What Beauty Means To Me

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of What Beauty Means To Me

“What Beauty Means to Me”

"For me, real beauty goes deeper than just the surface. It radiates from my heart, my soul, and my mind. That's

true beauty to me!" - Tara

"I think that beauty comes from the inside. If you carry a smile on your face, and keep your posture great,

people will think you are beautiful." - Katherine

"My wonderful husband, family and friends makes turning 39 beautiful!" - Suzy

"Beauty is being confident enough to embrace your unique qualities." - Sam, who sent this all the way from


"I am beautiful because I'm perfectly IMPERFECT!" - Alanna

“Beauty is being yourself.” - Wikki

"I'm beautiful because I've had years of practice." - Deborah

"Beauty is a reflection of the joy within." - Ariana

"External beauty comes from internal happiness." - Lyssa

"Beauty is a state of being from the inside to the outside." - Dave

"Endless beauty is in your attitude and outlook. Own it and you transform what others see when

they look at you!" - Amanda

"Beauty means always being yourself and being confident in everything I do. This lets my inner beauty

shine through." - Ashton

"I believe that beauty is when the mind, body and spirit get to know each other well enough to go trough life

with a smile. When we know that the skin we live in is our weapon to conquer the world, then we love our

inner and outer beauty. Beauty is confidence, passion and acceptance of who we are." Pilar

"Beauty means embracing your inner passion, and letting yourself express it." - Bri

"Beauty means embracing your flaws, laughing at yourself and having fun." - Jenna

"Beauty is a feeling, not a reflection." - Monica

"To me, beauty means being comfortable in your own skin and not being afraid to be different. Embrace who

you are and be original!" - Stephanie

"Beauty is from the inside, and it radiates on the outside. It's also definitely family!" - Shelia

"To me, beauty means not only the outer appearance of someone, but also who they are on the inside and

how they portray themselves on a day-to-day basis!" - Megan

"Beauty is finding a way to be a happy person no matter what the circumstances of life are at that point

in time. Beauty is striving each day to be a better person for yourself and those around you. And finally, beauty is accepting yourself, the good and the bad." -


"I believe I'm beautiful because I believe in myself. I feel my eyes are one of my best features, they speak to

my audience through my images!" - Amy

"Beauty means being who you are and being that well." - Ashley

"What makes me beautiful is, knowing who I am, knowing what I want, and knowing that Beauty is

subjective....much more than skin deep." - Shanan

"What makes me beautiful is my willingness not to give up, even when thing's in life become so

hard that I think about quitting but do not." - Sara

"The thing that I think that makes me beautiful is that I am genuine... I truly want to help people for the rest of

my life. I am a strong and independent woman that loves having my man, but knows that I can exist and

support myself without him!" - Kelly

"Love is what makes me beautiful!" - Kate

Beauty is my grandmother." - Shelia

"Beauty means letting your personality shine through! A day without laughter is a day wasted." - Allison

"Living life to it's fullest every day, taking chances on life and love, and seeing the beauty in every

moment and every living creature." - Linda

"Beauty means being a strong role model to my four beautiful children." - Judy

"I'm beautiful because of my spiritual nature and loving heart." - Heather

"Beauty means having fun." - Susie

"I'm beautiful because I am 49 years old and still writing music and playing in a band and I don't care if I

make a lot of money doing it or not :)" - Barbara

"Beauty can be applied to a whole range of things from sunsets to people; beauty is something that is meant to

be shared. We are all beautiful, inside and out. Don't loose sight of who you are, embrace your beauty."-


"Beauty to me means loving yourself for who you are."

Beauty is our unaltered natural perfection :) - Brittany

"I am beautiful because I am confident, have determination and wit. I have goals and I plan to reach them. I am beautiful because I am always there to lend a helping hand. I am beautiful because I am a daughter, mother and wife. I am beautiful because I want to be.

'Don’t hate me because I AM beautiful'!" - Amanda

Beauty is being truly happy on the inside and showing it with a big smile :)! – Colleen

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," (John Keats). While that may be so, it's the hunger for truth that will takes

your breath away." - Miriam

"Beauty is kindness. It's doing that one small gesture to make someone else's day better. It's caring for others and seeing the good in what

every situation may bring." - Katie

"Beauty means being confident in who you are, and letting your inner beauty shine through." -


"My son makes me beautiful. He thinks I'm the prettiest girl in the whole world, and he's made

me more beautiful on the inside than I could ever have hoped to be on the outside. He's my

beautiful." - Shannon

"Beauty is having integrity and confidence in all that you do. Beauty is being brave but not

reacting out of fear. Beauty is a helping hand, a warm smile or a kind word. It surpasses the physical and touches the spiritual." - Caitlin

"I feel most beautiful when I am laughing. Laughter is a cure-all for me and life would not be the same without a good, hearty laugh on a daily

basis." - Chris

"Beauty to me is the expression of light and peace that comes from within me. Age, weight,

and the outside don't matter much when your joy shines through and makes your loved ones

smile." - Allison

"To me beauty means being confident in your skin and exuding that confidence to the world. It is important to embrace your unique beauty and

not constantly measure it by media standards. No matter what your style is.... you better work it

grrrl!" - Veronica

"Beauty is being as healthy as possible so I can do things with my baby and set an example." -


"No matter how difficult life gets, I will smile on." - Vicky

"Beauty is... unconditional love from your best friend!" - Jennifer

“I'm beautiful because I'm a dancer.” - Katherine