Why Development Aid is not working

Post on 08-Jun-2015

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Ignite presentation for Marketing class at Presidio Graduate School: Over the last 60 years $1 Trillion has been spent on development-related projects. But development aid was not successful, for example, in reducing the number of people suffering from hunger. Instead of spending more and more money on large-scale development projects, we should learn from the failed aid-approach and promote local and community based solutions that respect the poor and their skills and assets.

Transcript of Why Development Aid is not working

Why Aid isn’t working and what we can learn

$ 1 Trillion in Aid

$1 Trillion in Aid

925,000,000 People are suffering from Hunger

The Chad – Cameroon

Pipeline Project $4

Billion (World Bank)

Only 15% of development aid trickles down

Aid – more gives you


Lesson #1 Listen

Lesson #2Discover Skills

Lesson #3Discover Beauty

Lesson #4Opportunities

Lesson #5No Business as usual

Lesson #6A Market not a Burden

Lesson #7Simple & Local

Lesson #8: See the big Picture