What my son means to me

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Transcript of What my son means to me

What My Son Means To Me

“Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings

you together, but do so with all your heart.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Wesley:You are a decade old

That means that you have lasted as long as…

The Trojan War

And are responsible for only slightly more mayhem

You have lived as long as the average lifespan of a Platypus

And are only slightly more funny looking

The doctors said that you were to be born under the twinkling eyes of Gemini, watched by the Heavenly Twins: Castor and Pollux

But doctors are not so smart as to outwit time

…even when equipped with a flux capacitor

The stars, on the other hand, said that you were to be born on March 5th 2003 as a Pieces

And so you’ve always plunged into life like a fish into water

You were born into this world quickly, with a sense of desperation and cunning

Traits you’ve used with much success in your short life

…especially when it comes to procuring or devouring sweets

You were also born strong, stubborn and suspicious

Traits you are still in the process of mastering

Six months before your premature entrance into this world, I lost something very dear to me

This guy right here.

I lost my father and it made me sadder than I can ever remember being.

We had gone through some tough times together, but fate had gotten much better lately

We had found a super awesome lady that changed everything for us.

This sweet lady right here.

She took us bums in and helped make us into a great family!

But the truth is that sometimes fate takes as much as it gives, so you have to makes sure that you love those that are here on this

earth to the fullest while you have the chance

Because if you are too busy feeling sorry for

yourself you will find that fate is always willing to

remind you that you are neglecting the precious

things you still have

It took me a while but I thought long

and hard about what lesson it was that fate was trying

to teach me,and finally, one

day, I woke up from a sad, deep sleep and it struck me!

I needed to get me a super awesome lady and make sure that she had an awesome son!

I realized that if I couldn’t change my fate I could certainly add awesomeness (and foxiness) to it!

Now I get to teach the smartest kid I know everything

that my dad taught me.

So that one day he can fill my shoes, just like I filled my dad’s shoes

Even though at times I feel like you

are the one teaching me (like how to

jump in with both feet and have as

much fun as I can.)

Fate has taught me what is really important in this is life. That is why you mean so much to me, Wesley!

And that is why I love you so much! Happy Birthday, my son!