Wheeler Code Switching

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Wheeler Code Switching

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Working Paper

    Code-switching:Insights and Strategies for teaching Standard English

    in dialectally diverse classrooms

    Rebecca S Wheeler

    Christopher !ewport "niversity

    !ewport !ews# $% &'()(rwheeler*cn+ed+



    When %frican %merican st+dents writeI have two sister and two brother, Dad jeep out of

    gas, orMy mom deserve a good man,teachers traditionally diagnose poor English#.finding that the st+dents are having problems#. or making errors. with pl+rality#

    possession# or verb agreement# etc In response# the teacher corrects. the child/s writing#

    showing them the right. way to convey these grammatical points 0owever# researchand longstanding st+dent performance have demonstrated that the traditional correction

    methods fail to teach %frican %merican st+dents the re1+isite Standard English skills

    2ing+istic research offers an e3planation and a sol+tion When traditional approaches

    assess st+dent lang+age as error-filled#. they misdiagnose st+dent writing performance:

    st+dents +sing vernac+lar lang+age 4My goldfish name is Scaley, etc5 are not making

    errors in Standard English -- they are following the grammar patterns of the homedialect

    2ing+istics offers a two-pronged sol+tion: Contrastive analysis and code-switching# tools

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    possessive forms res+lts from classrooms +sing code-switching %n appendi3 of graphicorgani?ers. and lesson plans for code-switching is incl+ded

    In short# this paper seeks to answer three 1+estions regarding teaching Standard Englishin %frican %merican classrooms:

    95 Why do traditional English techni1+es fail to teach Standard English with %frican%merican st+dents@

    &5 What approach works and why@

    '5 0ow does English instr+ction in the code-switching classroom differ from English

    instr+ction in the traditional classroom@

    tests 6or e3ample#

    st+dents/ home speech grammar patterns for pl+ral 4It takes 24 hour! "#$ day %or s+bBect-

    verb agreement 4&aning mean to get smaller &a'ing mean to get biger5 may transfer into

    school writing 46ig+re 95

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Similarly# home speech patterns for pl+rality 4do educational thing%or possessive 4(oni e')

    boyfriend, (oni birthday party, Ms* +arker permission%or be)+nderstood 4Since there notelevision5 also transfer into the writing of secondary st+dents as seen in this &))( year-end

    !C2> test of writing 46ig+re &5

    Ddo+ble neg




    Ddo+ble neg


    it v there


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    6ig+re '

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  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    many 4b+t not all and not only5 %frican %mericans 4Rickford 7 Rickford &)))5

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  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    >y !ovember of any given year# after Swords has engaged her st+dents in the core steps

    of the writing process# she t+rns to code-switching 6irst she introd+ces the basic notionof variation: we allvary o+r self-presentation# sit+ation by sit+ation "sing a tree map

    from the school/s

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Fn one occasion# the class tho+ght back on an e3change between two st+dents Fne

    st+dent had e3citedly e3claimed# o# A? SwordsT Jat B+nk be tight3% second st+dentchallenged that lang+age choice: Acin?ieT o+ ain/ sposed ta talk t/ Ars Swords dat

    way. Fh# ok As Swords Jat st+ff be coolT. Clearly# st+dents had come to school

    already having a good grasp of lang+agestyle4the variation lang+age shows in levels offormality5 within their own variety# in this instance %%E In this way# st+dents +sed their

    own prior knowledge to define formal and informal lang+age

    Swords then applies st+dents/ +nderstanding of change and variation to the grammar of

    sentences "sing chart paper# she creates two col+mns of sentences drawn from herst+dents/ own writing# the left in vernac+lar English 4

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    5ranscript0 Discovering Informal6ormal +ossessive +atterns in 7achel Swords82ndgrade classroom, spring, 299:*

    4Swords and class had previo+sly reviewed the meaning of possessive: possessionmeans someone owns something5

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    Children: yesK


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  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    her writing workshops

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    Fne of Swords/ st+dents leans over# o+/re +sing informal English >+t the book +ses

    6ormal English 2ook at the end of the word

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    6ig+re =lack students e>ualed or outperformed white students with code)switching*

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  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Piestr+p# % 49N'5=lack dialect interference and accommodation of reading instruction

    in irst Crade* Aonographs of the 2ang+age->ehavior Research 2aboratory#

    !+mber 6o+r "niversity of California# >erkeley >erkeley: C%Rickford, J. (1996).The Oakland Ebonics decision: Commendable attack on the problem.Original

    text of the Op Ed article printed in theSan Jose Mercury News,December 26, 1996.

    Retrieved April 3, 2006, from http://www.stanford.edu/~rickford/ebonics/SJMN-


    Rickford# H 495/frican /merican Bernacular -nglish* Aalden# A%: Ro+tledge

    Rickford# H R and R H Rickford Spoken So+l: lack English !ew ork:

    Hohn Wiley# &)))Rickford# H# Sweetland# H# 7 Rickford# % 4&));5 %frican %merican English and other

    vernac+lars in ed+cation: % topic-coded bibliography (ournal of -nglish

    Ainguistics "24'5# &')-'&)Sweetland# H 4S+mmer &))(5 5eaching writing in the multicultural classroom0 /

    sociolinguistic approach,% dissertation in the Jepartment of 2ing+istics# Stanford

    "niversity# Stanford: California

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching



    Tools for the code-switching classroom

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Curriculum Lesson Plan Guide

    Course or 0rade !evel: &nd - Oth


    2nit 3 and Title: Jiversity in 2ife and

    2ang+age 4' pp5

    !esson 3 9 of ;Suggested Time: &)-') min+tes

    Enduring 2nderstanding(s) and Essential

    1uestion(s) focused on in this lesson:


    $ariation occ+rs in life

    $ariation occ+rs in lang+age

    1uestions: 0ow can we +se the terms

    formaland informalto describe clothing@

    Alignment with SO! or other


    ,ational English Standards

    ; St+dents adB+st their +se of spoken#

    written# and vis+al lang+age 4eg#conventions# style# vocab+lary5 to

    comm+nicate effectively with a variety of

    a+diences and for different p+rposes

    St+dents develop an +nderstanding ofand respect for diversity in lang+age +se#

    Assessing evidence of student learning:

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching



    General classroom s+pplies 4markers# pencils# chart paper5

    ScissorsAaga?ines or catalogs

    Constr+ction paper

    6ntroduction: 78oo5 to prior learning or real life eperiences9

    0ave the st+dents gather aro+nd the Informal and 6ormal Clothing chart shown in thesection below %sk the st+dents to think the different types of clothing they wear 0ave

    the st+dents describe how they dress at school 0ave st+dents give e3amples of other

    times that they have to dress +p

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Closure Activit":Fnce st+dents have finished the independent assignment# call on afew st+dents to add to yo+r Informal and 6ormal Clothing chart o+

    can display the clothing collages aro+nd the room for f+t+re


    Suggested modifications for differentiation:

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Submitted by: of (school): on (date): for NNPS

    Course or Grade Level: 2nd - 5th

    Quarter:Unit # and Title: Defining Informal

    and Formal Possessive Patterns.(5 pp)

    !ote" #his unit presupposes prior wor$and understanding from %nit &'

    Diversity in Life and Language. #hat

    unit introduces the terms' formalandinformalnglish

    Lesson # & of Suggested Time: 2*-+* minutes

    Enduring Understanding(s) and

    Essential Question(s) focused on intis lesson:

    %nderstandings",anguage shows meaning through pattern

    Informal nglish uses one pattern to showpossessie

    Formal nglish uses another pattern to

    show possessie

    .uestions" /hat pattern shows possession

    0 in informal nglish1 In Formal nglish

    !lignment "it standards:

    ational Englis Standards

    tudents adjust their use of spo$en'

    written' and isual language (eg'

    conentions' style' ocabulary) tocommunicate effectiely with a arietyof audiences and for different


    !ssessing evidence of student

    learning:#eacher 7bseration

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Lesson se0uence tat develo-s te Enduring Understandings andEssential Questions +including activities for student retin%ing1

    revising1 refining/:& how students the ;ossessie ;atterns chart #ell your students that

    today they are going to define the patterns for possessies in informal and

    formal language

    Possessive Patterns

    *nformal Englis 2ormal Englis

    #aylor cat is blac$ #aylor?s cat is blac$

    #he boy coat is torn #he boy?s coat is torn

    > giraffe nec$ is long > giraffe?s nec$ is long

    Did you see the teacher pen1 Did you see the teacher?s pen1

    3iscovering informal Englis -ossessive -attern

    Eamine sentences2 tart by reading through the informal sentences #hen reread the first


    See% -attern+ ay' @#aylor cat is blac$ ,etAs see how this sentence shows ownership

    /ho does the cat belong to1@ 7nce students answer that the cat belongs to#aylor as$ @how do you $now @ tudents will most li$ely answer that it says

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  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Su&mitted &: of (scool): on (date): for PS

    Course or Grade Level: 2nd - 5th

    Quarter:Unit # and Title: 3efining *nformal

    and 2ormal Past Time Patterns.(5 pp)

    !ote" #his unit presupposes prior wor$

    and understanding from %nit &'Diversity in Life and Language #hat

    unit introduces the terms' formal and

    informal nglish

    Lesson # & of

    Suggested Time: +* minutes

    Enduring Understanding(s) and

    Essential Question(s) focused on intis lesson:

    %nderstandings",anguage shows meaning through pattern

    Informal nglish uses one pattern to show

    the passage of time

    Formal nglish uses another pattern to

    show the passage of time

    .uestions" /hat pattern shows past time 0

    in informal nglish1 In Formal nglish1

    !lignment "it standards:

    ational Englis Standards

    tudents adjust their use of spo$en'written' and isual language (eg'

    conentions' style' ocabulary) to

    communicate effectiely with a arietyof audiences and for differentpurposes

    !ssessing evidence of studentlearning:

    #eacher 7bseration

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    regions' and social roles

    $at students "ill %no" and &e

    a&le to do as a result of tis lesson:

    & #he students will recogni8e past

    time patterns in Formal and Informallanguage

    2 #he students will define past time

    patterns in Formal and Informallanguage

    + #he student will distinguish between

    Formal and Informal past timepatterns

    #he student will write 2 sentencesusing the Formal past time pattern and

    2 sentences using the Informal pasttime pattern


    9eneral classroom supplies (mar$ers' pencils' chart paper)

    *ntroduction: +,oo% to -rior learning or real life e-eriences/:ae the students gather around the ;ast #ime ;atterns chart (shown

    in the lesson section)

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    Showing Past Time

    *nformal Englis 2ormal Englis

    esterday they play in the par$ esterday they played in the par$

    he mail the letter this morning he mailed the letter this morning

    ,ast aturday we watch that moie ,ast aturday we watched that moie

    I call my grandma two days ago I called my grandma two days ago

    Bartin ,uther

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    ou can call this understanding common $nowledge ay' @oh' so youAre saying

    that it is common $nowledge that Bartin ,uther s$ your students to loo$ at how the formal sentences are different from theinformal sentences our students will most li$ely notice that the erbs hae an

    edon the end of them

    3efine -attern&* >s$ your students' @how can we write this pattern on our chart1@ #hey will

    most li$ely determine that the pattern is erb H -edJ past actionsG

    Test -attern&& =ead through each sentence to see if this rule holds true in each case o you

    will read' @yesterday they played in the park Is there a erb with an -ed on the

    end of it in this sentence1 ouAre right'play ends in an -ed' so this sentence fits

    our pattern@ Continue to read chec$ each of the sentences in this way

    $rite -attern

    &2 /rite the rule (verb + -ed) on the formal side of the chart

    :ere is what the final chart may loo$ li$e"

    Showing Past Time

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  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Code-switching Shopping !ist 4a tool for secondary school st+dents5

    Name: ________________________

    Do any of the top 10 or so informal English patterns appear in your paper? If

    so, put a check in the corresponding bo and then code!s"itchto formal

    English# $ut a smiley face, , to sho" "hen you use formal patterns in your

    "riting% &'lip the ("itch#)

    Informal *% 'ormal English $atterns















    Noun patterns


    .he dog_tail *% the dog/s tail

    Plurality: Showing more than one

    .hree cat_ *% .hree cats

    A v. an

    n rapper *% a rapper

    elephant *% an elephant

    Verb patterns(ubect! 2erb 0greement

    (he "alk_ *% (he "alks

  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    Code-switching Shopping !ist + &ifferentiated instruction4a tool for teachers5>lass: Day:________________ .ime: ________________

    Data!dri*en differentiated instruction% s you read student essays, note "hich students need "ork on "hich E*eryday English patterns%

    Aou might use this tool to form peer!editing groups of students "ho ha*e similar grammar needs, or to guide you in calling on students inclass, or tracking class needs and progressB%

    Informal *% 'ormal English $atterns (tudents

    Noun Patterns


    .he dog_tail *% the dog/s tail

    Plurality: Showing more than one

    .hree cat_ *% .hree cats

    A v. an n rapper *% a rapper

    elephant *% an elephant

    Verb Patterns

    Subject- Verb Agreement

    (he "alk_ *% (he "alks

    Showing past time!"

    I finish_ *% I finished

    Showing past time #"

    (he seen the dog *% (he sa"5had seen6

    $e un%erstoo% 8e __ cool "ith me *% 8e is cool "ith me

    &a'ing Negatives

    (he "on/t ne*er *% (he "on/t e*er

    ther pattern: ___________________


  • 8/10/2019 Wheeler Code Switching


    S8O46,0 PAST T6'E6 finish v. 6 finished

    6,;O'A! ;O'A!

    I already finishV my paper I already finished my paper !at

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    Showing possession

    &eric5 team v. &eric5

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