What I Have Learnt From My Preliminary Task

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of What I Have Learnt From My Preliminary Task

What I have learnt from my Preliminary task to my Main task

• I feel, that when I look back at my preliminary task, of producing a school magazine that I have learnt a lot.

• Firstly my main problem was, I did not understand how to use the software properly.

• This was my first time every using photo-shop and in-design, they were two very new things to me. Therefore I came across a few queries on my preliminary task.

As you can see I got odd boxes around my text that I inserted on my page. When making a page on in-design there are boxes around the text so you can get proportions right and so there is equal distances between text and you can check they line up. However I had somehow got these boxes to stay, which I did not mean to do, so when I exported my contents page I was un sure what I did this, and had to leave it as it was.

However as you can see on my music magazine I over came this problem as I realised I had out lined the text box, therefore due to just become more familiar with using in-design I was able to make my product look more professional and more attractive for my target audience by simply making it more clearer and easy to read.

As you can see there is a big empty space on my contents page. This was not done on purpose or down to not finishing my contents page, it was purely not knowing how to manipulate my image properly, photo-shop was a very new software to me, at least on in-design I could figure out how to place text on my page. When trying to resize an image it would not allow me to but only crop the image as I was unsure with all the options.

As you can see I learnt how to use photo-shop and was able even to manipulate them further by making them look like Polaroid's, and getting over my initial problem of not being able to make them smaller.

• To conclude with my first problem I feel I have learnt how to use the in-design software with more ease, leaving me to be able to produce a product that is more appealing to target audiences. Because if a product doesn’t look well finished or professional than, people will not want to read it, so by learning how to use the software, allowed me to do just this. Also by become familiar with photo-shop even allowed me to manipulate my images further in allowing me to make polariod’s and make it more appealing to people but have images.

• Another problem that I came across whilst making my preliminary task was the lack of preparation and planning I did, meaning I had no plan to stick to or idea of what my pages would look like so the final pieces were not that great as I had to figure out the design as I went along and left no time for final touches to improve it.

For my main task I planned each of my pages with detail on where text would go and images and even styles and pictures that I might put on to my product. Therefore leaving me with a better quality final product, that is very appealing.

• Another problem I found was I didn’t give myself enough options for pictures.

• I took lot of picture for my front cover of my music magazine which gave me lots to see which ones I could use. For my preliminary task I took one and made my magazine around it, this was not a good idea as something's were un-readable on my front cover.

• For my front cover I organised a shot how my model was going to look so I had the right style for my magazine in order for it to be suitable as my magazine front cover.

• I was also un-sure on how to edit my images so didn’t know how to cut people and things out, to put them on a clear background.

• Graphics that are used on my contents pages, are of when I went to see live performances in order to have graphics that I could feature in my magazine.