What question were you trying to answer Names of group members (every member must participate in the...

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of What question were you trying to answer Names of group members (every member must participate in the...

What question were you trying to answer

Names of group members(every member must participate in the presentation)

(Presentation should not exceed 10 minutes in length)


• Briefly give background on the biological system you are investigating.

• Make or use appropriate figures and diagrams to help you explain the background

• Avoid using too much text in the slide.


• Justification using biological principles or refer back to background information.

• Create a diagram or figure to help justify your hypothesis.


• Briefly explain what you did to test your hypothesis.

• In a presentation you do not need to go into too much detail on your procedure, just enough to give your audience an idea of what you did. If they have specific questions on our methods they will ask.

Results• Present your results using a graph. Do not present raw data in a

table.• Graphs must be appropriately formatted with a title and axes

labeled with units. • Always show variance or error bars on graphs: we will use

standard deviation – see equation below. You can have excel to calculate this for you.

• If you do not have multiple trails then you must state this and estimate your error according to accuracy of the measuring device you used (e.g., 1.5 g +/- 0.1 g).

Standard deviation shows how spread out your data is.

In general, if the standard deviation bars overlap, there is not a real difference between groups that are being compared. Compare groups 3 and 5.

Stomata density on the Top vs. bottom of the leaf surface

• Graph the stomata density on the top vs bottom surface of the leaf for your plant and the control.

• Show variance in the data as the standard deviation.

Rate of transpiration

• This graph should have your transpiration experiment

Time (days)


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Get this value be dividing the mass lost by the number of stomata you calculated.

Should have error bars on graph (e.g. +/- .1 g)

Discussion and Conclusions

• Restate your question and hypothesis• State whether your experimental results

support your hypothesis. • Relate your results to the real world. • Next steps or future studies. What new

questions did your experiment bring to light.


• Thank your audience, answer any questions they have.

• Acknowledge any resources such as texts, internet websites, the lab manual or teacher guidance.