Wisdom's Soft Whisper eBook

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Wisdom's Soft Whisper

Transcript of Wisdom's Soft Whisper eBook

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper



Third Edition eBook Story line expanded, Revised, Updated and Edited

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


A.k.a. Wizard Baldour

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Table of Contents The Dawn of Wisdom

Awakening from Illusion

Believe Not

Magic Assumes Doership

The Capacity of Now

Significance of the Wizard‟s Staff

Put a Capital “M” on the Mystery

Meditation is Not Something You Do

Practice is Real

Every Action is Perfect

Unlocking ESP and the Sixth Sense

“I”-Dolls, Deifications & Role of Toto

Turning Inside Out

The Ultimate Paradigm Shift

Sharing What Already Is

Bridge to the Unknown

Wizard‟s Alchemy

Pure Stillness

The Narrator “I” in the Head

Everyone You Meet is a Godsend

Intense Grace

The Folk Fellowship at Large

A Wizard‟s Re-Creation

The Cauldron

John Troy‟s Horizontal Story Line

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Non Fiction

Spiritual, Philosophy, Advaita Free PDF eBook file for e-book readers For sharing, not for sale or resale Third Edition, expanded, revised and edited, 2011 John Troy aka Wizard Baldour The Wizard LLC 5134 Boone Village Trail Cedar Grove, NC 27231 336-562-3225 JohnTroy@TheWizardLLC.com Website: www.TheWizardLLC.com Live Global Webcast, Archives, & Free e-Library Listen to: Conversations with Avant-garde Sages Trip Overholt & John Troy, Co-hosts WCOM-FM 103.5 FM Every Tuesday at Noon until 1 PM ~ Questions to Zortacular@Gmail.com Cover Photography by Ron Belliveau Toto by Jo Stephens This eBook may disturb deeply held beliefs. A sharing; no copyrights implied.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


our decades ago, a poet friend, Philip Rego,

shared a poem that asked for Truth so

confessed, it required decades for an honest

heart-felt response to match the poetic

response. Wisdom‟s Soft Whisper is the

answer to the question raised by the young

prince in the poem. This manuscript is

dedicated to that prince, Philip Rego. The

question in the poetry called forth a Wizard.


“Where do you go when you so want to


Where can you listen in silence?

What do you do when you're lost and alone

In eternity searching for love?

Where do you hear wisdom's soft whisper

On a planet that's crying in pain?

Where do you seek wisdom's sweet peace

In a world that's going insane?”


“There‟s a cave which exists

At the center of life,

Where dwells the dream of creation

Its threshold is flooded in sunlight,

Its halls are ten thousand mirrors


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Reflecting the love

That lives in the soul

At the heart of the whole universe

To reach this quiet place

You must travel the road

That runs alongside this great river

And follow its voice

To the sounds own sweet source

And discover the Heart‟s pure existence.

Listen in silence…

To the stream‟s laughing song

To the poem of its life-giving waters

Know you are One

With infinite Love

Your journey‟s begun when it‟s over”

Philip Rego~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


The Dawn of Wisdom

onsider the word, water. Is the very word,

water, itself, wet? Can that word quench

thirst? Is the word, water, really water? Of

course it‟s not. It‟s just a word, not real

water. It only refers to water which itself

makes no claim of its own.

Now consider the word, “I”. Is the word or

even the internal statement, “I”, habitually

arising in your head really who you are?

Again, of course not; it is only a letter in the

alphabet that refers to the silent speechless

state that witnesses that word, “I”. The silent

state, not the statement, is who you really

are. Truth is not a thought.

Simply put, this is Wisdom. The word,

Wizard, comes from the word, Wisdom. It

refers to the domicile of the wise. The state

that is prior to the bundle of alphabets and

words called the mind. Wizards, by a stroke

of grace, have the ears to hear the silent

whisper prior to the form of alphabets. That

is Wisdom. In Eastern traditions, a Wizard is


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


referred to as a Jnani or Sage. A Wizard is

not a Guru or a messiah.

A Wizard‟s Wisdom cannot be defined,

known, contained or found. That‟s because

knowledge is of the mind. Wisdom is that

which is prior to the movement of the mind.

A Wizard is one who fundamentally dwells

in Wisdom, the domicile of the wise. A

Wizard re-cognizes the „I‟ thought, mind and

knowledge as useful tools of language and

finds such as a biological servant,

effortlessly, perfectly. Wisdom is not

knowledge. Knowledge is always gained

anew by the knower “I” thought, called the

mind; one thought tied to another to create a

bundle of thoughts that in turn create a

story-line from birth to death. What is

gained anew will certainly disappear

eventually in time. Conversely, Wisdom is

empty, transparent and eternal stillness.

Wisdom is birth-less and death-less, having

no form. Knowledge is but a veneer of

alphabets and concepts projected into reality

to the point of distraction. It is learned

ignorance. Peel the veneer of words off and

free that attention to reveal the true realm of

Being without the “I” notion. This is the

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


dawn and dis-covery of Wisdom; the heart of


“People come here with some profound

concept of spirituality. They think they have

spiritual knowledge and they want me to

give them a clean certificate. This I don't do.

I blast their concepts... All knowledge is


Nisargadatta Maharaj~

"The only thing that interferes with my

learning is my education."

Albert Einstein~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Awakening from Illusion Wizard has the eyes to see through the day-

dream of mortal existence as if it were an

illusory and transparent dream.

The building blocks of illusion or the mortal

paradigm are words, concepts, beliefs,

imagination, relationships and alphabets.

The apparition is just information, memory

and thoughts. It is merely mind stuff. They

make up the belief systems and images of

who you think you are and what you think

you see; just benign thoughts and


Words have countless meanings which breed

even more words that breed even far more

words! Where will thinking end? Soon the

ever growing bundle of thoughts becomes

rather large like someone who collects pieces

of string their whole life and ties each and

every new found piece found to the end of

the ever growing ball of string. This ball of

string is like a busy full mind. Its shear

gravity commands attention. It obstructs

your native outlook.


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Herein lays the home of the ego-Narrator “I”

and the idea or statement of who you think

you are. It‟s the imaginary narrator “I”. The

“I” thought can no more change the outcome

of your life than a narrator on the radio

describing a sports event can change the

outcome of the game they are narrating. It is

only a belief; an illusion; a phantom; a

second guesser. You are in for an amazing

awakening. The mind is not who you are; nor

is your body. Don‟t take anyone‟s word for it.

See for yourself. It is a simple change of

outlook. You are pure non physical existence.

Prior to the mind and that within which the

mind arises and sets is a silent state (like

deep dreamless sleep), not a statement, but

an eternal, ever present state that is aware of

the “I” and it‟s bundle of thoughts. That

silent, still realm is who you really are. It is

like a movie screen the movie is viewed

upon. It is the actual “Here” and “Now” your

thoughts manifest and dissolve within. The

quiet here and now effortlessly shared by

everyone, already.

To be that which you already are is to be a

Wizard. It is Wisdom. It is not dependent on

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


the thoughts, information and alphabets as

knowledge. It does not require a diploma. It

does not require religion. Wisdom is simple

being prior to knowledge. Be wise. Take rest

in Wisdom prior to the mind and its


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very

persistent one."

Albert Einstein~

The I am is nothingness. From nothingness

this "I-am-ness" has appeared ~

Nisargadatta Maharaj~

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Believe Not izards do not believe in believing. There is no

need to believe anything.

Consider a belief like reincarnation. With all

due respect, reincarnation is just a belief.

Beliefs are constructs of the mind; alphabets.

Who reincarnates, anyway? Any image or

concept or idea about reincarnation from the

bundle of thoughts (the mind) is just more of

the same; imagination. It is objective,

insentient and not true awareness. It is a

belief. All belief is temporary. Images,

thoughts, concepts, ideas and bodies arise

and dissolve in the pure awareness that is

Wisdom. Consider Wisdom, the domicile of

the wise and retire the story line.

There are apparently as many belief systems

as there are people. Beliefs are of the

individual mind and constructed from words

and thoughts rooted in mortal existence.

Belief, time, distance and memory are

thought-threads in the tapestry of illusion

and that includes reincarnation, myths,

theologies, ideas and the like. Good is a


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


belief. Evil is even a belief. Heaven is a belief.

Hell is a belief. All after-life scenarios are

beliefs. God is a belief. Who you think you

are is a belief. Each one is just another

thought-thread woven in the tapestry of the

illusory storyline. Eastern philosophy calls it

Maya. Revelations refers to it as the

“fornicating whore”.

Beliefs and myths serve a multiplicity of

structural functions for a variety of cultures

and individuals. Some are beneficial, some

not. Where would the antiquated caste

system be if not for the belief in

reincarnation? Why the constant emergence

of religious wars if not for different belief

systems? What is the root of race prejudice,

gender inequalities, hatred, homophobia,

terror, or politics?

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today”

John Lennon~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Magic Requires Doership, Miracles Don’t

izards don‟t do magic. Magicians, Conjurers,

Warlocks, Necromancers, Sorcerers and the

like take credit for doing magic. Wizards do

not do magic; magic from doership is for

attention and entertainment. Wizards simply

abide in innocence as the magic naturally

happens. The Wisdom of the Wizard is in

recognizing the current mysterious quality of

synchronicity and going with what wants to

happen; seeing the miracle continuously

unfolding. A Wizard has a very light hand

and does little. Life happens of its own

accord. The whole seen/scene is already a

miracle for a Wizard. No doership required.

Be forewarned by another point of view

where an “I” thought notices extraordinary

coincidences and calls it magic and assumes

mortal doership in the apparent other and

assigns that person‟s name the role of master

or magician. They say that such and such a

person does magic or miracles because


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


coincidences are commonplace in their

presence. It is often projected into so-called

messiahs and holy people. It is a power

projection. It is not true. Absolutely not true!

No one‟s doing anything. It is your own


It is simply synchronicity. The common

denominator of all synchronicity is non-

doership, not doership. Everyone has already

experienced it. It is a sign of graceful living;

of letting go. It is miraculous. Keep the Faith.

Renounce doership. Allow synchronicity to

enjoin you. Synchronicity fosters ever more

trust and establishes one in peace and magic

blossoms naturally in your life.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“Synchronistic events provide an immediate

religious experience as a direct encounter

with the compensatory patterning of events

in nature as a whole, both inwardly and


Carl G. Jung ~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


The Capacity of Now

onder present awareness right now. Ponder

just the “Now” only. Is it divisible? Is it

moving or still? Can you be separated from

it, ever? No way! What is its capacity? It is

Infinite; accepting all things. Does anything

stick? Ponder this great Host. What is this all

inclusive “Now”? Might it be what you really

are? You bet!

You are actually synonymous with the very

Now. It can‟t be missed. Just be here, right

now. Open your eyes and empty the mind.

Do nothing. Ponder how the “Now” accepts

every-thing and attaches itself to no-thing

like the sky. The Now is immediate and ever

present as the Self. That means that the Now

is actually you without form or attributes!

Right now! Ponder this limitless capacity. Be

empty! Be formless. Be in repose. Be

nameless. Allow yourself to be that! That is


The Now is an infinite Ocean of awareness

and body-minds are like waves of form on

the ocean of awareness. It is all the same


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


stuff. The cycle goes from stillness to

becoming to returning to present stillness.

Ponder further. Is not all a direct incarnation

of this silent, still, infinite Ocean of

Awareness? Can the “Now” ever be reduced

to be less than greater than what arises

within this “Now”? Can the “Now” ever

reincarnate or move or is it, in truth, ever

present and still as infinite capacity? Can the

form ever be greater than that within which

it appears? When the glass is broken, what is

apparently inside is at once seamless with its

environment. Does the space inside ever re-

incarnate or is each and every created form a

new incarnation of the ever pure space?

Open the mind and discover it‟s perfectly

still ground of Be-ing. It is not about

believing. It is the antithesis of believing,

Faith opens the door of discovery; innocent

Faith like a child, not faith in something.

Surrender. Allow the door to open, now.

"Any intelligent fool can make things

bigger, more complex, and more violent. It

takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage

to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“When you surrender to what is and so

become fully present, the past ceases to have

any power. The realm of Being, which had

been obscured by the mind, then opens up.

Suddenly, a great stillness arises within

you, an unfathomable sense of peace. And

within that peace, there is great joy. And

within that joy, there is love. And at the

innermost core, there is the sacred, the

immeasurable, That which cannot be


Eckhart Tolle~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Significance of The Wizard’s Staff

n truth, are you really a linear “story line”

married to the concept of time? Are you

going through time in a moving “now”

bubble and held captive inside a body? While

it is relatively true that the body-mind

carries memory in the form of a DNA code

that perpetuates the illusion of birth-life-

death of biology, it is a mirage. Memory is

biology. And memory is an insentient and an

illusory energy trail and a seduction of the

exquisite illusion that holds your attention in

the idea of moving in mortal time to meet an

imaginary death.

In fact, yesterday and tomorrow are always

nonexistent and make up the illusory

horizontal mindset of before and after.

History and future, ideas and concepts,

beliefs and notions, all require time and

space for its illusory mortal existence. Does

this illusory movie not play out in the theater

and on the screen of the ever present still

“Now”, the move-less host, like a dream? Of


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


course it does! Just a rainbow of shadows

projected on a still screen of peace.

Movement is illusion; a play of

consciousness. Stillness is the truth. Be

Stillness. Be in repose. Be one with Wisdom

and allow motion to take its own coarse. It is

just a benign dream.

Herein lays the significance of the Wizard‟s

Staff. The vertical Staff stands for Wisdom,

the vertical everpresent paradigm. Truth is

that which is move-less and invisible and

indivisible. That which is still and has no

form is pure Wisdom. This is the Domicile of

the Wise. Keep the Staff of Wisdom vertical.

Remember its significance. Be rid of time.

Yesterday is dead! Tomorrow is not here or

now and never will be. The Vertical Staff

stands for that enduring Faith in the present

moment. All hope is useless; just a mantra of

doubt. Witness the play of consciousness

from the standpoint of stillness. Keep the

Staff vertical and the nightmare turns into

heaven on earth.

You will discover that matter is just energy.

You take your stand in the move-less “Now”.

Nouns transform into verbs. This is no

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


longer a noun for you to hold on to or be

identified with as existence and sentience

naturally falls to infinity. You find you are

immortal and have always been. You now

understand Einstein.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green

pastures: He leadeth me beside still waters.

He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the

paths of righteousness for his name‟s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the

shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for

Thou art with me Thy rod and Thy Staff

they comfort me. Thou preparest a table

before me in the presence of mine enemies:

Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup

runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy

will follow me all the days of my life: and I

shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever”.

23 Psalm~

"The 'Here' is everywhere and the 'Now' -

always. Go beyond 'I - am - the - body' idea

and will find that space and time are in you

and not you in space and time. Once you

have understood this, the main obstacle to

realization is removed"

Nisargadatta Maharaj~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Put a Capital “M” On the Mystery

ow, consider Faith. True Faith is innocence.

Faith is surrender and total acceptance

rather than a theist meaning or a specific

religion. Faith in something is an oxymoron.

This is a very important distinction.

Faith completely trusts the Mystery. Faith is

the antithesis of belief. Belief is made up of

words deeply and stubbornly impressed in

the mind. Faith is not. Faith is the invocation

of perfection by acceptance of the “Now”, as

is, without beliefs. Faith is the way of the

Wizard and children. Here‟s why.

True Faith disarms belief systems and

dogma. To put in plain words, Faith requires

no words, beliefs, ideas, concepts or

conditions. It does not even require religion

or theology! Faith puts the imaginary “I” out

of a job. Faith sees every action as perfect. It

even trumps forgiveness since there is never

a sin to begin with.


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper



Faith simply puts a capital “M” on the

Mystery and trusts it. That‟s all! Faith is not

dependent on belief systems, thoughts or

learning. Faith holds no judgment, no

punitive concepts, no limitations, and no

doership and allows everyone equality of

vision, seeing one another as Thy Self and as

a pure and equal Truth. Faith is always


Faith literally transforms carnal illusion into

a benign play of consciousness that reveals

the true nature of One Being. Faith gracefully

divests all holy icons, deifications and idols

into the Peace of eternal “Now”, that is your

very Self.

Accordingly, Faith allows the eventual

relinquishment of the idea of doership, itself.

Faith restores innocence, trust, love and

oneness. Faith is the mightiest prayer.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Faith allows you to truly be happy like a

child. Faith, like Self Inquiry, is universal

and free of the ownership of any religion or

theology. Faith inherently releases attention

from doership and leads to Self inquiry

which dissolves the illusion of separateness

and you awake from being identified with

your brittle little storyline. The true and only

birth is the waking up from the mortal birth-

life-death storyline to understand you are the

eternal dreamer and not held captive within

the dream.

"Great spirits have always found violent

opposition from mediocrities. The latter

cannot understand it when a man does not

thoughtlessly submit to hereditary

prejudices but honestly and courageously

uses his intelligence."

Albert Einstein~

The most beautiful thing we can experience

is the mysterious. It is the source of all true

art and science.

Albert Einstein~

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."

Albert Einstein~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Meditation is Not Something You Do

editation is not something Wizards do.

Meditation is not a group sport. Being in

simple repose in the midst of any and all

action, unencumbered, is meditation. It has

no form. The Wizard‟s way is to surrender

doership; surrender reaction. Meditation

happens. Meditation is Wisdom.

Put a capital “M” on the Mystery and trust it.

That will release attention that is addicted to

the narrator “I” thought. Naturally allow

attention to shift to one‟s simple ground of

prior Being. There is no transmission or even

presumption of a separate self; just natural

seamless stillness as existence. Already

present. One is re-cognized as non

physical existence and the narrator “I”

becomes transparent. Allow yourself to do

what comes naturally. Be innocent.

Everything appears and disappears. That's

your sacred path. "See all action as perfect".

In relationships, that deep feeling of peace is


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


contagious. That is sacred Love. True Love is

choice-less. That is enough.

There are those who traverse the schools of

bodily yoga and mental and energy

manipulations and form guru-disciple

relationships. There are countless such

carrot stick schools. The extraordinary

experiences and light shows generated are

fascinating and never ending. The divinity

seen is only a reflection. Energy centers open

and bloom like flowers. It is exciting and

enticing. Experiences come. Experiences go.

You will never get it. You will never

“graduate” The more you seek these

experiences, the more you will suffer.

These experiences are laden with

burdensome doership and

inferiority/superiority complexes. They

create deep impressions in memory where

their grandeur haunts your attention and

holds you captive. None of it is really

permanent. None of it is real. That is the

downside of psychedelics. Super Maya is

even more of an obstacle. It is only the mind

on steroids. It is a distraction for Wizards.

Wisdom says to take the bypass. Come

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


directly home. Renounce doership and all

paths. Leave the Yellow Brick Road and Oz


“I feel within me peace above all earthly

dignities, a still and quiet conscience.” ~

William Shakespeare~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Practice is Real

f you practice throwing a ball to someone,

you really throw a real ball to someone real.

You don‟t pretend to throw the ball, you

actually do it. Practice makes perfect.

Spiritual practice is taking care of the here

and now. Allow tomorrow to take care of

itself. Practice that. Practice bringing

attention back to the here and now from the

imaginings of past and future. You are not

pretending. You are being here and now.

Being the here and now is the ultimate

Truth. It is not a thought! It is practice.

Really put a capital “M” on the Mystery.

Trust it without letting it lure you and it will

transform into the dance of the Goddess. Be

pure presence. Be here now. Transcend the

narrator “I” and dwell as the domicile of the

Wise. No need to pretend. Relax. Be the real

Truth that you already are. Practice makes

perfect. You are already home.

Wisdom then is not a matter of seeking the

truth and gathering information to “know”


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


about the Truth but rather of the practice of

living as and from the here and now. This is

the supreme trial for Wizards. Practice

means just that, practice. You practice the

real awareness of here and now as what you

are prior to bodily identification. It is not

pretentious. Practice the paradigm shift to

vertical. Simply be here now. Forget

yesterday and tomorrow. What you need will

unfold for you. It is the practice of being the

“jewel”. Not the activity of doing something

to find it.

A Wizard is watchful for the continued

tendencies of re-seeking after discovering

one‟s own simple “jewel” of Faith. It is just

an old mental tendency unwinding. When

the „jewel” is seen in an apparent other form,

whether this or any book, image, scripture,

arts, music, nature, idol, deification or any

apparent other, recognize that “jewel” as a

reflection of your own”jewel” of

enlightenment and remain in repose.

Practice makes perfect.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“To know that there is no separation, there

are no limitations, and nothing is by chance

is to know inner peace. To illustrate this,

experience your innermost thoughts while

listening to the silence; for it is in the silence

that we will truly know the oneness that we

are. To accept the truth of this oneness is to

know that we are a magnificent expression

of Love, which is life's energy.”

Laurie A. Monroe ~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Every Action is Perfect

or Wizards, unfolding life is all the exquisite

play of consciousness. In other words, it is all

Thy Will happening. Thy Will is perfectly

Free Will. Critical insight reveals Thy Free

Will does not suffer the dilemma of apparent

choice. It simply is without any obstruction,

whatsoever. That means that every action is

perfect. No exceptions. Ponder further.

That includes even one‟s own thoughts as

well as actions. This supreme Faith teaches

the Wizard that the best form to worship is

every form. A Wizard brings that Faith to

ordinary life. Live. Simply do what comes

naturally. Surrender. Relax. Be ordinary. Be

in repose. Be enterprising. Deal with money.

Allow intimacy. Drink and eat what you feel

is best. Let thoughts happen. Have fun and

experience sorrow, suffering and empathy

for others. Allow anger, failure and madness.

Stumble. Laugh. Cry. Live like you are

writing on water. Take no thought. Leave no

tracks. Take no credit. Don‟t look back. Allow

life to unfold with a sense of awe, surrender


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


and grace, whatever that might look like or

be. There are no models. Synchronicity will

enjoin you and you will discover inherent

Wisdom. Regrets vanish. The doctrine of sin

falls away. All is simply as it should be. Not

one thing is avoided.

Awareness in the “now” is the true state of

simple “Being” and every-thing you perceive

is like a passing cloud in this awareness, the

sky of sentience. Everyone eventually wakes

up to realize they are the infinite sky, not the

passing cloud. There is no other. You are It,

alone as the sky is alone!

Harbor no real need or desire to seek or be

or look or act “spiritual”. There is no mask

any closer to the truth of who you are than

any other mask. No need to change

costumes. Be not a “man or woman of the

cloth” if it is not your natural inherent

destiny. It is mostly counterproductive and

pretentious. Wizards understand that

appearing ordinary is just fine and in most

cases, preferred. Wizards have no models of

behavior and don‟t take themselves too

seriously. They love their disguise. They love

to play. They are playful rascals. When you

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


don‟t judge yourself, then you see others in

the light of playful loving oneness. It is not

wise to bring on yourself the burden of

spiritual comparison and vanity by feeling

superior to another who is really your own

Self in another disguise. Be the highest

common denominator, whatever the mask

and costume. See one another in Spirit. That

is equality of vision; the mark of Love.

Many Wizards abide hidden in the folk

fellowship at large. However, there are those

who do honestly “wear the cloth” and

participate in organized spiritual groups and

some serve a purpose in bringing attention

to Thy Free Will. It is their true destiny.

Respect that. Venerate that. They are

Wizards, too, in that particular disguise.

Partake in awakened company and enjoy the

playfulness, insights and joy that come with

all good company wherever you find it, both

inside these organizations as well as

anywhere else it avails itself. Religions and

Institutions never contain Truth as they so

often claim.

That does not mean that deification and

idolatry are wise or sacred. They are ego

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


traps. Equality of vision is Love and it begins

with you. Why assign it to another and then

worship it? It is inherently divisive.

“'I exist' is the only permanent self-evident

experience of everyone. Nothing else is as

self-evident as 'I am'. What people call self-

evident, that is, the experience they get

through the senses is far from self-evident.

The Self alone is that. So to do self-enquiry

and be that 'I am' is the only thing to do. 'I

am' is reality. I am this or that is unreal. 'I

am' is truth, another name for Self.”

Ramana Maharshi~

Ramana Maharshi ~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Unlocking ESP and The Sixth Sense

very Wizard is steeped in ESP. Extra Sensory

Perception (ESP) is the Sixth Sense, the

actual sense of existence. It is omniscient


The Sixth Sense is neither verb nor noun. It

is nonphysical. It is Wisdom. Not accounting

for the Sixth Sense is like the story of the

“tenth man”; the ten men crossing the river

in a boat and each counting only nine men

after crossing to the other side to verify

everybody made it safely and each forgetting

to count their own self, the tenth man. The

discovery is simply counting the Self.

The same is so with the five senses, the Sixth

Sense is the Self. The Sixth Sense is the only

truly sentient sense. Like an unbroken

thread of intuition, the other transient

senses are strung on it.


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


The Sixth Sense is the inherent, invisible

substratum of the world, mind & brain and

transcends the world, mind & brain at the

same time in a continuum. The Sixth Sense

is intangible awareness and the only

enlightened sense of the senses. This pure

sense of existence is not dependent on the

world, body, brain and in fact, mind and the

world, body, brain and mind actually appear

and disappear within it, not the other way

around. This is the big illusion and why it is

and always will be a Mystery for the limited

mind to comprehend. The causeless, still

background is ever aware and reflective like

the surface of a mirror and ever-present like


When doership and the five senses are

released; Wisdom is present. The sixth sense

is pure sentience. There is no doership in

sentience. It is not dependent on the body-

mind or world. The five bodily senses are not

sentient. They are transient. Doership is the

illusion of movement.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“Increasing evidence is demonstrating that

ESP does exist, but it cannot be explained or

quantified by physical laws; and

furthermore, that the mind (consciousness)

and the brain are two separate entities.

Simultaneously, research in quantum

physics points to the existence of a second,

nonmaterial universe. So, the time is fast

approaching when Western scientists must

come to terms with the Eastern mystical

concept: „that an extrasensory force exists in

another reality, and intersects and

integrates with the physical world‟".


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“ESP does really exist. Does really occur, we

say. ESP is nonphysical. It shows that there

is something that man can do (be) that

extends beyond space/time. That‟s

tremendous! That‟s like discovering another

continent, a new world. First, take religion.

Most of the world is religious. What is the

greatest enemy to religion or the greatest

weakness in the position of religion? The

fact that it cannot successfully refute the

growing conception in the world of science

that man is a wholly physical being. That is,

it‟s the position of materialism. If religion

could refute materialism, it would be in a

much firmer, sounder position because it

stands on the assumption that there is

something spiritual or extra physical about


J B Rhine~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


I-Dolls, Deification & Role of Toto

eifications and I-Dolls (Idolatry) are

constantly sticking their heads up in the Now

saying “Look at me! I am the holy one!”

Sometimes we do it for them and they buy

into it. They appear in many incredible

forms. They are a part of the mortal and

mystical drama. Many are simply ego trips.

They are projections from the veneer of the

mind. They can be awesomely seductive and

trap your attention. You may even have a

secret desire to be an I-Doll and project it

onto to another. This is not to say that

sincere saints and sages are not worthy of

veneration. The true sage, however, will

exhibit equality of vision and expose

deification and idolatry for what it is.

Deification robs love every time. It is

inherently divisive.

Many I-Dolls are situated around the very

well of our being. The water in the well is the

same for everyone. Some set up toll booths to

sell you, you. Usually it is in the form of a


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


secret method or secret school of the esoteric

arts with hierarchies, vows, mantras,

memberships, God squads, wannabes… they

are all the same. It is carrot stick quackery.

Don‟t be fooled! Drink freely from the Well.

In the story of the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy‟s

pet, Toto, pulls the curtain back covering the

Wizard at just the perfect time to reveal an

extraordinarily ordinary being. Toto is a fact

of life. Toto happens when idolatry reaches

the breaking point. Toto is a blessing.

We are all One. Toto is making sure equality

of vision is recognized. We are all unmasked

at the perfect time. Welcome Toto when he

appears. He comes in infinite forms to level

the playing field by pulling the curtain back.

Surrender. Allow Toto to pull the curtain

back and reveal the ordinary. Understand

how Toto‟s perfect action empowers

Dorothy, the Tin man, the Lion and the

Scarecrow and restores Love to the Wizard.

Empower others by being extraordinarily

ordinary. Be transparent. Love is Oneness.

Nobody is a Wizard. Everyone is the Wizard.

This is the Truth. This is Wizardry. This is


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Dorothy and Toto

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“Oz never gave anything to the Tin Man,

that he didn‟t, didn‟t already have”


"Try and penetrate with our limited means

the secrets of nature and you will find that,

behind all the discernible laws and

connections, there remains something

subtle, intangible and inexplicable.

Veneration for this force beyond anything

that we can comprehend is my religion. To

that extent I am, in fact, religious."

Albert Einstein~

“Here the frailest leaves of me and yet my

strongest lasting,

Here I shade and hide my thoughts, I myself

do not expose them,

And yet they expose me more than all my

other poems.”

Walt Whitman~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“My spirit to yours dear brother,

Do not mind because many sounding your

name do not understand you, I do not sound

your name, but I understand you, I specify

you with joy O my comrade to salute you,

and to salute those who are with you, before

and since, and those to come also, That we

all labor together transmitting the same

charge and succession, We few equals

indifferent of lands, indifferent of times, We,

enclosures of all continents, all castes,

allowers of all theologies, Compassionaters,

perceivers, rapport of men, We walk silent

among disputes and assertions, but reject

not the disputers nor any thing that is

asserted, We hear the bawling and din, we

are reach'd at by divisions, jealousies,

recriminations on every side, They close

peremptorily upon us to surround us, my

comrade, Yet we walk unheld, free, the

whole earth over, journeying up and down

till we make our ineffaceable mar upon time

and the diverse eras, Till we saturate time

and eras, that the men and women of races,

ages to come, may prove brethren and

lovers as we are.”

Walt Whitman~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Walt Whitman

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Turning Inside-Out he Wizard‟s Wisdom is a profound paradigm

shift, turning the sense of “Being”, itself,

inside out. That is to say the body, mind,

world and even the “I-thought” arise and

dissolve in the infinite, eternal and

inseparable NOW. Not the other way around.

Sentience is not exclusively in your head. It

is the other way around. You head is

appearing in your formless sentience.

This silent theater of theaters, all inclusive,

birth-less and death-less pure spirit within

which State arises, I Am, is Who you are

turned inside-out. Spirit is always singular. It

is Wisdom. It is causeless. All are of it

(Wisdom) but don‟t all recognize it. Being

actually nameless, Wisdom goes by a lot of

other names in many cultures throughout

history; Atman, Tao, Christ, Bhagavan,

Collective Unconscious, Buddha, Divine,

Self, Guru, Spirit, Holy Ghost, Rama, Now,

God, Love, Intuition, Sixth Sense, Soul,

Nirvana, Void, Heart, Arunachala, Shiva,

Peace, Wizard, The Zone, Omkar, Great

Spirit, etc.


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Being immaculately still, Wisdom exhibits no

name of its own, makes no claim of its own

and allows all names and claims. No need to

be confused by this or that name. A rose is

still a rose regardless of what we call it.

Be still and know this silent Truth for and as

one‟s nameless Self. It is re-cognition of non-

physical existence. It is simple, natural,

effortless, motionless, and Self-affirming. It

is the very core and Heart of existence. Being

no-thing, it is ungraspable like trying to grab

a hand full of sky. It is perfect clarity and

intuition. Perfectly transparent, it allows

everything. Including and transcending the

body, brain and mind (including all

phenomena). This Wisdom, This Sixth

Sense, is who you always already are,

“Stillness”, the “Peace that Passes


Reaching the point of diminishing returns

and exhausting the search through

phenomena is the prerequisite for turning

inside-out. The focus needs only to turn

around 180° and observe the searcher.

Explore the nature of yourself to the point

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


the inner statement, “I”, dissolves or

becomes transparent to the silent pervasive

state of the Self, Wisdom‟s sweet Peace. You

are totally inside-out, already.

Now he has departed from this strange

world a little ahead of me. That means

nothing. People like us, who believe in

physics, know that the distinction between

past, present and future is only a stubbornly

persistent illusion."

Albert Einstein~

Albert Einstein

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


The Ultimate Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift is when a significant change

in perception happens from one

fundamental view to a completely different

view. One perceptual world view is replaced

by another view. In lay terms, a Paradigm

Shift is a shift or transformation of the way

we perceive events, people, environment,

and life altogether.

Non physical existence is literally true and a

profound dis-covery for all Wizards. It is a

THE paradigm shift.

Ponder the notion that phenomena is but an

insentient light show like a hologram played

in the theater of the transcendent and

transparent Self. All phenomena are

objective. Perception is sentience. Find out

what perceives. Perception is of the

subjective. It is the Witness and real

awareness and who you are. Dis-cover it by

focusing attention on the little word-I which


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


constantly narrates your story line. The

silent listener and state of the real formless

“I” will become self evident as that within

which all arises. It is always the omniscient

screen within which the audible little “I”

word thought occurs. That is the ultimate

paradigm shift! The sense of Being, itself,

shifting from limited knowledge held captive

in a bundle of thoughts to pure omniscient


It is the most powerful paradigm shift. It is

unimaginable and unknowable. True

alchemy changes everything; a change in

outlook from mortal physical existence to

boundless non-physical existence. It must be

experienced directly, free from distracting

thought. It is genderless. It is formless. It is

choice-less. It is free of the ownership of

religions and yet validates the essence of all

religions. It is that which messiahs point to,

that which poets sing to, that which sages

proclaim the Wisdom of, that which devotees

bend the knee to, that which inspires leaders,

artists and visionaries. It is the host-theater

within which all appear and disappear; the

vertical paradigm. It is literally the “Now”,

right now! It is the Tao, the Way and the

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Truth. Wisdom knows no boundaries or


Not being of the five senses and the mind

(extra sensory), the Truth cannot be known

by the mind. It is like putting the Pacific

Ocean in a quart container. It won't fit. The

proper tool of discovery is Being, not

knowing. This is very important to Wizards.

This is what makes it so difficult for

academics to grasp. It is too simple and

natural. Being perfectly still, nobody can

grasp it but everyone is IT and inheres in IT.

Having infinite capacity, it accepts

everything. Being forever constant, IT goes


Draw your conclusions of the diminishing

returns and the futility of seeking and

searching through objective fleeting

phenomena for some kind of answer and

turn attention around 180 degrees. Discard

all the illusory elements of the psychic world

as noise and distraction and focus on your

own stillness and silence. This is the

breakthrough as to the real nature of human

beings, Wisdom.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


We are not Beings having a sacred

experience; we are sacred Being having

human experiences. Allow the paradigm

shift. The image remains the same.

Is this a young lady or an older woman?

A paradigm shift will reveal both.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“The aim of the (Rhine) foundation, he said,

was to be non-doctrinaire, nonpolitical,

intended to be free of even philosophical

bias, by the increased illumination of

reliable knowledge. This search for truth

about the nature of man, he thought, would

profoundly affect those systems of belief

that now prevail. In a world so full of wide

ranging claims and confusing, even

conflicting, doctrines and creeds… the need,

he said, is for strong independent

institutions to which these great problems

can be referred.”

Louisa Rhine~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Sharing What Already Is

ne of the difficulties in communicating the

truth of our oneness is that the vertical

paradigm cannot be grasped by the mind.

The mind is the horizontal paradigm with

past and future images comprised of so-

called knowledge. The paradigm shift to

vertical does away with the illusion of the

mortal paradigm and transforms your world

into a benign play of consciousness within

the still “Now”.

Although it cannot be “known”, "It" can be

experienced by anyone as their own heart of

existence. Extricate your sense of personality

from knowledge and be pure Wisdom. It is

experienced deep within your own Being as

Being, headless and prior to thought. Share

that. Truth is not a thought. One is

nonphysical existence, first hand. This is the

paradigm shift that is so liberating. Confess

and affirm that Oneness which is already

shared as the highest common denominator.


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


To share Wisdom and the sixth sense is to

commune. It affirms Oneness and Love. This

Love authenticates non physical existence,

joyfully. This recognition frees

enlightenment from the ownership of

religions and orthodoxy while at the same

time, offers religions a reason to be. It

exposes dogma, the charlatans, toll booths at

the well of our Being, the dead talking to the

dead, and carrot stick quackery. Be a wise

Wizard. Share the sincere Truth with

equality of vision!

"Sadashiva, who is ever present in the

hearts of all human beings, is the unifying

factor. Unity liberates. Freedom unites.

Ultimately nothing is mine or yours;

everything is ours. Just be one with yourself

and you will be one with all, at home in the

entire universe."

Nisargadatta Maharaj~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“There is no greater mystery than this, that

we keep seeking reality though in fact we

are reality. We think that there is something

hiding reality and that this must be

destroyed before reality is gained. How

ridiculous! A day will dawn when you will

laugh at all your past efforts. That which

will be the day you laugh is also here and


Ramana Maharshi~

“The Kingdom of God is at hand”

Jesus Christ~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Bridge to the Unknown

he existing paradox of life is fraught with

confusion and contradiction. Words and

knowledge, at best, only point an imaginary

way to the unknown. There is no way. Words

are the tip of the finger. Words do not

constitute Wisdom. Truth is not a thought.

Enough said. Stillness is discovered by being

still. It is Wizardry when you are quiet

enough to truly listen. Bathe in the silence.

Be not concerned about how the storyline

unfolds. Allow the horizontal paradigm to

dissolve away or become transparent. Take

your stand in headless “Being”. The mind

cannot fathom the depth of who you are and

is not the proper tool to re-cognize who you

are as the unknown. Being is the girder and

strength in the bridge to the unknown, not

the mind. Allow sentience, itself, to fall to the

heart of existence. Paradigm shifts; Wisdom

and Peace prevail. Let the mind do as it

pleases and don‟t worry about it.

Faith is the antithesis of belief. Belief is

nothing but concepts. Faith abides in the

heart sky and requires no thought. Wizards


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


peel the veneer of words off reality and put a

capital M on Mystery. That is Faith. Trust the

Mystery as Thy Free Will. It will take you

home sans mind to the thoughtless and

unknown in a perfect way. It does not need

your help. The thoughtless can never be

contained in the mind. What's left

is Wisdom‟s sweet Peace. The illusory doer

(and knower) is undone in the process. It

never existed! What is already the case is self

evident. Being true, it is confirmed by the

Wisdom of the Ancients, the essence of the

arts and the spontaneous personal

discoveries confessed by many.

“I cannot be awake for nothing looks to me

as it did before, Or else I am awake for the

first time, and all before has been a mean


Walt Whitman ~

“The intellect has little to do on the road to

discovery. There comes a leap in

consciousness, call it Intuition or what you

will, the solution comes to you and you don't

know how or why.”

Albert Einstein ~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Wizard’s Alchemy

ncient lore has it that a Wizard‟s alchemy

changes base metals into gold.

In Wizard speak, this means the

transformation and translation out of the

carnal physical paradigm into non physical

immortal existence. This is bona fide

alchemy. It should get your attention.

Anything else is just trickery!

Hold fast to the ever present paradigm of

Now. Allow the horizontal story line to be, as

it will, and your sense of sentience will be

transformed as the world becomes

transparent and sacred. Simple surrender

invokes non physical existence. This is true

for both theists and atheists alike. Theology

has nothing to do with it. Wisdom is not

about what you believe; it‟s about simply

putting a capital “M” on the mystery and

trusting it. Alchemy will take it from there.

No doubt.


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


"Any sort of survival (non-physical

existence) holds such significance for human

thinking and feeling as to dwarf almost all

other scientific discoveries."

J B Rhine~

JB Rhine

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Pure Stillness

tillness is just that; Stillness. Stillness is

unmovable, omniscient and omnipresent.

Stillness is the Self, pure existence. Stillness

is ever present as the pristine and

inseparable Now. Stillness is peace, quiet,

invisible and indivisible.

So-called past and future concepts emanate

spontaneously from the core or heart of the

Stillness creating the Mysterious horizontal

illusion of incarnation, time, past, future. It

is an illusion that the “Now” moves through

time. Now is still and everything only

apparently moves. Allow all movement as a

benign apparition in the stillness. If it moves,

it‟s the movie. Be the still screen. It will not

be affected by the movie.

Thoughts are no more real than the dream is

real. That's all. Birth, life, doer, death and

reincarnation are time bound concepts

arising within the eternally still "Now"; all

temporary, but seductive story-lines

reaching back into the illusory past and

forward to the captivating future. How can


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


"stillness" be otherwise than move-less

silence within which the story-line appears?

Be natural stillness. This is Wisdom.

The still and silent sense of being is truly

shared by all. It is obvious. No exceptions.

Forms come and go. Wisdom is what is left

after the forms become a transparent and

benign play.

Only ponder words. Words themselves will

not penetrate, they only point or refer to an

apparition. Allow the words and messages to

fall away leaving the residue of pure re-

cognition and Wisdom. It's the state rather

than the statement in which attention

abides; mostly unnoticed. It's not what is

said and heard but rather what you share in

stillness that awakens.

Jesus was instructing, not bragging when he


“Be still and know, I am God”

Jesus Christ~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


The Narrator “I” In the Head

he narrator “I” appearing in the middle of

the skull-bone cannot know the unknown

with the mind. The mind is simply an

improper tool. It is like using arms to walk

instead of using legs. The narrator “I” is the

individual personality and seeker. It is a lie.

The same seeker that seeks and desires

money, food and sex ultimately seeks the

truth with the same tools and wants to know

or own it. The Narrator “I” is never, never,

ever enlightened and most likely a rascal. At

best, it can only bow its head.

If the imaginary narrator “I” cannot muster

the Faith, another efficient way is to use the

mind for self examination. It is using a thorn

to remove a thorn as they say. Put the “I”

thought to work by finding itself. Either way,

mind is undone and seen through.

Being is the true and eternal sense of

existence, not thinking. When the mind is


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


quiet, that which is nonphysical, eternal and

unknown is inherently self evident.

Two ways are the simplest. Surrender to Thy

Free Will and put the narrator “I” out of a job

or practice Self Inquiry to realize the illusory

bundle of thoughts claiming to be "I" is false,

an apparition only. Both result in the stilling

and disappearance of the permanence of the

narrator “I” in the mind. The I-thought is the

root of all fear because it is identified with a

mortal body.

Inherent tendencies may continue to play

out but without doership. They are benignly

playful. Life becomes synchronistic and

graceful. Be patient and trust the Mystery, all

is unfolding as it should. You are blessed!

The play of consciousness will now serve you

as who you really are. This is called your


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“To the mind that is still, the whole universe



“They (Synchronicities) demonstrate the

unity of psyche and matter, forcing us to

transcend our rational, scientific,

materialistic attitudes.”


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Everyone You Meet Is a Godsend

iew everyone you meet as a Godsend. Never

be too proud to recognize this. Treat every

circumstance the same way. Be humble. Be

the sculptor who sees that true image of the

goddess embedded in that piece of granite.

Ponder "every action is perfect" and let it all

go. It is even prior to forgiveness. Trade your

knowledge for pure innocence. Recognize

one another in God.

See all as grace, including some intense

grace. Pain and discomfort are not

necessarily suffering, but they are part of the

condition of the body-mind. It is just biology.

Old age, sickness and death are inevitable for

the biological body-mind. Allow biology to

run its course. No need to judge the biology.

The sculptor is chipping away to reveal the

Truth. In the mean time, the transcendent

Being is no more affected than the surface of

a mirror reflecting an image. Just like a


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


dream when asleep. Who you are is ever

present, eternal and non physical. It

is synonymous with the now and omniscient.

It is the screen the movie is playing on and

the true state of your sentient Self.

Suffering starts with bodily identification

and "doership". True healing and alchemy

are the transcendence of bodily identification

revealing the eternal Divine Self. Destiny will

unfold appropriately as your actions become

your dance of the divine and peace of mind

prevails. Wizard sees Wisdom, ego sees ego.

See Divinity. Be Divinity.

That does not mean that your sacrifice

courage. Have the courage to speak your

truth under any condition. Courage is not

demeaning, it is affirming.

“There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle. The

other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein~

“Love One another as I have loved you”

Jesus Christ~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


The Folk Fellowship At Large

mbrace the inspiration to share the truth of

our oneness in different ways and in

challenging cultures as fate will allow. Your

spontaneous work will undoubtedly break

the role models of the past and many

traditionalists will inevitably be shocked or

offended as new leaves and forms bud on the

tree of life. This alchemy of creation yields

and reveals ever new ways to express the

truth of who you really are. You will be using

your present unique human endowment and

circumstances to express the truth of your

oneness. Have the courage to be your truth.

A Wizard sees the truth of oneness in the

dance of daily realities. This gift has the

power to bring out the truth in each and

every one and is the secret of good company.

The master sculptor sees the goddess in the

block of granite and goes about removing

what is not the goddess to reveal the beauty

of the figurine. God sees God and ego sees


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


ego. When God sees God, it is Holy

Communion. When ego sees ego, it is a

reflection that teaches about your own

mental tendencies that prevent you from

recognizing that you are the eternal “Now”.

It is where the sculptor goes next to chip

away. Allow the chipping away.

Sharing this truth of oneness via a variety of

ways in both the Eastern culture as well as in

the Western culture is rapidly emerging in

the information age on a global scale. This

cross-cultural bridge is genuine and the

timing, auspicious. Some of the ways

manifested are at a variance of what is

considered traditional Wisdom. This is grist

for the mill and invites radical relationship

for those involved resulting in edification for

a sharing in progress that is fitting in a new

time and a new generation; like threads in

the tapestry that can‟t be

compartmentalized. Together, these

relationships contribute to the healing of

nations, increased tolerance, deepened

spiritual understanding and reformation.

Folk Fellowships go by a number of different

names spread across far distant places. In

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


China, they are referred to as Taoists. In

Japan, Shinto; in India, the Hindus; in the

British Isles, it is the Pagans (means country

or natural). In Jamaica, it‟s the Rasta; in

South America, Shamans; in America,

Hippies, Burners and New Agers; and so it

goes. All are a part of the Folk Fellowship at

large. The neo Advaita movement is such a

fellowship. These are not organized religions

but they are very authentic fellowships.

There are also many fellowships even more

encompassing that are unknown and

unrecognized. The mark of authenticity is

the love and equality of vision. Membership

button is your belly button.

Find a natural mythological microcosm of

universal Truth for all abiding in the “Now”.

You will find artisans in every form living

their own way of expressing the

inexpressible, making up pieces of the

patchwork that come together to form the

tapestry of our communities and world. All

are countless gems in a sacred necklace

around the supreme mantle of Peace. Some

are well cut and polished like diamonds and

others are very informal and natural like

diamonds in the rough waiting to be

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


discovered. Known or unknown, they are all

true gems. Altogether they make up the

wonderful garland that adorns the Truth of

our Oneness; The Nameless Folk Fellowship.

"It would be possible to describe everything

scientifically, but it would make no sense; it

would be without meaning, as if you

described a Beethoven symphony as a

variation of wave pressure."

Albert Einstein~

“You must be the change you want to see in

the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi~

“After this I beheld, and, lo, a great

multitude, which no man can number, of all

nations, and kindred, and people, and

tongues, stood before the throne, and before

the lamb [peace] clothed with white robes

[bright auras], and Palms [flowers] in their

hands; [the inclusive global fellowship of

non-dual wisdom, Oneness, that requires

not a religion or organization or dogma or

belief yet is the true essence of all religion.

Gees! Us! Without the “I” thought]

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


And cried out with a loud voice, saying,

Salvation to Our God which sitteth upon the

throne [our highest mutual Spirit or Love],

and unto the lamb [sacrifice of “I” thought

and thus peace].

And all the angels stood round about the

throne, and about the elders and the four

beasts [the “fornicating whore” is the Ma

Kali mask in Hindu mythology and the

dragons represent the play of consciousness

that seduces us into a fearful carnal and

mortal outlook believing the dream is real.

That beast that “is, but never was, but still

is” like a dream that fools us until we wake

up], and fell upon their faces [renunciation

of the “I” thought and personality] and

worshiped God [Oneness],

Saying, Amen: Blessing, and Glory, and

Wisdom, and Thanksgiving, and Honor,

and Power, and might, be unto our God

[Oneness] forever and ever. Amen.

And one of the elders answered, saying unto

me, What are these which are arrayed in

white robes? And whence they came? [Those

unrecognized by any religion, doctrine,

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


orthodoxy or creed. Those free of the

ownership of religion and death of forms]

And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. They

are they which came out of great tribulation

[the struggle between the carnal outlook

and paradigm of mortal existence

characterized as the “I am the body notion”,

and the paradigm of non physical or eternal

seamless existence as Spirit, characterized

by peace and love. This struggle begins only

after the “marriage feast” where one is

caught up by Grace in the heavens and

made One with Christ or God or Spirit

which is really nameless. One returns to

“earth” with the bride and the tribulation

begins between the two paradigms] and

have washed their robes [karma, mortal

tendencies], and made them white [pure] in

the blood of the Lamb [sacrifice of the “I”

thought and peace].

Therefore are they before the throne of God

[the kingdom of God is at hand right Now],

and serve him [the Father or Siva, the

sentient formless aspect] day and night in

his temple [the infinite omniscient Here &

Now and great Host and cathedral of All]:

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


and he that sitteth upon the throne shall

dwell among them [literally as them in

formless existence].

They shall hunger no more, neither thirst

anymore; neither shall the sun light on them

nor any heat [as non physical existence].

For the Lamb which is in the midst of the

throne shall feed them, and shall lead them

unto living fountains of waters: and God

shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”

Revelation, Chapter 7~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm

not the only one. I hope someday you'll join

us, and the world will be as one”

John Lennon~

John Lennon

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


A Wizard’s Re-Creation

he Wizard‟s Vision is always present Peace

and clarity. It is the eyes to see the Now,

clearly. It is not an imagining of otherness or

a fantastic light show.

The Vision is one of responsive service, here

and now, as fate allows. The Vision is

recognition of existing wholeness. It is the

wholeness of the mutual transcendent Self,

our minds & bodies, our planet, all within

our current reality. The Vision spontaneously

supports stewardship and mentorship. The

Wizard‟s Vision is open-ended, open-

minded, in repose and allows for its own

unique “re-creation”.

An environment that fosters a Wizard‟s re-

creation is mutual trust; simply called good

company. Enjoy it! A Wizard‟s re-creation is

natural and organic and aligned with

Mystery. A Wizard‟s re-creation is to nourish

and heal, continually restoring wholeness

back to the environment. A re-creation that

is responding to the genuine needs of one


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


another and those served. As a Wizard, re-

creation is to enjoy the good company of

apparent others. Everyone may participate in

the re-creation of a fresh, wholesome and

enlightened Planet Earth freely floating in

the Heavens. Membership of the fellowship

is as big as all outdoors. Aspire to make the

Vision Real-I-Zation.

"Great spirits have always found violent

opposition from mediocrities. The latter

cannot understand it when a man does not

thoughtlessly submit to hereditary

prejudices but honestly and courageously

uses his intelligence."

Albert Einstein~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Wizards’ Wizards

here is already a Wizard in your life. Most

Wizards are unknown. They are also known

as shaman, sages and seers; even rascals.

Wizards manifest in different forms,

including animal and nature forms. The

Wizard also dwells within you as you. There

are precious few confessed Wizards.

Wizards have Wizards of affirmation that

assist in the establishment of the paradigm


The writer has many mentor Wizards, both

known and unknown. Ram Dass, James

Campbell, Swami Muktananda, Ramana

Maharshi, Nityananda, Ma Joya, Neem

Karoli Baba, K. Sridhar, Yum, Papa-ji, A.

Ramana, Nisargadatta Maharaj, to name a

few of the better known. A true Wizard is a

friend and will relieve you of your search.

They will not pick your pocket. They will re-

cognize you as your sacred Self. A few other

famous classic confessed Wizards you may

have heard about are Jesus Christ, Buddha,

Lao Tzu, Walt Whitman, Eckhart Tolle,


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Rama Krishna, Sai Baba, Puppet-ji, Albert

Einstein, John Lennon, Carl G. Jung, Bob

Marley, Deepak Chopra, Stephen Covey et al.

“I learned this, at least, by my experiment:

that if one advances confidently in the

direction of his dreams, and endeavors to

live the life which he has imagined, he will

meet with a success unexpected in common

hours. He will put some things behind, will

pass an invisible boundary; new, universal,

and more liberal laws will begin to establish

themselves around and within him; or the

old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his

favor in a more liberal sense, and he will

live with the license of a higher order of

beings. In proportion as he simplifies his

life, the laws of the universe will appear less

complex, and solitude will not be solitude,

nor poverty, nor weakness. If you have built

castles in the air, your work need not be

lost; that is where they should be. Now put

the foundations under them.”

Henry David Thoreau~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Ram Dass

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Ramana Maharshi

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


James Campbell

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


K. Sridhar

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Neem Karoli Baba

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Eckhart Tolle

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper



Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Swami Muktananda

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Jesus Christ

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper



Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


A. Ramana

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Dr. Stephen Covey

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Ananda Maya Ma

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


V. Ganesan

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Nisargadatta Maharaj

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Hexagram 50 Ting The Cauldron hirty years ago, this ancient Chinese

Divination emerged twice in a row,

describing the destiny of John Troy, aka

Wizard Baldour. The Wizard accordingly

named his enterprise and livelihood, The

Wizard‟s Cauldron.

The six lines construct the image of Ting,

THE CAULDRON; at the bottom are the

legs, over them the belly, then come the ears

(handles), and at the top the carrying rings.

At the same time, the image suggests the

idea of nourishment. The ting, cast of

bronze, was the vessel that held the cooked


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


viands in the temple of the ancestors and at

banquets. The head of the family served the

food from the ting into the bowls of the


THE WELL (48) likewise has the secondary

meaning of giving nourishment, but rather

more in relation to the people. The ting, as a

utensil pertaining to a refined civilization,

suggests the fostering and nourishing of

able people, which redounded to the benefit

of the state.

This hexagram and THE WELL are the only

two in the Book of Changes that represent

concrete, human-made objects. Yet here too

the thought has its abstract connotation.

Sun, below, is wood and wind; Li, above, is

flame. Thus together they stand for the

flame kindled by wood and wind, which

likewise suggests the idea of preparing food.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper




Supreme good fortune. Success.

While THE WELL relates to the social

foundation of our life, and this foundation is

likened to the water that serves to nourish

growing wood, the present hexagram refers

to the cultural superstructure of society.

Here it is the wood that serves as

nourishment for the flame, the spirit. All

that is visible must grow beyond itself;

extend into the realm of the invisible.

Thereby it receives its true consecration and

clarity and takes firm root in the cosmic


Here we see civilization as it reaches its

culmination in religion. The ting serves in

offering sacrifice to God. The highest earthly

values must be sacrificed to the divine. But

the truly divine does not manifest itself

apart from man. The supreme revelation of

God appears in prophets and holy people.

To venerate them is true veneration of God.

The will of God, as revealed through them,

should be accepted in humility; this brings

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


inner enlightenment and true

understanding of the world, and this leads

to great good fortune and success.


Fire over wood:

The image of THE CAULDRON

Thus the superior man consolidates his fate

By making his position correct.

The fate of fire depends on wood; as long as

there is wood below, the fire burns above. It

is the same in human life; there is in man

likewise a fate that lends power to his life.

And if he succeeds in assigning the right

place to life and to fate, thus bringing the

two into harmony, he puts his fate on a firm


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Cauldron Flaming Atop Arunachala

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


The Story Line of John Troy aka the Wizard

ohn‟s family and friends as well as his

business and professional associates call him

The Wizard. He says he‟s just doing what

wants to happen.

“John Troy” is a

horizontal story line.

As such, it is written

in third person. It is

imaginary in the sense

it is not what you

think it is. Wizard

Baldour is the ever-

present vertical

paradigm. It is not

imaginary. It is really nameless. It always is.

The preceding portion of this manual is

written from the stance of the vertical

paradigm of existence, the here and now.

The following is the illusory linear story-line

of John‟s recognition of the Wizard and the


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


domicile of the wise, Wisdom. In the end,

accept the message as your own and reject

the messenger as just another temporary

story line. Let it fade away. It is not


John Troy (Wizard Baldour) is a North

Carolina native, born and raised in this

gentle, southern state. A Sagittarius born on

November 26, 1939 at sunset on a full moon

rising in Gemini. John is a fraternal twin.

As a child, summertime found him at a farm

in the Blue Ridge Mountains where he began

to learn all about the natural world of foods,

forests and fellowship, firsthand. His

Grandmother was a wonderful mentor. He

spent his time harvesting strawberries,

shucking corn, collecting eggs from the

henhouse, churning butter and even milking

the cows. He helped his Grandmother

prepare lavish meals on a wood cook stove.

Mealtime was the highlight of the day at his

Grandmother‟s farm and he loved the notion

of feeding people. Mixing savory smells,

good times and mighty fine eating became

dear to his heart.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


John and his twin brother, Frank, loved to

play in the woods and climb the mountains.

John was not suited to be an academic even

though he came from a family of academics.

It was a great struggle. He loved to work,

play and share fellowship.

Out of school, because of his love for music,

John started a stereo component business

that became a leading retailer in the

Southeast in the stereo component business.

His wife at the time left him to be with his

best friend and partner, John Richmond.

They edge John out of his own business.

Alcohol played a role. This was the crushing

blow. He began to use marijuana and tried

LSD. John had lost his wife and business and

now John was about to lose his mind.

John pulled himself together and started a

chain of stores called The Stereo Place with a

partner, Tom Viviano, in Florida. He meets

his new wife, Linda Gowing, and the old

pattern of self destruction along with a

recession, starts repeating itself and he goes

out of business; losing everything, again.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Shortly afterwards, John‟s sojourn to

“Wizard” begins one evening at a friend‟s

home 40 years ago. It is a sudden paradigm

shift that completely changes his outlook on

life. A direct Self realization happened while

glancing through a book called, “Be Here

Now” by Ram Dass. It

all happened so

spontaneously. John‟s

attention introverted.

He was being drawn

upstream in a river of

light towards its

source. Reaching its

source, identity imploded. Awareness was

free from the body and gravity as it merged

with the universe. An awesome vibration was

felt like a gigantic low resonate bell ringing

that was emerging from the face of the deep.

The sound releases the last vestige of

identification of John as sentience. It was

state of total egoic absence; the absolute

unknowable. He implodes. All "otherness"

was utterly obliterated beyond description.

The ultimate experience of this absorption

proved unknowable and the only recollection

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


was through subtle intuition of eternal Joy.

The fruit of this intuition was a perception of

oneness as Love and the maturing and

deepening of Faith. The thorn of death was


John later learns that the formal term used

in Hindu philosophy for this experience is

Nirvikalpa Samadhi. John later intuits the

event as a Darshan from Neem Karoli Baba,

mentioned in the book he was reading. He

begins reading every book listed in the glossary

and eventually meets Ram Dass, who called him

an overaged hippie.

The experience of conventional reality upon

resuming bodily awareness was more like an

apparition and interpreted by John as

“turning inside-out”. Being was non-local.

Time stood still. The first eye contact after

this experience was with a small girl in the

same room. When John looked into her eyes,

he realized that he was looking at his Self!

Not as a reflection of a form in a mirror but

the very essence of both were really one and

there existed a continuum without egoic

points. Reality was transparent and the great

host of an unfolding apparition.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


When the sun came up the next morning, he

recognized the sun within the same infinity

of his Self. Everything was within the infinity

of his Self. He had turned inside-out without

an “I” thought anchoring sentience to a

bodily form.

John was stunned by this realization and had

little context in the world in which to frame

it. He had always thought he was literally the

voice in his head. He lacked the vocabulary

to express and articulate any insight.

Afterwards, he slowly began to lose touch

with the realization and started searching for

a way back to it through phenomena. He had

not the mentoring, affirmation or conviction

to abide in this profound realization.

Fortunately, this event

is followed with several

months of


affirmation. He soon

met Ram Dass through

Bo and Sita Lozoff who in turn introduced

him to Bhagavan Das who introduced him to

Ma Joya. It was during this time he

remarried with Linda and had a son, David.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


John‟s new father in law,

who was a Baptist

minister, Milan Gowing,

was John‟s introduction

to Christian scriptures. In

addition, a very close

friend who offered so

much affirmation and

support was a former employee of his, Barry

Drill. As John began to look at religion as a

source of affirmation, Barry was hanging

tough on the trap of deification and kept

John focusing back to his Self which

presented an enduring dynamic. John had

already enjoyed sharing psychedelics with

Barry not realizing what Barry seemed to

understand. John was most intrigued with

Barry and his lady friend, Virginia Graham.

They both turn him onto Eastern thought

and authors like Alan Watts and other folks

who were waking up. This led him to the

discovery of the book

Be Here Now through

a mutual friend,

Rosalie Macklin, and

the initial awakening.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


On the other hand, Reverend Gowing framed

the experience in the pages of the Book of

Revelation. John now had the ears to hear

what had previously made no sense to him.

The scripture accurately, in its historic

nomenclature, described what had

happened. Rapture (Nirvikalpa Samadhi),

marriage with Christ (Oneness) and

tribulation (the struggle between the carnal

paradigm and the immortal awakening). The

illusion was depicted as “the fornicating

whore” or Kali in Eastern traditions.

Later, there is a chance

meeting with a Shaman-

like elder in Jamaica

while on vacation on the

island. Jamesy-Man, as

this Rasta man is called,

is the first person with no

previous relationship

baggage who truly shares

a mutual inside-out paradigm with John.

Nothing but the here and now. No story

lines. This is a Darshan of profound

affirmation as the forms melted into

Oneness. Jamesy becomes John‟s spiritual

God-father without any fanfare. He refers to

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


their mutual outlook as “I & I, One Love”; an

affirmation by grace.

This initial meeting in the Rasta camp is cut

short by synchronistic events. Jamesy

mentions to John that he will be returning to

Jamaica and for him to follow the path from

that camp to a camp on top of a mountain on

the horizon. He points to the path at their

feet and then to a mountain ridge on the

horizon. He says, “I & I will meet there.”

John returned to North Carolina and his

domestic “story-line” totally fell apart. His

small business was failing and his new wife,

Linda, left him to be with his best spiritual

pal, Barry Drill. This was the second time.

His heart was completely shattered. In the

midst of the emotional turmoil, John could

not get Jamesy off his mind. All worldly

motivation was gone. Within a few months,

he sold his last possession, a Volkswagen,

and purchased an airplane ticket and

backpack. He left behind his toddler son,

David, his home and garden to go be with

Jamesy in the mountains of Jamaica. He had

no money or worldly possessions left to take

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


with him. He had no choice but to trust his

newly discovered intuition.

He arrived at James‟ (affectionately called

Jamesy-Man) camp, on top of the mountain

that Jamesy had pointed to, a few miles into

the wild mountain country of Jamaica,

outside of Cascades. It took several hours of

strenuous mountain hiking to reach his

campsite. When John finally reached the

camp, Jamesy was actually expecting him

and had built a grass hut for him to stay in.

The hut or “Gate” as they would call it was

woven with bamboo and situated on a knoll

under a Mango tree. John could see the

Caribbean Sea in the far distance.

The camp was permeated with a deep and

profound stillness. John was introduced to

the others in the camp. There were several

other Caucasians in the camp with similar

circumstances as John‟s. They all had very

interesting stories about how they were

drawn to be there with Jamesy.

John stayed with Jamesy in the mountains

for that entire winter. Jamesy began to teach

John the lessons of Love through

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


nourishment in every conceivable way.

Jamesy literally fed John out of the wild.

There were no roads, no electricity, no

mirrors, no running water, etc. There was no

money around as money was not used. The

huts were made of bamboo and straw with

dirt floors. There were no schedules, no

books, no names of days and months and no

watches or time references within the

environment. No rules, regulations,

schedules or hierarchy. The veneer of words

and concepts was absent.

John was treated and respected like a God.

James‟ mantra was “I & I One Love Jah

Rastafari”. The idea of “you” or "other" was

not in his mind or language. Jamesy never

asked for anything from anyone in return for

his profound generosity. He taught John to

never put his faith in money, again.

Jamesy‟s way of sharing was totally natural

and out of the wild. Jamesy could not read or

write. He taught by living example. John

adapted the skills of preparing healthy food

with what the good earth freely provided.

Days were spent gathering and preparing

food from scratch from the wild harvest.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Jamesy taught John the power of blending

love, fellowship and food; naturally,

gracefully and peacefully. The silence had its

own way.

There was such a profound sense of peace

about Jamesy. As John spent time hanging

with Jamesy, he noticed something unique.

In a nonverbal way with subtle nuances,

Jamesy seemed to continually share this

understanding of “turning inside-out”. He

was constantly affirming the awakened

paradigm for John. He constantly referred to

it as “I & I One Love”.

John was in awe of Jamesy. When he would

awake in the morning, Jamesy would be

returning from the wild loaded with wild

yams, veggies, herbs, coconuts and wild

fruits to feed everyone. He prepared herbal

teas and nursed peoples‟ sores. At nights his

laughter would ring through the mountains

and brighten hearts. His actions always

appeared to be so graceful. Coincidence

became commonplace as “accidents” became


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


John‟s conventional time paradigm melted

away into the eternal “Now”. Days were

spent preparing food, time alone in the wild,

watching white birds fly against the deep

green tropical background, bathing in the

waterfalls, carrying water, tending to

biological needs and hanging with Jamesy.

John was in Zion, as the Rasta would call it.

It was timeless. It was just happening. It was

graceful and peaceful.

John began to see this illiterate black man in

the mountains of Jamaica as one with a

profound saintly nature, similar to the sages

he had heard of from India; Neem Karoli

Baba, Ramakrishna and Swami Nityananda.

During that winter, several of his friends

were also drawn to Jamaica for varying

lengths of time. Everyone was treated with

equal love and respect.

Others from different

parts of the world

trickled in and out with

stories of remarkable

synchronicity. The local

people would visit

frequently. They would

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


bring gifts of food and always be good

company in the camp.

The environment was free of conventional

religious trappings. There was no

organization or hierarchy and nothing to

“join”. There was no political agenda.

Everyone enjoyed the simple company of


From time to time, Jamesy would share a

little story that he would make up on the

spot. One story, in particular, has been a

profound teaching for John from that point

on in his spiritual sojourn.

On one occasion, when a

friend, Scott Witt, left the

camp to go see the young

Guru Maharaj-ji from

India in the US, Jamesy

appeared at the door of the grass hut where

several people were spending their morning.

He was very animated and playful. He

started acting like a puppy dog as he started

telling the story.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“There was once said puppy dog who wanted

so bad to find said bone. It was all the puppy

could think about.” James started saying.

“So, puppy looked and looked and looked.”

Jamesy started ransacking the place like a

puppy looking for something. He became

obsessed with looking for the bone. He saw a

stick on the dirt floor and grabbed the stick

with his mouth just like a puppy dog would.

He acted so happy to find the bone, holding

the stick in his mouth!

“Puppy dog has bone. Puppy dog happy”

Jamesy kept saying. He was strutting all over

the place being proud of his new bone

(stick). “Puppy dog comes to pool of water in

stream. Puppy dog sees reflection of bone in

still pool. Puppy forgets bone in mouth and

is attracted to bone in reflection. Puppy goes

for bone in said reflection.” Jamesy says.

In a very animated way, as the story goes,

Jamesy then goes for the reflection of the

bone in the imaginary pool as if he did not

already have the bone in his mouth and

immediately the stick (bone) drops from his

mouth. “Now puppy dog not happy, lost

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


bone!” Jamesy says as he starts acting like a

puppy that is fretting.

Jamesy starts searching again for the lost

bone. After another very fretful search, he

finds the stick (bone) and is once again


“Puppy quickly returns to the stream and

looks to same said still pool with bone,”

Jamesy says, holding the stick in his mouth.

“This time puppy looks very carefully.”

Jamesy says slowly cocking his head to the

side “Puppy sees it‟s only a reflection of bone

already in mouth. Puppy understands puppy

has bone. Puppy holds on to said bone with

conviction. Puppy is happy again but wiser.”

Jamesy then swiftly departed and left the

small audience to ponder the story.

And so it went with John that winter in

James‟ camp. Slowly the line between “Zion”

and “Babylon” melt as John yearns to share

with his family and friends. Winter is over

and John takes leave of Jamesy and returns

home to North Carolina to be with friends

and family.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


It didn‟t take long for John to drop the

“bone” and start searching again. He actually

liked the camaraderie and adventure of it.

But it all left him longing and still searching

for spiritual experiences.

He becomes a devotee of

Swami Muktananda who

initiates him with full

blown yogic Shaktipat.

John takes a seven year

walk on the yellow brick

road with all the

mysticism and visions

unfolding; exhausting his

tendency to have “spiritual

experiences”. John spends a good bit of time

in Muktananda‟s company. Muktananda

blessed him and his work, consistently. John

was blessed to start an ashram in North

Carolina called the Maha Siddha Yoga

Ashram and to teach there.

Instead of a Hindu

motif, John co-founded

The Lindenself

Foundation with Philip

Rego and began retreats

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


and gatherings with Muktananda‟s blessing.

Many meetings and gathering were

forthcoming with Bhagavan Das, Ram Dass,

Peter Caddy, and Shlomo Carlebach along

with meeting Helen who was the scribe who

penned The Course in Miracles. Afterwards,

John was invited to participate in the very

first trial Course in Miracles.

The years pass. John‟s Co-

founder at Lindenself,

Philip Rego, asks John to

help develop the Wizard

character for a musical

drama he was working on.

The nick-name sticks. Here is where the

Wizard dimension becomes more self-

evident. The Wizard character continues to

develop out of the fellowship and motif of the

Lindenself Foundation and its community of

the arts.

It was the first act John played as the Wizard

on a Halloween night when the original

manuscript of A Course in Miracles, with no

copyright, was placed in his hands by two

ladies from the Psychical Research

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Foundation at Duke. He wrote on the cover,

“Love is the greatest miracle.”

John was not fond of passing the plate for

money to support his engagement of sharing

his emerging awakening with his friends.

Jamesy has cautioned him about the trap of

money and the beauty of freely receiving and

freely sharing. John becomes an ecopreneur

of the natural and organic food industry as a

right livelihood. The natural food trade gets

to know him as Wizard Baldour, like his

community at home. He meets and marries

Carol Ellis, who became his steadfast partner

and put the sweat of her brow with John‟s to

practice right livelihood and then to share

the fruits of their actions. Beginning with the

first power bar called Wizard Baldour‟s

Power Pac followed by a miso hot sauce

called Wizard Baldour‟s Hot Stuff. The

Wizard becomes a folk Wizard with Carol

silently supporting him all the way. They

sponsor retreats and a recording of the local

musicians called, It‟s All for Love. A

thousand vinyl copies were made and

distributed for free. They shared their living

space with friends, communally.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


On Muktananda‟s last

evening in America, in

upper New York State,

John and a friend,

Stewart Griffith, visit

the Mystic Swami. John brought the

Wizard‟s hat that was gifted to him by his

wife as a gift for Muktananda, knowing he

likes hats and that Muktananda is the true

Wizard. John approaches Muktananda and

goes blank prior to giving the hat to the

Swami. Muktananda places the Wizard‟s hat

on John‟s head and blesses him. John

remained in a swoon. This Darshan is

different from the others where there were

super phenomena displayed. There was

absolutely nothing! Nothing happened;

nothing to remember. John resumes bodily

awareness across the room with the hat on

the floor beside him under a statue of Ganesa

pouring riches over it in apparent blessing.

Roberta Flack, who had just dedicated and

sung “Killing Me Softly” with her band to the

Swami, walks over to John and firmly says,

“Put that hat back on. The Master put it on

your head and you are to wear it!”

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


The next day, Muktananda returns to India

and then after telling the staff to prepare for

a large gathering, goes to his room, get in

bed, pulls the sheet over his head and drops

the body. John felt as if he had lost a father.

The Wizard and Carol then

begin to build a unique

business that manufactures

and bottles organic sauces,

dressings and condiments.

The products are of very

high quality ingredients with outstanding

taste characteristics. Organic food products

that function as delicious delivery systems

loaded with healthy nutrients, nutriceuticles

and antioxidants that enhance good health

like miso, garlic, honey, ginger, apple cider

and balsamic vinegars, exotic chilies, herbs,

etc. It was a fulfilling livelihood.

John first came across Ramana

Maharshi‟s teachings originally

through a book by Bubba Free

John, Knee of Listening. John

then purchased a text of Talks

With Ramana Maharshi from

Bubba Free John‟s bookstore

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


in California. Here again in this text of

Ramana Maharshi was someone who seemed

to articulate and understand John‟s own

experience of “inside-out”. It became a

source text he always treasured. John had

intuited but had not been able to articulate

his Wisdom to this degree and simplicity.

Ramana Maharshi understands and

expresses Advaita Vedanta (non dual

wisdom) to his devotees in conversation. It

was the key that opened that door of the

intellect. It provided a simple language as

well as insight into the powerful paradigm

shift that John had experienced. Ramana

Maharshi, too, awakened without any

forgoing theology, religious tendencies,

practices or methodology. He simply had a

panic attack as an ordinary teenager and

accepted the fate rather than reacting to it as

confessed in his own words.

After some 20 years, John is,

again, drawn to James

Campbell in Jamaica. The

synchronicity was just as

intense as it ever was twenty

years earlier. John‟s intimate

partner, Carol, his son from

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


the previous wife, David, and a few others go

on a pilgrimage to Jamaica. John meets

Jamesy again and it is no different than the

first time. A profound sense of peace is at

hand. Jamesy recognizes John, seems to be

expecting him, and they both pick right up

where they left off. The sense of One Love

was so pronounced, that all seeking and

questions were dissolved in the stillness of

the moment. John is humbled by his reunion

with Jamesy. They spend very precious

moments together. John is left speechless

and affirmed. John takes the photographs of

his spiritual God-father you see in this

manuscript that he never did 20 years

before. It was the Ethiopian New Year and

many bands were making their way into the

back country to provide Jamesy with a free


When John returns

from Jamaica,

blessings poured in.

One was an Indian,

K. Sridhar, who is

introduced into

John‟s story line.

Sridhar is a very

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


accomplished Indian classical musician.

Sridhar‟s mother was a devotee of Swami

Nityananda, a great saint in India, and

Muktananda‟s Guru. Sridhar had grown up

with Swami Nityananda in India as a small

boy. He played music for many Indian

Advaita masters and other genuine spiritual

mahatmas, spent lots of time in seclusion,

had pilgrimages to the Himalayas to be with

his guru, or at Arunachala. Sridhar is a real

yogi and well versed in the yogic and Hindu

traditions and mythologies.

Like Jamesy, he understood and shared

John‟s experience of “inside-out”. He asks

John about his relationship with Bubba Free

John, Jamesy, Nityananda and Muktananda.

He informs John his guru in India sent him

(Sridhar gives all credit to his Guru); He

notices a photograph of Swami Nityananda

on John‟s mantel over the fireplace and

acknowledges that as a sign from his guru.

He begins immediately to build confidence

in John‟s own self-realization, just like Barry,

Jamesy and Muktananda did. He

particularly took John to task for any

lingering tendencies to deify so-called holy

people, especially Da Free John at that time.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Again, there are no money issues. You can‟t

give money to Sridhar. He won‟t take it. He

will give it away. He will only accept money

for concerts or CD sales. You may feed him

and offer a place to sleep. Sridhar, like

Jamesy and Nityananda never went to a

formal school.

Sridhar began spending informal time with

John. He offered constructive criticism about

hierarchal relationships with Gurus. Sridhar

became an authentic “Knee of Listening”

(Upanishad) for John. John is left with a

refreshed understanding of his own tendency

to re-seek for what he already has. He had a

“fire puja” with his objects of worship and

burned them up.

On a subsequent visit,

Sridhar‟s Guru in the

Himalayas suggests

that he might invite

John to India for a

month and stipulates

an itinerary. John

accepts the invitation

in full faith. The

sojourn begins in Bombay visiting the

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


ashrams of the deceased Muktananda and

Nityananda. Then it is off to Lucknow and a

meeting with Papaji prior to his dropping the

body. At these places, there is an awareness

of a growing tendency towards deification in

all these seekers‟ havens; budding religion

businesses attracting westerners with all the


Sridhar was teaching John what politically

organized religion business is all about, first

hand. It depended on the devotee dropping

the “bone”, every time. It depended on

devotees staying within the confines of a

religion or belief system. Sometimes literally

in the physical confines! Idolatry and

deification were always evident as pockets

were emptied.

This was the turning point in his trip to

India. John recognized his tenacious

tendency to drop the “bone” and felt he had

once again transcended any need for

organized religion and deification in all its

forms. The whole world was John‟s spiritual


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


After the meeting and

Darshan with Papaji, the

troupe secures a car and

driver and set off to the

ancient and sacred city of

Benares on the Ganges

River. They arrive at

sunset. Sridhar leaves John in the car while

he makes his way through the mystic maze to

find their room and to get help with luggage.

While waiting in the car for Sridhar to

return, an Indian gentleman

approaches. The gentleman looks just like

the pictures that John has seen of Ramana

Maharshi, who dropped his body in 1950.

John gets out of the car. The Indian

gentleman, with a walking stick in his hand,

strikes several postures and remains

comfortably still in each pose. John is awe

struck and fixated. Is he hallucinating?

Sridhar returns

with help for

luggage. John

turns around to

notice Sridhar who

is waving to get his

attention and when he looks back for the

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Indian gentleman, there is no one there. The

sky is a classic Red Indian sunset. Candle

pujas are floating along with the Ganges

river. John is suddenly on the E side of

E=MC2. All perception is now just a light

show. There is no noun left to identify with

as his sense of being is left standing at

formless infinity.

They quickly and

gracefully find

themselves making

their way to their

room on the Ganges

next to the cremation

grounds. All is unfolding exquisite

perfection. Synchronicity is driving events.

Mortality is missing. Doership is

missing. Sridhar mysteriously leaves John

for the rest of the evening. John is left with

his awakening for the night. The following

morning, Sridhar returns to their

accommodations. He acknowledges John‟s

Darshan with Ramana Maharshi and

instructs John to go to the Ganges to meet a

priest there at the edge of the Sacred Ganges.

The priest instructs John to take three dips

in the river and then asks him to sit on a

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


bamboo mat while the he applies “Tiki” to

his forehead while chanting Vedic chants.

The rest of the day is spent in bliss with

Sridhar. The knot of separateness was

dissolved, once again, for John.

The final leg of the

India sojourn

takes them to

southern India and

the Ashram of

Ramana Maharshi

at the foot of a sacred mountain called

Arunachala. Upon arriving, the troupe is

taken to the dining hall and graciously fed.

The campus is very peaceful. No

loudspeakers, no rules, no religion business.

There is nothing to join and no belief system

to follow. When they are taken to their

accommodations, John is stunned again. On

the wall in the room is a picture of Ramana

Maharshi as he had appeared in Benares.

Here, again, it is effortless for the mind to be


There was stillness throughout the campus.

Money was never mentioned or even

expected. There was not a set of rules or

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


anything to join. It seemed free of the

religious trappings found in the Guru

Ashrams of Northern India. The sense of

separateness again dissolved so easily in this

ocean of silence.

What John

was learning

with Sridhar

in India is

exactly what

Jamesy was

teaching. You

are the one

you seek. You are the very reflection you see

in holy people, literature and places. You are

your own “bone”. You are absolute silence.

John once again embraces the conviction

needed to not drop the “bone” of self-

awareness by projecting it on to others. He

began to see everyone and everything more

seamlessly in God.

John returns home, profoundly reaffirmed.

John then returns to Jamaica to visit Jamesy

and shares with Jamesy about his trip to

India. On departing from Jamesy‟s camp,

Jamesy offers John a calabash bowl, just like

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


the one he had used decades ago in the camp

when living with Jamesy.

John returns to his rented bungalow on the

western cliffs of Jamaica with his family. It

has been a dry season and water is scarce.

Dark clouds start rolling in and a tropical

storm lets loose with lightening everywhere.

John removes his clothes to have a shower in

the tropical rain. On the way out, he grabs

the calabash bowl.

After his shower,

John takes the bowl

in outreached hands

to collect rain water to

drink. He begins to hallucinate that the bowl

is changing into a female breast from which

he drinks. As he is putting the bowl aside, it

changes into a large green jade egg before

returning to an ordinary calabash bowl.

Back inside the

bungalow, he

stands, transfixed,

gazing at the dark

horizon over the

ocean as a great storm and lightening is

raging within the profound stillness of One

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Self. The communion with Jamesy and ALL

is so deep and still where all are One Love.

Rain leaked through the roof dripping on

John‟s head as he was anointed and

baptized, dead to the body idea, and

resurrected as that great host of everything

and everyone; and it all seemed ordinary to


All the shamans, teachers, authors and gurus

as well as some rascal friends are affirming

the same Truth of peaceful non physical

existence to John. All are a part of the

Masterpiece mosaic. All are enumerable

mirrors and are encouraging John to not

drop the “bone” of realization; to be more

firmly established in the Truth of being the

state of, not just the statement; I Am.

The next time the

Wizard sees

Sridhar, Sridhar

inquires about

Jamesy. He said

that his guru in the


informed him

Jamesy was the Wizard‟s most true

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


reflection. They were all serving the Wizard

encouraging him to not drop the “bone” of

Self Realization. The real teachers all affirm

the same Truth. They empower. Jamesy,

Nityananda, Neem Karoli, Sridhar, Ramana

Maharshi, God, Guru, Self and in truth,

everyone, are all one and the same in spirit.

Just different names, that is all.

The Wizard was being taught that Love is far

more gracious than a name and Love makes

no claim of its own. A name is like a veneer

and not to be worshiped as an exclusive


The last time the Wizard saw Jamesy was the

summer of 1998. Carol and the Wizard

traveled with Carol‟s daughter, Lisa, and the

Wizard‟s son, David. David and Lisa brought

more of their friends who wanted to visit

with Jamesy. The party visited the market,

bought fruit, veggies and a rope of tobacco

and set off to visit Jamesy outside Cascades.

As always, the synchronicity increased.

Jamesy was thrilled to see everyone and

began fixing a meal for the group in his

primitive outdoor kitchen. The fellowship, as

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


always, was sublime. He was saying “Jamesy

Man Rasta Man, John Man Rasta Man, I & I

One Love”. He asserted, “Color doesn‟t

matter, dreadlock hair doesn‟t matter, John

Man Rasta Man”. At the same time he

insisted that he was just an ordinary person.

As Sridhar says, “an elephant knows not its

own weight”. Jamesy started “reasoning”

about the environment, organic practices

and the use of corrupted seeds. He referred

to the abuses that were even destroying our

precious oceans. He spoke of the nourishing

power of the seed. How important it is to

protect it.

The Wizard understood exactly what he was

speaking of. He was coaching in right

livelihood. The Wizard made the decision

right there to implement and integrate these

changes into his personal and business life as

an organic ecopreneur. He heard Jamesy,

once again. It turned out to be the last

“reasoning” he had with Jamesy.

When the party left, the Wizard kissed

Jamesy all over his head and told him how

much he loved him. Jamesy was repeating “I

& I One Love, Praise Jah! I & I One Love,

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Praise Jah!” The Wizard knew he had found

a love that was completely free of the

ownership of any religion and the death of

forms. Simply, “I & I, One Love; there is no


The following year, the Wizard implements

an overall organic strategy for the company.

He shares his feelings about his relationship

with Jamesy more openly. The silence and

peace continue to emerge as the common

denominator of all his experiences. The

company, Wizard‟s Cauldron, flourished.

A year later, while John

was being The Wizard

character at an organic

food trade show, he felt so

powerfully the silence and

peace, even amidst the

trade show noise and

traffic. He actually started

talking like Jamesy, saying

Yes, I, Yes I, I & I. Little did he know, that

Jamesy had just discarded his physical form.

When the Wizard returns home he hears

from Jamaica that Jamesy dropped the body.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


With an organic strategy, the Wizard was

able to invest in and build a company with a

bottling plant in North Carolina; The

Wizard‟s Cauldron. He began to assemble a

larger team of skilled and energetic people

with shared principles. The company began

an enterprise in proprietary branding for

folks who were looking for a qualified

outsource team who understood the need for

a natural and organic way of providing

delicious food products.

In addition, The Wizard coached an artisan

food company in the UK where they

developed and formulated organic dressings

for Tesco, Waitrose and Sainsbury. He

continued to work with many small food

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


artisans, coaching them to be organic and

how to scale up for larger demand.

This was the beginning of the

prolific storm of sauces,

dressings and condiments

that were to follow. Many

became worldwide flavor

profiles; Honey Mustard Dressing, Soy

Ginger, Lemon Tahini, Balsamic dressings to

mention a few.

From his growing reputation, the Wizard

received an invitation from the prime

minister of Grenada to consult on how to

best utilize their small truck farms in

reaching the culinary markets of the world.

Then, the governor of Vermont asked The

Wizard to consult with the State of Vermont,

helping small food artisans develop and re-

formulate products and scale up for entry

into the natural foods industry. He worked

with this coalition of Vermont food artisans

and, today, many of these companies that the

Wizard coached are successful national

gourmet and natural food companies. The

Wizard‟s consulting business also took him

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


to Japan where he learned about the

wonderful world of Asian cuisine.

He was the owner CEO

and Coach at The

Wizard‟s Cauldron where

he championed the

company‟s marketing

strategy as “The Wizard

of Oz” strategy. With the

help of Dr. Stephen Covey, he modeled the

operating system from The Seven Habits of

Highly Effective People. John considered it a

secular roadmap to enlightenment.

The company grew to supply

over three hundred different

products for the organic food

trade. Brands included The

Wizard‟s, Whole Foods Market,

365 Organic, Wild Oats,

Central Market, Full Circle,

Premier Japan, Simply

Delicious, Spectrum, Rainforest Organic,

OrganicVille, Redbone Alley, Real Wasabi,

Annie‟s and Kraft.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


The Wizard was putting in place a succession

strategy as his business grew more successful

when he encountered V. Ganesan. It was in

North Carolina at AHAM. V. Ganesan was

the great grand-nephew of Bhagavan

Ramana Maharshi. This was the final

chapter; the last nail in the carnal coffin.

Upon meeting, they

recognized one

another. Ganesan was

skilled, educated,

articulate, bright, alert,

peaceful and

responsive. His

traveling mate,

Anuradha was likewise

responsive. Both were very curious about

John‟s relationship with Jamesy and offered

great respect for him. Ganesan drew a lot of

comparisons with his great uncle, Ramana

Maharshi, and stated them publically in

North Carolina as well as in India at his

shared talks on his veranda.

Ganesan had grown up until the age of

fourteen, in the presence of Ramana

Maharshi. After the death of the Maharshi in

1950, Ganesan went on to get a master's

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


degree in philosophy. Then

he returned for good to the

ashram at Tiruvannamalai.

His guru, Mother Krishna

Bai, had given him his

sadhana along with a note

of caution. The first was to find and to look

after the old devotees of Ramana Maharshi

as his spiritual practice. To bring them back

to Ramanashram. As a result, he was able to

absorb very personal and human

reminiscences of Ramana Maharshi. In

addition to this, close contacts with other

avant-garde sages like Nisargadatta Maharaj

and J. Krishnamurti helped him to deepen

his understanding of the essence of the

Maharshi's simple teaching of Self Inquiry.

The second was a caution of the “golden

chain” of being a relative of Ramana

Maharshi who had gained so much

recognition and fame. Guru Bai pointed out

that Ganesan‟s sadhana would be much

more difficult because of the genealogy link

with his grand uncle; that he would need to

“earn” his own “spiritual bread” and that the

genealogy was more a liability than asset in

his own spiritual sojourn. That being a

relative of the sage, Ramana Maharshi, did

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


not automatically bestow that wisdom on


For five years Ganesan and

John took many trips together

in India and America. They

spent much shared

time traveling in North

Carolina and hanging out at the

Wizard's abode in Cedar Grove

plus time at AHAM attending

his sharings as well as sharings

at AHAM in India. This was

John‟s introduction to A.

Ramana, as well, another avant-garde sage

who became John‟s friend. Ganesan and

John played in the ocean in Kerala, visited

temples in India, wandered the woods in

western North Carolina, and even went on a

cruise together to Bermuda. They were best

of friends. Ganesan and his attendant,

Anuradha, shared many, many deep

conversations about the human side of the

life of Ramana Maharshi. They all had much

fun together and laughed a lot. Both Ganesan

and Anuradha introduced the Wizard to

many of the old devotees and sages in India

where they shared good company. John and

Ganesan walked hand in hand.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


This precious intimate

sharing with Ganesan

enhanced the Wizard's

insight along with the

intellectual skills and tools

helpful in the expression of

his own insights. Ganesan

was truly a Wizard's friend. Ganesan shared

the lesson of never knowing and learned

ignorance with John.

The time and stories shared together along

with stories shared at AHAM under the title

of Rock and Boulders of Arunachala were

eventually all brought together as a sharing

idea in the west called The Human Gospel of

Ramana Maharshi, a suggestion by John

when Ganesan was apprehensive about the

censoring he imagined might occur if AHAM

or Ramanashram did any of the publishing

of the Rocks and Boulders talks. John was

also hesitant about calling the project Rocks

and Boulders of Arunachala as he felt it did

not reflect the human equality of vision

shared by Ganesan. Rocks and Boulders of

Arunachala deified the mountain and the

old devotees as the rocks and boulders,

superior and hierarchal to ordinary human

beings. John felt that a refreshed human

approached would serve better. John felt the

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Rocks and Boulders approach would divert

attention away from the human love that was

shared equally and would not be understood

in the West. John also suggested using a

portrait he had purchased from Wendel Field

for his son, David, as a cover, rather than

pictures of rocks and boulders that seemed

hard and un-human. The Human Gospel of

Ramana Maharshi required extensive

editing in Chicago style western English to

create an interpretation as a new western

version of all the stories and sharings with

the Wizard. It was meant to be a cross

cultural sharing with difficult translation

points around obscure cultural nuances.

The unique aspect of

these particular sharings

was that this revered sage,

Ramana Maharshi, was an

extraordinarily ordinary

human being! The curtain

was pulled back just as in

the Wizard of Oz,

divesting the sage of

projected carnal power, miracle monger,

idolatry and deification and further affirming

a true equality of vision; Love. This was not

to undermine the true veneration of a great

sage, but to reveal the simplicity which was

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


the human greatness of the avant-garde sage.

Ganesan was genuinely enthused at the

Wizard‟s opportunity to share this

interpretation in the “western” world in

“western” nomenclature with innocence and

complete trust. It was Ganesan‟s heart‟s

desire to share this simple and beautiful

truth, although he struggled with some

lingering fear of the repercussions from

those who deified the Maharshi with

superstitious idolatry which Ganesan openly

disclosed at the conclusion of their time

together prior to returning to India. John

was informed that there were many

superstitions in the Indian culture that he

still did not comprehend.

There were others in

India and elsewhere

that absolutely did not

want that curtain pulled

back by the Wizard to

reveal the true ordinary

man who was a genuine avant-garde sage.

This led to a conflict, a confrontation of

Dharma, which occurred over its being

shared. It seemed unfortunate but it is

within divine providence, as that confession

of being human as well as the transcendent

being was the key to true empowerment and

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


love. The arrow had left the bow and the

cornerstone heart agreement between John

and Ganesan was to not retrieve it after the

arrow had left the bow. This was the primary

agreement between them upon putting it all

together as The Human Gospel of Ramana

Maharshi. With that agreement in good

faith, John executed an agreement with his

publisher to commence on the project. The

Wizard moved forward enjoined by

synchronicity until finished and everyone

was awash in having the joy of working and

sharing together. The due diligence with the

project deepened John‟s insights about the

sage, Ramana Maharshi, and his human

qualities. The very last vestiges of John‟s own

tendency to deify were slowly and completely

dissolved in the solvent of the true sacred

communion of equality.

The sharings were destined to be shared as

Ganesan so gracefully shared what was

shared with him and in turn shared at large

in public discourses as well as personally

shared with John. The Wizard was certain

that these human confessions divested

political power structures and restored Love;

it affirmed Truth for ordinary human beings

and brought Truth into the reach of

everyone. Humanity simply did not need

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


another unreachable messiah from on high.

Avant-garde sages like Ramana Maharshi

were openly confessed and were sharing this

good news. It was a new age for religions and

orthodoxy. Many more sages followed in the

Maharshi‟s footsteps. He was an avant-garde

sage that changed the paradigm of religious

belief systems in the budding stages of the

information age.

John had no doubt

divine lessons were at

play in every action

until there is only a

benign play of

consciousness. He

knew the carnal outlook and religion

business well and saw “god squads” ever at

work around the well of being, each claiming

the ground of being as their own. Without

true insight, many cults tended to set up

hierarchal political power structures with

somewhat good but blind intentions. The

Wizard had learned firsthand how the

perception of inequality holds an aspirant in

subjugation and robs Love every time. Power

and fear were first cousins in this paradigm.

Control was most always the primary

symptom. The paradigm had no heart; it was

insentient. Jamesy, Muktananda, Sridhar,

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Stephen Covey, Ramana Maharshi and even

Ganesan along with many more wise sages

had driven that point of affirmation home to

the Wizard and he was most reluctant to ever

return to the hierarchal paradigm of idolatry

and deification and their inherent belief

systems. True spiritual life was understood

as exhausting those tendencies of otherness

as a remedy for a divisive or carnal outlook.

He felt free of the ownership of any religion

or messiah and free of the death of form. Any

form of divinity observed was only in the eye

of the beholder and was just a play of

consciousness to be ultimately released as

the Maharshi, himself, so well expressed.

Avoidance of relationship was the first sign

for John that there was a seemingly discord

with his most dear friend, Ganesan; a

confrontation of Dharma, as every action

was perfect. No blame, just tough scenarios

unfolding. Maybe it was simply a weaning;

maybe a Mystery with no rhyme or reason.

Maybe Ganesan was being influenced in a

worldly way by friends and family at home.

The trials and tests became larger than life as

the pontification, attempted cover-up and

censorship of what was freely shared grew in

apparent desperation. Communications

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


became the antithesis of the former

affirmations from Ganesan that had served

John so well. John simply watched it

happening and viewed it as a final inspection

to not drop the “bone” in the pool of

reflection! He neither reacted nor doubted.

He pleaded for restored love.

The insight of deification robbing genuine

Love was exquisitely revealed and affirmed

first hand as cultic measures were revealed,

employed and played out to persuade John

into the submission of deifying the revered

sage, Ramana Maharshi. The intent

appeared to cover up the confessions that the

sage was an ordinary human being. That he

was rather a messiah, not an ordinary

human being. All seemingly prompted by the

Maharshi‟s very own family. The cat was

already out of the bag. The Maharshi,

himself, had let that cat out of the bag.

John‟s conviction to remain as the Self

reigned under the demands to submit and

the “bone” Jamesy spoke of decades before

gracefully held steady as he peered into the

still pool and, with total compassion and

empathy for Ganesan and his circumstance

with friends and family in India, understood

the reflection as such. Yes, Ganesan was

human, too. However, the “bone” remained

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


as IS, well established for the Wizard. The

journey of chasing any reflection was clearly


There was no messiah; just reflections. John

understood that we are all only ordinary;

that we are blessed with true avant-garde

sages that confess this with honesty and

receive due veneration, not desiring or

needing any deification. That is all. No more

need to chase mirages of one‟s own making.

The substratum remained peaceful for the

Wizard. The true journey of Mystery

unfolding in absolute stillness had been

established as the carnal journey of seeking

was over. The respect and love for the

relationship with Ganesan remained in spite

of this “bustle in the hedgerow”.

Now John is retired. He prizes free speech,

unencumbered, as a human right. He no

longer publishes any books for sale by

publishers. He prefers sharing his stories

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


and what was shared with him, uncensored,

for free on the radio, his website, on the

phone as well as in person at gatherings.

This sharing and other sharings are offered

free in the spirit of sharing as many of the

genuine mentors shared freely with him

during his blessed sojourn. His sharings are

for affirmation, not pontification or

deification. They are innocent and not

contrived. John accepts no money for any

communication, counsel or fellowship.

John also co-hosts a cybercast radio program on WCOM with his friend, Trip Overholt, called Conversations with Avant-garde Sages, and facilitates various

gatherings and satsang. Guests have included avant-garde sages Sharon Salzberg, Sally Rhine Feather, V. Ganesan, Jerry Wennstrom, Bentinho Massaro, Chris Hebard, Chris Kilham, Chuck Hillig, Gina Lake, Jerry Katz, Jerry Solfvin, Karen Richards, Maurizio Bennazo, Nirmala, Peter Dziuben, Peter Fenner, Peter Russell, Prasad Paul Duffy, Premanda, Puppetji, Richard Young, Robert Wolfe, Rupert Spira, Saniel and Linda Bonder, Stephan Bodian, Vicki

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Woodyard, John Sherman, Paul Saltzman the late A. Ramana.

The Wizard currently abides in the forest in Cedar Grove, North Carolina with his dear wife of 35 years, Carol, and their three kitties.

Now, just like Dorothy finally discovered in The Wizard of Oz, John dwells only in the ordinary with equality of vision. This is the gift of human love. The Wizard is real but John is still just an ordinary rascal. He is certainly not a saint.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“The appearance of God will happen inside us only. It is not something external to your internal force. When the mind is turned towards inside, then God will appear as pure consciousness for you. The vision of God happens in mind only. In what form that God will come into sight depends on one‟s perception of mind only. Anyhow, it is not the ultimate stage. In that state, still the duality is there. It is just like seeing God in dream. After the appearance of God, the inquiry starts within and it will lead to experiencing the power of true Self. The final destination is self inquiry only.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Reviews of Wisdom‟s Soft Whisper

“A very wise book;

you don‟t meditate,

you just ARE. Your

book reveals you as

very practical in

your approach to

Reality. In fact, sages are the most practical

people. They are not dreamers. They come

out of sleep and dream. They are wide

awake, totally alert and attentive. In that

attention, the myth that we call samsara

ceases to exist. You strike a deep chord in my

heart and evoke fellow-feeling, when you

come clean as a self-confessed rascal. This is

true self-knowledge. There are two kinds of

people, one the hypocrite, the other a rascal.

Many have called me a rascal in my life, and

I felt fulfilled.” ~KVS~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“„WISDOM‟ in words”

is a paradox that

Sages and Saints


could successfully

„tackle‟! Fortunate is

a seeker that drowns himself in this “Pool of

Wisdom” and survives „headless‟ happily re-

established in the unseen Heart! The world

labels him: „mad‟, „beggar‟, „Wizard‟; thereby

unsuccessfully attempting to identify him,

push him into the non-reality of „moving‟

movie frames! A true seeker rejoices in

the ‟NOW‟ of the reality of movement-

lessness – that a „madman‟, a „beggar‟, a

„Wizard‟ is portraying only the non-noticed

„Screen‟ in every projected moving movies –

“Millions of body-‟I'-s dissolved in one „I

AM‟-Eternity!” ~V. Ganesan~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Wisdom‟s Soft Whisper…

the book (beyond book)

touched me to the depth of

heart, I felt a Yes within, to

every whisper shared, and a recognition…

and was touched beyond words when I saw

V.Ganesan in the book… As he appeared

unexpectedly in „my story line‟ twice in Jan

2009 after I had been invited to Tiru after

the French-subtitling of Blueprints for

Awakening after Ramana had been

appearing in my life too… unexpectedly.

Also, the Wizard of Oz has never left me, ever

since I was a child…like an invisible thread in

the heart… So I laughed when I also saw that

in your gem of a Book, so felt, within the

gratitude of meeting you and reading you

that this picture was to be shared…A Loving

Embrace dear Wz… And many Blessings of

Gratitude. Your book is on my night-table…

and whispers often…. ~Hélène Lalaire~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“I am so happy that

you recorded your

wisdom for posterity.

It is not hyperbole to

say it is a gift to

humanity. Few have

been blessed with the

capacity to abide in

the truth AND express

it so well. I am incredibly blessed by your

friendship and spiritual wisdom. Everything

you have shared with me has become part of

me and brought peace. I have paid attention

to NOTHING in this life like I‟ve paid

attention to your teachings. I recognize that

peace is an individual matter and not a

competition; however, I must say that when I

look around me I don‟t see very many people

as ensconced in the truth as I am. I credit

you with most of that as you have taken your

precious time to edify me with powerful,

penetrating words and images that provided

a window into that which can never be

expressed in words. And your sat sang has

been the direct experience. All of this you

have given freely.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


“First and foremost you are my friend. While

you may have more spiritual experiences

than I, more business acumen, and greater

financial resources you have not let that go to

your head and placed yourself above me or

anyone else. You have modeled the truth

that we are all one. Your transparency is the

living proof that you walk your talk. You

take no offense to any question – no matter

how personal. I have known you for

seventeen years now and I have not found a

single inconsistency in your walk and your

talk. That is rare. You are an utterly

confessed realized being and I will cherish

you always. The non contractual love that

you share with Carol has also been a model

for me. Carol‟s steady, simple, generous

loving ways have given me an appreciation

for living quietly in the truth without a lot of

fanfare. And of course, you are both rascals,

misbehaving with sufficient regularity to

guarantee that I may also be completely

human without apology. What more

beautiful, generous, complete, awakened

“pair” of sweetie pies could there be?!!!”

~Trip Overholt~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


I downloaded the book,

“Wisdom‟s Soft Whisper” and

read the whole thing „in one

go‟. The book is a beautiful

expression that takes one

straight to Jamesy Man,

showers us in the torrential

downpour, fills us to the brim with the

manna that John ever enjoys and leaves in

our mouths a never-ending taste of the

nutritious healthy gastronomic cuisine of

Oneness that John‟s company‟s ferret out.

Heartfelt thanks to you [Jerry Katz] for

bringing it to the notice of your readers and

thanks also to John for melding us all in that

One Calabash. Truly Remarkable and I wish

everyone will read the book. Good things are

really priceless – no price, just free!!!


Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


Words may be able to

truly reflect knowledge,

but not wisdom. Wisdom

dawns suddenly and

results in awareness that

renders redundant all

words. Rather than any

statement, it is a „state‟ that builds its own

vocabulary and expressions. This state leads

to true understanding. This is when a person

becomes a sage. Not the one who gives up

everything and heads to the hills and forests,

but one who has an unusually practical

approach to Reality. Such sages may appear

out-of-touch with the real world; they are

always wide awake, totally alert, and very

aware. Not that they have broken away from

samsara. They Are Wizards.

These sages, saints and seers are not

magicians or tricksters. They are aptly

depicted as wizards of whatever tradition.

Thus, Moses, Jesus, Lao-Tzu, Buddha and

other ancients were wizards and sages who

dropped pearls of wisdom in their own time

and way. Wizards understand that insight is

essential in revealing who we are.

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


In Wisdom‟s Soft Whisper, a modern day

sage, Wizard Baldour, lays out the roadmap

to the land of the wise. Extracting wisdom

from knowledge, the Wizard provides a path

to enlightenment. His way of introspection

reveals the inherent peace of one‟s true Self.

The Wizard delves into the usually mistaken

ideas associated with wisdom and those

dwelling in that state. For instance, the

commonly interchanged terms– wisdom and

knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom, for it

is of the mind, while wisdom is prior to the


In Two Parts

Wisdom‟s Soft Whisper is set in two parts.

The first is here and now –a vertical

paradigm, as it were. It is deep and

paradoxical. It assumes and affirms the

reader‟s awakening from the mortal

storyline. The second part is the Wizard‟s

own horizontal growing to be Wizard

Baldour. Tending towards the mysterious,

Wisdom‟s Soft Whisper says with words that

which is beyond the word; pure wisdom,

after all, transcends the capacity of language,

concepts and the mind even. Softly, but

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


firmly, whispers challenge long-held beliefs

and everything else that a person has grown

accustomed to as being real. The Wizard

urges the reader to open his mind to the very

foundation of his own being and thus realize

wisdom. Baldour, along with other Wizards,

believes that this wisdom is the key to peace.

John‟s Transformation

The second part that constitutes John Troy‟s

storyline is more a shifting paradigm, and

written appropriately enough in the third

person. In the haze can be traced John‟s

transformation into the sage, Wizard

Baldour. The realization, when it came, was

spontaneous and rapid–what the Hindu

philosophy calls Nirvikalpa Samadhi. But

John terms it quite simply “turned inside

out”. For John, the full-fledged yogic

experience came with initiation by Swami

Muktananda, though that did not stop his

destiny of pioneering a natural and organic

food business.

Following was an introduction to Sri

Ramana Maharshi‟s teachings, and then a

vision of the sage, too. From there to meeting

V. Ganesan, who had grown up in the

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper


presence of the Maharshi, was but destined.

And the pilgrim progressed…

Each page of Wisdom‟s Soft Whisper

demands time to reflect and ponder, and not

be just read. For, the Wizard does not want

to just pass on knowledge as much as he

wants the reader to pursue and attain

Wisdom. Depending on one‟s state of

awareness, the words may make sense, or

they may not. Non-understanding should be

no cause for frustration, but a challenge to

open one‟s mind to the wisdom behind what

one knows now. The true seeker rejoices in

the „now‟ of the reality of „movement-


In response to a prevalent longing for peace

and wisdom, the folk wizard of North

Carolina offers a means of discovering our

inherent wisdom.

~J. Srinivasan, Book Critic for Tattvaloka

Spiritual Magazine, India~

Wisdom’s Soft Whisper
