WOMEN AT WORK ALL OVER THE WORLD. Women Transplanting Rice in India.

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Transcript of WOMEN AT WORK ALL OVER THE WORLD. Women Transplanting Rice in India.


Women Transplanting Rice in India

Women Farmers in Goa, India

Women Threshing Paddy at Khakh Village, Near Amritsar, India

Women Farmers in Drought-Stricken Andhra Pradesh, India

Women Transplanting Rice in a Research Trial Field, India

Women Planning Improved Soil Management in India

Taking Compost to Spread on Farm Fields in India

Woman in a farm field being prepared for drip irrigation in India

Women’s responsibility for environmental management, India

Woman Farmer Facing Drought in Kenya

Handouts during food crisis in Malawi

Women bringing milk to a collection station in India

Collecting raw opium resin from regulated poppy field in Northern India

Women Planting Rice in Nepal

Water for laundry

Mother and undernourished child in a feeding centre run by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Shabunda, South Kivu, Congo. Infant mortality rates in

the east of the country have in places reached 41 per cent.

Fisherwomen in Bihar State, India

Women carrying baskets in Guatemala

Selling Potatoes in a Market in Guatemala

Making breakfast, Guatemala

Woman carries firewood in El Salvador

Woman and her two children – El Salvador -Rehabilitation and Development Project for War-torn Areas in the Department of Chalatenango