What can B2B marketing learn from B2C?

Post on 19-Nov-2014

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A presentation with embedded youtube videos. Sharing some observations on why B2B marketing doesn't HAVE to be specification sharing and brochure wear. If you want to view the presentation with embeds working drop me a line.

Transcript of What can B2B marketing learn from B2C?

  • 1. B2B that people will dig! by Think Hard #markagorman

2. My objective Share my, mainly, B2C experiences and career observations with B2B marketers Reflect on lessons learned Apply some of that to B2B world Compare the new digital marketing mix to the older one 3. Why B2B need not be seen as the poor relation of marketing/advertising 4. B2B is just B2C with a twist 5. Buyers are people too. I am Mark Gorman whether I am buying Nike trainers or legal 6. How Volvo made truck advertising sexy. 7. And Ford. 8. The first principal of all marketing; consumer or B2B. You need to gather real insights. 9. The insight. Drambuie only comes out at Christmas. Sugar crust. 10. Tennents Gold Bier Project Stirling Tennents Lager losing share to much cooler bottled imports If you cant beat them, join them Research showed young men drank the label not the product but didnt really like it So create a label with quality underpinning it Drawing on Tennents roots but adding a fresh dimension - taste Best beer we ever made to Rheinheitsgebot recipe 11. The insight. (Bottled) lager tastes disgusting. Guys drink labels. 12. My all time favourite brand extension advertisement.. 13. The internet has turned what used to be a controlled one way message into real time dialogue with millions. 14. From this 15. To this 16. And this 17. The inexorable rise of social media and the role of content. 18. Trade magazines/websites 19. Some things never change. 20. Focus on the core problem your business solves and put out lots of content, and enthusiasm and ideas about how to solve that problem. 21. A few observations Ive put into practice over the years. 22. Think like a customer. 23. The consumer is not an idiotshe is your wife. David Ogilvy (withapologies for sexism) 24. Understand how and why your audience uses technology and then start to align your communications efforts. 25. The insight? Apple users are creative. They consider themselves to be different. 26. Thank you Think Hard markgorman@btopenworld.com https://Thinkhard.wordpress.com #markagorman