What is ‘stewardship’? What is ‘tithing’storage.cloversites.com/gracechurch8/documents/June...

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Transcript of What is ‘stewardship’? What is ‘tithing’storage.cloversites.com/gracechurch8/documents/June...

Home Community Children’s Story

What is Home Community (HC)? When we read the Bible, we read about Christians congregating for corporate worship on Sundays, and we read about Christians gathering in homes for more intimate fellowship and discipleship (see for example Acts 2:42-47). HCs are small groups that meet in homes for a weekly meeting and purpose to live out the principles of Acts 2:42 in relationship with one another throughout the rest of the week. HCs have male and female leaders that band together to create a safe space for people to ask questions, explore ideas from a biblical perspective, and encourage / pray for one another to come to know and follow the Lord. Through the summer these groups will each focus on a study to be determined by the group leader. Starting in the fall we will focus on the book of Ephesians. The structure of HC meetings is the 4 Ws: Welcome, Worship, Word, Wrap-up. Welcome incorporates food and/or some kind of fun activity; during Worship the group focuses on prayer, Holy Spirit lead bible reading, or even music; during the time of the Word, groups focus on discipleship letting the Bible give direction to the group; and the Wrap-up involves vision casting, planning, inviting the Spirit to lead the HC, and goals of how to be an everyday church for the weeks to come. What is our philosophy of teaching children? We believe it is the parents’ primary responsibility to disciple their children and to do this together with other families in HC. And we believe it is the church leadership’s responsibility to supplement this with good teaching on Sunday mornings during Children’s Church. Therefore we are offering to help you sync together parenting, HCs, and Children’s Church through our curriculum (see schedule). How are we incorporating children into HCs? Each week children will receive good bible teaching on Sundays; then during HC, children will process what they learned on Sunday, separate from the adults and during the Word time of an HC meeting; and finally during Wrap-up, children will join the adults and summarize what they are learning so that parents and their children will be on the same page for discipleship. Schedule:

June 5th

– Judges 15:9-16; 16:4-30 June 12

th – Ruth 1:1-22

June 19th

– Ruth 2-4 June 26

th – 1 Samuel 1:1-28

June 5, 2016

Building Christ Centered Family in missional Community

The Biblical Basis of Marriage – Genesis 1-3

Husband and Wife roles – Gen. 3:16 & Eph. 5:21-33 Communication – Eph. 4:25-32

Forgiveness (the Gospel) – Matthew 18:21-35 Progressive Sanctification – Philippians 2:12-13

Stewardship of Finances (June 5th) Stewardship of Parenting (June 12th)

Stewardship of Sex (June 19th) Stewardship of the Gospel (June 26th)

Finances & marriage: statistically, finances are the #1 issue between husband and wife. You need to be on the same page.

What is ‘stewardship’?

When I first volunteered for youth ministry…

Credit Cards vs. the Envelope System…

Needs vs. wants…

Giving to church…

What is ‘tithing’? Taiwan...

Malachi 3:6-18

Our response…

The need for further study…

Tithes & offerings:

The history of “tithing”… o Definition = 1/10th of your income o In all ancient cultures = “…due from a worshipper to his God for

the support of the God’s sanctuary and its priests.” – Colin Brown o In the OT, tithing was for the ministry of:

1) The Sanctuary (tabernacle / Temple) 2) The Levitical Priests (and their families) 3) Taking care of the poor (orphans, widows, sojourners)

“Underlying the giving of the tithe was the basic idea that ‘the earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it’ (Ps. 24:1). To give a tenth, therefore, meant to acknowledge in a tangible way the Lord’s ownership of the land and its produce. Hence, Judah’s failure to do this was tantamount to robbing God (Mal. 3:8, 10), not of the material things themselves – these already belonged to God (Pr. 50:10) – but of the recognition that these material things belonged to him and were exclusively his. Man’s possessions were seen as gifts given by God, the proper response to which was gratitude. Tithing, then, came to mean also an expression of thanks to God for his generosity (cf. Gen. 28:20-22). Finally, the effect of tithing meant that the Levites and priests could be supported and the poor provided with good. Tithing was viewed, therefore, as God’s way of involving his people in his own redemptive activity, in his own immense concern for the poor and destitute. Just as God had shared his blessings with his people, so they who received them must share them with people less fortunate. Hence, religious leaders repeatedly reminded the Israelites of the importance of tithing: to give the tithe would bring divine blessing; to withhold it, divine cursing (Ezek. 44:30 ff.; Mal. 3:8, 10).” – Colin Brown, New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology: Vol. 3, p. 853.

“Tithing” and “giving” in the New Testament: tithing is never commanded in the NT…but generous giving as the Holy Spirit leads is urged and commended. − Jesus speaks of generosity and such types of giving is implied,

but never commanded. − In Matthew 23, Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for being so

legalistic about tithes (even about small, insignificant tithes) to the point the leave aside the weightier matters of the Law such as justice, mercy, and faith (compare Mic. 6:8).

− The Apostle Paul urged & commended generosity (2 Cor. 9:6; 8:1-5), but never commanded tithing or a specific amount.

− Collection on Sundays of an offering was during worship and for charity (1 Cor. 16:1-3).

− Collection for preachers / pastors was for the work of the ministry (1 Tim. 5:17-18; 1 Cor. 9:1-14).

− Giving is to be “non-compulsory” – an act of “free will” & stipulation of a percentage or amount is unspecified.

− The Christian is to “give in keeping with his income” or “as he may prosper” meaning give beyond your needs (1 Cor. 16:2).

− The Christian is to give as he has “made up his mind” to give, meaning as the Lord lays on your conscience (2 Cor. 9:7).

− A Christian gives because they are aware of their salvation, what it cost the Lord, and that the Christian and their possessions are not really their own (1 Cor. 6:20) that essentially you are a steward charged with taking care of what the Lord has placed you in charge of (1 Peter 4:10; Matt. 25:14-30; Luke 16:1-13).

− A Christian gives out of the generosity of Jesus Christ as our model (2 Cor. 8:9), being led by the Spirit of God to give as the Holy Spirit motivates. This is not to be done with reluctance or compulsion, but as the Spirit leads (2 Cor. 9:7).

− Therefore, giving is not limited to a “tithe” or 1/10th. “Rather it is done cheerfully, voluntarily, systematically and with open-ended generosity (1 Cor. 16:1 f.; 2 Cor. 9:6-9).” – Brown, 854.

“The only guide for Christians concerning an amount is the goodness of God and the inward compulsion of the Holy Spirit.” – Colin Brown, p. 855 Our conviction today and why… Back to stewardship in relation to the next three weeks: related to

marriage, parenting, sex, Church & the ministry of the Gospel…

Grace Church 10323 28th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98146

(206) 937-8400 gracechurchseattle.org

LOVE God & people by praying for: Wiltsey Family (passing of Lane Wiltsey), Margie

Bowman (rehab from fall), Debbie Fry (cancer), Debbie Hinton (seizures), Donna Croom DIL

of Paul & Sherry Croom (breast cancer treatment), Evvie Lundberg (stroke recovery), and

the ongoing health needs of: Bill Hall, Kim Smith (seizures), and Martha Miller. Please also

pray for Grace Church leadership, staff and volunteers.

Pastor Ryan Faust Senior Pastor prfaust@gracechurchseattle.org follow on Twitter @RyanJFaust or his blog: prfaust.wordress.com

Pastor Daniel Hill Worship & Assoc. Pastor danielh@gracechurchseattle.org follow on Twitter @danielhillmusic or his blog: danielhillmusic.com

Pastor Jerry Buell Children’s Ed & Family Ministry jerryb@gracechurchseattle.org Pastor Lucas Fennell Youth & College Ministry lucasf@gracechurchseattle.org Janis Lemert Community Life Director janisl@gracechurchseattle.org

June 5, 2016


June 12 ·········································· Graduation Sunday

June 12 ·········································· Camp Car Wash

June 15 ·········································· 6th Grades move up to Youth Group

June 16 ·········································· High School River Rafting trip—see Pastor Lucas

June 26 ·········································· Breakfast Potluck & Annual Meeting

July 10-16 ······································ Jr. High Summer Camp @ Black Lake

July 22-24 ······································ Son’s of Thunder Father Son Retreat—1st-8th Grade

July 31 – Aug 6······························· Jr. Summer Camp @ Black Lake

Father Son Retreat & July 22-24 at Camp Tadmor

We are excited to be going together as a

group. This camp is aimed at providing a

space for men to live out their calling of

healthy fatherhood. It’s a time for

intentional experiences that allow you to

be dad, and boys to be sons as God

intended. There will be stand up paddle

boarding, archery, canoeing, fishing, high

ropes, paintball, zip line, disc golf , sharp

shooting and more! Register by June 23 for

the best price and make sure to select

Grace Church as your group so we can be

together. Register online at:


From $54 -$74 per person. A $25 per person

deposit is required to reserve your spot. See

Tony Aramburu or Pastor Ryan for further

information. Pick up a brochure in the foyer.

for fathers and their 1st thru 8th grade boys


June 12 is Graduation Sunday at Grace.

If you or someone in your family is

graduating from High School, College or

another program we would like to

include your information in our

graduation bulletin. Please send a brief

explanation of grad info (school, degree

etc.) and a photo. Email to kathiev@

gracechurchseattle.org or bring it to the

church office by TOMORROW June 6th.


2016 Grace Summer Camp will be held

at Black Lake Bible Camp in Olympia.

Junior High – Grades 6-8 (entering

those grades in the fall) July 10-16.

Junior Camp – Grades 4-6 (entering

those grades in the fall) July 31-Aug 6.

Get these dates on your calendars.

Costs start at $310. Discounts available

for being involved in the car wash with

additional discounts for parent camp

counselors. Pre-registration fee of $75

is required to reserve space – first

come, first served.


Sunday, June 12th, 2-5pm at the 7-11

on 35th & Barton. The car wash

provides the opportunity for youth

and parents to wash your vehicles to

raise funds to off-set the cost of camp

for those attending the Black Lake

Bible Camp in Olympia. If you cannot

bring your vehicle by that day,

donations are definitely accepted.

Just indicate “Grace Summer Camp”

on your donation.


10:00 am WORSHIP CELEBRATION - sanctuary 1st-5th dismissed to Kid’s Church - rm 122 - Please be prompt to pick up your child after the service. Kid’s bulletins available in the foyer

3:00 pm Angela Fennell Baby Shower

6:30 pm High School HC - Ramsell’s


Church Office closed

9:30 am MOPS


Church Office open 9 am to 4 pm


Church Office open 9 am to 4 pm

6:30 pm Youth Group -Crowded House


Church Office open 9 am to 4 pm


Church Office closed


Church Office closed .

2:00 pm Wiltsey Memorial


10:00 am WORSHIP CELEBRATION - sanctuary

2:00 pm Camp Car Wash - 35th & Barton

6:30 pm High School HC - Ramsell’s

GRACE CHURCH exists to LOVE God & people, PROCLAIM Christ, BUILD community,

EQUIP the saints, MULTIPLY ministers, and missionally SEND out followers of Christ to

be the Church wherever we are.

CONNECT Welcome to Grace! Thanks for joining

us today. Feel free to bring your coffee

into worship and make yourself

comfortable. Take a deep breath, clear

your head, and prepare your heart

and mind to worship our Lord and

Savior, Jesus Christ.

Grace Church is committed to living

authentically in relationship with God

and others. Together we strive to meet

the needs here and around the world.

To learn more, grab a booklet from the

desk in the foyer.

If you would like us to follow up with

you, feel free to fill out this form, tear

it out and drop it at the Welcome

Center or in the offering plate.

today’s date


I am a guest of



phone (cell)


How to begin a relationship with Jesus Want to know more about Grace

Interested in joining a Group

Interested in serving at Grace (if so where?) __________________

Address/info change Add me to the church email list

Interested in baptism

Interested in membership


Please be in prayer for the family of Lane

Wiltsey. On May 20, the morning of her

81st birthday, Lane went home to be with

her Lord. A celebration of her life will be

held Saturday, June 11 at 2pm here at

Grace Church. All are invited.

PROMOTION SUNDAY Next Sunday, June 12

Kindergarten and elementary classes will

promote into the next grade level on June

12. Kindergarten age will stay in the

church service and be dismissed right

before the sermon with the other

elementary ages. 5th graders who will be

promoting to 6th grade can choose to

stay in elementary church time during the

summer. Current 5th graders will be

going to Youth Group on Wednesdays (as

6th graders) beginning June 15th.


• Elementary Assistant/Small Group Lead

(1 needed -once a month rotation)

• 2’s & 3’s Assistants (3 -monthly rotation)

• 4’s – K Assistants (2 -monthly rotation)

• Nursery Attendants (2 -monthly rotation)

• Downstairs Greeters (3 -monthly rotation)

Contact Pastor Jerry if you are interested

in any of these.

BABY SHOWER All women (no children this time please)

are invited to a Baby Shower for Angela

Fennell TODAY at 3:00pm in the church

foyer. Angela and Lucas are expecting a

girl! To RSVP, info on what food to bring

and for registry info, please contact

Angela Barton (321) 537-4803.

BUDGET THRU 5/29/16 We are -$13,867.60 below our anticipated YTD giving. BUDGET YTD $516,772.20 GIVING YTD $502,904.60

which is 97% of budget