"What did this learning experience mean to you?" Created by: Chris Doran.

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of "What did this learning experience mean to you?" Created by: Chris Doran.



"What did this learning experience mean to you?"

Created by: Chris Doran

At the beginning…

I didn’t know much about classroom management or the different types of technologies out there that can be implemented into a classroom.

I was unsure of what I could use to make my classroom one of the 21st century.

But along the way…

I learned many different ways to implement the vast amounts of technology in different ways, as well as different classroom management tips that will aid me in my classroom.

Here is what I’ve come out of this class with…

The Meaningful Engaged Learning Model

This model was the first thing we discovered and it was very helpful in telling some of the components on what makes a good classroom.By following this model, I will be able to have a good relationships with my students, be able to motivate them, and make their learning meaningful.


WebQuests are a cool way to get students interested in a project.

Even though they were frustrating at times, I feel that I like the idea of a WebQuest and would use it to have students do a big project at the end of a unit.

A Web 2.0 tool

Geogebra is an excellent software for graphing linear equations and can be used in a variety of different projects.

I had never heard of Geogebra before taking Practicum, but after using it, I will definitely be implementing it into my classroom somewhere

Digital Story

Digital stories can be a great way for students to show their understanding in a variety of different ways.

There are at least 9 different forms of a digital story, including Narrative, Epic, Short Story, Fable, and many more.

Classroom Arrangement

5 Key Classroom Components:

Consistent with instruction goals

High-Traffic areas free of congestion

Students are easily seen by teacher.

Supplies readily accessible

Students can see all instructional displays

The first chapter of our classroom arrangement textbook told us the following very early on:

Creating a student sample

Student samples are a great way for teachers to gauge just how long students should spend on a project.

They can be a great tool to show students what to do, or not do, when creating their project.

After creating two student samples, I have a better idea of how they can be used to guide students with a project.

Classroom Management Presentations

Overall, these projects were very insightful to a lot of different skills that teachers should have.

I would say that I learned more helpful tips from everyone else’s presentations than I did from mine.

Being able to talk to my aunt who is a math teacher and department head at Gorham Middle School was very insightful to the profession.

In the end…

These two classed have shown me the following:

How to incorporate different types of technology into the classroom.

How to create a WebQuest and make them engaging.

How to manage a classroom and deal with some of the “behind the scenes” stuff that teachers deal with.