprise reserves the right to add and remove video content

2016 Innovation Calendar

March Location Expected Attendees Dates

Chief Technology Officer Summit Dublin 100+ March 15 & 16

Product Innovation Summit Dublin 100+ March 15 & 16

R&D Management Innovation Summit Chicago 100+ March 16 & 17


Chief Innovation Officer Summit London 200+ April 26 & 27

Open Innovation Summit London 100+ April 26 & 27


Product Innovation in Healthcare Summit Philadelphia 100+ May 10 & 11

Chief Innovation Officer Summit San Francisco 200+ May 18 & 19


Payments Innovation Summit San Francisco 150+ June 8 & 9

Women in STEM Summit San Francisco 100+ June 8 & 9

Chief Innovation Officer Summit Singapore 120+ June 29 & 30


Chief Innovation Officer Summit Sydney 150+ September 6 & 7

Chief Innovation Officer Summit Shanghai 100+ September 7 & 8

Product Innovation Summit Boston 150+ September 28 & 29

Open Innovation Summit Boston 100+ September 28 & 29

IP Strategy Innovation Summit Boston 100+ September 28 & 29


Chief Innovation Officer Summit Hong Kong 100+ October 19 & 20

Chief Innovation Officer Summit London 150+ October 19 & 20

Women in Enterprise Summit Boston 150+ October 25 & 26


Chief Innovation Officer Summit New York 350+ December 5 & 6


OpportunitiesGiles Godwin-Brown


+1 415 692 5498

+44 203 868 0314


InvitationsDean Marshall


+44 203-868-0310

+1 415 799 9986

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