Why old SEO still works...sometimes.

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Why old SEO still works...sometimes.

Why Old SEO that SHOULD fail still…works?

Matthew Brown – @MatthewJBrown

Download this: http://bit.ly/oldSEOFTW

Let’s start with a couple assumptions

Old SEO?

Smoldering lowered glasses look



Old SEO =

Links and Anchor TextDomain StrengthOn-page keyword relevanceFreshness (QDF)

Is Old SEO dying?

New SEO is additive to the basic SEO.

Many of the same old relevancy signals are Google’s *strongest*

Win SEO with these four weird old tricks

1: Exact and Partial Match Domains

In SERPs that don’t have a lot of branded results, EMDs/PMDs often win

These all have higher domain authority and more links!

Now might be a good time to invest in EMDs

This site rules! What else is Google counting?

Two: Win the Verticals

Ferris Club! – http://theatln.tc/1u2Ikpe

2015: News Boxes = gettable

These are not “news” sites

2015: In-Depth Boxes = gettable

2015: Snippets & Knowledge Graph/Cards

Protip: When you’re seeing this:

Monitor the effect in Search Analytics

Keep tabs with Dr. Pete’s Feature Graph : http://bit.ly/QaBID4

3. Anchor Text (exact and partial match)

Let’s just say they built a LOT of links

Their penalty lasted less than a week?!

And all these commercial KWs rank top 10

4. It’s still about the LINKS

Legacy Links FTW

Hmmm…What’s with Tripadvisor?

Legacy Links

Link History from Majestic

Domain Strength (see also: BRAND)

This domain weighs a ton

Go ahead, try building links like that now

Link Risk Assessment by @dyn4mik3 –http://bit.ly/1BcBgKM

Link Risk Assessment by @dyn4mik3 –http://bit.ly/1BcBgKM

Can the new mobile world change this?

App Indexing + Deep Links + Actions - http://tnw.co/1KRDtO3

That is going to be a LOT of SEO work

Old SEO that still works:

Dominate the verticals

EMDs (with other signals)

Link building and anchor text!

No usage/brand signals is a killer

Keyword targeting is harder

Link building is now much trickier

Where Future SEO wins: