What Has Been Happening in American Education0004

Post on 01-Nov-2015

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The generational conditioning of the youth of the future and their predilection of ideology.

Transcript of What Has Been Happening in American Education0004

~as ~ointed out by former Harvard University President James B. Conant, who stated: " I do believe, however, there is some reason to fear lest a dual system of secondary education may in some states, at least, come to threaten the democratic unity provided by our public schools. I refer to the desire of some people to increase the scope and number of private schools .. To my mind, our schools serve all creeds. The greater the portion of our youth who attend independant schools, the greater the threat to our democratic unity.1I (American Opinion, Sept, 1979.) Mr. Conant didn't explain how the public schools would be serving ALL creeds when the school system chooses to REMOVE a very important right for those who choose to believe in "prayer". Its perfectly all right to abolish all childrens right of personal prayer since it was offensive to the atheist Madlyn Murray O'Hair. (A christian, however, no longer matters.) "It is capable of exact demonstration that, if every party in the state has the right of excluding from the public whatever he does not believe to be true, then he that believes most must give way to him that believes least, and then he that believes least must give way to him that believes absolutely nothing, no matter how small a minority the atheists or evolutionists may be. It is self evident that on this scheme, if it is consistently and persistently carried out in all parts of the country, the United States system of national popular education will be the most efficient and wide instrument for the propagation of Atheism which the world has ever seen." A.A. Hodge, in 1887 (American Opinion, Nov,1981.) The government is assisting those that wish to eliminate the option that remains to the objecting parents; the private school. For instance, on May 20, 1979, the Supreme Court struck down legislation that gave parents a tax break should they opt to send their children to a private school, hence requiring those parents to pay for their children's education plus support the public teaching of atheism. (Double taxation) Now the powers to be are claiming their problem is at just what age the state education of the child should begin. In 1974, N.E.A. President James Harris urged in an editorial that "money now spent. .. must be quadrupled in order .. to provide for public education at the age of three." (N.E.A.,Education for a Global community, Freemen Press Digest,P.25.) The N.E.A. 's Forcast For The 70's indicated that the age that education should start should be moved to an earlier date. They stated:" As non-school, pre-school programs begin to operate, educators will assume a formal responsibility for children when they reach the age of TWO." (American Opinion,May, 1971,p.17.) Why not just let them pick them up from the delivery rooms? Dr, Robert C. Wood, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the President of the University of Massachusetts, urged that the age be moved even lower: " The state education system MUST expand its teaching to children between the ages of one and five, because the family is failing to perform its function. (The family is failing PERIOD, just as he and the powers to be have arranged it.) Wood said that the family is continuing to fail in its responsibility to prepare children for schools and urged more early nursery schools and day care programs." (The Review of The News, June,1979.) Not wishing to be outdone, President Nixon moved the date even further. He declared; "The first five years of a child's life to be a period of special and specific FEDERAL concern." (American Opinion, Hay, 1971,p.17.) Parents who believe that their children are their primary concern and not be forced to turn them over to the whims of the STATE (complete with drugs) had damn well better wake up and start making their opinions and votes count, because THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THE WHOLE THING IS ABOUT. The question of what happens to the parents who refuse to send their children to schools that teach values other than those that they want taught is the next logical question that must be asked. In 1972, a family was fined and their daughter removed when they refused to allow the daughter to be bused across town into a high crime area. (The Review of The News, May, 1972.) And you thought this nonsense only happened in Sovlet Russia?