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Transcript of WOK#19

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4 What’s Up

Justice Served Cold. Like RevengeThe Ukrainian justice (*cough*) system seems to be working overtime these days. There have been the weekly interrogations of former PM Yulia Ty-moshenko in relation to corruption and misap-propriation of public funds. Now, former Interior Minister, Orange Revolution “fi eld commander” and political wanderer Yuriy Lutsenko – jailed since December 2010 – fi nally had a day in court, on Monday 23 May. On a hunger strike since April 22, Lutsenko was visibly thinner than his previ-ously robust self. Unbowed, he showed no sign of giving up, in what he sees as a case of political revenge against him on the part of the ruling Par-ty of Regions. According to the Lutsenko camp, this is simply a case of ‘payback’ for his pursuit of Regions high-fl yers as Boris Kolesnikov and his stern opposition to President Viktor Yanuk-ovich himself. While many had speculated that he had originally been arrested in connection with the poisoning of Viktor Yuschenko (indeed, he has been questioned on that matter), the of-fi cial charge sheet makes no mention of it, accus-ing him among other things instead of acquiring property by unlawful means and abuse of offi ce.During his appearance at the famous Pechersk District Court, long-time source of bewildering decisions, Lutsenko demanded that the panel of judges recuse itself from adjudication of the case, stating that he had no reason to believe that they would be impartial. As is his right under the Constitution of Ukraine, he instead demanded a jury trial – a rarity in the country. The court, as was perhaps to be expected, refused his request, pronouncing it “groundless.” Calling the case against him “a collection of the Public Prosecu-tor’s fantasies,” Lutsenko further demanded that he be released from jail pending trial. This motion too, however, was denied. In perhaps more posi-tive news, stating that he sees no further point in the hunger strike, he has called it off.

Friendless?Yuriy Lutsenko’s political path has been one of detours, but he has largely remained on one (more or less) constant trajectory: a commitment to democratic institutions and implacable op-position to the Party of Regions. Rarely, however, is anything in the political maelstrom of Ukraine solely what it looks like. His methods while In-terior Minister did not go without criticism: it is usually frowned upon when the man in charge of law enforcement has no comprehension of “pre-sumption of innocence.” Have the tables now turned?Perhaps more damaging is his tendency to break loudly and publicly with former mentors and comrades, as he has done in the past, fi rst with Socialist Party leader Oleksandr Moroz, then with then-president Yushchenko. These part-ings have always been accompanied by mutual

Ukraine Gets A Hand at CannesThe Ukrainian movie “The Cross” by Maryna Vroda won the Palme D'Or for “Best Short Film” at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. The 15-minute fi lm presents the author’s own memories of the physical education lessons and the it took less than a week to shoot. All of the fi lm’s characters are portrayed by non-professional actors, as is to be expected, given that the entire budget of the fi lm was 3,500 Euros. In other words, young Ukrainian fi lmmaker Vroda has proven conclu-sively that a good movie can be produced on a shoestring, without millions of Euros’ worth of CGI. Given Ukraine’s paltry state support for the arts, it’s no surprise that talented Maryna Vroda sought funding elsewhere, eventually fi nding sup-port in Cannes home country of France. Vroda fi rst showed her reels at Ukraine’s own Molodist International Festival, where she was quickly sin-gled out as one of the country’s most talented and skilled young fi lmmakers. Maryna admits that she got no sleep on the night when she found out that her fi lm had been accepted for the competition in Cannes. That long night gave her time to put things into perspective, however, and she came to the realization that – Cannes award of not – she would carry on making fi lms. Vroda’s is actual-ly the second eminent award from Cannes, following Ukraine Ihor Strembitsky’s Gold-en Palme D'Or victory for another short film in 2005.

Kyiv To Smarten Itself Up Euro-2012Kyiv’s City Council is beginning to take notice of the capital’s appearance, with Euro-2012 approaching rapidly. With that in mind, the council has banned any new billboards in the city centre until 1 Sep-tember. In addition, our fair city fathers will be de-veloping standardized rules for the appearance of outdoor advertisement, laying out the permissible shape, colour and size of the billboards, light-boxes and other advertising media. Stating their desire that Kyiv look like a city in the rest of Europe, where outdoor adverts tend to be better integrated into the cityscape, the city authorities will also have to decrease the amount of advertising space, in order to preserve the historical and architectural face of Kyiv. In a somewhat contradictory non-effort earlier this month, however, the Verkhovna Rada failed to ban outdoor advertisement with sexual and erotic content, with only 12 deputies voting for the pro-hibition. It would therefore seem that regardless of the number and size of billboards and other adver-tising, Kyiv is unlikely to look innocent, in terms of public advertising content, in time for 2012. Then again, what European city doesn’t feature raunchy ads? We’ve not seen one yet.

recriminations and accusations, in language rarely seen as ‘parliamentary.’ His scuffl e with the loony former mayor of Kyiv remains in the public memory, as does the scandal surrounding the infamous events (or non-events?) at Frank-furt airport. Following his break with Yushchenko, Lutsenko made no bones about fi nding a new political camp or, perhaps, “roof” – that of Yulia Tymosh-enko and BYuT. While the ex-PM has been gar-nering a steady stream of publicity recently, in what many consider a run-up to a full-fl edged return to the fray after something of a quiet pe-riod, she does not appear to have gone out of her way for Lutsenko. Not that she can be blamed for that - she’s got a raft of her own issues (le-gal and political) with which to deal, and was in court on 23 May. One can’t help asking whether Lutsenko’s actions in the past have now left him without powerful political friends on whom to call for support.Regardless of his previous political meanderings, Lutsenko deserves a fair trial, like any citizen of a civilised country, but a pre-ordained show trial seems increasingly likely. Certain member states of the EU do seem to be taking an inter-est. Apparently, the ambassadors of Sweden and Finland, two EU states without less ‘hard’ power than others, but with great reserves of moral au-thority, were present in the courtroom today, act-ing as unoffi cial rapporteurs. That can’t be a bad thing. However, given the previously toothless re-actions of the EU, Lutsenko would be ill-advised to see them as the cavalry.

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This Week Theatre and Classical Music 27 May – 2 June 20118

Evening of Sophisticated MusicEvening of Sophisticated MusicConcert by Pavlo Ihnatiev and Katiko PurtseladzeHouse of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7)31 May at 19.00House of Actors presents an evening of sophisticated music from Pavlo Ihnatiev and Katiko Partseladze. Both of them are bright, young and talented musicians, enlivening Kyiv’s music scene with their outstanding music projects. Pavlo Ihnatiev is a subtle and perceptive musician and composer, while Katiko, with her strong vocals and emotional performing manner, completes a lovely duet, perfect for sharing energy and inspiration with all of the evening’s guests. They promise to deliver fresh and long awaited happiness during their concert. Tickets are 50-100 hrv. For more information call: 235-2081

Bach’s Rediscovered ArchiveBach’s Rediscovered ArchiveConcert of classical music by Kyiv Soloists classical music ensemble, Master Klass Cultural Centre (Lavrska 16)28 May at 19.00Bach’s Archive is a selection of more than 5 000 scores by Bach and his sons, as well as by other European composer of the 17th and 18 th centuries. For many years, it had been considered lost, whereas it had, in fact, been brought to Kyiv from Berlin by So-viet soldiers in 1945. In 1990, this slice of musical heritage was returned to Germany, but copies of the works were left in Kyiv, al-lowing the modern ensemble to perform Bach’s music the way it was meant to sound. Master Klass Cultural Centre, together with the Kyiv Soloists ensemble, presents a unique concert of un-known music by famous European composers. Don’t miss your chance!Tickets are 50hrv. For more information call: 594-1063



Featuring Semenenko (soprano), Shvachka (nezzo-soprano), National Orchestra of folk and pop music of the National Radiocompany of UkraineWorks by Bizet, Rossinin, OffenbachTime: 19.00National Philharmonic of Ukraine


ENTRYContemporary dance performance by Lelio Dance CompanyTime: 19.30Kyiv Planetarium



Featuring Bohdan Pivnenko (violin), Iryna starodub (piano)Works by Grieg, Debussy, Brahms, SkorykTime: 20.00Master Klass Cultural Centre


GALA CONCERTFeaturing Anatoliy ShekeraTime: 19.00National Opera Theatre of Ukraine


SHELMENKO THE DRAYMANComedy in 2 actsTime: 12.00I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre


TREES DIE STANDINGPlay in 3 actsTime: 19.00A Marriage Made in HeavenPages from War and PeaceTime: 20.00L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre


BEFOREMOTHER COMESPaly in 2 actsTime: 19.00Molody Theatre




Ukrainka bandura trioFeaturing Martsevych (piano), Romanko (baritone)Time: 19.00

National Philharmonic of Ukraine278-1697



Featurin Basystyuk (soprano), Bubnova (organ)Works by Schubert, Liszt, Grieg Time: 19.30

National House of Organ and Chamber Music



Operetta in 2 actsTime: 19.00

Kyiv Operetta287-6257

THE QUEEN OF SPADESOpera in 3 actsTime: 19.00National Opera Theatre of Ukraine


THE LEANING TOWER OF PISAFarce in 2 actsTime: 18.00Strange Mrs. SavageTragic comedy in 2 actsTime: 19.00JULIA@ROMEO.COM (NORWAY TODAY)Romantic dramaTime: 20.00L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre


SATISFACTIONPlay in 2 acts from The Merchant of VeniceTime: 19.00Molody Theatre


GREEN BICYCLEPoetry play in 1 actTime: 19.00Suzirya Theatre


THE PINK BRIDGEPlay in 2 actsTime: 19.00Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro


DON JUAN. A PANTOMIME FOR WISEHEADS Ironically-mystic drama Time: 19.00Plastic Drama Theatre


29SundayCONCERT BY YOUNG CHANTERSFeaturing Dzvinochok choir chapelTime: 14.00National Philharmonic of Ukraine


AN ARRANGED MEETING WITH THE ITALIANSOperetta in 1 actTime: 19.00Kyiv Operetta


PRINCE IGOROpera in 3 actsTime: 19.00National Opera of Ukraine


MARTIN BORULYAComedy in 2 actsTime: 19.00I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre


QUARTET FOR TWOComedy in 2 actsTime: 19.00Molody Theatre


SILVIAPlay in 2 actsTime: 19.00Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro


30MondayEVENING OF VOCAL MUSICFeaturing Larikova (soprano), National Orchestra of folk instruments of UkraineWorks by HlierTime: 19.00National Philharmonic of Ukraine


CELEBRATION CONCERT65th anniversary of Serhiy Romansky (alt)Featuring Lysenko classic music quartet, Oneshchak (alt), Roy (flute), Bazhenova (harpsichord), Balakhovska (organ)Works by Beethoven, Dvorak, Telemann Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music


: What's On Recommended

THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNESTLight-hearted comedy in 2 actsTime: 19.00L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre




Featuring National Academic Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, Kim (piano)Works by ProkofievTime: 19.00National Philharmonic of Ukraine


CONCERT OF ORGAN MUSICFeaturin Kharechko (organ)Time: 19.30 Works by CabezonNational House of Organ and Chamber Music


THE BATOperetta in 3 actsTime: 19.00Kyiv Operetta


ALEKO & SCHEHERAZADE Opera & ballet in 1 act eachTime: 19.00National Opera of Ukraine


MOMENT OF LOVEInvestigative experimentTime: 19.00Suzirya Theatre


GUESTS COME AT MIDNIGHTPlay in 2 actsTime: 19.00Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro


1WednesdayROMANCE. MASTER-CLASSMusical drama in 2 actsTime: 19.00I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre


2ThursdayEVENING OF ORCHESTRAL MUSICFeaturing National President’s OrchestraWorks by Verdi, Rossini, Bizet, Saint-Saens, Time: 19.00National Philharmonic of Ukraine


SUCH JEWISH HAPPINESSMusical in 2 actsTime: 19.00Kyiv Operetta


NO. 13Comedy of Our Day in 2 actsTime: 19.00FAMILY DINNERComedy in 2 actsTime: 19.00A MARRIAGE MADE IN HEAVENPages from War and PeaceTime: 20.00L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre


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FOUR FROM LIVERPOOL(COVER BAND)Time: 21.30Admission: call and checkPorter (Mishuhy 3a)


ALEX GERMAN (COVER BAND)Time: 21.00Admission: freeCiro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12)


BRUNETS SHOOT BLONDS(POP-ROCK)Time: 20.00Admission: freeDivan (Besarabska 2)



Time: 21.00Admission: freeRoute 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30)




Time: 22.00Admission: freeArt Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)


GERA & SECOND BREATH(COVER BAND)Time: 22.00 Admission: freeDocker’s ABC (Khreshchatyk-Zankovetskoi 15/4)


ANIMALS’ SESSION(COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: freeDocker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)


PORTMEN(COVER BAND)Time: 21.30Admission: call and checkPorter (Mishuhy 3a)


RED ROCKS(COVER BAND)Time: 21.00Admission: freeCiro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12)


GENERAL MUSIC(COVER BAND)Time: 21.00Admission: freeRoute 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30)




(JAZZ)Time: 22.00Admission: 50hrvArt Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)


MORE KHUANA(COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 20hrvDocker’s ABC (Khreshchatyk-Zankovetskoi 15/4)


CHILL OUT (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: freeDocker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)


IVAN BLUES(COVER BAND)Time: 21.30Admission: call and checkPorter (Mishuhy 3a)


GREEN LIGHT(COVER BAND)Time: 21.30Admission: call and checkPorter (Mishuhy 3a)


SHUBIN BAND(COVER BAND)Time: 20.00Admission: call and checkPorter (Kostelna 4)


GOOD, BAD, EVIL(COVER BAND)Time: 21.00Admission: freeCiro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12)



Time: 20.00Admission: 50hrvDivan (Besarabska 2)


FOXTROT, ANIMALS’ SESSION (COVER BANDS)Time: 21.00Admission: freeRoute 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30)



SOYUZ 44(JAZZ)Time: 22.00Admission: freeArt Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)


EASTERN EXPRESS(COVER BAND)Time: 22.00 Admission: freeDocker’s ABC (Khreshchatyk-Zankovetskoi 15/4)


FOXTROT MUSIC BAND(COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: freeDocker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)




Time: 22.00Admission: call and checkArt Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)


HOT GUYS, CARTE BLANCHE (COVER BANDS)Time: 21.00Admission: call and checkBochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b)


CHILL OUT(COVER BAND)Time: 21.00Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1)


CARTE BLANCHE, HOT GUYS (COVER BANDS)Time: 21.00Admission: call and checkBochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a)


WOR MANDRY, RED ROCKS(POP-ROCK, COVER BAND)Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrvDocker’s ABC (Khreshchatyk-Zankovetskoi 15/4)


WOR TABULA RASA, ANIMALS’ SESSION(POP-ROCK, COVER BAND)Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrvDocker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)


TEX MEX CO(COVER BAND)Time: 21.30Admission: call and checkPorter (Mishuhy 3a)


YUKHIM DYM(COVER BAND)Time: 20.00Admission: call and checkPorter (Kostelna 4)


MOJO JO JO(COVER BAND)Time: 21.00Admission: call and checkCiro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12)


RIFFS(COVER BAND)Time: 21.00Admission: freeStar Pub (Popudenka 1a)



Time: 20.00Admission: freeDivan (Besarabska 2)


VZROSLIY BAND, BEEFEATERS (COVER BANDS)Time: 21.00Admission: freeRoute 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30)




COVER BAND)Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrvDocker’s ABC (Khreshchatyk-Zankovetskoi 15/4)


CARNIVAL HEAT(COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrvDocker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)


TROPICANA DANCE PARTY (DANCE MUSIC)Time: 20.00Admission: freeStar Pub (Popudenka 1a)


NIGHT BLOCK(COVER BAND)Time: 21.00Admission: freeRoute 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30)



TEX-MEX CO(COVER BAND)Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrvDocker’s ABC (Khreshchatyk-Zankovetskoi 15/4)


THE MAGMA(COVER BAND)Time: 21.30 Admission: freeDocker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)


OLENA NIKOLSKA(JAZZ)Time: 20.30Admission: freeJazz Do It (Chervonoarmiyska 76a)



CRAZY TRAIN(COVER BAND)Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrvDocker’s ABC (Khreshchatyk-Zankovetskoi 15/4)


CARNIVAL HEAT(COVER BAND)Time: 21.30 Admission: freeDocker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)



Freak on a LeashFreak on a LeashKorn (US, nu-metal), Palace Sport (Sportyvna 1)30 May at 19.00Last year, the well-known American band Korn produced their ninth album called Korn III: Remember Who You Are. With the release of this work, the band re-turned to their roots, introducing simple, but energetic music. While that in itself is newsworthy, the really exciting part is that these award-winning metalists will be here in Kyiv for the fi rst time at the end of the spring; something fans have been long awaiting. Come check out the freak on a leash, Jonathan Davis, and his band doing what they do best. Tickets 300 – 500hrv. For more infor-mation call 246-7406

Amen to ThatAmen to ThatP.O.D. (US, Christian metal), Bingo Club (Peremohy Pr 112)1 June at 21.00American Christian metal band P.O.D., or Payable On Death, will be playing Kyiv this week. Having received Best Hard Rock Awards twice in a row at the San Di-ego Music Awards, as well as three Gram-my Award nominations over the course of their career, their music has appeared on movie soundtracks such as the extreme-ly successful Matrix, and scores of their videos have become Number 1 hits on MTV. With seven albums out since their inception back in 1992 and another on the way soon, this concert is one you sim-ply won’t forgive yourself for missing. Tickets are 250 – 600hrv. For more in-formation call 423-8317.

: What's On Recommended

Live Music 27 May – 2 June 2011

Bringing their BestBringing their BestBi*2 (pop-rock), Arena Entertainment (Baseina 2a)28 May at 20.30After a huge show in Kyiv National Opera Theatre with the symphonic orchestra, Russian pop-rock band Bi*2 is com-ing back to Kyiv with their Best of Bi*2 programme. Well-known hits in Bi*2’s original arrangement will be performed on the night, so that every fan will have a great evening with their beloved band. So don’t miss the concert of the band so warmly welcomed here, that one might even mistake Kyiv for their native city. Admission is 250hrv. For more information call 492-0000.

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PUPPET THEATREHrushevskoho 1A (metro Maidan Nezalezhnosti)




MARIONETTE THEATRESahaidochnoho 29/3 (metro Poshtova Ploshcha)


CIRCUSPeremohy 2 (metro Vokzalna)


ZOOPeremohy Pr. 32


DYVOSVIT4D cinema, children’s labyrinth, attractions Marshala Malinovskoho 24/10


BUTTERFLY ULTRAMARINECinema, children’s playground, bowling, arcadeUritskoho 1A (metro Vokzalna)



Prospekt Pobedy 82www.circus-kobzov.com.ua

MYSTICAL-AQUARIUM CENTREKoshytsa 8A (metro Poznyaky)


NEMO DOLPHINARIUMAkademika Glushkova 9


KYIV PLANETARIUMChervonoarmiyska 57/3


AQUAPARK TERMINAL Aquapark, shopping and entertainment centreKyivska 316 in the town of Brovary


YASNOGORODSKYA OSTRICH FARMPodlesnaya 32, Yasnohorodska (30km outside of Kyiv)


HOPAK IN KYIVHopak Training Centres

332-7747 or 067-933-3244Visit http://hopak.kiev.ua/ua/



KYIV HORSE RACE TRACKAkademika Glushkova 10




INTERESNIY KIEVTours in and around Kyiv in English!

491-1176 or 068-121-4458Visit www.interesniy.kiev.ua/new/tour/english

PYROHOVO OPEN AIR MUSEUMFolk architecture and lifeMarshrutka #3/156 from metro Lybydska


MAMAEVA SLOBODAOutdoor Cossack MuseumMykhayla Dontsya 2, Otradniy region


NIVKY PARKChildren’s playground, rifle ranges, walking paths, cafesProspect Pobedy 82

KURENEVSKIY PARKPlaygrounds, attractions, cafesFrunze 134

NATIONAL BOTANICAL GARDENOpen year roundTimiryazevskaya 1


ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIOMusical in two actsTime: 12.00Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth


THE THREE LITTLE PIGSPuppet-play for children 3+Time: 11.00PUSS IN BOOTSPuppet-play for children 3+Time: 13.00THE WOLF AND THE GOATSPuppet-play for children 3+CINDERELLAPuppet-play for children 3+Time: 17.00Kyiv Puppet Theatre


THE GREEN HILLS OF THE OCEANFairytale in 1 act for children 5+Time:13:00A FINE MESSTime: 12.00Lypska Youth Theatre


THE BICYCLE WITH RED WHEELS Adventure in 1 act for children 3+Time: 13.00Lypska Youth Theatre


30MondayAQUACIRCUSTime: 13.00, 15.00Circus (Peremohy 2)



KING GRIZZLE BEARDMusical in 2 acts for children 7+Time: 12.00Lypska Youth Theatre


AQUACIRCUSTime: 13.00, 15.00Circus (Peremohy 2)




Ballet in 2 acts

Time: 12.00

Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children

& Youth




Adventure in 1 act for children 3+

Time: 12.00


Time: 13.00

Lypska Youth Theatre



Selection of various show programs

Time: 11.00, 12.30, 14.00 and 16.00

Chervonoarmiyska 57/3



Time: 12.00

Nemo Dolphinarium (Akademika Glushkova 9)



THE SNOW QUEENMusical fairytale in 2 acts for children 7+Time: 12.00Lypska Youth Theatre


28SaturdayLITTLE GOOSEPuppet play in Russian for children 3+Time: 11.00


Puppet play in Russian for children 3+Time: 13.00THUMBELINAPuppet-play in Russian for children 4+ Time: 15.00 THE GOLDEN KEYPuppet-play for children 4+Time: 17.00Kyiv Puppet Theatre


MOMENT Exhibition of works by Viktor Melnychuk and Beata KornKyiv.Fine Art Gallery (Darvina 5)Until 21 June


FRAGMENTSExhibition of works by Volodymyr Yakovets

National Art Museum (Hrushevskoho 6)Until 25 May


PAINTINGSExhibition of works by Iryna LevytskaMuseum of Modern Art (Hlybochytska 17)Until 16 June


COMMUNAL APARTMENTExhibition of dolls and graphics by Viktoria Mendel and Anton PetrusevychParsuna gallery (Khoryva 43)Until 18 June


YOU ARE AT HOME AT…Exhibition of works by Alevtyna KakhidzeYa Gallery (Voloska 55/57)Until 5 June


LABYRINTHExhibition of works by Michael MerfenkoZeh gallery (Frunze 69)Until 26 June



Exhibition of works by Oksana Shapkarina Wunjo-Art gallery (Heroiv Stalingrada 10a)

Until 3 June288-6620

MUH Young Ukrainian Artists’ ProjectInstitute of Issues of Contemporary Art (Shchorsa 18d)Until 11 June


Most Expensive Ukrainian Artists Most Expensive Ukrainian Artists Exhibits in KyivExhibits in KyivTryptykh ART gallery (Desyatynna 13)Opening on 27 May at 19.00Tryptykh ART gallery has re-opened its doors to all Kyiv art lovers at a new location. To celebrate this event, the gallery presents an exhibition of paintings by Anatoliy Kryvolap – Ukrainian most expensive contempo-rary artist! Recently, one of Kryvolap’s work was sold at Phillips de Pury & Co for more than $98 000, setting a record for the highest price ever paid for Ukrainian art at auction. The well-respected Tryptykh ART gallery of-fer visitors a selection of Kryvolap’s magnifi cent landscapes, all created within recent years. Don’t miss this event!For more information call: 279-0949

This Week Art 27 May – 2 June 2011

Hi-Ho, It’s Off Hi-Ho, It’s Off to the Ballet to the Ballet We Go!We Go!Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhihirska 2)

23 April at 12:00Although this isn’t the charming Disney movie of the same name, this is your opportunity to teach your kids that ballet and classical music don’t always have to be deadly dull! This story and its characters should keep them captivated enough that they won’t even realise you’ve had them sit through a “cultural” event. Both parents and chil-dren should leave rather pleased with themselves.For more information call 501-1044

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Time: 22:00Admission: call and checkLake Club (Revutskoho 2)



Time: 21.00Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrvCaribbean Club (Kominternu 4)



Time: 21.00Admission: freeSorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24)



Time: 21.00Admission: L – free, G – 100hrvAura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e)



Time: 21.00Admission: call and checkAzure (Leontovycha 3)



Time: 21.00Admission: 15hrv 75 kopGallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor)www.galleryclub.kiev.ua



Time: 19.00Admission: call and checkD’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3)



Time: 22.00Admission: L – 50hrv, G – 60hrvPatipa (Muzeyniy 10)



Time: 18.00Admission: freeGallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor)www.galleryclub.kiev.ua

MY CITY – RICHARD GORNTime: 20.00Admission: L- fre, G – 150hrvAzure (Leontovycha 3)


FOAMY PARTYTime: 22.00Admission: call and checkLake Club (Revutskoho 2)


KYIV TECHNO CITY – 14 DJSTime: 22.00Admission: before 00.00, L- free, G – 30hrv; after 00.00, L – 30hrv, G – 60hrvCinema Club (Entusiastiv 1)


GRAND CLOSURE OF THE SPRING SEASON – DJ DOORKEEPER (GERMANY)Time: 22.00Admission: call and checkPrime (Nauki 8)


GREENSTARS WEEK – DJ LUTIQUE, TAGIR AND SUNNYTime: 22.00Admission: call and checkSaxon (Trutenko 4)


VESPA PARTY – TESLA BOYTime: 22.00Admission: 120hrvCrystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1)


MONOTONIK SESSION – DUB MAKERS, DJ KON, DJ SUHARTime: 22.00Admission: L – 60hrv, G- 70hrvForsage (Harmatna 51a)


SATURDAY CYPHERS – BREAK-DANCING AND DJ MUSICTime: 15.00Admission: 60hrvCrystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1)


KYIV DAY PARTYTime: 22.00Admission: L – 30hrv, G – 60hrvBabyFace (Shchorsa 44)


DISLOCADOS SALSA BAND, DANCE SHOW, DJSTime: 22.00Admission: L-80hrv, G-120hrvCaribbean Club (Kominternu 4)


ALL BEST GOLDEN NIGHT – DJ GREG, DJ BRO, DJ FIRST, DJ RUNOV AND OTHERSTime: 22:00Admission: call and checkPatipa (Muzeyniy 10)


WEDDING NIGHTTime: 20.00Admission: L – 20hrv, G – 30hrvGallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor)www.galleryclub.kiev.ua/

LAST BELLTime: 22:00Admission: call and checkLake Club (Revutskoho 2)




Time: 22.00Admission: l – 30hrv, G – 40hrvForsage (Harmatna 51a)


PRESENTATION OF ARTIK AND ZHENYA MILOVSKY’S VIDEO “THE CITY NEVER TIRES”Time: 22.00Admission: L – 40hrv, G – 60hrvPatipa (Muzeyniy 10)


CITY NEVER SLEEPS AFTER-PARTY – DJS SUNNY, NEO, ANDER 5Time: 22.00Admission: L – 25hrv, G – 35hrvPrime (Nauki 8)


I LOVE KYIV – DJS SPIELER, KIRILL MIXER, EGOR BOSSTime: 22.00Admission: call and checkSaxon (Trutenko 4)


EVOLUTION PARTYTime: 22.00Admission: call and checkGreenwich (Degtyarevska 49b)


EURO HIT – DJ ALEXANDER GUSEWTime: 20.00Admission: 20hrvGallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor)www.galleryclub.kiev.ua/

TERRITORY OF LOVE - COEUR EXTASIETime: 22.00Admission: freeLake Club (Revutskoho 2)


D’LUX LIGHT DISCO - DJ MAROCCOTime: 12.00Admission: freeD’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3)


DISCOMANIA PARTY – DJ VELSKIYTime: 21.00Admission: call and checkAzure (Leontovycha 3)


EXTREME LADIES NIGHTTime: 21.00Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrvAura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e)


LATINO DISCOTime: 21.00Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrvCaribbean Club (Kominternu 4)


UNLIMITED SUNDAYTime: 22.00Admission: 100hrv, VIP - 200hrv (no men allowed until 24.00)BabyFace (Shchorsa 44)


FRIEND PARTYTime: 21.00Admission: freeAura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e)


LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrvCaribbean Club (Kominternu 4)


LADIES NIGHT Time: 22.00Admission: freeD’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3)


DISCO 80S Time: 23.00Admission: call and checkAzure (Leontovycha 3)


1WednesdayNO STRESS PARTYTime: 18.00Admission: L – 40hrv, G – 60hrvGallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor)www.galleryclub.kiev.ua/

LADIES’ HAPPINESSTime: 22.00Admission: L – free, G – 100hrvStolitsa (Hrushevskoho 1b)


DISCO RADIO FORMATTime: 22.00Admission: freeAura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e)


LATINA FIESTA PARTY – SALSA SCHOOL, DJ STALKER, MC ADAM, GO-GO DANCE-SHOWTime: 20.00Admission: freeAzure (Leontovycha 3)


AMAZON ISLAND PARTY – EROTIC SHOW, STRIPTEASE, CONTESTSTime: 21.00Admission: L-free before 00.00, after 30hrv, G-100hrvCaribbean Club (Kominternu 4)


LADIES NIGHTTime: 22.00Admission: freeD’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3)


2ThursdayCRAZY THURSDAYSTime: 22.00Admission: 30 hrvAura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e)


WILD THURSDAY – SPECIAL GUEST IVAN DORNTime: 22.00Admission: L – 50hrv, G – 100hrvBomond (Pybalskaya 22)


LADIES NIGHT – BEST STRIPTEASE IN KYIVTime: 23.00Admission: L-free, G-100hrvAzure (Leontovycha 3)


LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrvCaribbean Club (Kominternu 4)


UNLIMITED THURSDAYS – SAMOSUDTime: 22.00Admission: call and checkBabyFace (Shchorsa 44)


WHAT GIRLS WANT… STRIPTEASE!Time: 21.00Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrvSorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24)


SEX IN THE BIG CITYTime: 20.00Admission: L – 25hrv, G – 30hrvGallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor)www.galleryclub.kiev.ua

Nightlife 27 May – 2 June 2011


27FridayTRANCE: A MISSION - DANIEL KANDI, DJ DIMA KRASNIK, DJ IVAN IONOV, DJ JOHNNIE PLAYTime: 22.00Admission: call and checkForsage (Harmatna 51a)


WHITE PARTYTime: 22.00Admission: call and checkLake Club (Revutskoho 2)


TRANCE GUDELKA – DJS KRYIST, DIABLIK, NIMITZ AND OTHERSTime: 22.00Admission: 40-50hrvGreenwich (Degtyarevska 49b)




FIRST AND LAST BELL (END OF SCHOOL PARTY) – SOAD VAN, TOM SINE, RIGHT HEART, D MONK AND OTHERSTime: 23.00Admission: l – 20hrv, G – 30hrvLenin Club (Mykola Hrinchenko 18)


DJ IRA CHAMPIONTime: 22.00Admission: call and checkAura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e)


WILD LIFE STUDENTS PARTYTime: 22.00Admission: 100-200hrvBabyFace (Shchorsa 44)


OLMECA GOLDEN PARTY – CHRISTIAN BURNSTime: 22.00Admission: 100hrvCrystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1)


GOH’S KITCHEN - DJ ALEXANDR GALICKIY, DJ SUNNY, DJ KOLYASKIN, DJ D.SPIELER, DJ TIM WADE Time: 22.00Admission: L – 40hrv, G – 50hrvSaxon (Trutenko 4)


HIT FROM THE 80S TO THE PRESENTTime: 22.00Admission: L – free before 24.00, 50hrv after, G – 50hrvSky Hall (Marshala Malinovskoho 24/10)


BOOZY FRIDAY PARTY - DJ MARCU$$, DJ ZOITS, MC DYM, BABY GIRLS!Time: 22.00Admission: 100hrv, VIP - 200hrv (no men allowed until 24.00)BabyFace (Shchorsa 44)


CRAZY FRIDAYTime: 22.00Admission: L – 50hrv, G – 100hrvBomond (Pybalskaya 22)


DISLOCADOS SALSA BAND, DANCE SHOW, DJSTime: 22.00Admission: L-80hrv, G-120hrvCaribbean Club (Kominternu 4)


28SaturdaySHOWMANIA WITH DIMA KOLYADENKOTime: 19.00Admission, after 21.00, 100hrvSorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24)


Fun FungusFun FungusInfected Mushroom (Israel, trance), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)27 May at 21.00This Israel-based trance band is famed for its infectious rhythms and sense of humour, evident in hits like “Legend of the Black Schwarma” and their re-take on the Doors’ classic “Riders on the Storm.” Lest you think, however, that it will all be fun and games – think again: these fellows are serious musicians and have the string of charted hits to prove it.Tickets are 250-400 hrv. For more information call 222- 8040.

The Empire Strikes BackThe Empire Strikes BackImperia Night, DJ Pasha Portnov (house), D*Lux (Hrushevskoho 3)28 May at 22.00 DJ Pasha Portnov has come a long way since kicking off his career in 1997, taking part in some of the most renowned house projects around, working with artists including Benny Benassi, Sonique, Paul Jackson and K-Klass. This night will be hopping, especially in the spe-cial Imperia environment created by D*Lux.Admission is free until 23.00 For more informa-tion call 200-9009

: What's On Recommended

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Kyiv CultureKateryna Kyselyova


and all of its other ethnic minorities. The festival programme includes a choral singing contest, the Kyiv Spring amateur theatre competition and many other interesting fun activities. Saturday evening at 18.00, head for Mariinsky Park for the opening of the Kyiv’s Summer Mu-sic Evenings festival. You’ll see and hear a parade of orchestras, as well as some of Ukraine’s best classical and jazz orchestras and ensembles per-forming in the open air. Doesn’t that make for a lovely romantic evening?At Kyiv’s Lavra Gallery, there will be art exhibi-tions, fi lms and a festival of city culture entitled “I Love Kyiv,” all of the offerings of which will share a single theme – Kyiv.

29 MaySundayAt 8.30 this Sunday morning, the traditional inter-national charity marathon “Run Under the Chest-nut Trees” starts from Maidan Nezalezhnosti. Come to watch or join in! Both are good for you.From 16.00 to 21.00 the city’s main square will host a concert of folk and popular music.From 17.00 to 19.00, there will be an unprec-edented fashion event, “Fashion Seasons – Look-ing Ahead,” coming from the people at Kyiv Fashion Week. Khreshchatyk will be turned into a huge catwalk, where renowned Ukrainian de-signers and some of the best up-and-coming tal-ent will display their collections. The busy programme of events comes to a spec-tacular fi nish, with a large-scale fi reworks and laser show will sparkling in the sky above the Dnipro from 21.00 to 23.00. This exciting show, with wild light and sound combinations will make for an unforgettable night!If the weather favours Kyiv over these days, we’ll all have some fun enjoying life and the coming summer!

A very special day to spend in your beloved city

It’s an axiom that What’s On and all our readers love Kyiv, so as Kyiv Day approaches we offer you the programme of festive events. This year, Kyiv is going to celebrate its offi cial Day over three days, starting on 27 May and fi nishing on 29 May. The list of events planned will satisfy the most demandingof Kyiv's citizens and guests of the city, so schedule your Kyiv Day celebration carefully, so as not to miss something interesting!

27 MayFriday Kiev Fashion Park opens in Peyzazhna Alley. This is the fi rst Ukrainian park of modern sculpture and installations. The landscaping includes 17 objects of art, created by famous Ukrainian artists and designers: 10 benches, 6 sculptures and 1 installation. The organis-ers claim that this is only the fi rst step on the way to incorporating contemporary art into the city space. For guests of Kyiv, it’s a nice chance to sit on a bench from Liliya Pustovit, walk under an Oleksandre Alekseev arch or feel like a kid again riding Andre Tan’s see-saw. You’ll want to try it for yourself!On the same day, Mystetsky Arsenal opens a huge literary festival, the “Bookish Arsenal” fair and exhibit. This festival involves more than a hundred Ukrainian and foreign pub-lishing houses, each presenting its own pro-gramme, including separate ones for music, literature and children’s books. A separate thematic day of the festival will be devoted to Kyiv and the most interesting books about this city, including a selection of modern ur-ban literature. The festival will be open un-til 31 May, offering a nice event for the entire family.

28 MaySaturdayA parade of bicyclists will run through the centre of Kyiv. Gathering at 9.00 on European Square, they will wheel around through Khreshchatyk, Lva Tolstoho Square and up to Mykhaylivska Square. At 11.00, the International Bicycling Competition starts from Maidan Nezalezhnosti, running to Lva Tolstoho Square and back. Also on Saturday, the always spectacular open-air Kyiv Regatta starts from Obolon Quay. At 12.00, be sure to be at Sofi yska Square for the international “World’s Strongest Man”, as Ukrai-nian men try to prove that this is the country of not only the most beautiful women, but also of the strongest men! If you are more inclined to spend this weekend out of the city, Pyrohovo is the best location, host-ing the Ukrainian Kite Festival on this day. From 11.00 to 17.00, the sky will be festooned with kites, competing to see which can fl y highest. Apart from that, Pyrohovo itself is a lovely au-thentic site, demonstrating Ukraine’s architec-ture and folk craft mastery. You won’t leave with-out some nice souvenirs!For two days (28-29 May), Spivoche Pole of the Pechersk landscape park will host a family folk-art event, showing off crafts mastery from Ukraine

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14 Coming Soon

The Colour of DecayThe Colour of DecayExhibition of works by Pommefritz Crew. Brucie Collection (Artema 55b)Opening on 8 JuneBrucie Collections gallery is known for bringing to Kyiv some of the best and most widely known European photographers. They continue this tradition by presenting an exhibi-tion of works from Pommefritz Crew. Pommefritz is an artistic duo of two Italian photographers, Mauro Man-uini and Massimiliano Boschini, who have been working together since 2004. Their purpose is to set themselves free from both classic photographic messages and meth-ods, sharing their experience and ex-plorations with their cameras. They avoid glamorous subjects, drawing our attention to the most ordinary objects, depicted in surrealistic and dreamlike colours. Be ready to dis-cover the unknown Italy!For more information call: 353-1234

Spanish Pianist Spanish Pianist Performing in KyivPerforming in KyivPiano Music Concert. Featuring Eduardo Fernandez (Spain), National Philharmonic(Volodymyrsky Uzviz 2)19 June at 19.00The National Philharmonic of Ukraine presents a concert by young Spanish pianist Eduard Fernandez who, at 30 years of age, has won some of the most prestigious awards in the clas-sical music world. The future musician began playing the piano at the age of four, under the supervision of his grandfa-ther. His career took off rapidly, as he garnered success first in Spain, then worldwide. Fernán-dez covers a wide repertoire from baroque up to the most modern music, including (in spite of his youth) colossal works like all of Rachmaninov’s and Chopin’s etudes, as well as Albéniz, the composer whose music he re-corded for his first CD. These works by Albeniz will be per-formed at the Kyiv concert.Tickets are 50-120 hrv. For more information call: 278-1697

Jazz FusionJazz FusionMike Stern Band (jazz fusion), October Palace (Instytutska 1)13 July at 20.00Jazz has always been popular in Kyiv, Especially the jazz played by famous jazzman Mike Stern. This time around, the musician is coming to Kyiv, not solo, but with violinist Didier Lockwood, bassist Tom Kennedy and drummer Dave Weckl. Together they are ready to impress the Ukrainian audience with a fusion of jazz and other genres, mystically combined in the music of the Mike Stern Band. Tickets are 150-500hrv. For more information call 279-1582.

Traditional Traditional UkraineUkraineWelcome to Ukraine! Kyiv Operetta Theatre (Chervonoarmiyska 53/3)10 June at 19.00The Kyiv Operetta Theatre is premiering a new show called “Welcome to Ukraine!” which the director claims is a modern version of traditional Ukrainian “vechornytsi” (ancient parties with singing and dancing). The masterful combination of au-thentic folklore with modern ele-ments makes for an outstanding evening, and perfectly showcas-es Ukraine’s true essence. The Kyiv Operetta is a place where beautiful music, bright cos-tumes and brilliant sets all come together to create an outstand-ing performance, and this next addition to their repertoire will, no doubt, do just that. Tickets are 20-120 hrv. For more information call 287-1480.

Heaven’s GateHeaven’s GateCarlos Santana, Palace Ukraine (Chervonoarmiyska 103)19 June at 20:00Legendary guitarist Carlos San-tana is fi nally bringing his Latin-infused rock, blues and jazz fusion repertoire to Kyiv, as part of his Guitar Heaven 2001 tour. An icon to generations of music fans and musicians, Santana burst into the public imagination with his band’s searing performance of the song “Soul Sacrifi ce” at the famed 1969 Woodstock Festival. Along the road of his multiple-Grammy career, Santana has left unforgettable mile-stones, with massive hits like “Evil Ways,” “Oye Como Va” and the rock radio staple “Black Magic Woman.” Throughout his storied professional life, he has collaborated with other musical geniuses spanning musi-cal genres, including (but not lim-ited to) Herbie Hancock, Booker T. Jones, Willie Nelson and Wyclef Jean. Carlos Santana returned to massive commercial success in 1999 with the album Supernatural, and is out once more to prove that he deserved recognition as #15 on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the Top 100 Guitarists of All Time. It’s time to change your own evil ways and enter guitar heaven.Tickets are 150-400 hrv. For more information, call 247-2316.

German GrooveGerman GrooveSchiller Live in Surround Sound (Germany, new age, ambient, trance, electro), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)4 June at 21.00New venue Stereo Plaza is cer-tainly not skimping when it comes to bringing top-line tal-ent to Kyiv this summer. Fol-lowing up Joachim Garraud and Brainstorm, Stereo Plaza proud-ly presents the hugely popular German group Schiller. The pet project of musician, composer and producer Christopher von Deylen, Schiller distinguishes itself from many other electronic acts with its unique atmospher-ics and embrace of technology to create new soundscapes. In Kyiv, this innovative approach will be at the forefront, as the group takes advantage of three-dimensional surround sound to create a swirling effect, making it seem as though the music has taken on form and moves among the audience.Tickets are 250-400hrv. For more information call 222-8040.

Punk’s Not Dead!Punk’s Not Dead!Sum 41 (punk rock), Stereoplaza (Kikvidze 17) 5 July at 21.00Canadian punk rockers Sum 41 finally found Ukraine on the world map and decided to us pay a visit. The news spread quickly among youngsters and now masses of people are rushing headlong to buy tickets for their show. In addition to the best songs from their pre-vious five albums, Sum 41 is bringing Kyiv the band’s latest work, their early 2011 release Screaming Bloody Murder. Don’t miss this great show. Admission is 300-450hrv. For more information call 222-8040.

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Stormy WeatherStormy WeatherBrainstorm (Latvia, rock) Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)3 June at 21.00Latvia’s biggest-selling pop-rock act, Brainstorm, brings its brand of multilingual (Latvian, English and Russian) hit material to Kyiv’s newest large concert venue, Stereo Plaza. The group’s overwhelming popularity in the Baltic States and other Eastern European coun-tries has allowed them not only to score platinum-album status in a number of those countries, but also to tour with international acts of great renown, such as the Roll-ing Stones, R.E.M., Depeche Mode and Supergrass. It looks as though this summer Kyiv is in for an em-barrassment of rock riches.Tickets are 250-400hrv. For more information call 222-8040.

A musician A musician to rememberto rememberGadyukiny Brothers Tribute (pop-rock), Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl. 1)3 June at 19.00After the death of Serhiy Kuzmin-skiy, Gadyukiny Brothers’ vocal-ist, the band decided to stage a big concert dedicated to his memory. To this end, they have gathered 17 bands, including Okean Elzy, Vopli Vidoplyasova, Lyapis Tru-betskoy, TNMK, Boombox, Man-dry, TIK, DakhaBrakha, Mad-Heads XL, Dymna Sumish and Haidamaky, to play Gadyukiny songs, emphasizing Serhiy’s contribution to the development of Ukrainian music, with his life and creative work. For more information call 246-7406.

High-Brow High-Brow Classical for Classical for A High-Brow A High-Brow AudienceAudienceWeek of High Classical with Roman Kofman, Lavra Gallery (Lavrska 1)16-27 June at 19.00Roman Kofman is a legendary Ukrainian conductor who, after many years of working abroad, re-turned to Kyiv to make Ukraine’s capital a centre of European clas-sical music. With this in mind,

he is launching an international classical music festival, aiming to bring together in Kyiv some of the world’s best classical musicians and orchestras and to present a sophisticated programme. The opening of the festival on 16 June will be followed by theatre concert

by Gidons Kremers (Latvia) and his orchestra Kremerata Baltika, performing world-famous musi-cal works. On 20 June there will be an evening of Wagner arias performed by the world’s greatest singers of Wagner: Stig Andersen (Denmark) and Jordanka Derilova (Bulgaria). The fi nal concert line-up is simply fantastic, including the world’s leading soloists. All of the concerts will be conducted by Roman Kofman. This is not to be missed!Tickets are 150-800 hrv. For more information call: 280-0290.

Lollipops from MikaLollipops from MikaMika (pop-rock), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17) 6 July at 21.00Winner of Brit Awards, Q Awards, ECHO Awards and nominated for a Grammy, British pop idol Mika is coming to Kyiv for the first time, bringing his best music and lyrics. Famous for his top-selling singles Relax, Grace Kelly, Lollipop and Happy Ending, Mika is now thought to be the most successful young singer in Britain. Let’s check him out playing a live show at the beginning of July. Tickets are 350-500hrv. For more information call 222-8040.

Independent Independent Exhibition of works by Ukrainian artists, Mystetsky Arsenal (Lavrska 12-14)From 12 AugustThis year, Ukraine is celebrat-ing the 20th anniversary of its independence – an important date for an ancient country, but young state. Mystetsky Arse-nal, Ukraine’s biggest art space, presents a huge project to show the entire sweep of Ukrainian art over the 20 years of inde-pendence. The organisers claim that the exhibition will include the best samples of art works in all genres, visualising Ukraine’s spiritual and creative fields since independence. Don’t miss this event and your chance to see how the country is growing step-by-step gaining confidence. For more information call: 288-5225.

Quatro Means Quatro Means More Than FourMore Than FourQautro Modern Ballet, National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)3,4 June at 19.00This unprecedented show by world ballet stars Nikolay Tsys-karidze, Denys and Anastasiya Matvienko, Leonid Safonov and Olesya Novikova will combine classic and modern dance. The performance will include the company’s own unique adap-tations of classical pieces from Don Quixote, The Corsair, Sleep-ing Beauty, and Raymonda. This will be followed with new music and choreography specially cre-ated for Denys Matvienko and Leonid Safonov by composer Milko Lazar and choreographer Eduard Klyug. This show has already won some prestigious awards and caused nothing less than a sensation in Russia, and now it’s Ukraine’s turn to be treated to this excellent show! Tickets for 50-2000 hrv. For more information call: 279-1169.

Rock Legend Rock Legend Graces KyivGraces KyivRobert Plant and the Band of Joy, Palace Ukraine (Chervonoarmiyska 103)31 July at 19.00“Legend”, “ground-breaking” and “infl uential” are but three of the adjectives that have been applied to Robert Plant. And with good reason. From not entirely hum-ble beginnings (Jimmy Page, after all, had already tasted fame with the Yardbirds), Plant and “Led Zep” reeled off a stunning string of blues-infused hard rock hit albums, spawning chart-topping hits like “Communication Break-down”, “Heartbreaker”, “Rock ‘N’ Roll”, “Kashmir” and, of course, “Stairway to Heaven”, the song that accompanied many a late-night teenage fumble. Follow-ing Zep’s breakup, undeterred and with a considerable amount still to offer, Plant soldiered on, notably releasing a platinum (and 5 Grammy-winning) album entitled Raising Sand, in col-laboration with American singer Alison Kraus. On tour with his new band, Plant will be arriving in Kyiv as one of the most beloved rock singers of all time. This con-cert will be, if there is any justice in the world, sold out and tickets will move fast, so you may want to “Ramble On” down to your box offi ce as soon as tickets go on sale.Ticket prices TBA. For more in-formation call 247-2316.


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Take Me Out!Take Me Out!18Blair Sheridan

I can think of few places I’d rather be on a beautiful early summer evening than the riverside. There’s just something about proximity to a lovely river or lake that I can’t resist. Combine that with a tasty morsel or two and I fi nd it hard to think of a better way to spend a stress-free evening. With that in mind, I leapt on the opportunity to visit Mayachok.

A Light in the Dark?

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20 Take Me Out! Listings


30a L. Ukrainky blvd.285-4805

Open: 11.00 - 24.00Restaurant with original interior and traditional Tone stove for baking bread.


10 Fedorova st.592-6363

Open: 12.00 - 24.00Caucasian cuisine. Every dish served in its own original and unique manner.


10a Spasskaya st. (Podol)417 35 45

Open: 12.00 – 00.00www.karta.uaAuthentic Georgian cuisine



Chapaeva 2/16 (I.Franka)St.234-6506

Open: 09.00 – till the last visitor leaveswww.bacchusclass.comThe one and the only Wine restaurant in Ukraine.



B Khmelnytskoho 29278-1187

www.7fridays.kiev.uaSituated in the very heart of Kyiv, the 7Fridays cafe is bursting with city life while striving to preserve a homelike atmosphere. Offering a peaceful corner to forget about city rush, stop for delicious European cuisine for breakfast, business-lunch or dinner. Internet available.



17/18 Naberezhno-Kreschatitskaya st.467 78 97

Open: 11.00 – 00.00www.karta.uaFrench, Italian & Japanese cuisine


70 Stolichnoe highway (to Koncha-Zaspa)

259 17 00Open: 11.00 – to the last clientwww.karta.uaEntertainment complex (restaurant, hotel, sauna, paintball)




Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A219-1919

Open: 11.00 - 02.00A feeling of Paris in the Kiev charm. Menu flavours and aromas take you back to the finest Parisian tastes with the most modern accents. Eexclusive chocolate menu you never tested before.


25 Hoholivska st.537-7070

Open: 08.00 – 23.00A culinary expirience you won’t forget!


2A Velyka Zhytomyrska Street219-1919

Open: 06.30 - 23.00Casual dinning with the best Mediterranean food. Homemade pasta and great pizzas. Try the probably best breakfast in town. Sunday Brunch the new experience in Kiev every Sunday at 12.00.



53 B. Khmelnitskogo st.581 70 70

Open: 06.30 – 23.00Mediterranean cuisine. Exquisite selection of the best dishes around the Mediterranean Sea Flavors & Tastes at their best!


5-7/29 Pushkinska st.537-4535

Open: 07.00 - 23.00Mediterranean restaurant of superior cuisine. Wine and cigar rooms offer the perfect touch to Terracotta’s delicious dining experience


Shota Rustaveli 11225-0035

Open: 12.00-24.00Meet cuisine with no ethnic equivalent. Only the best meat from top suppliers and a wide choice of wine match.



14 Kreschatik st. (near Khreshchatyk hotel)

270- 7676 Open: Mo – Wed: 13.00 – 02.00Thu – Sat: 13.00 – 04.00 Sun: 14.00 – 02.00www.buddhabar.com.uaRestaurant lounge-bar



24 Sagaydachnogo st. (Podol)494 0 494

Open: Sun – Thu: 12.00 – 01.00Fri – Sat: 12.00 – 04.00www.karta.uaOriental restaurant. Moroccan, French & Japanese cuisine. Hookah menu.



24 Lesi Ukrainky blvd.254-4999

Open: 11.00 - 02.00This popular beau monde hang-out bills itself as a fashion TV cafe.


2-a Baseyna st.492-0000

Open: 9.00 ‘til the last visitor leavesSpacious and cozy restaurant with European cuisine and micro brewery.


Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2-е3835999, 3836000

www.aura-cafe.comOpen: 11.00 – 6.00European, Mediterranean, Japanese cuisines and dishes on Tandura. Wide choice of wines and hookah.


Maidan Nezalezhnosti – 7 Khreshchatyk

067-407-5544 From 11.00 until the last client Delicious Czech, German and Ukrainian cuisine. 11 sorts of draft beer. 7 plasma screeens and 1 huge wall screen, offering various sports channels.



Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A11th floor, InterContinental Kyiv

219-1919Open: Sunday - Wednesday: 6 p.m. – 2 a.m. Thursday - Saturday: 6 p.m. – 4 a.m.Rooftop caviar and champagne bar. Enjoy stun-ning view of Kiev. b-hush… b-cool… b-here…



5 Alla Tarasova st.581-12-34 Open: 6:00 - 24:00

Two open kitchens, European and Asian cuisine in luxurious surroundings.Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.




Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A1 st floor, InterContinental Kyiv

219-1919Open: 08.00 - 02.00Enjoy the best coffee in town in a relaxing and luxurious atmosphere. Great selection of whisky. Enjoy an InterContinental high tea every day from 13:00.


Khreshchatyk 46a227 8943

Open: 12-24 Delicious international cuisine in the heart of Kyiv




25 Naberezhno Khreshchatytska st.

425-2438Open: 08.00 – 24.00The only American run restaurant in Kyiv, open since 1995. Free Wifi, drinks, food, parking, satellite TV, credit cards, live music


37 Zhylyanskaya st.287 20 00

Open: 08 a.m. – 12 a.m.www.karta.uaSteak House. Grill restaurant. Breakfast. Wide choice. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., weekdays



Mezhigirska 87 B str. +380932673630+380443511572

Оpen: 18 00 – 06 00 Asian style, comfortable room karaoke with beauties.


23-a Velyka Vasylkivska st.234-3101

Open: 12.00 ‘til the last visitor leavesOriginal mix of styles in the interior, fuzzy fur on the walls. 30 kinds of sushi and sashimi.


3 Vorovskogo st.569 10 10

Open: Sun – Wed: 12.00 – 00.00Thu – Sat: 12.00 – 05.00www.karta.uaOriental cuisine, Karaoke-lounge


12 Shota Rustaveli st.246-7734

Open: 12.00 - 24.00Sushi bar in central location. Great decor and service, wide menu of authentic sushi.


29/50 Tarasivska st.287-0242

Open: 8.00 – 23.00Asian and home made cuisine, delicious breakfasts, kalian. Oriental atmosphere – and decoration.



72 Chervonoarmiyska st. 4th floor590-2565

Open: 11.00-23.00An open show-case kitchen will let you watch the respected Chef cook traditional dishes on the chargrill for you.


4, Shota Rustaveli st.234-0692

Open: 24 hoursReal Caucasian culture reproduced in its best meals. Cuisine with an accent.

19.indb 2019.indb 20 5/24/11 4:43:03 PM5/24/11 4:43:03 PM

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Mr Nikolay Omelchenko, Save Travel Mr Nikolay Omelchenko, Save Travel d/b/a KievApartment.com and Mr Victor d/b/a KievApartment.com and Mr Victor Shevchenko, INGO UkraineShevchenko, INGO Ukraine

Mr Jorge Zukoski, The American Chamber of Commerce, Mr Jorge Zukoski, The American Chamber of Commerce, Mr Aaron Powell from Kimberly Clark and Mr Jason Mr Aaron Powell from Kimberly Clark and Mr Jason Murphy, British American TobaccoMurphy, British American Tobacco

Ms Olga Piskun, Ms Olga Piskun, ConsumerHealthTechnologies ConsumerHealthTechnologies together with Ms Lyubov together with Ms Lyubov Teplytska, TRIMETeplytska, TRIME

Chamber “Business Leaders League” MeetingSHARPEY CLUB On 18 May ACC held a business leaders’ meeting at one of Kyiv’s billiard clubs, and to add some zest to proceedings the organisers held a pool tournament among guests. Enjoying drinks and snacks, some interested people took part in the game and enjoyed an outstanding competition.

Mr Radomir Tsurkan, CB Richard Mr Radomir Tsurkan, CB Richard Ellis LLC and UVK Mr Oleg KalenskyEllis LLC and UVK Mr Oleg Kalensky

BDO’s Mr Nikolay Lysenko, Ms Iryna BDO’s Mr Nikolay Lysenko, Ms Iryna Silchenko from Happy Vacations and Silchenko from Happy Vacations and Mr Andriy Krivokorytov from Brain Mr Andriy Krivokorytov from Brain Source InternationalSource International

The winner of The winner of the Chamber the Chamber Billiard Business Billiard Business Tournament Tournament Mr Vladyslav Mr Vladyslav Rashkovan from Rashkovan from UniCredit BankUniCredit Bank

Chief Chief Commercial Commercial Counsellor of Counsellor of Embassy of Embassy of the Republic the Republic of Turkey Mr of Turkey Mr Mehmet Ali Mehmet Ali Erkan, and Mr Erkan, and Mr Andan Anacali Andan Anacali from Creditwest from Creditwest BankBank

Fashion Producer Ms Mila Fashion Producer Ms Mila Gorogetsky, Mr Arthur Odesiuk Gorogetsky, Mr Arthur Odesiuk from PUMA and Ms Irina from PUMA and Ms Irina Nazarova from EngardeNazarova from Engarde

24 Kyiv Life

19.indb 2419.indb 24 5/24/11 4:43:38 PM5/24/11 4:43:38 PM

Dyvo Dytyna Announces Most Wonderful Kids ARCH OF FREINDSHIP On 14 May the Centre of Family Leisure & Tropical Park entertainment center awarded the winners of the annual Dyvo Dytyna contest. The competition was established to fi nd and promote talented children in Ukraine. Kids of 4-13 years competed in such categories as Most Clever, Most Creative, Most Heroic and Most Sporty. The awards ceremony was attended by celebrities and top politicians. Plenty of fl owers and performances by Ukrainian pop stars completed the picture. Well done to all who took part!

Nominated for their heroism Bohdan Simachynskiy, Nominated for their heroism Bohdan Simachynskiy, Mykola Burbak and Denys DemchenkoMykola Burbak and Denys Demchenko

Young and talented Oleh Young and talented Oleh Oleksandrov nominated Oleksandrov nominated in the Most Amazing in the Most Amazing categorycategory

Head of jury Olha Sumska and President Head of jury Olha Sumska and President of Dyvo Dytyna contest Victor Novikovof Dyvo Dytyna contest Victor Novikov

Olympic Champion in Olympic Champion in gymnastics Hanna Bezsonova gymnastics Hanna Bezsonova

congratulating childrencongratulating children

They Came, They Ate, They ConqueredPORTA PIA On 18 May The Ukrainian Connoisseurs Club members put yet another restaurant to the test. This time Porta Pia restaurant hosted the TUCC meeting, treating guests to the best dishes on offer. Everyone seemed happy to be served in a very respectful manner, and no-one left the restaurant dissatisfi ed. Members awarded the restaurant fi ve stars, the highest possible accolade. Terry Pickard and Robert Terry Pickard and Robert


Victoria McNeil, Krzysztof Victoria McNeil, Krzysztof Siedlecki of Astellas Siedlecki of Astellas Pharmaceuticals and Olga Pharmaceuticals and Olga VashakmadzeVashakmadze

Antonina Armashula having a chat Antonina Armashula having a chat with a friendwith a friend

Andriy Pikula Andriy Pikula of Alico MetLife of Alico MetLife and Svitlana and Svitlana ShulevskaShulevska


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InterContinental’s FutureB-HUSH On 19 May theInterContinental Hotel held a meeting to highlight improvements to their services and offering, promoting the implementation of a new programme dedicated to meetings and events. Those in the hotel business attended and found it to be a very interesting event, as some revolutionary programmes were discussed. Similar events will now be held in 14 other InterContinental Group hotels around Europe.

Kateryna and Stepan Kateryna and Stepan Romanyuk from Romanyuk from Ukraine-RusUkraine-Rus

Carsten D. Reiher Carsten D. Reiher General Manager General Manager IC Kiev and IC Kiev and Director of Sales Director of Sales and Marketing and Marketing Department IC Kiev Department IC Kiev Karen McPheeKaren McPhee

Nikolay Komarov from Nikolay Komarov from Adanit-ServiceAdanit-Service

Stay in Ukraine’s Kateryna Stay in Ukraine’s Kateryna Nayda and IHG’s Iryna Nayda and IHG’s Iryna MaltsevaMaltseva

Lyudmila Martsenyuk and Yuliya Emets Lyudmila Martsenyuk and Yuliya Emets from Elegant Travel from Elegant Travel

Olga Moiseeva IHG Moscow and Yuliya Olga Moiseeva IHG Moscow and Yuliya Pikhut from TRIME Business TravelPikhut from TRIME Business Travel

Convention Sales Team of IC KievConvention Sales Team of IC Kiev

Anna Portnova Anna Portnova Bytsko and Vitaliy Bytsko and Vitaliy

Kirichenko from Kirichenko from Conference HouseConference House

26 Kyiv Life

19.indb 2619.indb 26 5/24/11 4:44:24 PM5/24/11 4:44:24 PM

With Eyes Wide OpenNEW GALLERY On 19 May an exhibition of works by famous Lithuanian artist Serge Suanne opened in Kyiv. Supported by the Lithuanian Embassy, organisers hosted a truly festive opening. The artist gathered his best works under the name ‘Looking at the World with Eyes Wide Open,’ depicting the reality of how things really work in the world.

Happy birthday, Italian!CIRO`S POMODORO On 21 May one of the most famous Italian restaurants in Kyiv, Ciro’s Pomodoro, held a marvellous celebration of it’s second birthday. Amazingly they’ve already had two years of great service, delicious food and reckless parties. Lots of Ciro’s friends gathered to mark this special day in their favourite restaurant.

Sean and Eugenia Carr Sean and Eugenia Carr together with Ciro Orsini together with Ciro Orsini cutting the cakecutting the cake

Biker Letov Biker Letov accompanied by accompanied by a pretty ladya pretty lady

Olesya Gorobets, Liza Olesya Gorobets, Liza Chernyakova and Yaroslav Chernyakova and Yaroslav GordienkoGordienko

Dean Sharpe Dean Sharpe awarded for his awarded for his love to Ciro’s love to Ciro’s PomodoroPomodoro

Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to Ukraine H.E. Atis Sjanits, Top Life to Ukraine H.E. Atis Sjanits, Top Life Concept’s Valeriya Gareeva and Petr Concept’s Valeriya Gareeva and Petr Pereverzev from New GalleryPereverzev from New Gallery

Psychologist Galyna Psychologist Galyna Serebrennikova, artist Serebrennikova, artist Serge Suanne and co-Serge Suanne and co-owner of New Gallery owner of New Gallery Hennadiy HrebenikHennadiy Hrebenik

Olena Rudyk from 1st Business Channel, Olena Rudyk from 1st Business Channel, Lady Golf Club’s Anna Svets and artist Iva Lady Golf Club’s Anna Svets and artist Iva PavelchukPavelchuk

Ambassador of Palestine to Ukraine Ambassador of Palestine to Ukraine H.E. Dr. Mohammed Al-Asaad and H.E. Dr. Mohammed Al-Asaad and Consul Nidal El-KotobConsul Nidal El-Kotob


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19.indb 2919.indb 29 5/24/11 4:46:11 PM5/24/11 4:46:11 PM

30 Essential Kyiv

Fitness Centres


Obolonska Naberezhna 20


The Golf Centre offers 36 stations, a 2-level floodlit driving range, 7-hole golf course, Golf Academy, Pro Shop and restaurant. No membership required! Plenty of free parking on site

Club Olympus

Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234

Cyber Gym

B. Khmelnytskoho 50 465-3171

Kiev Sport Club

Blvd Druzhby Narodiv 5 522-8866

Premier Palace

Fitness Center

Blvd T. Shevchenka 5-7/29 537-453



Velyka Zhytomyrska Str 2A


Dnipro Hotel

Khreschatyk 1/2 254-6777



Hyatt Regency Kyiv

Alla Tarasova 5 581-12-34


Opera Hotel

B. Khmelnitskoho 53





President Hotel

12, Hospitalna str., Kyiv, 01023, Ukraine

256 32 56 256 32 54


Premier Palace Hotel

Blvd T. Shevchenka / Pushkinska 5-7/29

537-45-00 279-87-72

Reservation: 244-12-11info@premier-palace.comwww.premier-palace.com

Lybid Hotel

Peremohy Square 1 +380 239 76 00

+380 236 63 36reception@hotellybid.com.uawww.hotellybid.com.ua

Marriage Agencies

Marriage agency “EVE”

Only serious and real ladies for serious relationship.All ladies photos are made in our studio, up to 50 photos of each.Personal approach. Apartments. English speaking drivers.Elite Guides. Tours around Ukraine.Lesi Ukrainki 15

599-07-09 (office) 067-865-77-57



Diamond Recruiters

Moskovska 43/11, 3rd floor, office 8

332-3100www.diamondrecruiters.netkyiv@diamondrecruiters.netDiamond Recruiters helps you attract, retain and motivate Ukrainian and foreign talent. Our special-ties include finance,administration, change management, and IT. Middle to senior management positions.

Medical Centers

American Medical Centers

Emergency Phone: +38 (044) 490 7600

Berdychivska, 1 +38 (044) 490 7600

+38 (044) 490 7600patientservices@amc.com.ua

• Dentistry • Eye Treatment

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General Medical Treatment

Medical treatment made easy with English speaking Doctors

FREE Membership CardFREE Advice and FREE

Appointment booking service+38093 583 6767


Language Courses



Tuition, conversation, games, events



Horiva 37 (M. Kontraktova Pl.)

098 2451500



Language school, Translation’s agencyVandy Vasylevskoi 7


Center of Spanish

Language and Culture

Obolonska 7, 1st Floor 239-2418


Ez English

Blvd Lesi Ukrainki 16, #18 235-5926

International House

Vandy Vasylevskoi 7 238-9870

Oxford Klass

School of EnglishEnglish for adults and children, Cinema club34 Ivana Mazepa St.Kiev, 01015, Ukraine

594-10-64 594-10-62

Translation Services

100 MOV

Nahirna 24/1 489-5856


Mechnikova 6, #33 235-6643, 592-4588



Internet Cafes


Artema 11-a 272-4860

Cyber Cafe

Prorizna 21 278-0548


Khmelnitskoho 29/2 228-1187

Air France-KLM

Kiev, 34/33, Ivana Franka str.490-24-90, 496-35-75




International Airport



International airport

Povitroflotsky 92 242-2309/08


Beauty Salons

Favorit V.I.P. Club

Muzeyny 6 278-3338


American Academy of

Foreign Languages

Dymytrova 16, #16 230-2608


P. Lumumby 23/35, #13 239-1091

Language school

Nota Bene

- Russian and Ukrainian for foreigners- Business English- German, French, Spanish, Italian 8(097) 400-96998(067) 738-1691278-8036

Volodymyrska 7, #17notabene.school@gmail.com

British Council

Teaching Centre

Skovorody 4/12 490-5601

Educational Program



Borysa Hmyri 6Klovskiy Uzviz 8Heroiv Stalingradu 18

383-5150, 383-5152, 577-2900www.vynahidnyk.org

DTelite School

Sahaydachnoho 20/2 417-5770

Business English Center

Lesi Ukrainky 3, #114 234-0871


Prorizna 22-b 592-7843


Ukraine International Airlinesticket office in Kiev4, Lysenka Street

(044) 581-50-50


Austrian Airlines

Kyiv City OfficeVelyka Vasylkivska 9/2,Reservation:

8-800-3000-492office.ukraine@austrian.comwww.austrian.comMore than 60 fl ights per week from 6 biggest cities in Ukraine to the whole World!

Delta Air Lines

General Sales AgentSIA "ContinAt"Chervonoarmiyska 9/2, #17

287-3595www.delta.comNow fly Kiev-New York Non-stop

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