Women Entrepreneurs In India Case study - Shaifali Agarwal (EASYFix)

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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In this episode Cliff interviews Shaifali Agarwal, CEO of EASYFix, who started her home maintenance company to bring structure into a sector where none existed. Watch the interview at womenentrepreneursinindia.com

Transcript of Women Entrepreneurs In India Case study - Shaifali Agarwal (EASYFix)

Shaifali Agarwal - CEO

EASYFix is India’s first, one-call repair and maintenance company,

converting the unorganized market into an organized industry

by improving the customer experience.

Losing Money 

Losing Money 

Short answers.

To make it large in life,

& provide employment

to the blue collared laborers 

Positive AttitudeYour biggest strength ?

Why do you run this businessowning your own business ?

takes up most of your time ?  What business activity

Biggest fear associated with  ?Recruitment

Starting up.

Faced home-maintenance issues herself

She.Recognized the potential for professional handyman services

Guided by close entrepreneur friends

Had to face fear but did not spend too much time contemplating


Launched EASYFix with no prior business experience especially

about repairs and maintenance

Incredibly stressful early days but relied on supportive peer groups

Challenging to deal with the service technicians

Changing customer mindset to avail home-maintenance services from a company

Multi-pronged recruitment process

Verifying tech skills

Regular Behavioral skills training

Service Partners.

Benefits to the technicians are Regular source of incomeImproved skill set

Increased earning potential

Working towards recruiting women technicians

Business Model.

Business model B2C as well as B2B.entails

Prices are competitive with existing market rates but

additional value-adds provided


Pay-per use model providing services to households

Services to product manufacturers


to recruitment process,

marketing strategy & IT infrastructure

Focus for 2013 is on B2B

Existing Operational model can

be replicated in other cities

Growth Plans.




Customer Happiness.

Started with Below the Line & Internet Marketing

For B2B, marketing model is different from B2C

Competition welcome but EASYFix is the market leader and continues to innovate

64% Customers are kept happy by delivering on what is promised

of business is from repeat customers

Work with the right team

Be prepared to change the business model

Top 3Tips.




Ensure financial sustainability