Wombat’Books’ Teacher’s’Notes’...Teacher’s)Notes) ) WombatBooks)) 3) )...

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Transcript of Wombat’Books’ Teacher’s’Notes’...Teacher’s)Notes) ) WombatBooks)) 3) )...

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Wombat  Books  Teacher’s  Notes  




Jack  and  Mia    

Robert  Vescio  /  Claire  Richards  

ISBN:  9781925139730  

Recommended  retail:    $24.99  

  Reading  level:  Ages  0-­‐7  

Wombat  Books,  PO  Box  1519,  Capalaba  BC  Qld  4157    www.wombatbooks.com.au           07-­‐32451938   info@wombatbooks.com.au  

Light  the  Dark  Pty  Ltd,  Trading  as  Wombat  Books     ABN:  30  137  345  941  

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Introduction  Jack  and  Mia  celebrates  the  power  of  childhood  friendships  and  the  strength  of  coping  with  separation.  Jack  and  Mia  are  close  friends.  They  stick  together  like  paper  and  glue  and  not  even  long  distance  can  change  that.  However,  even  though  they  are  no  longer  together,  they  learn  to  accept  it  and  deal  with  the  situation  wisely.      Story  Summary  Jack  is  lonely  until  Mia  and  her  family  moves  in  next  door.  Soon,  a  friendship  develops  and  they  become  inseparable.  Jack  and  Mia  do  everything  together.  They  dress-­‐up  and  build   castles   and   play   out   their   stories  with   their   teddies,  which   are   loyal   subjects   in  their  kingdom.      But  one  day,  Mia’s   family  has   to  move  away.   Jack  and  Mia  both  miss  and  think  about  each  other  every  day  and  night.   Jack  mopes  around  and  Mia  no   longer  wants   to  play.  That   is,   until   Mum   calls   Jack   to   the   study   to   find   Mia   on   the   computer   screen.  Immediately,   Jack  and  Mia   resume  their   roles  as  king  and  queen  and  continue   to   rule  their  kingdom  over  the  ocean  via  the  Internet.                                                  

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Key  Learning  Areas  

 1.  Study  of  Society    

Friendship    Jack  and  Mia  are  best  friends  who  like  to  spend  every  minute  together.  What  does  it  mean  to  be  a  best  friend  with  someone?  Ask  the  students  to  write  a  sentence  about  friendship  or  about  a  friend.  What  are  some  of  the  things  you  look  for  in  a  friend?  What  do  you  think  makes  a  good  friend?      Feelings  of  Separation  and  Loneliness    When  friends  move  away  we  experience  a  mix  of  feelings.  Ask  the  students  what  they  felt  when  a  friend  or  a  family  member  moved  away.  Did  they  feel  lonely?  How  did  they  keep  in  contact?      Geography    Ask  students  what  moving  to  a  different  country  means  for  them.  Do  they  know  people  from  other  countries?      Digital  Devices    Ask  students  how  Jack  and  Mia  could  continue  their  friendship.  What  are  some  other  ways  you  can  communicate  with  a  friend  who  lives  far  away?      

2.  Language  and  Literacy    

Idioms    Idioms  are  words  and  phrases  that  cannot  be  taken  literally.  When  they  are  used  in  everyday  language  they  have  a  meaning  other  than  the  basic  one  you  would  find  in  the  dictionary.      For  example  in  the  book  Jack’s  Mum  says,  ‘Two  sides  of  the  one  coin.’      This  emphasises  similarity  –  when  two  things  appear  different  but  are  actually  similar.        

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 Pairs    The  phrase  –  ‘stuck  together  like  paper  and  glue’  implies  closeness  and  togetherness.      What  are  some  other  idioms  and  pairs?  

   3.  Creative  Arts    

Role  playing    Children  imagining,  celebrating  and  playing  out  their  dreams.  Ask  students  to  act  out  the  story  of  Jack  and  Mia.      Dress-­‐up    Ask  students  to  design  their  own  costumes  and  play  out  their  favourite  role.      Drawing/Photo  Display    Ask  students  to  create  a  ‘Friendship  Wall’.  They  can  bring  in  photos  or  draw  pictures  of  their  friends.    


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Themes    Friendship    A  friend  is  someone  you  spend  time  with,  have  fun  with  and  trust  like  Jack  or  Mia.  A  friend  is  someone  who  supports  you  and  introduces  you  to  new  things.  It  is  someone  you  can  laugh  and  joke  with,  have  adventures  with,  share  secrets  and  feel  safe  with.    Separation    When  friends  move  away  it  can  be  hard  to  accept.  Sometimes  it  happens  very  quickly  and  it  can  leave  you  with  all  sorts  of  feelings  like  Jack  and  Mia  in  the  story  i.e.  they  feel  sad,  hurt,  angry  and  confused.    Loneliness    We  all  experience  a  mix  of  feelings  when  family  or  friends  move  away  i.e.  anxious,  hurt,  sad  and  confused.  Sometimes  it  can  make  us  feel  lonely,  even  if  we  still  have  friends  and  family  with  us.      Imagination  It’s  important  to  play  and  pursue  dreams  like  Jack  and  Mia  at  the  beginning  of  the  story.  They  like  to  celebrate  each  day  using  their  imagination.    Geography  Moving  to  another  country  and  living  abroad,  away  from  family  and  friends,  can  be  life  changing.  In  the  story,  Mia’s  family  has  to  move  away  because  of  her  dad’s  work.  Sometimes,  people  have  to  move  to  somewhere  faraway  because  of  their  family.    Communication  There  are  many  ways  of  communication.  There  are  phone  calls,  texting,  social  networking,  web-­‐caming,  email,  skype  and  face-­‐timing.  In  the  story,  Mia  uses  skype  to  communicate  with  Jack.  They  are  able  to  communicate  via  the  internet  and  keep  their  friendship  strong.                        

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About  the  Author    Robert   Vescio   is   a   published   children’s   author.   He  has   worked   in   the   publishing   industry   for   over   12  years   as   a   Production   Manager   and   as   a   Photo  Editor.   Robert   sourced   photographic   material   from  world-­‐renowned   photographers   the   ilks   of   Greg  Gorman,   Mario   Testino,   Annie   Leibovitz   and   Jean-­‐Baptiste  Mondino  just  to  name  a  few.    Robert’s  picture  books  include  Barnaby  and  the  Lost  Treasure   of   Bunnyville   (Big   Sky   Publishing),   Marlo  Can   Fly   (Wombat   Books)   listed   on   the   NSW  Premier’s   Reading   Challenge   for   2015,   No   Matter  Who   We’re   With   (IP   Kidz).   He   has   more   picture  books  due  for  release  soon.    

Many   of   his   short   stories   have   been   published   in   anthologies   such   as   Packed   Lunch,  Short   and   Twisted,   Charms   Vol   1   and   The   School   Magazine   NSW.   He   has   also   won  awards   for   his   children’s   writing   including   First   Place   in   the   2012   Marshall   Allan   Hill  Children’s  Writing  Competition  and  Highly  Commended   in  the  2011  Marshall  Allan  Hill  Children’s  Writing  Competition.    Robert   enjoys   visiting   schools.   His   aim   is   to   enthuse   and   inspire   children   to   read   and  write  and  leave  them  bursting  with  imaginative  ideas.    Robert  is  a  BIG  kid  at  heart  and  a  HUGE  fan  of  Disney.  He  enjoys  spending  time  with  his  children  who   are   an   endless   source   of   humour   and   inspiration.   For  more   information  visit:  www.robertvescio.com  or  www.facebook.com/RobertVescioAuthor.      About  the  Illustrator    

Claire  Richards   is  a  South  Australian   illustrator  who  started  out   in  experimental   painting.     Her   favourite   technique   is   layering  watercolour   over   crayon,   pencil   and   ink.   Her   recipe   for   making  picture  book  illustrations  involves  acting  out  the  poses,  drawing  on  the  computer  and  mountains  of  storyboards.      Since   finishing  her  art   studies   in  2004  Claire  has   illustrated  half   a  dozen  books  and  created  a  range  of  quirky  cards.    


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Questions  and  Reflections    1.  Do  Jack  and  Mia  have  a  strong  friendship?  Why?  2.  What  are  some  of  the  things  Jack  and  Mia  like  to  do  together?  3.  What  does  ‘Two  sides  of  the  one  coin’  mean?  4.  Do  Jack  and  Mia  like  to  share  things?  How?  5.  Why  does  Mia  have  to  move?  6.  How  do  Jack  and  Mia  feel  about  the  move?  7.  How  did  Jack  come  to  have  Mia’s  book?  8.  Why  is  Jack  happy  to  find  Mia’s  book?  9.  How  did  Mia  and  her  mum  appear  on  the  computer  screen?  10.  How  do  Jack  and  Mia  communicate  with  each  other?      Activities    1. Discuss  some  ways  of  communicating  with  friends.  Allow  students  to  write  a  letter  

or  draw  a  picture  to  their  friend.  2. Ask  students  if  they  have  ever  travelled  outside  of  Australia?  Show  them  where  

Australia  is  on  a  map  or  on  a  globe.  Have  them  draw  and  write  about  a  foreign  country,  perhaps  somewhere  they  would  like  to  go.  

3. Talk  about  Idioms  and  how  they  are  used  in  everyday  life.  Ask  students  to  finish  the  following  common  expressions:  

 1.  As  fit  as  a  _______  2.  As  cool  as  a  _______  3.  Keen  as  ______  4.  A  penny  for  your  ______  5.  At  the  drop  of  a  ______  6.  Can’t  judge  a  book  by  its  ______  7.  Your  guess  is  as  good  as  ______  8.  Taste  of  your  own  ______  9.  Don’t  put  all  your  eggs  in  one  ______  10.  Back  to  the  drawing  ______    

 Answers:  1.  Fiddle  2.  Cucumber  3.  Mustard  4.  Thoughts  5.  Hat  6.  Cover  7.  Mine                                8.  Medicine  9.  Basket  10.  Board