Why Employers Keen To Do Background Checks

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Why Employers Keen To Do Background Checks?

Most of the employers want to do a pre-employement background check on the employees before

hiring them.

As a number of applicants do false claims on resume to cover up the criminal activity--- background check is must to select the

right one.

A thorough check also discourage the fake applicants who may drop out to avoid embarrassment.

A thorough background check may prevents negligent hiring lawsuit for corporate who doesn't want their time to get wasted

on it.

Let's know more about the benefits of background checks:---

When an employer clearly declares that they are doing background checks, they see an increase in quality of


:- Increase of quality applicants

The complete employee screening process results in fewer applications with quality applicant by delivering a safe working

environment to the applicants.

As per US Dept of justice, 1.75 million days of work are lost every year due to workplace violence.

:- Reduction in workplace violence

The loss due to workplace violence is about $55 million on wages only and there are extra costs occur due to legal expense,

loss of public image etc.

The background check reveals false identity issues of job applicants where the applicant sometimes applies for jobs that

are not coming under their provision.

:- Reveal False Identity

The reduction of workplace violence increases the safety and security of people and eliminates the possibility of threat.

:- Improved safety and security

The general organization losses 5% annual revenue due to employee dishonesty.

:- Reduction of Employee Dishonesty Cost

As per studies, the 1/5th of fraud cases caused $1 million loss annually.

Approximately 30% of employees admitting of stealing from their employers.

By using the obtained information from background check, an employer eliminates the applicants who have falsified their

credentials about their past.

The employers like property owners, property management firms, maintenance and custodians also take the background

screening more seriously.

In these cases, if an employee has a criminal background then possibility that, he/she can do more harm than good after

getting hired in new place.

Most of these employees show dishonest behavior like substance abuse, recklessness and property theft from the

employer or towards clients.

The right hire always stays for long but when it comes wrong hire then they keep leaving organizations in mid of work which

cost double to the employer.

:- Reduction of employee turnover

As per studies, a bad hire can cost 5 times than a regular candidate.

A bad hire expense includes administrative, legal cost as well as direct- indirect cost, cost of

stolen or damaged goods, customer goodwill and employer reputation etc.

A 3rd party background screening is helpful in satisfying your organizational norms as well as state and federal requirements.

:- Improves regulatory compliance

In most states, employers get a regulatory issue or fines without a background screening certificate of new hires.

The thorough background check ultimately helps the employer to have a complete big picture of the applicants ability and

outcomes which an applicant will deliver in future.