Wk7_Cell Cycle, Mitosis, Meiosis and Game to Genesis

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Transcript of Wk7_Cell Cycle, Mitosis, Meiosis and Game to Genesis



Lab #7: The Cell Cycle, Mitosis, Meiosis and Gametogenesis ______________________________________________________________________________


• Understand the major events involved in the cell cycle.

• Learn about the process of cellular division in plant and animal cells.

• Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.

• Understand the difference between male and female gametogenesis.

• Learn how to examine a karyogram.

• Perform karyotype analysis.



The Cell Cycle

All eukaryotic cells undergo a series of growth and division events, collectively referred to as

the cell cycle (Fig. 1). The duration of the cell cycle is specific to cell type and organism. In

general, the cell cycle consists of three main phases: Interphase, Mitosis (M) and Cytokinesis

(C). The first stage, Interphase, is considered the non-dividing or growth portion is subdivided

into Gap 1 (G1), Synthesis (S), and Gap 2 (G2), of which G1 and G2 are the main growth

stages. Specifically, during G1 (the normal state of a cell), the cell grows and generates the

enzymes necessary for DNA replication that takes place during the S phase. In G2, the cell

synthesizes proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, which all function to increase the cell’s size, and

the chromosomes prepare to condense in preparation for the M phase.


Interphase is sometimes referred to as a “resting stage.” Why is this inaccurate?

The cell cycle is controlled by a series of checkpoints (Fig. 1), namely the G1/S, G2/M

and spindle checkpoints. The G1/S checkpoint, determines if the cell should continue into the S

phase or if it should enter a resting state (G0 = Gap 0 phase), which is important for cell types

that divide infrequently and/or cells that are terminally differentiated (e.g. nerve cells). This

checkpoint is followed by the G2/M checkpoint which serves as a control mechanism to prevent


damaged cells from entering the M phase. Once the cells are committed to mitosis, the role of the

spindle checkpoint is to ensure that all chromosomes are attached to the mitotic spindle during

metaphase; if any chromosome is not attached, the cell will not be able to proceed into anaphase.

In addition, DNA damage checkpoints located in G1, S and G2 ensure that DNA is not damaged

before allowing the cell to proceed to mitosis. For example, the p53 protein, which plays a key

role in the G1 checkpoint, monitors the integrity of DNA during this stage. If the DNA is healthy

(i.e., no mutations) p53 will allow the cell to progress onwards through the cell cycle. On the

other hand, if p53 detects DNA damage, then it will arrest the cell in G1 either for repair or for

destruction (apoptosis = programmed cell death). If any of these checkpoints are nonfunctional

or mutated, control of the cell cycle is lost and cancer develops.

Figure 1. The cell cycle and its associated checkpoints

G2/M Checkpoint

Spindle Checkpoint

G1/S Checkpoint



a. How might you use the knowledge of the cell cycle checkpoints to prevent, diagnose, and

treat cancer?

b. What problems may occur as a result of having a mutated p53 protein?

Cellular Division: Mitosis vs. Meiosis

The genetic material (DNA) of all eukaryotic organisms is housed within the cell’s

nucleus and is passed on from generation to generation. While a cell is in interphase, the DNA

exists in an extended form called chromatin (Fig. 2) that repeatedly folds on top of itself,

condensing into visible chromosomes when the cell is ready to divide (i.e., entering the M phase

of the cell cycle). In somatic (body) cells, chromosomes exist in pairs and are called homologous

chromosomes. Each homologue within the pair is referred to as a sister chromatid and is joined

to the other by the centromere (Fig. 3). In eukaryotic organisms, the number of chromosomes

present differs between species but most eukaryotes are diploid (2n), meaning they have 2 pairs

of chromosomes. Chromosome number differs between organisms (Table 1), for example human

cells possess a total of 46 chromosomes (23 pairs), while canine cells possess a much larger

number (39 pairs).

Figure 2. Cell as it appears during Interphase Figure 3. A pair of sister chromatids


Table 1. Chromosome numbers vary across species

Eukaryotic cells, depending on the type (somatic vs. germ cells), divide either by mitosis

or meiosis. Mitosis is the process in which a diploid parental cell is divided into 2 identical

daughter cells, also diploid in number. In contrast, meiosis involves the division of a diploid

parental cell into 4 daughter cells, all of which are haploid (n) in number. Mitosis occurs in

somatic cells, which are all cells of the body excluding the reproductive cells (eggs and sperm).

Meiosis, on the other hand, takes place only in the germ cells, i.e., cells of the reproductive

organs (testes and ovaries).

Mitosis (Fig. 4) is a nuclear event comprised of 4 stages, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase

and Telophase (although some authors describe Prometaphase as a distinct phase). Usually

following nuclear division, the 2 newly generated daughter cells are separated from each other

through the process of cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm). During cytokinesis animal cells

form a cleavage furrow or indentation on the periphery of the cell that pulls the plasma

membrane inward, dividing the cell into two parts. Plant cells, in contrast, are unable to divide

using the cleavage furrow since they possess a rigid cell wall. Instead, they generate a cell plate

at the center of the cell that grows outward to split the cell into two.


Figure 4. Mitosis


Meiosis, on the other hand, occurs only in germ cells, i.e., those cells destined to become

gametes. This process is referred to as a reduction division since the 4 daughter cells generated

from the division of the diploid parental cell are haploid. The stages of Meiosis I are Prophase I,

Metaphase I, Anaphase I and Telophase I (Fig. 5) and of Meiosis II are Prophase II,

Metaphase II, Anaphase II and Telophase II (Fig. 6). Meiosis I involves the separation of

homologous pairs of chromosomes which are further separated into sister chromatids during

Meiosis II.

Figure 5. Meiosis I


Figure 6. Meiosis II

During Prophase I of Meiosis, two pairs of homologous chromosomes form a tetrad through

synapsis and exchange genetic material via the process of crossing over (Fig. 7). In this

process, the genetic material is neither gained nor lost. Instead, new combinations of alleles arise,

thereby increasing genetic variation.


Figure 7. Crossing over between homologous pairs of chromosomes

In today’s lab, you will examine the cell cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis. You will then

consider the role of the different phases of the cell cycle to understand the significance of each

step in the production of healthy cells and the possible consequences of mistakes during cell

division. Finally, you will learn how to examine karyotypes, which are used to determine the

number of chromosomes in a species as well as for the diagnoses of birth defects and genetic


TASK 1 - Cycling Through the Cell Cycle

A) Identify the Stages of Mitosis

1. Examine a prepared slide of the whitefish blastula on high power.

2. Complete Table 2, making sure to draw examples of each phase of mitosis.


Table 2:

Stage of Mitosis Description of Events Drawings of Stages






a. Why are cells from a blastula used to examine mitosis?


b. How fast do you think cells divide when an embryo is forming compared to the normal

growth of an animal?

c. How does cytokinesis differ between plant and animal cells?

B) Onion Root Tip Preparation

1. Using a scalpel cut the terminal 4mm of an onion root tip and add it to a small tube

containing 100µL of Carnoy's fixative.

2. Place the tube in a 60°C water-bath for 15 min to soften the tissue.

3. After 15 min, remove the onion tip from the fixative with forceps. Rinse the tip a 2-3

times with an ice cold 70% ethanol solution to remove any residual acetic acid from the

fixative. Note: Acetic acid reduces the ability to stain the chromosomes.

4. Place the root tip on a clean microscope slide and add a drop of Hydrochloric acid (HCl).

Using a dissecting microscope remove the very end of the tip. Keep this portion and

discard the remaining tissue.

5. With a dissecting needle, attempt to macerate/crush the tissue into small pieces.

6. Add one drop of Aceto-orcein stain to the crushed tissue.

7. Gently warm the slide by passing it over an ethanol lamp. DO NOT BOIL!!! Heating the

slide will speed up the staining process and allow some of the HCl in the stain to soften

the tissue.


8. Allow the slide to sit for 1 min to cool down. In the meantime, smear a small amount of

Mayer's albumen onto a coverslip and allow it to dry. Make sure to set the coverslip face

up on your table so that you will know which side contains the albumen.

9. Place the slide on a piece of paper towel. Using forceps lower the coverslip (albumen side

down) over the stained tissue.

10. Place the end of the paper towel over the coverslip and, with your thumb, press down

onto the coverslip as hard as you can (but not so hard that the slide breaks). The act of

squashing separates the cells from each other, making the chromosomes more visible.

C) Time for Cellular Replication

1. Using your prepared onion root tip slide, count the number of cells in each phase of the

cell cycle (i.e., interphase and each stage of mitosis) in the high power field of view.

Repeat 3 times for an approximate total of 100 cells and record your results in Table 3.

2. Assuming that an onion root tip cell takes 14 hours (840 minutes) to complete the cell

cycle, the time that an onion cell spends in each stage of the cell cycle can be calculated

using the following formula:


Time for each stage = Number of cells at each stage x 840 minutes

Total number of cells counted

Table 3:

Stage of Cell


Number of Cells Time Spent in Each Stage

FOV 1 FOV 2 FOV 3 FOV 4 Total






TASK 2 - Effect of Colchicine on Mitosis

Colchicine, a product of the plant Colchicum autumnale (common name = Meadow

saffron), is used in the treatment of gout, cirrhosis, and psoriasis, among other disorders (Ben-

Chetrit and Levy, 1998). During metaphase, chromosomes attach to the mitotic spindle via their

kinetochore and oscillate at the equatorial region under high tension. By interacting with tubulin,

a component of the spindle fibers, colchicine decreases this tension, suspending the

chromosomes in metaphase (Jordan and Wilson, 2004).

Develop a Hypothesis:

Based on the information above, propose null and alternate hypotheses about the stages of

mitosis that you would expect to see in cells treated with colchicine. Write your hypotheses (Ho

and Ha) below.



Given colchicine’s properties, could this compound be used to treat cancer? Explain.


TASK 3 – Meiosis and Gametogenesis

Gametes (sperm and eggs) are haploid reproductive cells that are formed by the process

of gametogenesis. In mammals and many other vertebrates, gametes and gametogenesis differ

between males and females; males produce sperm through the process of spermatogenesis (Fig.

8) while females produce eggs via oogenesis (Fig. 9).

Sperm is produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. Within the seminiferous

tubules, spermatogonia constantly replicate mitotically throughout the life cycle of males. Some

of the spermatogonia move inward towards the lumen of the tubule and begin meiosis. At this

point, they are called primary spermatocytes. Meiosis I of a primary spermatocyte produces

two secondary spermatocytes, each with a haploid set of double-stranded chromosomes.

Meiosis II separates the strands of each chromosome and produces two haploid spermatids that

mature and differentiate into sperm cells via spermiogenesis.


Figure 8. Spermatogenesis

In females, oogenesis occurs in the oocytes of the ovaries. Unlike spermatogonia,

oocytes are not produced continuously. Oogonia, which are produced during early fetal

development, reproduce mitotically to produce primary oocytes. In humans, the ovaries of a

newborn female contain all the primary oocytes that she will ever have. At birth, primary oocytes

begin meiosis I, but are arrested in prophase I. At puberty, circulating hormones stimulate

growth of the primary oocytes in the follicles (surrounding tissue) each month. Just before

ovulation, the oocyte completes meiosis I producing a Graafian follicle which contains the

haploid secondary oocyte. Meiosis II proceeds but is not completed until fertilization occurs.


Figure 9. Oogenesis


1. Why do gametes have only half the number of chromosomes as the original parent cell?

Why is this important?

2. Would evolution occur without the events of meiosis and sexual reproduction? Why or

why not?



1. Examine prepared slides of sperm from humans, rats, and guinea pigs and draw what

you see in the space provided below. How do the sperm from the three species


Magnification: _________

Magnification: _________

Magnification: _________

2. Examine a cross section of a monkey’s seminiferous tubules and draw what you see

in the space provided below. Locate the spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes,

secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and mature sperm and label each of these cells

on your drawing.

Magnification: _________


3. Examine a cross section of cat ovary and draw what you see in the space provided

below. Locate and label the developing follicle with the egg inside on your drawing.

Magnification: _________

4. Examine the slide of a mature follicle (Graafian follicle) and draw what you see in the

space provided below.

Magnification: _________


5. Compare Mitosis and Meiosis in Table 4:

Table 4:

Mitosis Meiosis

Purpose of process


Number of cells

generated per cycle

Number of nuclear

divisions per cycle

Ploidy (n or 2n) of

daughter cells

Daughter cells genetically

identical to parent?

Pairing of homologues

Occurrence of crossing



1. Why is meiosis referred to as reduction division?

2. If a species has 24 chromosomes in the nucleus prior to meiosis, what number will

each cell have after meiosis is complete?


3. How do the sizes of the oocytes differ as they move from the follicle stage towards

the mature Graafian follicle?

4. How do sperm and eggs differ in size? (Hint: consider size and the quantity of each

gamete). Explain a possible reason for these differences.

5. What would happen if females produced 100’s or 1000’s of eggs during each cycle?

What if males were born with a limited number of sperm?


TASK 4 - Karyotype Analysis

Karyotyping is the process by which scientists microscopically visualize the complete set of

chromosomes in an organism to detect any possible chromosomal abnormalities such as

deletions, translocations or the insertion of extra copies. Karyotype analysis is performed when

the chromosomes are highly condensed, i.e. in metaphase (halted in this phase with the addition

of colichicine). A normal human karyotype should consist of 22 autosomal pairs, listed from

largest (chromosome 1) to smallest (chromosome 22), and 1 pair of sex chromosomes; XX if

female and XY if male (Fig. 10). Known abnormalities that result from variations in normal

chromosome structure or number in humans are listed in Table 5.


Figure 10. Normal human karyotype


(alternative name)

Symptoms Karyotype

Down syndrome

(Trisomy 21)

Cognitive disabilities, characteristic

physical features, congenital heart disease

3 copies of chromosome 21

Turner syndrome

(Gonadal dysgenesis)

Gonadal dysfunction, characteristic

physical features, congenital heart disease

1 copy of the X


Cri du chat

(cry of the cat)

Some abnormalities include problems

with the larynx and nervous system,

resulting in a characteristic infant cry that

sounds like a meowing kitten

Truncated chromosome 5

Edwards syndrome

(Trisomy 18)

Mortality rate – 50% die within the first 2

months of life. Three times more common

in boys than girls. Birth defects include

several organ abnormalities, including

heart and kidneys

3 copies of chromosome 18

Patau syndrome

(Trisomy 13)

Mortality rate- 80%

Birth defects, including severe

neurological problem and heart defects

3 copies of chromosome 13

Table 5: Chromosomal abnormalities that can be detected by karyotype analysis



A fellow scientist of BCBB Cytogeneics was assigned the task of performing karyotype

analysis for 2 infants, but he needs a second opinion before informing the parents. The karyotype

for each infant is presented below. It is your task to examine both karyotypes (#1 and #2), record

your findings in the tables provided, and then report them to your colleague.

Karyotype #1:


CH # Remarks CH# Remarks CH# Remarks CH# Remarks

1 7 13 19

2 8 14 20

3 9 15 21

4 10 16 22

5 11 17 23

6 12 18 24

CH = Chromosome


Karyotype #2:


CH # Remarks CH# Remarks CH# Remarks CH# Remarks

1 7 13 19

2 8 14 20

3 9 15 21

4 10 16 22

5 11 17 23

6 12 18 24

CH = Chromosome


Based on the karyotypes provided, do these babies have detectable problems in their

chromosomes? If yes, use that information to diagnose what disease/genetic abnormality

the child has.

Infant Number One Diagnosis: ________________

Infant Number Two Diagnosis: ________________



Ben-Chetrit, E and Levy, M. (1998). Colchicine: 1998 Update. Seminars in Arthritis and

Rheumatism 28: 48-59.

Jordan, MA and Wilson, L. (2004). Microtubules as a target for anticancer drugs. Nature

Reviews 4: 253- 265.



• Before coming to lab next week, make sure to read the Mendelian Genetics task sheet as

well as Chapter 17 in your lab manual.