WESTERN AUSTRALIA,...[4939] OF STERN AUSTRA A. [Published by Authority at 8'3© p.m.] /REISTERED AT...

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Transcript of WESTERN AUSTRALIA,...[4939] OF STERN AUSTRA A. [Published by Authority at 8'3© p.m.] /REISTERED AT...



STERN AUSTRA A. [Published by Authority at 8'3© p.m.]


No. 68.]

PERTH : FRIDAY, DECE 3ER 13. [1912.

No. 14189.--C.S.U.

The Emig Closing Act, 1902.


WESTERN, AUSTRALIA., / By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strleic- TO WIT. j' land, Count della Catena, Knight

Commander of the Most Distinguished G. STRICKLAND, Order of St. Michael and St. George,

Governor. Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Depend-

[Ls.] encies, etc., etc., etc.

WHEREAS by " The Early Closing Act, 1902," it is enacted that the Governor tray, by Proclamation, tem-porarily suspend the operation of the said Act, in so far as it applies to the closing time fixed or appointed for any shop or shops: And whereas it is expedient to exer-cise such power in manner hereinafter appearing: Now therefore 1, the said Governor, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby by this Proclamation suspend the operation of the said Act (including all amendments thereof) during the twenty-fourth day and thirty-first day of December, 1912, in so far as it applies to the closing time of all shops throughout the State.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this tenth day of December, 1912.

By His Excellency's Command,

J. E. DODD, for Colonial Secretary.


PROCLAMATION (under 60 Viet., No. 22, Sec. 6.)

AUSTRALIA, / By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strick- wIT. f land, Count delta Catena, Knight

Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Depend-encies, etc., etc., etc.

11638/02. WHERlEAS by "The Transfer of Land Act, 1893, Amendment Act, 1896'' (60 Vict., No. 22), tile Gov-ernor is empowered, by proclamation in the Goner/m(710 (emetic, to revest in His Majesty, as of his former es-tate, all or any lands whereof His Majesty may become the registered proprietor: And whereas His Majesty

is now the registered proprietor of that portion of Wel-lington Location 50A (containing two acres) registered in the Office of Titles in Volume 533, Folio 193: Now, therefore, 1, the said Governor, with the advice and con-sent of the Executive Council, do by this Proclamation revest in His Majesty, his heirs and successors, that portion of Wellington Location 50..A. (containing two acres) aforesaid, as of his former estate.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this tenth clay of December, 1912.

Excellency's Command,

THOMAS H. BATH, Minister for Lands.


[L.s.] 10288/12.

WHERI,3AS by "The Transfer of Land Act, 1893, Amendment Act, 1896" (60 Vict., No. 22), the Gov-ernor is empowered, by proclamation in the Government Ga:Jette, to revest in His Majesty, as of his former es-tate, all or any lands whereof His Majesty may become the registered proprietor: And whereas His Majesty is now the registered proprietor of portion of Avon Loca-tion 1080 registered in the Office of Titles in Volume 521, Folio 179: Now, therefore, I, the said Governor, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, do by this Proclamation revest in His Majesty, his heirs and successors, that portion of Avon Location 1080 afore-said, as of his former estate.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this tenth day of December, 1912.

By His Excellency's Command,

THOMAS H. BATH, Minister for Lando.



C. Si RICELAND, Governor.

PROCLAMATION (under 60 Viet., No. 22, See. 6.)

WESTERN AUSTRALIA, t By Ills Excellency Sir Gerald Striek-

TO WIT. J land, Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished

G. STRICKLAND, Order of St. Michael and St. George,

Governor. Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Depend-encies, etc., etc., etc.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEG. 13, 1912. 4940

The Land Act, 1898. PROCLAMATION

(Resumption) WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 1 By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strick-

T 0 WIT. J land, Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Mnst Distinguished

G. STRICKLAND, Order of St. Michael and St. George,

Governor. Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Depend-encies, etc., etc., etc

COrres. No. 60(37/12. WHEREAS by Section 9 of "The Laud Act, 1898," the Governor may resume, for any of the purposes specified in Section 39 of the said Act, any portion of land held as a Conditional Purchase Lease: And whereas it is deemed expedient that the portions of Conditional - Pur-chase Leases 6534/56 and 6570/56, as described here-under, should he resumed for one of the purposes speci-fied in paragraph 13 of Section 39 of the said Act, that is to say, for Water Supply: Now therefore I, Sir Gerald Strickland, Count della Catena, Governor as aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council, do by this my proclamation resume portion of Conditional Purchase, Leases 6534/56 and 6570/56 for the purpose aforesaid.

Schedule. 1. That portion of Conditional Purchase Lease No.

6534/56 (Avon Location 1181(3), containing 9 acres 1 rood 28 perches, bounded on the South and East by lines starting' from its South-East corner, and extending 269 degrees 59 minutes 18 chains 85 5/10 links along its Southern boundary, and 359 degrees 59 minutes 5 chains along its Eastern boundary; the opposite sides being parallel and equal. (Plan 26N/80, Diagram N. 1850.)

2. That portion of Conditional Purchase Lease 6570/ 56 (Avon Location 12656), containing 15 acres 3 roods 35 perches, bounded on the North and East by lines starting from a point on its Northern boundary situate 269 degrees 59 minutes S chains 20 7/10 links from the South-East corner of. Location 11.31.0, and extending 209 degrees 59 minutes 10 chains 64 8/10 links along the latter's Southern boundary-, and 179 degrees 59 minutes 15 chains; the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. (Plan 26N/80, Diagram N. 1850.)

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this tenth day of December, 1912.

By His Excellency's Command. THOMAS H. BATH,

Minister for Lands. GOD SAVE THE KING!!!

The Land Act, 189S. PROCLAMATION

(Resumption) WirlsTEnrst AUSTRALIA, 1 By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strick-

TO WIT. S land, Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished

G. STR ICI: LAND, Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor. Governor in and over the State of

Western Australia and its Depend- [1,5.1 encies, etc., etc., etc.

Corr. No. 11257/11. WilllREAS by Section 9 of "The Land Act, 1898," the Governor may resume, for any of the purposes speci'd in Section 33) of the said Act, ary portion of land hold as a Homestead Farm: And tvii . . it is deemed es•- pedient that the portion of Farm 16380/74. as described hereunder, should be restuned for one of the purposes specified in paragraph 12 or Section 39 of the said Act, that is to say for Quarry (Stone and Gravel) : Now therefore I, Sir Gerald Strickland, Count della Catena, Governor as aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council, do by this my proclamation resume portion of Homestead Farm 16380/74 for time purpose aforesaid.

Schedule. That portion of Homestead Farm 16380/74 (Williams

Location 3630) containing 1 acre 2 roods 30 perches, bounded by lines starting from a point on one of its Eastern boundaries situate 11 chains 94 6/10 links North from its South-East corner, and extending 301deg. 46 min. 8 chains 70 links to a Northern boundary of said Location 3630; thence 90deg. 4min. 7 chains 40 links to one of its North-East corners, and thence 180 deg. 4min. 4 chains 56 4/10 links to the starting point, (Plan 378C/40; Diagram Narr. 1449.) •

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this tenth day of December, 1912.

By His Excellency's Command,

THOMAS H. BATH, Minister for Lands.


The Land Act, 1898.


[t.s.) Corr. No. 9552/0S.

WHEREAS by Section 9 of "The Land Act, 1898," the Governor may resume, for any of the purposes specified in Section 39 of the said Act, any portion of land held as a 'Conditional Purchase: And whereas it is deemed expedient that the portion of Conditional Purchase 774/59, Williams Location 1337, as described hereunder, should be resumed for one of the purposes specified in paragraph 12 of Section 39 of the said Act, that is to say, for Gravel: NOW therefore I, Sir Gerald Strickland, Count della Catena, Governor as aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council, do by this my Proclamation resume portion of Conditional Purchase 774/56 for the purpose aforesaid.

Schedule. That portion of Conditional Purchase Lease 774/56

(Williams, Location 1337), containing five acres, hounded by lines starting from its North-East corner, and ex-tending South 9 chains 58 1/10 links along its East boundary; thence West 7 chains; thence North 4 chains 71 ,5/10 links to its North-Western boundary, and thence 55deg. llmin. 8 chains 52 3/10 links along the latter to the starting point. (Plan 335A/40; Diagram Nar. 1748.)

That portion of the Proclamation dated the 13th February, 1912, and appearing on page 237 of the Gov-emdeat GaTette of the 16th February, 1912, resuming portion of Conditimm ,',e'cliase Lease 12.34/55 (Williams Location 1234) SS des.al;and in paragdaph 3 of schedule is hereby revoked.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 10th day of December, 1912. -

By His Excellency 's Command,

THOMAS H. BATH, Minister for Lands.


The Land Act, 1898. PROCLAMATION

(Resumption) Wits'omN AUSTRALIA, t By His Excellency Sir Gerald StriCk-

TO WIT. l land, Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished

G. STRICKLAND. Order of St. MI,Aael and St. George,

Governor. Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Depend-encies, etc., etc., etc.

Corr. No. 4132/12. D by Section 9 of ''The Land Act, 1898," the

resume, for any of the purposes specified 1,1 Section 30 of the said Act, any portion of land hell as R. Conditional Purchase: And whereas it is deemed expedient that the portion of Conditional Purchase 20157/55, as described hereunder, should be resumed

• one of the purposes specified in paragraph 13 of ion 39 of the said Act, that for Water

• Now theec,,, d •1:!nocl, Count iatenn, (110,0 in 1 or th the mlvi cc

1.e Exec ul 1. do Proclamation resume portion of conditional Purchase 25157/55 for the purpose aforesaid.

Schedule. That portion of Conditional Purchase Lease 25157/55

(Melbourne Location 1918), containing 5 acres lr. 3p., boonded on the South and West respectively by lines starting from its South-West corner, and extending. 89 deg. 3Smin. 11 chains along its South boundary and 359deg. 38miu. 4 chains 79 links along, its West boun-dary; the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. (Location 2724; Diagram N. 1935.)

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 10th day of December, 1912.

By His Excellency's Command,

THOMAS H. BATH, Minister for Lands.


:17 ESTERN AUSTRALIA, t By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strick-

TO WIT. 5 land, Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished

G. STRICKLAND, Order of St. Michael and St. George,

Governor. Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Depend-encies, etc., etc., etc.

DEC. 13, 1912.]


Dedication of Public Highway.

Leederville Municipality.

PROCLAMATION -WESTERN AUSTRALIA, / By His Excellency Sir Gerald Striek-

TO WIT. J land, Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished

G. STRICKLAND, Order of St. Michael and St. George,

Governor. Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Depend-

[a.s.] encies, etc., etc., etc.

7475/12. WHEREAS by Sections 222 and 227 of "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1906" (6 Edwardi, No. 32), it shall be lawful for the Governor, on request of the Council, by notice in the Government Gazette, to declare any land ,reserved, used, or by purchase or exchange acquired for a street or way, or any place, bridge, or thoroughfare, to be a public highway, and such land shall thereupon and thenceforth, from the date of such Proclamation, become and be absolutely dedicated to the public as a public highway within the meaning of any law now or hereafter in force: And whereas the Leederville Municipal Council has requested that certain lands named and described in the Schedule hereunder which have been used for. streets or ways within the Municipality of Leederville, be de-clared public highways: Now therefore I, the said Gov-ernor, by and with the advice and consent of the Execu- tive Council, do by this my Proclamation declare the said lands to be public highways, and such lands shall, from the date of this Proclamation, he absolutely dedi-cated to the public as highways within the meaning of any law now or hereafter in force.


Name of Street. 'Width. I Position. itles Office


Hill Street ... 100 links .., From Gregory Street to 3273 and Park Street 3232

Mount Street From Gregory Street to 3232 West boundary of sub-division

Denton Street Do. ... From Salvado Road to 3232 Cambridge Street

Corboy Street Do. ... From Salvado Road to 3232 Cambridge Street

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 10th day of December, 1912.

By His Excellency's Command,

THOMAS H. BATH, for Minister for Works.


The Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1909.


At the Executive Council Chambers, at Perth, this 3rd day of December, 1912.

Present: His Excellency the Governor.

The Honourables—The Premier. W. C. Angwin, M.L.A.

WHEREAS by "The Metropolitan Water Supply, Sew-erage, and Drainage Act, 1909," it is provided that, subject to the provisions of the Act, the Minister of Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage shall, with the approval of the Governor, have power to construct and extend Water Works, Sewerage Works, and Storm Water Drainage Works: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, hereby approves of the construction by the Minister of Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage of the following works under the said Act, namely:—

Division No. 99; Fremantle Low Level Sewerage; Pumping Station No. 2, Essex Street.

This Order in Council shall take effect from the 14th day of December, 1912.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council,

Nciropolitan jrcje). sappily, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1909.

ORDER COUNCIL. At the Executive Council Chambers, at Perth, this

day of December, 1912. Th'e:s at :

the Governor. Premier.

The Minister for Works. W. C. Angwin, M.B.A.

WHEREAS by "Ti_e Metropolitan Water Supply, Sew-erage, and Drainage Act, 1909," it is provided in Sec-tion 20 that the covernor may exempt such reticulation works as in his .:H-retion he may think fit from the operation , r!" seetions in this Act: Now, there- fore, i is e cy f evniumr, with the advice of the Executive Council, Cu s'!-1 hereby exempt the reticulation works as her, inC',.•:• described from the operations of Subsections (a) and (b) of Section 20, and Sections 21, 22, and 23 of the said Act.

Description of said Reticulation. A 6-inch stoneware pipe sewer, with all apparatus re-

lating thereto, being a portion of Area 8, commencing at end of a branch out of Manhole No. 627, and going North-Westerly through private property, a distance of 115 feet.

Line oil Sewer shot.:: in r, d rm P.W.D. Plan deposited at the Office of the in of Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage, 605 Street, Perth.

This Order o take effect from the 14th day of December, 1

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of Executive Council.

3451/9S. WHEREAS by Section, 1.2.of "The Land Act, 1898," it is made lawful for the e. tor to direct that any Reserve shall vest in and l,' id by any Municipality, Road Board, or other pe• se:: or persons to be named in the order, in trust for iiny oil the purposes set forth in Section 39 of the said or for the like or other public purposes to be lied in such order: And whereas it is deemed ec;.C.:1(11.t that Reserve 6108, at Wellington (Harvey), should vest in and be held by the Hon.. the Minister for Wurks, in trust for the purposes of an Agricultural Hall site: Now, therefore, His Ex-cellency the Governor, by and with the advice and con-sent of the Executive Council, cloth hereby direct that the before-mentioned Reserve shall vest in and be held by the Hon. the Minister for Works, in trust for the purposes of an Agricultural Hall site; subject, never-theless, to the powers reserved to him. by' Section 41 of the said Act.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

Ti;,. Land Act, 1898. , COUNCIL.

At the Execut Chamber, at Perth, this 10th day of December, 1912.

Present: His Excellency the Governor.

The Houourables—The Premier. The Minister for Works. W. C. Angwin, M.L.A.

4767/11. WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Land Act, 1898," it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Road Board, or other person or persons to be named in the order, in tract for any of the purposes; set forth in Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other public purposes to be specified in such order: And whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve 13929, at Wogolin, should vest in and be held by the Hon, the

Rise Land Act, 1398.

ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this

10th day of December, 1912. Present:

His Excellency the Governor. The Honourables—The Premier.

The Minister for Works. W. C. Angwin, M.L.A.

4942 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEc. 13, 1912.

Minister for Works, in trust for the purposes of an Agricultural Hall site: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and wide the advice and consent of the Executive Council, (loth hereby direct that the before-mentioned Reserve shall vest in and be held by the Hon. the Minister for Works, in trust for the purpose of an Agricultural Hall site; subject, nevertheless, to the powers reserved to him by section 41 of the said Art.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

The, Land Act, 1898. ORDER IN COUNCIL.

At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this 10th day of December, 1912.

Present: His Excellency the Governor.

The onourables—The Premier. The 'Minister for Works. W. C. Angwin,

1792/12. WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Land Act, 1898," it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Road Board, or other person or persons to be named in the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth in Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other public purposes to be specified in such order: And whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve 14174, Ninghan Location, should vest in and be held by Hon. Minister for Works, in trust for the purpose of Water Supply: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, cloth hereby dire-,, that the before-mentioned Reserve shall vest in be held by Hon. Minister for Works, in trust for thi. purpose of. Water Supply; subject, nevertlwless, to c owers reserved to him by Section 41 :of the said

7T) PAR ER, lerk of the Council.

The Lund

ORDER IN IL. At the Executive Council Chaneir; at Perth, this

10th day of Decembc's, 1912. Present.:

His Excellency the Governor. The lionourahles----The Premier.

The Ministey for Works. W. C. Angwin,

9888/12. WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Land Act, 1898," it is made lawful for the Governor to diriiet that any Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Road Board, or other person or persons to be mimed in the order, in trust for any of the purposi.s set fortl in Section 39 of the said Aet, or for the like or other public purposes to be specified in such order: And whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve 14534, Manin'in should vest in and be held by lion. Minis!er -for Works, in trust for a Public Hall site: Now, therefore, I l is Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby direct that inif,mmineniimnid Reserve shall vest in and be held le. Hoe. Niinismr for Works, in trust for a Public Will ,u14Hit. nevertheless, to the powers reservi,i !:, iS: ,-tion .11 of the sail Art.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

Thc L(wl 1898.

ORDER IN COP NO E. At the Executive Council Cleo. • at Perth, this

10th day of thicem 1912. Prose), I :

His Excellency the Governor. The Honourables—The Premier.

The Minister for Works. W. C. Angwiti, M.L.A.

84/92. WHEREAS by Section 43 of "The Land Act, 1898," it is made lawful for the Governor by Order in Council, without issuing auy deed of grant to place any Reserve under the control of any Municipality, Roads Board, or

other person or persons, as a 170nr(i of Management, and to empower such Board to b,ake, repeal, and alter by-laws for the control and mann :ement of such Reserves, and prescribe fees for demist:Hog thereon, and for other purposes, such, by-laws to be a i.proved by the Governor and published in the Governnu ,t1 Gacette: And whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve 2012, at Marramine Gully, should be placed under the control and manage-ment of the Narrogin Road Board, as a Board of Man-agement: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, cloth hereby place the before-mentioned Reserve under the control and management of the Narrogin Road Board as a Board of. Manage-. nient, and (loth empower such Board to make,: repeal, or alter by-laws for the control and management of the said Reserve, for prescribing fees for depasturing thereon, for directing the manner in which such fees shall be imposed, paid, collected, and disposed of, and to impose penalties not exceeding in any case £5 for any breach thereof, and £2 a day for a continuing breach, but not,more than £20 in the aggre-gate.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

The Land Act, 1898.


At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this 10th day of December, 1912,

Prescal His Excellency the Governor.

iThe Honourables—'the P remier. The Minister for Works. W. C. Angevin,

7795/04. WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Laud Act, 1898," it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Road Board, or other person or persons to be named in the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth in Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other public purposes to be specified in such order: And whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve 9903, at Nangeenan, should vest in and be held by the Hon. the Minister for Works, in trust for Agricultural Hall and Local Government purposes: Now.. theleforn, His Excellency the Governor, by and with ndvi , -,‘ and consent of the Executive Council, loth hereby di:, iliat the before- mentioned Reserve shall vest in aim 4, hi Id by the Hon. the Minister for Works, in trust for Agricultural Hall and Local Government purposes; subject, nevertheless, to the powers reserved to him by Section 41 of the said Act.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

The Land Act, 1898.

ORDER IN r'OENcll.,.

At the Executive Cm:1[mi!

rth, this 10th day (:1' :1

PICH His Excellency the Governor.

The Tionourables--The Premier. The Minister for Works. W. C. Angwin, ALL.A.

4132/12. WHEREAS by Section 42 of " The Land Act, 1898,' it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that an' Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality Road Board, or other person or persons to be named the order, in trust for any of the purposes set:forth i: Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other publi purposes to he specified in such order: And wherea it is deemed expedient that Reserve 14533 (Melbourn Location 2724), should vest in and be held by Hot ?Minister for Works, for the purpose of Water Supply Non', therefore, His :Excellency the Governor, by an with the advice and consent of the Executive Counci Sloth hereby direct that the before-mentioned Resery shall vest and be held by Hon. 'Minister for Work for the purpose of Water Supply; subject, neverthi less, to the powers reserved to him by Section 41 of tt said Act.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

Premier's Office, Perth 3th December,

Perth, -1 1912.

The To ORD

At the Executive Cone; 10th day of bt

P r : His Excellency

The Honourable--


Pe .th this

Gol ,trnor.

.3467/08. IT is hereby notified, for that His Excellency the Governer . to recognise Jean Fleischer as Actitt,; tgcut for Italy, in Fremantle, during- the abseice ,:roue the State of L. Ratazzi, as front the 7th ithAttat.

DF,c. 13, 1912. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4943

,, , u.scer for Works. ngwin,

14100/11. WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Laud Act, 1898," it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Road Board, or other person or persons to be named in the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth in Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other public purposes to be specified in such order: And whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve 14000 (Ninghan) should vest in and be held by the Hon. the Minister for Works, in trust for the purpose of a 'rank Site and Catchment Area : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, ,loth hereby direct that the before-mentioned Reserve sindl vest in and be held by the Hon. the Millisrer for Works, in trust for the purpose of a Tank Site and Catehment Area; subject, nevertheless, to the sewers reserved to hint by Section 41 of the said Act.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.


At the Executive Council c!::: , at Perth, this 10th day of . , 1912.

Ills Exe,e ernor. The Honourables-

for Works. W. ,in,

4489/11. WHEREAS by Section 42 i Le Land Act, 1898," it is made lawful for :nor to direct that any Reserve shall vest id by any Municipality, Road Board, or other ittr-on or persons to be named in the order, in trust for tho- ct! the purposes set forth in Section 39 of the said At'. or for tile like or other public purposes to be si,e,•iled in such order: And whereas it is deemed expeilloot the .- Reserve l091 Merredin Lots 120 and 121, slnuti1 vest in and I-' held by the Hon. the Minister for Worls, in trust, fe: the purpose of a Road Board Ohicr sh-e: 'Now, therefore, Die Ex-cellency the Governor, by n1.11 \c. ilt the advice and consent of the Executive Council. Moth hereby direct that the before-mentioned Rec.:A-rye shall vest ill MIA be held by the Hon. the Minist,y Works, in trust for the pur- pose of a Road 11, ,n te site; subject, neverthe- less, to the powers r him by Section 41 of the said Act.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

The Land Act, 1898. ORDER IN COUNCIL.

At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this 10th day of December, 1912.

Pre.sont: His Excellency the Governor.

The Honourables—The Premier. '[lie Minister for Works. \V, C. Angwin, M.L.A.

9998/08. WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Land Act, 1898," it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Road Board, or other person or persons to be named in the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth in Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other public purposes to be specified in such order: And whereas it is deemed expedient that ReserVe 11613, at Kundip, should vest in and he held by the Hon. the Minister for Works, in trust for the purposes of a Mechanics' institute site: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, cloth here's ;Erect that the before-mentioned 11-'serve shall \-o;-; red he held fry the Hon. the Minister for Works, in trust for the purposes of a Mechanics' Institute site; subject nevertheless, to the powers reserved to him by Section 41 of tile said Act.

BERN!' RD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

J. SCADDAN, Premier.

Pr;; :flier's Office, Perth, 3472/08. 13th December, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, far

„Tea scher as Acti og Excelleocy the Governor

mantle, during the absence f. as from the 7th instant.

.1; information, that His

te State of L. Ratazzi,

. pleased to recognise for Germany, in Pre-

J. SCADDAN, Premier.


Premier 's Office, Perth, 0th December, 1912.

the Hon. Premier has reee: IT is hereby notified, for

and other papers issued

ral information, that es of the Regulations, ivil Service Commis-

sioners, respecting the ex,1 for the Civil Service of India. to be held in

913: which papers may

be inspected at this Office.

A. COLENSO IKESSELL, Secretary to the Premier.

No. 14190.--C.S.O.


Colonial Secretary's Office, 1951/10. Perth, 13th December, 1912.

lExcellooey he Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint V\ Mime lierbert Adcock to be a member of the Derby Local Board of Health for the period ending 31st May, 1914, 'vice -William A. Eacott, resigned.

F. D. NORTH, Under Secretary.

No. 14191.—C.S.O.


Colonial Secretary's Office, Perth, 13th December, 1912.

PURSUANT to the provisions of Section 7 of "The Aborigines Act, 1905," the Honourable the Colonial Secretary has appointed-

5313/12.—Constable William Mitchell (Mount Mor-galls) to be a Protector of Aborigines at Mount Morgans, until the 31st December, 1913.

F. D. NORTH, Under Secretary.

Office of Public Service Commissioner, Perth, 21st November, 1972.

IT is hereby notified that the following days will be observed as Public Service Holidays throughout the Ser-vice:—

Wednesday, 25th December, 1912. Thursday, 26th 1912. }Friday, 27th11( re c, mb.. 1912, Saturday, 28iffi 1;;youeber, 1912. Wednesday, 1st January, 1913.

WALTER W. ALCOCK, Deputy Public Service Commissioner.

33:17; Tanle Su Inlo47,

Act, to be DistHc Department of A July, 1912, at a

Co, 4937: ( harles

"r • .

4944 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. EBEc. 13, 1912.

Office of Public Service Commissioner, Perth, 12th December, 1912.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved of the following appointments:—

Ex. Co. 8092; P.S.C. 1194/12. Henry Higham, under Section 29 of the Public Service

Act, to be Clerk, shorthand-writing and typing, Treasury Department, at a salary of £216 per annum, with a special allowance of £48 whilst acting as Clerk to the Hon. the Minister, as from 1st July, 1912.

Ex. Co. 3360; P.S.C. 876/12. T. Dickson, Clerk, Taxation Department, to be Clerk,

Accounts Branch, Department of Agriculture and In-dustries, at a salary of £192 per annum, as from 1st October, 1912.

C.S.C. S33/12. under Section 29 of the Public Service

inspector .under the Insect Pests Act, ;..::•icultare and Industries, as from 1st :•:.Ir. of £192 per annum.

P.S.C. 1478112. Donal) 'Keyser, under Section 35 of rl= et, to he Clerk, Registry and Statis- Secretary's Department, at a an nun as from 1st December, 1912.

Co. .1937; P.S.C. 1478/12. Charles AV'llliain Frederick 'Eichler, under Section 29

of the Public Service Act, to lie Clerk, Registry and

Statistical Branch, Colonial Secretary's Department, at a salary of £168 per annum, as from 1st December, 1912.

Ex. Co. 4719; P.S.C. 1344/12. Henry Francis Prior, under Section 29 of the Public

Service Act, to be Clerk, Water Supply Department, at a salary of £168 per annum, as from 1st November, 1912.

Ex. Co. 4719; P.S.C. 1344/12. Essington Brady, under Section 29 of the Public

Service Act, to be Clerk, Water Supply Department, at a salary of £168 per annum, as from 1st November, 1912.

Ex. Co. 4565; P.S.C. 1314/12. T. H. McMinn, Clerk, District Land Office, Beverley,

to be Clerk, Head Office, Lands and Surveys Depart-ment, at his present rate of salary (£120), as from 20th November, 1912.

Ex. Co. 4970. Christian Jeger, under Section 29 of the Public Ser-

vice Act, to he Clerk, shorthand-writing and typing, Aborigines and Fisheries Branch, Colonial Secretary's Department, at a salary of £120 per annum, as from 1st October, 1912.

Ex. Co. 5078; P.S.C. 1484/12. F. J. Baldwin, Clerk, Government Printing Office, to

he Clerk, Orders and Estimates, at a salary of £216 per annum, as from 1st November, 1912.

WALTER W. ALCOCK, Deputy Public Service Commissioner.



Colonial Secretary's (Re-cords)

Mines Lands and Surveys

(Katanning Office) Lands and Surveys (In-

spection and Land Board)

Crown Law (Tic 1,•=) Crown Law (Till..., ) Crown Law Cilitlo,0 Crown Law ( Lffo,1 Ti ' lc. Crown L:

Court) Water Supply Colonial 8,,•r, ...c.-

0011.11ts) Co Ionia 8, ,, ,•

cal Public Work • Ira it., :11,1 cur

( L.>)

Law a, 1_,N11.d. Titles) ... Cole]: sal Secretary's (Cor-

respondenee) Treasury (Accounts) Agriculture ...


Clerk, second in charge ...

Registrar (I(ookynie)


; '1,• ..1.or of Lan Waroona,

nn .a ssistant

11n:1( unan Clerk, shorthanm md typing

Clerk District. Inspector under In-

sect Pests Act

Salary. Date returnable.

£192 to £228 14th December, 1912

£240 to £276 do. £144 to £180 do.

£144 to £180 do.

£180 to £216 do. £108 to £204 do. £114 to £180 do. £108 to £201 do. £144 to £180 do.

£216 to £252 do. £168 to £204 do.

£168 to £20-I do.

£144 to £180 do. £201 to £240 21st December, 1912 £144 to £180 do. £168 to £204 do.

£144 to £1.80 do. £144 to E180 31st December, 1912

£144 to El.80 do. £192 to £228 4th January, 1913

-1i-1 •ffrk, shorthand and typing

A upi SOrVle, ' It


1.0 called under Section 38 of " The Public Service Act, 1904," and are to be addressed to the Public and should be made on the prescribed forms obtainable from the offices of the various Permanent

11 u , a ts.

Officers in Class tt are not eligible for promotion to Class F until they have attained to the Maximum of their Class or to 20 years of age, and should, therefore, not apply for vacancies to which they have no claim for promotion.

WALTER W. ALCOCK, Deputy Public Service Commissioner.

13, 191.2.] GOVERNMENT GAZE I TE. 494'


Notification of Vacancies. The Treasury,

Perth, 11th December, 1912.

APPLICATIONS are invited by the Commonwealth Public Service'Commissioner from persons qualified'for appointment to the following positions.

Applicants outside the Public Service are eligible for appointment to the Administrative and ProfesSional Divisions, but are not eligible for appointment to Clerical or General Division vacancies, unless they were in the service of' a State on 1st January, 1901, or have retired from the service of the Commonwealth or of a State.

Applicants who are officers of the Public Service of a State should state the date of their appointment to the service, present position, and salary.

Applicants from outside the service should state their qualifications for the office they seek. Copies only of diplomas, references, testimonials, or certificates should be forwarded. If the originals are required they will be asked for.

Date and year of birth should be stated, and applications must he in applicants' hand-writing, - Applications should be addressed to the " Commonwealth Public Service Inspector" of the State in which the vacancy

exists, and in the case of officers of the Commonwealth Service be forwarded through the chief officer of the department to which the applicant belongs.

Minimum, and maximum salaries where shown indicate the limits of tlik-; class or grade in which the position is classified. Subject to the provisions of the Public Service Act, appointments may be made at any salary within those limits. Successful appointees must comply with the life assurance provisions of the Public Service Act and Regulations.

L. S. ELIOT, Under Treasurer.

Position. Locality. Division, and Salary per annum.


New South Wales Branch.

Clerk, 3rd Class ... Sydney ... ,, Clerical, £310 to £400 ; previous legal experience necessary in litigious and conveyancing matters.

Senior Postal Assistant in I Bellata, Charge


Warwick Caboolture


New South Wales.

General, .S2,144 to -Al168; less 10 per cent. for rout ; quarters, three rooms and kitchen.

Queensland. Clerical, e,310 to £360, less 10 per cent. for rent ; District

Allowance, Scale 1 ; quarters, seven rooms. Applicants should state their experience in quadruplex and more repeaters.

Clerical, .-.380 to E400 ; no quarters. General, £126 to £1.50.


Postmaster ... Lineman ...

Applications returnable 21st instant.

Crown Law Department, Perth, 11th December, 1912.

II.ISExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved of the following appointments: —

C.L.D. 2200/11.—Patrick Troy as a Deputy Member and Deputy Chairman of the Licensing Court for the Perth Licensing District, under Section 16 of "The Licensing Act, 1911."

C.L.D. 10272/11..--R. J. P. Rees as Acting Clerk of the Local Court and Acting Clerk to Magistrates, Bridge-town, and Acting Clerk of the Licensing. Court for the Nelson Licensing District, during the absence on leave of R. C. Williams, as from the 9th December. 1912.

C.L.D. 8353/12.--A. Crawley as Acting Cleric of the Local Court ant Acting Clerk to Magistrates, Coolgardie, and Acting , 1-A of the Licensing Courts ior the Cool- gardie end Licensing Districts at Coolgardie. Vice C, , Hi Deve, as from the 15th December, 1912.

3932/11.—Francis Kelly as Acting Clerk of the Local Court etil Acting Clerk to Magistrates, Marble Bar, and Acting Clerk of the Licensing Court for the Pillara Licensing District at Marble Bar, during the absence of 0. A. Wright on leave, as from the 11th December, 1912.

C.L.D. 9741/12.—T. E. Rea as Acting Clerk of Local Court and Acting Clerk to Magistrates, I' and Acting Clerk of the Licensing Court for the MI,. Magnet Licensing District at Yalgoo, during the absence on leave of T. Clark, as from the 14th December, 1910.

C.L.D. 3931/11.---Coe 0aricer as Acting Clerk of the Local Court and A, •ting Clerk to Magistrates, Nulla- gine, vice F. ee eie the 2nd December, 1912.

C.L.D. 9831/12. ---I•'. as Acting Electoral' Regis- trior for the Pilbara •ilecteral District during the ah- see:a, leave of 0. A. Wright, as from the 11th Decem- ber. 1112.

C.L.D. 9786/ :

ir Hayles as Electoral Registrar for –ea. Electoral District, vice A. IL

FOIr, the 3rd December, 1912.

0. .1/1.1.— Ilenry Dickson as Acting Electoral for the .ittiimantle, North-East Fremantle, and

,t• Fremantle Electoral Districts, during the absence of L. A. King. as from the 12th December, 1912.

C.L.D. 9886/12---R. 3. P. Rees as Acting Electoral Registrar for the Nelson Electoral District, during the absence on leave of R. C. Williams, as from the 9th Deember, 1912.

n:0 ell as Acting Electoral Hannans, grown Hill-Districts, and for the iltu•ing the absence on

13th December. 1912.

•eLoral "let, dui;

oil Cohn, as from the 15th Deeetn-

H. G. HAMPTON, Under Secretary for Law.


eat] South A. Sanders, a

absee, , -e her, 1912.

4946 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEC. 13, 1912


HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved of the following amendment to the Regula-tions under "The Electoral Act, 1907":—

Strike out paragraph 11 (e), and insert the following in lieu thereof :—

(c) Public Servants acting in the capacity of Re-turning Officers at contested elections, or as deputy Returning Officers at contested Legis-lative Council elections, will be granted in re-spect of every election a sum of Two pounds (.1C2) as an allowance for clerical or other assistance in connection with such election.

2. Such alteration to cone into force as from the 3rd May, 1911.

H. G. HAMPTON, Under Secretary for Law.

Crown Law Department, Perth, 11th December, 1912.

THE Hon. Attorney General has approved of the fol-lowing cancellations of Postal Vote Officers under "The Electoral, Act, 1907":—

South Fremantle District. Coogee—Burns. W. L.

Mt. Leonora District. King of the Hills, Diorite—Stokes, H. G.

31urchison District. Mt. Egerton—Chamberlain, George.

H. G. HAMPTON, Under Secretary for Law.

CEMETERIES ACT, 1897. Appointment.

Department of Lands and Surveys, 1331/90. Perth, 13th December, 1912.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint, under the provisions of "The Cemeteries Act, 1897," and amending Acts, Levi Wright as an additional Member of the Gingin Cemetery Board.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.

ERRATUM NOTICE. Resumption of Road No. 4323.

IN notice published in the Government Gazette of the 29th March, 1912, page 1328, resmning certain areas from Avon :Locations 7931 and 7312, instead of 5 acres 3r. 32p. from Avon Location 7951, read 1 acre Sr. 1 p., and instead of 2 acres Or. 12.4p. from Avon Location 7312 read 0 acres 3r. 20p.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.

ARRINO TOWNSITE. Extension of Boundaries. Department of Lands and Surveys,

1435/12. Perth, 13th December, 1912. HIS Excellency the Governor in (Council has been pleased, to approve of Arrino Lot 99 (as surveyed) being in-cluded within the townsite of Arriuo. (Plan 123/50.)

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.

MING ENEW TOWNSTTE. Ex(c•ns'iop of Boundaries.

Department of Lands and Surveys, 8284/02. Perth, 13t1, December, 1912.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to extern', the boundaries of 'i\lic:.:enev,- Townsite to include the land con:: H 'n •:, tion 1188.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.

MT. BARKER TOWNSITE. Amended Boundaries.

Department of Lands and Surveys,

4696/02. Perth, 13th December, 1912. HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to approve of the following'boundaries of the Townsite of Mt. Barker in lien of those previously published in the Government Gazette, which are hereby cancelled: and to classify the additional area as Town and Suburban:—

Bounded by lines starting'from the South-West corner of Plantagenet Location 275, and extending 90deg. 14 min. 33 chains 26 links; thence Odeg. 14min. 11 chains"-57 links along its South and East boundaries to the South boundary of Location 419; thence ,90.deg. 14min. 16 chains 13 links; thence Odeg. 14min. 15 chains 38 links; thence 270deg. 14min. 9 chains 81 links.'along part of its South, its East, 'and North boundaries to-the South-East boundary of the Great Southern 'Railway. Reserve, and along it 49deg. 18min. 7 chains 15 to the West boundary of Location 304 and South to its South-West corner; thence 91deg. 46 chains 67, links along its South boundary to the West boundary of Location 18; thence 181deg. 3min. 156 chains 7 links, passing along part of the West boundary of said Loca-tion 1S and the West boundaries of Locations 13/11;-522, and 2207 to the Northern boundary of Location 752; thence West, passing along the Northern boundaries of Location 752 aforesaid, Locations 1963, 1330, 1067, 476, 921 to the Eastern boundary of Location 2063; thence North, passing along the Eastern boundary of Location B21 to the North side of Blackwood Road No. 326; thence Easterly along said road to the South-East corner of Location G75 aforesaid; thence North to_•a point West from the South-West corner of Location 148; thence Eastward and Northward alon,, the Southern and Eastern boundaries of the latter to its North-East corner; thence North-Easterly, passing along the South-Eastern boundary of Reserve 12229, and onward in prolongation to the starting point. (Plans 445 and 451/80.)

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lands and Surveys,

6596/12. Perth, 13th December; 1912. HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council ha's been pleased to alter the boundaries of the Townsite of Kalgan to the following, in lieu of those previously pub-lished in the Govern-ment Ga ette, which are hereby can-celled : --

'Bounded on the North and East by lines starting from the North-East corner of Plantagenet Location 2113, and CNi Iing West to a point situate North of the North- EH• currier of Location 1515, and South to the South-

corner of Location 2113 aforesaid; the opposite boindaries being parallel and equal. (Excluding Lon-lions 215, 3112, 3405, 2660, 34S6, 1497, 1498, 1331, 1517. 1730, 3405, 1459, 1495, 1713, and 3524.) (Plan - 451/80, E4.)

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lands and Surveys, 9108/12. Perth, 22nd November, 1912.

IT is hereby notified that it is intended to grant, under Section 152 of "The Land Act, 1898," a special lease for a term of 21 years, of 1,000 acres of Hutt Lagoon, near Pakington, to Cornelius McManus and Robert Henry Spaven, for the purpose of collecting salt.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.


Departmeot of Lauds and Surveys, Perth, 131:0 December, 1912.

Corres. 10206/07, Vol. 11. 111 S Ex-ellency the Governor in Executive Council has truce pl,, ased to approve of the area and boundaries . of .I-1 , sc• lying amended to include Avon Location 131-Al amended area being about 41,231 acres.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lauds.

DEC. 13, 1912.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4947


Perth, 12th November, 1912. IT is her notified that the following Town, Suburban, and Suburban for Cultivation Lots are liable to forfeit r-r a-payment of instalments of purchase money due on or prior to 31st October, 1912, and unless the amounts rdue are paid forthwith the sales will be cancelled, and the payments previously made for- feited, Without tirther notice.


C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.

to 1017i December, 1912.] No., Town, Name, Amount, and A/c No.

SUBURBAN FOR CULTIVATION LOTS-continued. 167-Brookton, Wm. Algar, -18s.; A/c No.. 208. 272-Chidlow's Well, R. H. P. Reid, £1 2s. 6d.; A/c

No. 299. 274-Chidlow's Well, Albt. Wesley, £5 12s. 6d..; A/c

No. 300. 94-Dumbleyung, Rory Jas. Cridland, £1 Vs.; A/c No.

506. 353-East Janclakot, L. R.- Byrne, 18s. 11.-d:;"" A/c No.

519. 37-Gingin, W. Collett, 18s.; A/c No. 539. 57-Gingin, Jno. Allen, 14s.; A/c No. 548. 7S-Gledhow, H. W. Field, 1Ss.; A/c-No. 580. 79-Gledhow, II. W. Field, 1Ss.; A/c, No. 581. SO-Gledhow, II. W. Field, iSs.; A/c No. 582. 81-Gledhow, H. W. Field, - 185.; A/c No. 583. 82-Gledhow, II. W. Field, 18s.; A/c No. 584. 36-Hester, M. W. Holdsworth, 18.; A/c No. 619.

Lease 567/42A, No. 56-Hoinebush, John Storer, £73; A/c No. 14A.

147-Katanning, Phil. H. Le Lievre, £1 14s.; A/c No. 635.

637-Katanning, Ed. C. James, £2 5s.; A/c No. "660. 638-Katanning, E. E. James, £6 15s.; A/c No. 661. 93--Mahogany Creek-Messrs. H. Rosling & T. R.

Jones, £4 6s. 4d.; A/c No. 785. 94 Mahogany Creek, Geo. blurb}, £3 3s.; A/c No.

786. 191-Meckering, M. McCann, 18s. 10d.; A/c No. 814. 193-Meckering, M. McCann, 18s.; A/c No. 816. 201-Meckering, M. McCann, 18s.; A/c No. 824. 205-Meckering, M. McCann, £3 ls. 2d.; A/c No. 827. 206-Meckering, M. McCann, £1 10s. 7d.; A/c No. 828. 226-Meckering, M. McCann, 18s.; A/c No. 843. 227-Meckering, M. McCann, 18s.; A/c No. 844. 234-Meckering, M. McCann, 18s.; A/c No. 849. 235-Meckering, M. McCann, 18s.; A/c No. 850. 240-Meckering, M. McCann, 185.; A/c No. 854. 241-Meckering, M. McCann, 1.9s. 10d.; A/c No. 855. 202-Meckering, Jas. Casey, 18s.; A/c No. 825. 124-Mt. Barker, Hy. Northey, £2 10s. 5d.; A/c No.

881. 689-Narrogin, Annie Scott, £1 15s. 2d.; A/c No. 976. 755-Narrogin, Marg. Gilhooley, £2 2s. 11d.; A/c No.

993. 191-Parkerville, Messrs. G. H. Hoult & Annie ---L--: -

Stewart, £3 4s. 106,; A/c No. 1043. 501-Pingelly, Mrs. A. Smith, £3 ls. 2d.; A/c No. 1063. 537-Pingelly, Win. Ern. Lowrie, £1 17s. 106. ; A/c No.

1092, 542-Pingelly, Miss Ada Eliz. Johnson, £1 7s. 8d.; A/c

No. 1095. 157-Torbay Junction, Hugh Sergeant, £5 13s. 3d.; A/c

No. 1254. 158-Torbay Junction, Hugh Sergeant, £4 14s. 6d.;

A/c No. 1255. 159-Torbay Junction, Hugh Sergeant, £2 19s. 6d.;

A/c No. 1256. 160-Torbay Junction, Hugh Serjeant, £4 ls.; A/c No.

1257. 806-Wagin, Jno. S. Martin, £2 3s. 26.; A/c'No. 1322. 328-Woodanilling, Geo. Saml. Douglas, 10s. 6d.; A/c

No. 1370. 329-Woodanilling, Geo. Saml. Douglas, 10s. 6d.; A/c

No. 1371. 330-Woodanilling. Geo. Sarni. Douglas, 10s. 6d.; A/c

No. 1372. 331-Woodanilling„ Geo. Saml. Douglas, 10s. 6d.; A/c

No. 1373. 332-Woodanilling, Geo. Saml. Douglas, 10s. 66.; A/c

No. 1374. 334-Wooda.nilling, Geo. Saml.- Douglas, 1.0s. 6d.; A/c

No. 1275. 335-Woodanilling. Geo. Saml. Douglas, 10s. 6d.; A/c

No. 1272. 56-Wungong. Iterbt. O'Farrell and Chas. H. Hall,

£4 6s. 3d.; A/c No. 1404. 57-Wungong, ilerbt. O'Farrell. and ChaS. H. Hall,

£3 10s.; A/c No. 1405. 58-Wungong, Herht. O'Farrell and Chas. H. Hall,

£4 6s. 3d.; A/c No. 1406.

SEDT.TRBA.N (ONLY) LOTS. 51-Cuballing, Miriam Dunne, £2 3s.; A/c No. 1133.

TOWN _LOTS. No., Town, Name, Amount, and A/c No.

2669-Boulder, Court of Pride of Boulder of the Gold-fields of W.A. Ancient Order of Foresters, £27; A/e No. 1101.

6-Bullfinch, Messrs. Jas. P. & Kyram Brennan, £100 9s. 56.; A/c No. 85.

12-Bullfinch, With Lowe, £29 4s. Td.; A/c No. 91. 21-13011finch, Win. Lowe, £75 10s. ld.; A/c No. 99. 24-Bullfinch, Christian Fred. Mouritzen, £71 16s. 10d.;

A/c No. 102. 26-Bullfinch, Ern. Tobias, £45 ]3s. 4d.; A/c No. 104. 58-Bullfinch, Alf. Trotter, £92 ]3s. 8d.; A/c No. 129. 62--BulifinCh, Wm. Lowe, '£32 175. 106.; A/c No. -133. OS-Bullfinch, Alf. Galway, £34 lls. 46.; A/c No. 139.

101-Bullfinch, The Bullfinch Goldfields Township Allot- ment Co., £5 Ds. 56.; A/c No. 169.

102-Bullfinch, The Bullfinch Goldfields Township Allot-ment Co., £7 15s. 5d.; A/c No. 170.

9-Bungulla, Fred. M. Watson, £9; A/c No. 54. 55-Cubing, Jonathan Bushby, £2 3s.•

' A/c No. 265.

13-Cunderdin, Wm. B. Birch, £5 17s.; A/c No. 270. 33-Cunderdin, Wm. 13. Birch, £15 15s.; A/c No. 272. 52-Darkan, F. Smith, £3 12s.; A/c No. 287. 64-Darkan, Miss Eliza Nora Brown, £5 Ss.; A/c No.

288. 65-Darkan, Miss Eliza Noma Brown, £5 8s.; A/c No.

289. 78-Doodlakine, Wm. E. Brown, £22 10s.; A/c No. :333.

870-Geraldton, Emily Cream, £1.5 19s. 66.; A/c No. 394.

193-Goomalling, Ern. W. Robinson, £9 1.0s.; A/c No. 446.

194-Goomalling, Ern. W. Robinson, £7 10s. 6d.; A/c No. 447.

611-Kalgoorlie, Evelyn F. C. Sraveley, £18; A/c No. 463.":

900n-Kalgoorlie, Emily D. Montgomery, £18; A/c No. 466.'

1.031-Kalgoorlie, Miss Josephine D. Pazanan, £10 7s.; A/c No. 468. -

1533-Kalgoorlie, Chas. Hy. Johnson, £4 ls.; A/c No. 470.

19-Korrelocking, Arthur S. Munyard, £64 16s.; A/c No. 549.

50-Korrelocking, Arthur S: Munyard, £55 16s.; A/c No. 550.

88-Korrelocking, Geo. L. Throssell, £14 8s.; A/c No, 565.

2-Kununoppin. Arthur S. Munyard, £74 5s.; A/c No. 575.

21 -Kummoppin, Arthur S. Munyard, £18 18s.; A/c No. 586.

31-Kununoppin, Arthur S. Munyard, £19 lls. 6d.; A/c No. 595.

227-Leonora, Arthur H. Court, £2 18s.; A/c No. 598. 148-Marjiden, W. H. McPharlin, £7 13s.; A/c No. GA. 1.50-Marjiden, W. H. McPharlin, £6 6s.; A/c No. 8A. 369 -Meekatharra, Jas. McNamara, £3 7s. 6c1.: A/c

No. 656. 156-Merredin, Francis P. Duggan, £5 Ss.; A/c No.

715. 9-Moodiarrup, Jno. Barker Lyon, £10 16s.; A/c No..

720. 38-Nanson, Miss Amy Speedy, £2 14s.; A/c No. 743.

745-Narrogin, Win. John Ness, £9 9s.; A/c No. 771. 48-Paynesville, Chas. Thos. Durbridge, £3 Ss.; A/c

No. 823. 347-Southern Cross, Wm. Stan Williams, £4.10s.; A/c

No.. 904. 388-Southern Cross, Mary E. Hulme, £2 5s.; A/c No.

914. 518-Southern Cross, Dennis McGerr. £1 S 18s.: A/c

No. 935. 19-,Wongan Hills, John M. Hill, £2 14s.; A/c No

1019. 128-Wongan Hills. .Ino. M. Hill, £9 I3s. ed.; A/c -No.

1036. 31-Wyalcatchern, Jno. M. Hill, £2 18s. 6d.; A/c No.


No., Town, Name. Amount, and A/r. No. 324-Bridgetown, Thos. Manrique, 18.; A/c. No. 125. 416-Bridgetown, .Trio. W. Moore, £4 1.0s.; A/c No. 158.

4048 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEc. 13, 1912.


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 13th December, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the undermentioned Lots are available for selection under the Regulations for the Leasing of Town and Suburban Lands for Cultivation, on and after the dates specified in the Schedule below :-


Correa. No. Town. Lot Nos.

Capital Value.

Annual Rental.

„, Date Open. Applications to be Lodged at



1047/12 Augusta ... 144, 145, and £16 13s. 4d. each 10s. each 17th Dec., 1912 Bridgetown 146

149 to 152 in- elusive, and

£20 each ... 12s. each

155 to 161 inclusive

153 and 154 £26 13s. 4d. each 16s. each 1158/12 Collie ... 1168... ... .226 13s. 4d. ... 16s, Tuesday, 17th

Dec., 1912 Branbury

1910/08 Palgarrup ... 1 (late Nelson £20 ... 16s. Tuesday, 17th Bridgetown Loc. 3762) Dec., 1912

1134/12 Beverley ... Sub. 195 ... £23 Os. 8d. ... 14s. ... Tuesday, 24th Beverley Dec., 1912

123110 Denmark ... 366 ... ... £43 6s. 8d. ... £1 6s. Od. Tuesday, 24th Albany Dec., 1912

1035/12 Grass Valley ... 38 ... ... £23 6s. 8d ... 14s. Tuesday, 31st Northam 88 to 92 in- elusive

£16 13s. 4d. 10s. Dec., 1912

'532/12 Meenaar ... 41, 42, 44 to £16 13s. 4d. ... 10s. Tuesday, 31st Northam 50 inclusive, 52

Dec., 1912

Selection is limited to one lot to each person unless otherwise stated Plans showing the arrangements of the Lots referred to will shortly be obtainable at this office 'and the various

District or Branch Land and Survey Offices. Applications may be lodged at the offices mentioned at any time prior to the dates specified, and any applications so

lodged will be deemed to have been lodged on that day.

In the event of two or more applications for the same lot, priority will be determined as prescribed by Section 17 of " The Land Act, 1898," and Section 2 of " The Land Act Amendment Act, 1900."

In the event of any applicant obtaining a lot on which there are improvements not erected or owned by such applicant, he shall pay the fair value of such improvements to Clerk in charge of the District or Branch Land and Surrey Office at the place mentioned before his application is approved.

Intending applicants are requested to lodge their applications before the date specified, and are reminded that it is unneceesary to employ an agent, as applications may be lodged personally or sent through the post.

* Each of the above-mentioned lots in townsites marked with an asterisk, exclusive of reserves, will be sold and granted on the condition that the purchaser or his transferees shall not at any time obtain or hold a license for the sale of intoxicating liquor on the lot purchased.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lauds and Surveys, Perth, 13th December, 1912.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to approve of the Areas and Boundaries of the following Reserves being amended as described in the Schedules below, for the purposes therein set forth; the Areas and Boundaries previously published in the 'Government' Gazette being hereby cancelled:-

458/95. AVON (Jannapullen).-No. 2858 (Agricultural Hall

site).-Bounded on the North-Westward and South-westward respectively by lines starting from a point on the South-Eastern side of the Northam-Goomalling Road situate 41deg. 29min. 12 chains 8 5/10 links from the intersection of said side of road with the North-Eastern side of, a surveyed road, the latter side of road being the production North-Westward of the South-West boundary of Location 1252, and extending 41deg. 29thin. 1 chain 71 4/1.0 links along the South-Eastern side of the Northam-Goomalling Road aforesaid, and 131deg. 29.min. 5 chains; the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. (0 acres 3r. 17p.) (Plan 27B/40; Diagram N. 1660.)

9552/08. WILLIA.MS (on Clayton Road).-No. 12586 (Gravel).

-Bounded by lines starting from the North-East corner of Williams Location 1337, and extending South 9'

chains 58 1/10 links along its East boundary; thence West 7 chains, North 4 chains 71 5/10 links to the North-Western boundary of said location, and thence 55deg. llmin. 8 chains 52 3/10 links to the starting point. (5 acres.) (Plan 335A/40; Diagram Nar. 1748.)

7548/07. KOJONUP (near Kojbnup).-No. 13697 (Rifle Range,

Rifle Club).-Bounded by lines starting from the inter-section of a West boundary of Kojonup Location 2431 with the North-East boundary of Location 8, and ex-tending North-Westerly along the latter for a distance of about 60 chains; thence North-Easterly about chains, North-Westerly 46 chains, North-Easterly 10 chains, South-Easterly 46 chains, North-Easterly 6 chains 50 links; thence South-Easterly to the West boundary of Location 2431 aforesaid, and South along' same to the starting point; to include also a strip of land 50 links wide, its Western side starting from a point on the South side of .Road No. 382, situate South of the South. East corner of Kojonup Lot 43, and extending South-ward to the centre of the North-West boundary of the Ride Range above described. be-mwe 9389 is hereby reduced. (About 120 acres 3r.) (Plan 1161)/10.)


SANDSTONE.-No. 11385 (Golf Links).--Lot 489. (About 38 acres Or. 2Sp.) (Plan Sandstone Townsite.)

C. C. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for ands.

bEc. 13, 1912.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4949


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 13th December 1912.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to set apart as Public Reserves the lands described in the Schedules below, for the purposes' therein st forth:-

3451/98. WELLINGTON (Harvey).-No. 6108 (Agricultural

Hall site).That portion of Wellington Location 50A bounded on the Southward and Westward by lines start-ing from the intersection of the North side of Uduc Road with the East side of Young Street, and extend-ing Eastward along said side of Uduc Road for a distance of 1 chain 2 4/10 links, and North along the said side of Young Street for a distance of 4 chains; the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. (1 rood 25 5/10p.) (Plan 383/S0.)

15314/08. SUSSEX (near Dunsbrough).-No. 12493 (Gravel).-

Location 1373. 3 acres 2r. 17p.) (0.P. B. 451; Plan 413/80. )

9066/10. NELSON (near Balingup).-No. 13187 (Public Ceme-

tery).-Location 8447. (5 acres.) (Plan 4140/40, D3; Diagram B686.)

1400/12. TINGERUP.-N o. 14128 (School site).-Lot 31.

(5 acres.) (Plan Tingerup Townsite.) 3972/12. TINGERUP.-No. 14130 (Hotel site).-Lot 1. (1

rood 331/2 p.) (Plan Tingerup Townsite.) 3973/12. TLNGERUP.-No. 14131 (Public Buildings, Common-

wealth).-Lots 15 and 16. (2 roods.) (Plan Tingerup Townsite.)

1792/12. NINGHAN.-No. 14174 (Water Supply).-Location

337 (as amended). (607 acres, exclusive of road.) (Plans Locations near Dalwallinu, Sheets 1 and 3 on 64/SO; Diagram N1929, O.P. Ninghau 132.)

10791/12. PLANTAGENET (Denmark).-No. 14423 (Recrea-

tion.)-Bounded on the South and East by lines start ing from a point on the East boundary of Plantagenet Location 547 situate 10 chains from its South-East cor-ner, and extending respectively West 10 chains, and North 10 chains (along its East boundary) ; the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. (10 acres.) (Plan 452C/40.)

10062/12. COOROW.-No. 14442 (Public Buildings, State).-

Lots 7 and 8. (2 roods.) (Plan Coorow Townsite.)

10063/12. COOROW.-No. 14443 (Public Buildings, Common-

wealth).-Lots 31 and 32. (2 roods.) (Plan. Coorow Townsite.)

10064/12. COOROW.-No. 14444 (Hotel site).-Lots 33 and 34.

(2 roods.) (Plan Coorow Townsite.) 10065/12. COOROW.-No. 14445 (School site).-Lot 67. (4

acres 3r. 32:5p.) (Plan Coorow Townsite.)

9886/11. COOROW.-No. 14446 (Recreation).-Lot 66. (13

acres lr. 16p.) (Plan Coorow Townsite.)

5774/12. COOROW.-No. 11448 (Sanitary site).-Lot 68. (10

acres.) (Plan Coorow Townsite.)

1435/12. ARRINO.-No. 14516 (Recreation).-Lot 99. (10

acres.) (Plan 123/80.)

5499/09. NELSON (Warren River).-No. 14521 (Excepted

from sale and occupation).-Location 4330 (160 acres.) (Plans Locations near Warren River, Sheet 2, and 442/80.)

11257/11. WILLIAMS.-No. 14525 (Quarry, Stone and Gravel).

--Location 11163. (la. 2r. 30p.) (Plan 378/40, D3; Diagram Nam 1449.)

6067/12. AVON (Tank No. 54).-No. 14527 (Water Supply).-

Location 20326. (25a. lr. 23p.) (Plan - 26N/80; Dia-gram N1850.)

4922/08. PLANTAGENET (on Wilson Inlet).-No. 14528 (Ex-

cepted from sale).-Location 2114. (160' acres.) (Plan 456/80; Diagram 31618.)

3727/12. AVON (near Cunderdin).-No. 14531 (Cenietery site).

-Location 20237. (20 acres). (Plan 26D/40, 03; DiagraM N1888.)

6202/12. NELSON (Scott's Brook).-No. 14532 (Rifle Range).

--Bounded by lines starting from a point on the South side of the Bridgetowu-Yerriminupp Road situate about 15 chains S3 linkS' East from the North-East corner of Nelson Location 1253, and extending East along said road 'for a distance of 1 chain; thence 169derr. 30min. about 69 chains; thence South to the North side of Ode. 30inin. about 69 chains to the starting point.

about 29 chains; thence North about 77 chains; thence 10deg. 30min. about 69 chains to the starting palit (About 292 acres.) (Plan 438/80.)

Reserve 9812 is hereby reduced. 4132/12. MELBOURNE (Dabvallinu).-No. 14533 (Water

Supply).-Location 2724. (5 acres 146'i 38)p6? (Plans Locations near Dalwallinn, Sheet 1, on 4/

9888/12. KALUWIRI (Maninga Marley).-No. 14534 (Public

Hall site).-Kaluwiri Location 1. (1 rood.) (Plan 42/300.)

9951/10. ALBANY.-No. 14535 (Agricultural Department, Cold

Stores site).-Lot 668. Reserve 11548 is hereby re- duced. (5 acres Or. 16p.) (Plan Albany' TownSite, Sheet 1.)

6748/12. PARKERVILLE.-No. 14536 (Church site, Metho-

dist)..-Lot 168. Reserve 7558 is hereby reduced. (1 rood 4p.) (Plan Parkerville Townsite.)

8866/11. WILLIAMS (near Diunbleyung).-No. 14537 (Rifle

Range).-Bounded by lines starting from the North-East corner of Williams Location 9476, and extending South along part of the last boundary of said location for a distance of about 10 chains 38 links;- thence abent 140 deg. 19min. about 71 chains; thence 132deg. 45min. about 46 chains; thence 42deg. 45min. 25 chains; thence 312deg. 45min. 46 chains; thence 305deg. llmin. abOut 75 chains; thence North to the Southern boundary of Location 8270. Including a 50 link approach. (About 294 acres.) (Plan 408A/40.)

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.


Esperance and Fitzgerald Districts.

Department of Lands and Surveys, Corres. 9836/12. Perth, 15th November, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that all the vacant Crown Land within the Esperance and Fitzgerald Land Districts is withdrawn from selection as Pastoral Leases under Section 95 of "The Land Act, 1898," and the vacant, unsubdivided Crown Land within such districts, exclusive of Reserves (temporary and permanent), will he available for leasing for pastoral purposes, on an annual tenancy, under Section 41a of "The Land Act, 1898," on and after Wednesday, the 18th day of December, 1912; leases to be renewable at the will of the Minister for Lands, and subject to determination at three months' notice on either side/ rent being apportioned accordingly.

Applications to be lodged at the Kalgoorlie Local Land Office.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.

4950 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEC. 13, 1912.


Department of Lands and Surveys, 13907/11. Perth, Gth December, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that all Town and Suburban Lots which are now available for leasing under the Regulations for Leasing of Town and Suburban Land, or the Regulations for the Leasing of Town and Suburban Lands for Cultivation, are subject to the proviso that no person shall acquire or hold more than one lot in each townsite, except in special cases where the approval of the Bon. the Minister for Lauds has been first obtained.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 13th December, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the undermentioned Lots are available for leasing, subject to the Regulations for the Leasing of Town and Subur-ban Lands on and after the dates specified below, at the annual rentals shown in brackets:-


Applications to be lodged at Perth:

719/05-CUE, 200, £12 10s. (10s.). Subject to the payment of £30 within thirty days for the value of im-provements effected thereon.


Applications to be lodged at Northam:

7740/12-KELLERBERRIN, 186, £25 (El). (Reserve 11731 is hereby reduced.)

Applications to be lodged at Kalgoorlie:-

5995/02-LAKE VIEW, 469, £12 10s. (10s.). Sub-ject to the payment of £150 (within thirty days) for the value of improvements effected thereon.

341/00-SOUTH BOULDER, 185F, £12 10s. (10s.). Subject to the payment of £2, within thirty days, for the value of improvements effected thereon.

OPEN TUESDAY, 24th DECEMBER, 1912. Applications to be lodged at 1'f:0h:-

9331/12-BEEN-UP, 6 to 13 inclusive, 20, 21, 22, 24 to 33 inclusive, £12 1.0s. each (10s. each).

Applications to be lodged at Bridgetown:- 7563/12-BUSSELTON, 273, 282, 288, 289, 294, 303,

£15 each (12s. each) ; 269, 270, 271, 272, 283 to 287 inclusive, 290, 292, 293, 304 to 307 inclusive, £1.2 10s. each (10s. each). Lot 37 has been excepted from sale and occupation as Reserve 14519. Selection limited to one lot to each person.

Applications to be lodged at Perth:-7031/05-DAY DAWN, 331, £12 10s. (Ns.). Subject

to the payment of £5 (within thirty clays) for the value of improvements effected thereon.

Applications to be lodged at Northam:- 4096/09-DOODLAKINE, 149, 157, and 170, £30 each

(£1 4s. each); 129, 143, 163, 1114, and 184, £27 1.0s. each (£1 2s. each) ; 124, 136, 144 to 148 inclusive, 156, 158, 161, 162, 165 to 169 inclusive, 171, 179 to 183 inclusive, and 191, £25 each (£1 each); 142, 150, 177, and 185, £22 10s. each (18s. each) ; 125, 127, 128, 135, 137, 138, 141, 151 to 155 inclusive, 172 to 176 inclusive, and 186 to 190 inclusive, £20 each (16s. each) ; 131. to 134 inclusive, £15 each (12s. each). Lots 126, 130, .139, 110, 159, 160, and 178 are excepted from leasing as Reserve 10456.

Applications to be lodged at Perth:- 8035/12-0ABANINTRA, 1, 0, 7, 8, 13, 22, 24, 00

to 35 inclusive, 38, 39, 40, 43 to 48 inclusive, £12 lOs. each (1.0s. each). Selection limited to one lot to each person.

Applications to be Wiwi( at .Soullu rm Cross:___- 8229/12--JACKSON, 1, 11, 20, 20, 21, 40, 41,

49, 50, 58, 59, GO, 77, 78, 82, 90, 91. 99 10S, 109, 118, £15 each (12s. each); 2 to 0 inclusive, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 32 to 39 inclusive, 49,

43, 46, 47, 48, 51 to 57 inclusive, 60 to 65 inclusive, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102 to 107 inclusive, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 1.17, £12 1.0s. each (10s. each).


Applications to be lodged at Kalgoorlie:-

11912/01-KOOKYNIE, 337, £12 10s. (10s.). Sub-ject to the payment of £40 within 30 clays for the value of improvements effected thereon.

4841/11-LAKE VIEW, 621 to 628 inclusive, 631 to 639 inclusive, 641 to 645 inclusive, 648 to 653 inclusive, 655 to 661 inclusive, 663 to 668 inclusive, 670 to 674 inclusive, £12 10s. each (10s. each). Lots 625, 626, 647, and 648 are subject to an easement of 10 links in favour of the Crown to protect the pipe track which passes over them. Lots 629, 630, 640, 646, 647, 654, 662, and 669 have been excepted from sale and occupa-tion as Reserve 7992. Lots 627, 637, 643, and 664 are subject to the payment within 30 days of £10, £25, £23, and £50 respectively for the value of improvements effected thereon.

631/09--LAKE VIEW, 489, £12 10s. (10s.).


Applications to be lodged at Northam:-

11998/09-BUNGULLA, 1 and 27, £15 each (12s. each) ; 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 1.1, 13 to 18 inclusive, 21, 25, 26, 28 to 31 inclusive, 33 to 36 inclusive, £12 10s. each (10s. each).

10035/12-GRASS VALLEY, 50, £17 1.0s. (14s.) ; 45 to 49 inclusive, 51, 58, 64, and 70, £15 each (12s. each) ; 52, 54, 55, 59, 60, 62, G3, 65, 66, 68, 69, £12 10s. each (10s. each).

7532/12-MEENAAR, 1, 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, 54, 60, £15 each (12s. each) ; 2 to '5 inclusive, 7, 8, 9, 12 to 1.6 inclusive, 18, 19, 22 to 29 inclusive, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 55 to 58 inclusive, £12 lOs. each (10s. each). Lots 40 and 59 have been excepted from sale and occupation as Reserve 14539.

Applications to be lodged at Bunbury:- 3274/12-COLLIE, 462, £55 (£2 4s.). 4294/12-DRAKESBROOK, 94 and 98, £12 10s. each

(10s. each).

Applications to be lodged at Geraldlon:- 3270/05-GERALDTON, 666, £40, (£1 12s.). 716/12-GERALDTON, 874, 430, (£1 4s.).


Applications to be lodged at Kalgoorlie:-

94.07/02-BOULDER, 1578, £15 (12s.) ; 1271, 2160, 2215, 2218, 2319, £12 lOs. each (10s. each). Lots 2160 and 2310 are subject to the payments of £40 and £48 respectively, within thirty days, for the value of improve-ments effected thereon.

11462/00-KALGOORLIE, 1493, 1537, 2220, £15 each (12s. each); 1346, 1443, 1500, £12 10s. each (10s. each). Lots 1346, 1443 and 1537 are subject to the payments of £210, £30, and £75 respectively, within thirty days, for the value of improvements effected thereon.

10151/12-KALGOORLIE, 616, £25, (£1) ; 620 and (139, £20 (16s. each). (Reserve 6813 is hereby reduced.)

9725/9S, Vol. I.-KALGOORLIE, 708, £25 (£1). (Re-serve 7227 is hereby reduced.)

OPEN WEDNESDAY, Sth JANUARY, 1913. Applications to be lodged at Kalgoorlic:--

4576/08-BOULDER, 2327, £25 (£1). Subject to the payment of £00 within thirty ■lays for the value of im- provements effecied thereon.

2517/01-"1" \\N HILL, 29, £12 los. (10s.). Sub- ject to the h::;.- of 1,:05 within thirty days for the value of inifrov.s-e; ;s v fleeted fliereom.

7290/00-BiNAV 1111,1„ 00, 412 iOs. (los.). 11558/01.--1.1o,1 (1i v, 225, 2:57, 25 _ 41, ,f.12 10s.

each (10s. em4 Lots 257, 258, 441, are subject to the payme i, thirty days, of £35, £25, £30, and £30, re:.'ectivly, far the value of improvements effected there:,

DEc. 13, 1912.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 49511

OPEN WED1E3DAY„ .11Y 15th, 1913. to be o, rIalgoorlie : —

9976/00—BOULDER, 1137, 105. (10s.). S641/01—BOULDER, 1286, 697/00—BROWN HILL. (10s. ) . Subject

to the payment within thirty days ui 5 for the value of improvements effected thereon.

4025/06—KANOWNA, 711, 1:12 lux. (10s.). Subject to the value of improvements, £10.

9143/02—KOOKYNIE, 190, £12 10s. (10s.). Subject to payment of £16 for improvements.

9192/01—LAKE VIEW, 259, ii112 10s. (1.0s.). 9321/12—(YARRI, 1 to S inclusive, 13 to 21 inclusive,

23,, 25 to 28 inclusive, 31, 312, 35 to 3S inclusive, 40 to 72 inclusive, £12 10s. each (10s. each).

Selection is limited to one lot to each person unless otherwise stated.

Plans showing the arrangements of the lots referred to are now obtainable at this office and the various District or Branch District Land and Survey Offices.

Applications may be lodged at the offices mentioned at any time prior to the dates specified, and any appli- cations so lodged will be deemed to have been lodged on the specified day.

In the event of two or more applications for the same lot, priority will be determined as prescribed by Section 17 of "The Land Act, 1898," and Section 2 of "The Land Act Amendment Act, 1900."

In the event of any applicant obtaining a lot on which there are improvements not erected or owned by such applicant, he shall pay the fair value of such improvements to the Minister for Lands in the manner provided by Clause 16 of the above Regulations.

Intending applicants are requested to lodge their applications before the date specified, and are reminded that it is unnecessary to employ an agent, as applica-tions may be lodged personally or sent through the post.

* Each cf the above-mentioned lots in townsites marked with an asterisk, exclusive of reserves, will be sold and granted on the condition that the Turchaser or his transferees shall not at any time obtain or hold a license for the sale of intoxicating liquor on the lot purchased.

C. G. moRras, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.

LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION. Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 13th December, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to approve of the areas scheduled hereunder being made available for selection under "The Land Act, 1898," and its amendments. The selector of a Homestead Farm from any location available under Part VIII. must take the balance thereof under Conditional Purchase, and a selector of a portion of any location available under Part VI., must take the balance of same under Grazing Lease conditions.

The areas which are open under Part V. are open under Section 55 (Residential Conditions), and only under Section 56 (Non-residential Conditions) to those persons already holding their full complement under Section 55 in the immediate vicinity.

The lands marked with an asterisk are available under Part VI.

Applications must he lodged at the Local Land Office for the District in which the land is situated.

Any application may lie lodged before the fixed ,late, but will be treated as having been received on that day ; if there are more applicants than one for any lot, the application to be granted will be determined by the Land Board, and should any lands remain unselected such will continue available until applied for or other-wise dealt with.

If a Land Board sitting becomes necessary after the closing of the date for receiving applications, notice will be given in the Government Gazette and at least one newspaper, advising the applicant's for the blocks of the date, time, and place of the meeting of the Board, to deal with the matter; but it shall not be obligatory on the Department to give nay other notice.

If an applicant wishes to appear before the Land Board in person, he may apply to the Head Office or to the Clerk in Charge of any of the District or Branch Land Offices for a certificate to the Railway Depart-ment, which, on presentation, at the nearest Railway Station, will entitle him to a Return Ticket, at Excursion Rates, to the place where the Board will sit, available for seven days from the date of issue.

Land specified as carrying an Agricultural Bank advance which is situated within 15 miles of a railway or authorised railway is available subject to the special conditions that an expenditure of not less than one-fourth of the amount set out shall be made on prescribed improvements in each of the first four years of the lease; but this shall not release the holder from any covenant in the Agricultural Bank Mortgage requiring the improvements to be made at an earlier date. Such advance is subject to the usual condition governing a loan from the Agricultural Bank, particulars of which may be had on application to the Managing Trustee. Applications for advance must be accompanied by a fee of one per cent.



iVellington District (near Collie). Corr. No. 14391/11. Open, under Parts V. and -Vitt. (Plan 41.1/SO, D4.)

ocation No. I Area. Price Per L acre.

£ s. d.

300 2 0 17 6

(Reserve 9740 is hereby reduced.)

KATANNING LOCAL LAND DISTRICT. Kojonup District (near Slab Hut Golly).

Corr. No. 2965/11. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 437/80,

F4.) The vacant unsubdivided Crown Lands situa ted South

of Kojonup Locations 6055, 6335, 0336, and North of. Location 5766 and the Gordon River Read.

Area about 1,400 acres. (Subject to survey, classi-fication, and pricing.)


Victoria District (near Chiarcono Hill). Corr. No. 8869/12. Open, under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 90/80, FS.)

Location No. Area. Price per acre.

C s. d. 0 12 e 0 15 0


Victoria District. Corr. No. 9956/1.2. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plans, see


Location No. Area. Price Remarks. per acre.

acres. *4390 1510

1.20 *4392 ... 521 *col



acres. 1,00


s. d. 0 5 6 I Plan 191/30 B4

15 I Plan 159/80 F4 e 5 0

Location No. Area. Price per acre.

acres. £ s. d.


0 6 6 *20352

Area. Location No.

Area. Location No.

4952 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEC. 13, 1912.

NORTHAM LOCAL LAND DISTRICT. Avon District (near Flymy Welt).

Corr. No. 10098/12. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 26/80,


Al?on District (near Homebush).

Corr. No. 12711/09. Open, under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 33/80, 1f4.)

Location No. Area. Price per


18108 ...



Nelson District (near Scott's Brook).

Corr. No. 11140/11. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 438/80,


Location No. Area. Price

per acre.

a. T. p £ a. 0. 7875 130 0 12 6 1,000 1 870 0 7 0

Reserve 5231 is hereby reduced.


Kojonup District (near Cadalelup Creek). Corr. No. 10249/12. Open, under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 417/80, E4.)

Price per acre.

f a. d. 0 12 6

Plantagenet District. Corr. No. 30S/05. Open, under Part V. (Plan 430/80, 3A.) The area comprised within the closed road extending

through Plantagenet Locations 1518 and 2283, from the former's No `,kern boundary to the latter's Southern boundary, at a per acre.

This land is ,.,vailable only to the holders of land abut-ting thereon.


Victoria District (near Pocammaya). Corr. No. 8868/12. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 90/SO,


Price per acre.

a. r. p. £ s. d. 5796

426 0 0

0 7 6


Avon District (near Blabbin).

Corr. No. 8902/07. Open, under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 34/80.)

Location No. Area. Price per


£ s. d. 0 17 0

Avon District (near Merredin). Corr. No. 5580/12. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plans 24, 25,

and 5/80, Totadjin, Sheet 8.)

Location No. Area. Price

per acre. Amount of Agricultural Bank

Advance to Approved Applicant.


*18292 ...

•18293 ...


18295 ... .19490 ...


.19410 ...

,19112 ...

'19443 ---



19-146 *19447 ...

19418 ... *19149

.19913 ...

19911 ... 19915 419946



acres. 999-

399 .600


.739 958-

590 .368

959— .195

*461 956 964-

177 .787


*322 960-

160 *800


•700 1010-

270 *74Q


*320 727-

460 • 267

993 965-

535 .430

130G 736—

385 *351

953- 363

*503 1195 870 951-

544 .407

961- 485

95.1- 33.1



.0 s. d.

0 13 0

0 5 0

0 15 0

0 6 0

g 1 9 6

g 16 g

0 14. 6

g 12 5

g ig g

0 0 2

g 1g 0

0 15 0

0 6 6

10- 2 2

id g g

0 19 0

0 6 6

0 18 0

0 6 6

g 1 0

0 14 6

0 18 0

0 6 6

0 1ti 0 6

1 0 0

0 6 6

} Nil.

/ Nil.

} £400, if taken with 18294.

I See Location 18293. £350.

Ni1. 5

} £300.

} Nil.


) Nil. )

} £400 if taken with 19445.

See Location 19444. Temporary Reserve.

} £250. Excepted from sale and occupation

../. Nil.3

1 Nil. Excepted from sale and occupation £300.

'. £250. )



These locations are made available subject to the Gov-ernment right to resume for railway purposes, railway station, townsite, water supply, or other public purposes any land required. Such right to exist for twelve months after the permanent survey of the railway, and no com-pensation to be given for resumption, except for the actual value of any improvements that may be resumed.

Locations 19195, 19440, 19443, 19444, 19445, 19447, 19449, and 19946 are subject to the following pro-visoes:—

(1..) That the Goldfields Water Supply Administra-tion or anybody authorised by them shall have the right to remove timber therefrom without payment at any time, and

(2.) That the holders of the blocks shall not be per-mitted to sell the timber, but shall have the right to kill or clear for the purposes of preparing the land for cultivation or grazing, or in any other direction rendered necessary by legitimate farming operations.

acres. 359

£ s. d. 0 9 6

1932 Acres.


11110 acres.

790 -

Location No.

Amount of Agricultural Bank advance to, approved applicant.

990 1922—

440 *1482


450 0 13 0

2541 0 5 0 914-

290 0 17 0

*624 0 5 0 789-

430 0 17

*359 0 5 996—

250 0 12 6

*746 0 5 0 933 0 6 6 992-

250 0 13 0

*742 0 5 0 1400-

190 I 0 17 0

*1210 0 5 0 1058-

350 1 0 0

*708 0 5 0 998-

640 0 17

*358 0 5 526 0 12


580 0 12 6

*466 0 5 6

01 0

- £250. 0

0 5 6

0 16 0 0 5 0

*19322 *19323



*20024 ...

*20025 ...

*20026 *20027




*20187 *20189

OPEN TUESDAY 31st DECEMBER, 1912. ALBANY LOCAL LAND DISTRICT. Hay District (near Franicland River),

Corr. No. 3823/12. Open, under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 455/80, F 1. )

acres. 1022 100

Priceper acre.

£ s. d. 0 15 0

Location No. Area.

a. r. p. k s. d. 74 66 0 0 0 10 0 83 176 0 0 0 11 0 96 187 0 0 0 8 0

175 ... 30 0 0 0 11 0 217 140 3 0 0 7 6

Kojonup District (near Qualiming Soak). Corr. No. 6006/12. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 408/80,


Location No. Area.' Price

per acre.

6776 *6778

a. r. 110 0 725 0

p. 0 0

£ s. 013

d. 0

407a, 0 13 0 5318a. ... 0 6 0

6921 249 0 0 016 0 6922 115 3 0 013 6 Excluding improvements.

Lo cation No. Area. Price per


£ s. d.

126 161 0 0 0 8 6 141 102 0 0 0``7 6 256 82 0 0 0 9 0 326 47 0 0 011 6 333 375 220 0 0 1. 8 ,6 352 47 1 30 0 12 6

Ewlyamartup A.A. District (near Broomehill). Corr. No. 2548/91. Open, under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 417D/40.)

Location No. Area. Price

per acre.

Price per acre. Location No. Area.

£ s. d. 1 6 0 10843

acres. 37

Location No.

6925 6926

Area. Price per acre.

a. r. p. 101 1 0 160 0 0

s. d. 0 13 0 0 9 6

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4953 SEC. 13, 1912.]

Corr. No. 6823/12. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Pla

Sheet 9; 4/80, El, &5/80, Al.)

Avon District (near Nunajin). Katanning Agricultural Area (near Woodanilling). Corr. No. 2206/90.

Totadjin, Open, under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 416B/40.)

acres. *5847 ... 516—

194 *322

6796 123 6797 160 6271 514 6927 160

NARROGIN LOCAL LAND DISTRICT. Williams District (near Malyalling Rock).

Corr. No. 9454/11. Open, under Part V. (Sections 55 and 56). (Plan

377D/40, A4.)

0 16 0 0 5 6 0 12 0 0 1

2 7 0

o 12 6 NORTIIAM LOCAL LAND DISTRICT. 0 10 6 Avon District (near Merredin).

KATANNING LOCAL LAND DISTRICT. Kojonup District (near Katanning-iVampup Railway).

Corr. No. 9879/12. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 417 &


Price per acre.

£ s. d.

Location No. Area.

Kojonup District (near Ngowangerupp). Corr. No. 10226/12. Open, under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 417/80, E4.)

Corr. No. 10097/12. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 24/80,


Location No. Area. Price

per acre

*19973 acres.

1147- 510 0 17 0

*637 0 6 6 *20000 -. 872-

161 0 17 0 nu. 0 6 6

20001 _. 750 0 12 6 *20002 _. 1133-

295 0 18 0 *838 0 5 6

A rea. Location No.

Erie, per acre.

£ s. d. a. r. p. 581 160 0 0 0 12 0

4954 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. DEC. 13, 1912.

OPEN WEDNESDAY, 8th JANUARY, 1913. KALGOORLIE LOCAL LAND DISTRICT. Esperance District (near 30-Mile Condenser),

Corr. No. 12530/11. Open, under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 402/80, C4.)

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lands and Surveys. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the lands described hereunder will be available for selec-tion on the days as hereinafter shown, under Parts V. and VIII. of the Land Act and its amendments, and the Regulations framed thereunder.

The lands marked with an asterisk are also available under Part VI.

Applications must be lodged at the Local Land Office for the District in which the land is situated.

Any application may be lodged before the fixed date but will be treated as having been received on that day; if there are more applicants than one for any lot the application to be granted will be determined by the Land Board, and should any lands remain unselected such will continue available until applied for or otherwise dealt with.

If a Land Board sitting becomes necessary, after the closing of the date for receiving applications, notice will be given in the Government Gazette and at least one newspaper advising the applicants for the blocks of the date, time, and place of the meeting of the Board, to deal with the matter; but it shall not be obligatory on the Department to give any other notice.

If an applicant wishes to appear before the Land Board in person, he may apply to the Head Office or the Clerk in Charge of any of the District or Branch Land Offices for a certificate to the Railway Department, which, on presentation at the nearest Railway Station, will entitle him to a Return Ticket at Excursion Rates, to the place where the Board will sit, available for seven days from the (late of issue.

Land specified as carrying an Agricultural Bank ad-vance is available subject to the special condition that an expenditure of not less than one-fourth of the amount set out shall be made on prescribed improvements in each of the first four years of the lease; but this shall not release the holder from any covenant in the Agricultural Bank Mortgage requiring the improvements to be made at an earlier (late. Such advance is subject to the usual con- ditions governing a loan from the Agricultural Bank, particulars of which may be had on application to the Managing Trustee. Applications for advance must be secompanied by a fee of one per cent.

The areas which are open under Part V. are open under Section 55 (Residential Conditions) and only under Section 56 (Non-residential Conditions) to those persons already holding their full complement. under Section 55 in the immediate vicinity.


Hay District. Corres. 7824/06, 7825/06, & 7S01/06. Hay Locations 355, 356, and 357 as surveyed, con-

taining 401, 200, and 120 acres, at 17s., 18s., and 17s. per acre respectively; being B. Smith's forfeited Con-ditional Purchases 4686/56, 4684/56, and 4685/56. (Plan 452/80, Dl.)


Con-es. 9363/07. Wellington Location 2315 as surveyed, containing 160

acres, at 12s. Gd. per acre; being C. O'Brien's forfeited Homestead Farm 9685/74. (Plan 410/80, A3.)


Corres. 11809/08. Sussex Location 739 as surveyed, containing 100 acres,

at 12s. Gd. per acre; being P. Jack's forfeited Con-ditional Purchase 21770/55. (Plan 413/80, F3.)


Corres. 11930/08. Williams Location 8555 as surveyed, containing 160

acres, at 22s. 6d. per acre; being F. Hammond's for-feited Homestead Farm 11488/74. (Plan 386/80, El.)

Corres. 2642/03. -Williams Location 26S6 as surveyed, containing 160

acres, at lls. per acre; being John Kelly's forfeited Homestead Farm 2398/74 (Plan 385/40D, A4.)


Avon District. Corres. 9125/11. Avon Locations 18719 and 18720, containing 1,056

acres: 200 acres at lls. per acre, Part V.; 856 acres at 5s. per acre, Part VI.; being G. Pargeter's aban-doned Grazing Lease 7019/68. (Plan 3D/40, C3.)


Con-es. 2125/11. Victoria Location 4107 as surveyed, containing 2,416

acres, at 6s. per acre; being H. Seeligson 's abandoned Grazing Lease 6563/68. (Morowa Sheet 2; Plan 128/80, C4.)

Corres. 15904/10. Victoria Location 6462 as surveyed, containing 1,503

acres: 424 acres at 14s. per acre, Part V.; 1,079 acres at 5s. per acre, Part VI.; being Mercer Bros.' cancelled Conditional Purchase Application 6208/68. (Plan 96/80, D4.)


Fitzgerald District. Corres. 6495/12. *Starting from a point situate about 970 chains East

from the North-East corner of Location 137, and running South about 32 chains; thence East 200 chains; thence North 250 chains; thence West 200 chains; thence South 218 chains to starting point; containing- 5,000 acres; being L. C. Anderson's cancelled Graziug Lease application 7844/68, (Plans 402/80, Pl, 392/80, F4, and 11/300.)


Corres. 10716/11. Avon Location 18756 as surveyed, containing 2,300

acres; 320 acres at 16s. per acre, Part V.; 1,980 acres at 5s. per acre, Part VT. ; being C. W. Seabrook 's aban-doned Grazing Lease 7155/68. (Plan 34311/40, P2, 344/80, A2.)


Corres. 12221/11, 12203/11, and 12220/11. Nelson Locations 5125 and 5126 ns surveyed, contain-

ing 320 acres each, at 14s. and 13s. per acre respectively; being Ruffy & Baker's forfeited Conditional Purchase 30496/55 and Homestead Farms 17553/74 and 17546/74. (Plan Warren River, Sheet 3.)

Corres. 8046/12 and 8047/12. Nelson Location 51 72 as surveyed, containing 246 acres

2 roods, (it 20s. per acre; being A. C. Gilehrist's aban-doned Copditional Purchase 32331/55 and Homestead Farm 18722/74. (Plan Warren River, Sheet 5.)

Carries a Bank Advance of £200.


Corres. 11231/11. Kojonup Location 6852 as surveyed, containing 160

acres, at 13s. per acre; being A. Paini 's abandoned Con-ditional Purchase 30407/55. (Plan 416D/40, B3.)

DEC. 13, 1912.]


Wellington District. Corres. 14214/0S. *-Wellington Location 2730 as surveyed, containing

1,000 acres, at 9s. per acre; being C. J. Ryan's forfeited Grazing Lease 4SS1/68. (Plan 410/SO, E4, 415/80, El.)


Corres. 14215/08. Wellington Location 2497 as surveyed, containing 160

acres, at lls. 6d. per acre; being C. J. Ryan's forfeited Homestead Farm 11812/74. (Plan 410/80, E4.)'


Corres. 12744/10. Avon ,Location 14316 as surveyed, containing S34

acres, at 13s. Gd. per acre; being Sawkins Bros. forfeited Conditional Purchase 9069/56. (Plan 35/SO, B1 & 2.) (Lake Brown.)

Corres. S4S7/11. Avon Location 18414 as surveyed, containing 2,350

acres; 554 acres at 15s. per acre, Part V.; 1,796 acres at 5s., Part VI.; being R. Welsh's abandoned Grazing Lease 6972/68. (Plan 4/80, B4.)

Corres. 8816-7-S/12. Avon Location 19229 as surveyed, containing 1,000

acres, at 13s. per acre; being J. & N. Maloney's aban-doned Conditional Purchase 32483/55 and Homestead Farm 18835/74 and 18836/74. (Plan 4/80, D4.)

Victoria District. Corres. 7842-3-4/12. Victoria Location 5292 as surveyed, containing 1,000

acres; 270 acres at 18s. per acre, Part V.; 730 acres at 5s. per acre, Part VI.; being Remmenis & -Winkle's aban-doned Grazing Lease 7914/68, 18701/74, and 18702/74. (Plan 89/80, B1.)


Plantagenet District. :-.- .Corres. 514/10.

Plantagenet Location 2737 as surveyed, containing 160 acres, at 10s. per acre; being J. L. Grover's forfeited Homestead Farm 13691/74. (Plan 451/80, E4.)


Corres. 5119/05. Avon Location 8715 as surveyed, containing 160 acres,

at 12s. Gd. per acre; being John Young's forfeited Home-stead Farm 6824/74. (Plan 343A/40, Cl.)


Corres. 1400/10. Starting from a point 20 chains West of the South-

East corner of Location 1135, C.P. 49/269; thence 110 chains West; thence 90 chains South; thence 110 chains East; thence 90 chains North, and back to starting point; containing about 1,000 acres; being the position ren-dered vacant by the amendment of C.P. 8157/56. (Plan 440/80, B4.)

--- Corres. 6046/8 and 1827/12. Sussex Location 695 as surveyed, containing 160 acres;

being Coe's forfeited Homestead Farm 10678/ 74. (Subject to reclassification, and if taken under Part VIII., subject to the payment of existing improvements.) (Plan 413/80, D4.)

Carves. 8233/11. *Sussex Location 1047 as surveyed, containing 667 acres,

at 10s. per acre; being J. Keenan's abandoned Grazing Lease 7146/68 (subject to resumption re caves). (Plan 413/80, A2.)

--- Nelson District.

Corres. 6311/11 and 6313/11. Nelson Locations 5438 and 5439 as surveyed, contain-

ing 2731/ acres and 269 acres, at 25s. per acre; being A. J. Morrice's forfeited C.P. 29678/55 and Homestead Farm 16899/74. (Plan Warren River, Sheet 5.)

Corres. 7103/12. Starting from the South-East corner of Location 572;

thence 40 chains North; thence 25 chains East; thence 40 chains South; thence 25 cha:::, West back to starting point; containing- 100 aen--; . T. Parris' aban- doned Conditional Poe-lies: 3. (Plan 43913 /40, Fl.)

Subject to inspection by the estry Department.

Corres. 6329/09. Nelson Location 2550 as surveyed, containing 300

acres, at 13s. per acre; being M. G. Bond's forfeited Conditional Purchase 23513/55. (Plan Dinninup.)

Corres. 6331/09. Nelson Location 2537 as surveyed, containing 3511A

acres, at 13s. per acre ; being T. Wylde 's forfeited Con-ditional Purchase 23512/55. (Plan Dinninup.)

Corres. 6332/09. Nelson Location 2539 as surveyed, containing 168

acres, at 14s. per acre; being T. Wylde's forfeited Home-stead Farm 12774/74. (Plan Dinninup.)

Wellington District. Carves. 10638/12. Starting from the North-East corner of Location 2184;

thence 30 chains West; thence 53 chains South; thence 30 chains East; thence 53 chains North, back to starting point; containing; about 160 acres. This area includes -Wellington Location 2184, which is priced at 13s. per acre. (Plan ,414A/40, C2.)


Kojonscp District. Corres. 3639 and 3640/0S. Kojonup Locations 5557 and 5269 as surveyed, con-

taining 300 and 160 acres, at Os. Gd. and 14s. Gd. per acre respectively; being W. Leslie's forfeited Grazing Lease 3878/08 and Homestead Farm 10351/74. (Plan 417/SO, D2 & 3.)

Location 5557 also open under Part VI. to adjoining holders.

Carves. 6775 and 6318/09. Kojonup Locations 5526 and 5863 as surveyed, con-

taining 272 and 160 acres, at lls. 60. per acre; being W. A. hitters' forfeited Grazing Lease 5524/68 and Homestead Farm 12777/74. (Plan 417A/40, C,2.)

Note.-If Location 5863 is taken under Part VIII. subject to the payment for existing improvements, £6.

Cures. 7873/09. Kojonup Location 5940 as surveyed, containing 1991/2

acres, at lie. Gd. per acre; being C. Dawson's forfeited Conditional Purchase 23796/55. (Plan 417A/40, C2.)


Swan District. Corres. 977/11. Swan Location 1949 as surveyed, containing 160 acres,

at 9s. Gd. per acre ; being P. 0 '13Tien 's forfeited Home-stead Farm 16325/74. (Plan 28/SO, C4.)


Corres. 11296/03. Williams Location 3600 as surveyed, containing 160

acres, at 15s. per acre; being A. D. Seubert's forfeited Homestead Farm 3720/74. (Plan 409A/40, Cl.)

Corres. 15644-5/10. Williams Location 9703 as surveyed, containing 1,000

acres, at 12s. 60. per acre; being E. J. Leo's abandoned Conditional Purchase 28325/55 and Homestead Farm 15925/74. (Plan Pingarning, Sheet 1.)

Corres. 12632/09. Williams Location 9561 as surveyed, containing 160

acres, at 12s. per acre ; being J. Anderson 's forfeited Homestead Farin 13547/74. (Plan 386D/40, B4.)

4956 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Dac. 13, 1912.


Corres. 2136/03 & 12533/03. Wickepin Agricultural Area Lots 347 and 285 as sur-

veyed, containing 15(i and 160 acres, at 14s. 3d. and 45s. per acre respectively: lieing A. Horne's forfeited Con-ditional :Purchase 75', 1, :i5 and Homestead Farm 2341/74. (Plan 378C/40, 1.(3 .:7.811/10, D2.)


Corres. 7531/12. Ninghan Location 584 as surveyed, containing 989

acres; being P. J. Pulford's abandoned Conditional Pur-chase 32225/55 and Homestead Farm 18667/74. (Plan 55/80, E2.)

Subject to reclassification.


Esperance-Filzgerold District. Corres. 8619/12. Starting from Cl'' North-East corner of Water Reserve

13486; thence 120 East; thence 162 chains South; thence 240 chain:, West to Esperanee Road; thence Northerly te ,'(e ,•orner of Reserve 13486; thence Easl North snid reserve back to starting point; oilaining about 3.000 acres; being Cochrane's and Abdi:lie is abandoned tlrazing Lease 7971/68. (Plan 11/300.)

--- Corres. 8842/12 and 8719/1,2. Starting f(roin a point 36 chains South of the North-

West corner of itesery'‘ 13486; thence 200 chains North; thence 300 chains West; thence 300 chains South; thence 100 chai»s V'',:-t; theuc: x.04 chains North; thence 100 chairs • 100 South; thence 100 chains West rim !big ,..int; containing' about 6,000

• '1)15 ms, Baidd Si' Brinsden's u9/68 and 79' ' (Plan

C. G. MORRIS, ding ruder Secretory for Lands.

Li.,A1,GOORLiE 1,01 LAN I)TS'1'I?IC'F.

Comes. 910/08.

land cor»:

Pait. N. 0 ber, 11)12,

I :IS,

, phut the 11/04, con-open under

on 31st Dece-m-

MORRTS, Acting Linder Secretary for Lands.


Corres. 684/11. IT is hereby notified, nernt ial'ormtion, that the land comprised in foJ: ;shoal Lease 2226/93, con- tabling about !:••• ar.nia open miller Part N. of "The Laad

" on the 31st December, 1912. (Plan 156/80, 113.)

C. G. mon.Ris, Acting Tinder Secretary for Lands.

Department'of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 10th December, 1912.

Corres. 1697/98, IT is hereby notified. ral information, that Con- ditional Purelmse si;lintad at Iarralidale, on Plan 341/SO, standim„ ) name of .lope Moffat, has been cancelled for non-c»., 3 with statutory condi- tions.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting UnderSecretary d


Nuicti Corres. 7136/10.

IT is hereby notifi» union, that the and comprised id (...is•• 1106/94, runty" ing aliont 20.050 \ I op•.-1, under

. of "'File Land Act, 1‘.• on the Mit Decem- ber, 1912.

C. G. 511)111)18, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 21st November, 1912. IT is hereby declared that the undermentioned land has been set apart, taken, or resumed under Section 17 of "The Public Works Act, 1902," for the purpose of a new road, that is to say:—

RESUMPTION. 31/dicica.

Corres. No. 13774/10. Deviation of part of Road No. 4073.—A strip of

land, one chain wide, leaving the present road at the South-East corner of Victoria Location 5093, and ex-tending as surveyed (Geraldton Diagram 454) North inside and along the latter's East boundary to a closed road passing through Location 5092; thence Eastward along said closed road to the latter's East boundary.

3 acres 3r. 2p. being' resumed from Victoria Location 5093. (Plan 156/80, B3.)

Plans of the land so set apart, taken, or resumed may he inspected at the Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth.

By order of His Excellency the Governor,

THOMAS H. BATH, Minister for Lands.

TI3E ROADS ACT, 1911. Corr. 30/11.

WHEREAS the Wagin Road Board, by resolution passed at a Meeting,' of the Board, held at Katanning on the 19th day of October, 1912, resolved to open the Road hereinafter described, that is to say:—


Katamth(g. Deviation of part of Road No. 4089, A strip of land (Crown), one chain ii ir1c, leaving the

present road at the North-West corner of Klojenup Loca-tion 6626, and extending' East and South along the lat-ter's North and East boundaries to Road No. 889 and its South-East corner. (Plan 417A/40, CL)

And whereas the Governor in Executive Council has Coil firmed the said resolution, it is hereby notified that the line of communication described above is a Road within the meaning of 'Elm Roads Act, 1911," subject to the provisions of the said Act.

Dated this 13th clay of December, 1912.

C. 0. MORRIS, Acting Tinder Secretary for Lands.


Wh TEREAS Jessica Inglis, being the owner of land over or along which the undermentioned road in the Upper Blackwood Road District passes, has applied to the Lipper Blackwood Road Board to close the said road, which is more particularly described hereunder, that is to say:—


tipper Blackwood. Corres. 7623/12. B153.—The surveyed road passing along the West

and part of the Smith boundary of Nelson Location 1350, from its North iWest corner to a surveyed road on its Smith boundary. (Plan 415/80, B4.)

WHEREAS the Minister for Lands, being the owner of hind over or along the undermentioned road in the. Ginght Road District passes, has applied to the Gingin Road Board to close the said road, which is more particularly described hereunder, that is to say:—


Cordes. 9024/09. (1100.—A triangular portion of land bounded by lines

starting from the intersection of the North side of Road No. 380,5 kith the East boundary of Swan Location 1555, and extending North 34.7 links; thence South-Eastward to an angle in the North side of Road No. 38(35, and thence Westward 38.4 links to the starting point, as shown on Perth Diagram 638. (Plan 31/80, A4.)


Department of Mines, Perth, 10th December, 1912.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to make the following appointments:-

4040/12.—J, Thomas as Acting Mining Registrar at Cue, Murchison Goldfield, clueing the absence on leave of A. B. Smith; to date front the 22nd day of November, 1912.

4119/12.—Constable T. E. Rea as Acting Deputy Min-ing Registrar at Yalgoo, during the absence of the Deputy Mining Registrar; to date from the 14th day of December, 1912.

4133/12.—C. E. Forbes as Acting Mining Registrar at Kooky- de, North Coolgardie Goldfield, vice W. M. E. Anderson, transferred.

H. S. KING, Secretary for Mines.


Department of Mines, Perth, 1st November, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for public information, that general exemption from conditions of work, use, and occupation has been granted for the Goldfields and Mineral Fields of the State, as specified hereunder :-

1. Ashburton, Gascoyne, Pilbara, West Pilbara, Kim-berley, East Murchison Peak Hill, and Phillips River Goldfields, Yerilla District of North Coolgardie Gold-field, the Knrnalpi District of the North-East Coolgardie Goldfield, that portion of the Kanowna Dis-trict of the North-East Coolgardie Goldfield within a radius of four miles of the P.W.D. bore at Binti Binti; that portion of the Yilgarn Goldfield North of an East and •West line passing 10 miles South of Mt. Jackson; also that portion of the Yalgoo Goldfield within a radius of 10 miles from the Goodingnow (Payne 's New Find) Group of Leases, and the Sit. Egerton District of the Peak Hill Goldfield, from the 16th December, 1912, to the 11th January, 1913 (both dates inclusive).

2. All other Goldfields and Mineral Fields from the 16th December, 1912, to the 4th January, 1913 (both dates inclusive).

H. S. KING, Secretary for Mines.

DEC. 13. 1912.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4957

WHEREAS George Samuel Patterson, being the owner of land over or along which the undermentioned road in the Katanning Road District passes, has applied to the Katanning Road Board to close the said road, which is more particularly described hereunder, that is to say:—

Katanning. Corres. 12039/11. K43.—The surveyed road passing along the West boun-

dary of Kojonup Location 5207 from a surveyed road at its South-West corner to Road No. 3399 at its North-West corner. (Plan 408/80, E4.)

And whereas such applications have been Only plib-fished in the Government Gazette:

And whereas the said Boards have assented to the said applications:

And whereas the Governor in Executive Council has confirmed the said assents:

Lt is hereby notified that the said Roads are closed.

Dated this 13th day of December, 1912.

C. G. MORRIS, Acting Under Secretary for Lands.


(Section 23.)

Application No. 12/418. Department of .1,ands and Surveys.

NOTICE is hereby given that it is l ,, l:emlcd on the 23rd day of December 1912 to issue to Ii illiam Brown of Kellerberrin farmer a Substituted Occupation to the land described below the original Oceupa lion Certificate having as is alleged been destroyed by fire.

Dated 11th day of December, 1912.

R. J. MONTGOMERY, for Registrar of Deeds.

The land referred to. All that piece or parcel of land situate in the Avon

District of the said State known as Avon Location No. 12596 as the same is more particularly delineated and. described in the leaps and books of the Office of Lands and Surveys and being the whole of the land comprised in Homestead Farm Occupation Certificate No. 11141/74.


Department of Mines, Perth, 10th December, 1912. IT Is bereb notified that, in accordance with the provisions of "The Mining let, 1904," His Excellency the Governor in Executir o Council has been pleased to deal with the undermentioned Leases and Applications for Leases, as shown below.

H. S. KING, Secretary for Mines.

Gold, Mining Leases.

The undermentioned applications for Gold Mining Leases were approved, subject to survey:—

Goldfield. District. Nos. of Applications.

Coolgardie ... 4,445 Dutdas ... ... 1178 East Murchison Black Range ... 765a

1.Viluua ... 167,t, 1689 Mt. Margaret ... Mt. Margaret 1926T, 1927T Murchison ... Cue ... ... ,',1816, 1848, 1849

Nannine ... 11983g, 1209N, 1210x, 1211N Mt. Magnet ... --q0651ir

North Coolgardie Menzies ... 53S2z Pilbara ... Marble Bar ... 762


King Tin East Greenbushes 548

Mineral Field. 1 District. No. of Application. Name of Lease.

4953 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEC. 13, 1912.

THE MINING ACT, 1904—continued.

The surrenders of the undermentioned Gold Mining Leases were accepted :—

Goldfield. District. No. of Lease, Name of Lease. Lessees.

Murchison Nannine 982N Gibraltar Rock ... Fels, Alfred ; Cashman, James : Cashman, Enstace

North-East Coolgardie Kurnalpi 374w North Kurnalpi Consols ... Stevenson, John ; Kilbeg, Thomas 380w Lone Hand ... Kilbeg, Thomas 38511 Starlight ... ... Yellville, Arthur ; Muir, James 38611 Milano Venville, Arthur ; Muir, James

Pilbara Marble Bar ... 737 Cave Jackson, Hugh ; Jackson, Percy ; Mackenzie, John

Yilgarn 2555 Bullfinch Star Wake, Stephen 2577 Diorite Queen Brown, Huxley Edward

The underinentioned Gold Mining Lease was deel4rel forfeited application is granted under Section 105, Subsection (1) :--

for breach of labour conditions, and prior right of

Lessee. District. No. of Lease. Name of Lease. Name of person to whom prior right of application is granted. Goldfield.

135J East Murchison Wiluna Trafalgar Luca us, August Oliver, William

Mineral Leases.

The undermentioned applications for Mineral Leases were approved, subject to survey :—

Mineral Field. Distric Nos. of Applications.

Northampton Pilbara Marble Bar

ger (private property) 230, 231, 232, 233


The undermentioned application for a Mineral Lease was refused :—

The surrender of the undermentioned Mineral Lease was accepted :—

Mineral Field. District. No. of Lease. Name of Lease. Lessee.

Murchison - Cue- ... 25

Vulcan No. 2

Riddle, William Cecil

The Lessee of the undermentioned Mineral Lease was fined the sum set opposite the same as an alternative to forfeiture of such lease for breach of labour conditions. In the event of such fine not being paid within the period mentioned hereunder, then the lease to be forfeited forthwith :—

AI a Field. d. District. No. of Lease. Lessee. Fine. Applicant for forfeiture. Period within which fine

is to be paid.

Phillips River 184 ... Parker, Charles James £15 Goldsworthy, D'Arcy Douglass

30th December, 1912


(Regulation 163.)

Warden's Office, 30th October, 1912.

TAKE notice that it is the intention of the Warden of the Goldfield mentioned hereunder, on the date men-tioned, to issue out of the Warden's Court an order authorising the resumption of possession, for and on behalf of His Majesty, in accordance with Regulation 163 of "The Mining Act, 1904," of the undermentioned Mining Tenements. An order may issue in the absence of the registered holder, but should he desire to object to such order he must, before the date mentioned, lodge at the Warden's Office an objection containing the grouncb of such objection, and, on the date mentioned,

the Warden will proceed to hear and determine the same, in accordance with the evidence then submitted.

(Sgd.) PERCY C. RICHES, Warden.

To be heard at the Warden's Court, Marble Bar, on Monday, the 23rd day of December, 1912.



Nature of Holding, No. of Area, Name of Registered Holder, Address, and Reason for resumption.

Dredging Claims. 4 Cooglegong Tin Development Co., Ltd., Cooglegong.

Non-payment rent. 5—George Gillespie, Cooglegong. Non-payment rent.

Dan. 13, 1912.) GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4959'


Department of Mines, Perth, 26th November, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for public information, that in order to aid the development of the Copper Mines of the Roebourne District, the Government will undertake, for not less than one year from the date hereof, the ship-ment to market and sale of Copper Ore raised in the said District, ou behalf of the owners thereof, and will make cash advances to them on account thereof, on the follow-ing terms and conditions, viz.:—

1. The ore shall be delivered at the cost of the owner to such person and at such place as the Minister for Mines from time to time may appoint, and shall be in new strong bags of good quality and suitable for long distance shipment, marked with distinctive legible and indelible marks plainly and readily visible. Before being bagged, all large lumps of ore shall be broken into pieces small enough to pass easily through a ring three inches in diameter, and the whole parcel of ore shall be thoroughly mixed so as to have approximate uniformity in the values of the contents of each bag.

2. The person appointed by the Minister for Mines as Sampler shall sample each lot of ore delivered to him, in accordance with instructions from time to time given to him by the State Mining Engineer, and shall there-upon forward the samples by the best available convey-ance to the Geological Survey Laboratory in Perth for assay. The owner of the ore or his representative may watch the sampling, but shall not interfere therewith in any way, nor touch anything in connection therewith, nor approach nearer than is allowed by the Sampler. If he so desire he will be supplied with a portion of the final sample.*

It should be remembered, however, that this sampling is merely for the purpose of determining the amount of advances which may be made and as a guide to the Gov-ernment in negotiating for the ore. The actual sale of ore is not made upon it, but on a later and quite inde-pendent sampling made at the place at which the ore is finally sold, at which also the weight of the parcel and the deductions for moisture and tare are finally deter-mined. Any purchase tentatively based upon the Govern-ment weighing and sampling at the port of shipment is subject to adjustment in accordance with the weights and assays finally agreed upon by the buyer's and seller 's agents at the place of actual sale.

3. For the purpose of making advances, the net weight of the ore as determined by the sampler and the assay value as determined at the Geological Survey Laboratory shall be deemed to be correct, and shall not be subject to appeal to any umpire.

4. No ore will be shipped for sale until the results of assay have been obtained, unless the sampler is fully satisfied that the value thereof is amply sufficient to cover all forwarding and selling expenses. Any ore which is considered by the State Mining Engineer; after receipt of the Laboratory report, to be unsuitable for sale, by reason of absence of sufficient values or presence of deleterious constituents, shall not be accepted, and shall be removed by the owner at his own expense.

5. A charge of 2s. per ton will be made for sampling and 10s. 6d. for each sample assayed.

G. Advances will be made at the rate of not more than two-thirds of the estimated net return after pay-ine,nt of all expenses of transport of the ore to market and sale there, based upon a price for standard copper to be taken at below- the value of same per ton in London for the week in which the assays are made, as stated in the telegraphed Market Reports of the West Australian newspaper or other daily or weekly journal from time to time selected by the State Mining En-gineer, so long as such value does not exceed £80 per ton. When the market price exceeds £80 per ton, it will he taken as being £80 per ton for the purposes of the advances. The values in gold and silver shall be based on fine gold at 80s. and fine silver at 2s. per ounce, but no advances will be made on gold and silver values in ore worth less than 15s. iu these metals conjointly, and ad-vances on such values shall be limited to a maximum of Two pounds per ton of ore. The State Mining Engineer

will estimate the probable expenses of marketing, ""each parcel of ore according to the best information available, and will fix finally the amount of advances to be made, after he has received the results of the assays.

7. The Government will forward accepted lots of ore to such market as from time to time shall be approved by the Minister for Mines, and will dispose of therri there as he may think to the best advantage; and the proceeds of sale will be paid to the owner of the ore after deduction of all expenses in connection therewith incurred by the Government, the advances which haVe been made in respect thereof, and interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum on such advances from the date of making same to date of the final payment of the balance.

8. Any owner wishing to have his ore sent to any particular market specified by him instead of that selected by the Minister may have it so forwarded by the Government at his own risk, but the amount of ad-vances thereon may be reduced at the discretion of the State Mining Engineer, and the proceeds of sale must pass througlhthe hands of the Government for deduction of advances and expenses.

9. Any owner having his ore sampled, but who, ships it for sale otherwise than through the Government Agency, shall pay a sampling charge of 5s. per ton of ore and arrange for his own assays. If such assays are made, at his request, at the Geological Survey Labora-tory, the charge shall be 25s. for each assay for copper, gold, and silver.

If in any ease the net proceeds of sale of any parcel of ore are not sufficient to pay the expenses upon it in-curred by the Government, the balance shall be a debt due by the owner to the Government, recoverable at law. No person shall have any claim against the Government for loss or damage to his ore in transit unless negligence can be proved on the part of some agent. of the Govern-ment, and no person shall have any claim on the grounds that his ore has not been sold to the best advantage.

PHILIP COLLIER, Minister for Mines.

Dept. No. 133 Stall. 'Ex. Co. No. 5563. HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of the apointment of James Ramage' as an Inspector under "The Insect Pests Amendment Act, 1898," and "The Noxious Weeds Act, 1904."

T. S. McNULTY, Under Secretary for Agriculture and Industries.

11th December, 1912.

Dept.. No. 701.4/12. Ex. Co.- No. 5559. HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of the appointment of E. G. Sexty as an Honorary inspector under "The Stock Diseases Act, 1895.''

T. S. McNULTY, , Under Secretary for Agriculture and Industries.

11th December, 191.2.


Hatanning-Nampap Railway —` Yellanup'—Cha ge of name to "Kwobrup."

W.R. '7787/1912. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the siding on the Katan n g-Na m pup lIrit c1! I Zailway hitherto known as " Yellanup" will henceforth be called "Kwobrup."

JOHN T. SHORT, Commissioner of Railways.

Perth, 13th December, 1912.

49(30 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A . rDEc. 13, 1912.


Sale of Materials to Private Firms or Persons. let to 31st October, 1912.

Authority No., Particulars, and Amount.

1158/12-100 old sleepers 3 6 8 1159/12--200 old sleepers 6 13 4 1164/12-1 old tank .. 0 10 0 1166/12-2 old tanks 010 0 1146/12-300 old sleepers .. 7 10 0 1165/12-150 old sleepers .. 5 0 0 1160/12-150 old sleepers .. 7 11. 0 1167/12-12 old sleepers .. 0 8 0 1155/12-125 old sleepers .. 4 3 4 1175/12—Old bricks 1 19 0 1157/12-12 old sleepers .. 0 12 0 1171/12-150 old sleepers .. 7 10 0 1172/12-300 old sleepers .. 15 0 0 1178/12-8 sets old wheels and axles 68 0 0 1176/12-300 old sleepers .. 10 0 0 1177/12-100 old sleepers .. 5 0 0 572/12-1 only loco. buffer 4 0 0 551/12-1 length copper tube, 3in. 5 4 0 587/12-1 steel plate Gft. x 5ft. x .. 11 4 9 736/11 36 sets triple elliptic springs

(£1.80) and 56 side-bearing springs (EIS 13s. 4d.) 198 13 4

569/12-8 only "Qa" axle-boxes 24 0 0 585/12-10,000 copies Railway Map of

Western Australia .. . 10 0 0 688/11-50 pairs wagon wheels and axles 650 0 0 591/12-10 bars Sft. 4in. x 3in. iron-

17cwt. 2or. 231bs. ( 14 590/12—I old hessian tarpaulin.

10) 7 0

594/12—Scrap metal 27 0 0 594/12—Scrap metal 57 0 0 591/12-25 sets stanchion knees .. 102 13 4 592/12—] brake block 0 9 0 6S8/11--200 laminated springs .. 200 0 0 658/11-200 side chain springs 33 (i 8

100 double draw-bar springs .. 36 13 4 0/a 32 pairs wheels and axles .. 34S 0 0

594/12—Scrap metal 10 0 0 308/12-Sale of bottles, tins, etc. 4 14 2 320/12—Sale of plans .. 0 6 0

E1,877 18 11.

.TOHN T. STIGia, Commissioner of Railways.

Perth, 6th December, 1912.


Public Works Department, Perth, 121th December, 1912.

THE following list of Tenders, recently published for general information:—

accepted, is

Date of Acceptance, Name of Contractor, Descrip- tion of Contract, and Amount.

Dec. 9.—Edmondson Bros.—Northam. Drill Hall and Quarters, Repairs, etc. (4758), ,f.132.

9.—Edmondson Bros.-0Tass Valley School, A ddi-tions (4772), £56.

By order of the Hon. the Minister for Works,

C. A. MUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

PUBLIC WORKS ACT, 1902. Cremantle High Level Bridge—Re Closace to 17chi,ular

Traffic during Repairs.

NOTICE is hereby given that the South Navigation .opening of the above Bridge will be closed to traffic on and after midnight of the 11th August and until further notice. Also, all river traffic must use the North Navigation opening, which will be available for that purpose.

By order,

C. A. MUNT, Tinder Secretary for Public Works.

7th August, 1912.

MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ACT, 1906. Dissolution, of the Nannine Municipality.

NOTICE is hereby given that by power conferred under Section 12 of 'The Municipal Corporations Act, 1906," it is the intention of the Governor in Council to dissolve the Nannine Municipality, and include the District there-of in the Nannine Road District.

C. A. HUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

ROADS ACT, 1911. Proposed Nannine Road Board.

NOTICE is hereby given that by power conferred under Section S of "The Roads Act, 1911," it is the inten-tion of the Governor in Council to create a new Road District of the name of Nannine Road Board District, With the boundaries as described in Schedule hereunder. The boundaries of the following Road :District are al-tered accordingly:—Murchison, Meekatharra, and Black Range.

Schedule. Bounded on the North by a line starting from the

North-West corner of Lease 797/96, and extending along the. North and part of an East boundary of same, part of the North and East boundaries of Lease 415/96, the North and part of the East boundaries of Leases 2905/ 102 and 647/96; South and East boundaries of 1 ease 727/96; thence Eastward and along the North bowl dory of Lease 1054/102 to the East boundary of Meekm tharra State Forest, along the East boundary of same for about 150 chains; thence Eastward to the 344-mile post of the Rabbit-proof Fence.

Bounded on the East by a line extending along the Rabbit-proof Fence from the 344-mile post to the South-East corner of Lease 1255/96.

Bounded on the South by a line starting from the South-East corner of Lease 1255/96, and extending along a South, an East, and again a South boundary- of same, part of the East and South boundaries of Lease 1413/ 102, the East and South boundaries of Lease 1400/96. part of the South boundary of Lease 929/96, the North boundary of Lease 1229/96, part of the East, the South, and the West boundaries of Lease 889/96, the East and North boundaries of Lease 2151/102 and 1702/102, the North and West boundaries of Lease 3811/102, the North boundary of Lease 2754/102, part of the East boundary of Lease 566/96 to North-East earlier of same.

Bounded on the West by a line along part of the East boundary of Lease 2780/102 to intersection of Rabbit-proof Fence; thence along the East boundary of Lease 1117/96 und 1187/96, the West and part of the North boundary of Lease 1105/96, the West boundary of Lease 856/96, and the North boundary of Leasps 1130/96 and 823/96, the West and part of the North boundary- of Lease 819/96, and the West boundary of Lease 797/96.

C. A. HURT, Secretary for Public Works.

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. (Section 16.)

Bayswater Road Board.

Department of Public Works, Perth, 3rd December, 1912.

IT is hereby notified for general information, that the Hon. Minister for Works, in pursuance of the division of the Bayswater Road Board into Wards, has been pleased to appoint the following dates for the various events in connection with the retirement of members of such Road Board and the election of a new Board:-

1. Publication of Lists-7th December. 2. Receiving Claims--] ith December. 3. Exhibiting Claims--24th December. 4. Revision Court-6th .January. 5. Signing Rolls-1311i .daintily. G. Resignation of Members--25th January. 7. Election-27th January.

C. A. HUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

Dac. 13. 1912.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4961


Date of Notice. Nature of Work. Date and time for

Closing. Where and when Conditions of Contract, etc., to be seen.

1912. 1912. (Noon on Tuesday.

28th Nov. Gnowangerup Police Station and Quarters—Erection of (4782)

17th December ... Contractors' Room, Perth, and 'P. W.A.D., Albany

and Court House, Wagin, on and after Tuesday, 3rd December. 1912.

(Noon on Thursday) 5th Dec. Beaconsfield Infants' School—19th December ...

Additions (4784) Contractors' Room, Perth, and at the Court House,

Fremantle, on and after Tuesday, 10th December, 1912

5th Dec. Hawthorn School—Additions (4785)

19th December I Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after Tuesday, 10th December, 1912.

5th Dee. Collie School—Additions (4786) 19th December Contractors' Room, Perth, and at the Court Houses, Bunbury and Collie, on and after Tuesday, 10th December, 1912

5th Dec. Freinautle Intermediate School—Additions (4787)

19th December Contractors' Room, Perth, and at the Courthouse, Fremantle, on and after Tuesday, 10th December, 1912

5th Dec. IVIanjimup School—Additions (4788)

19th December Contractors' Room, Perth, and at the Court Houses, Bunbury and Bridgetown, on and after Tuesday, 10th December, 1912

5th Dec. South Perth School—Additions (4789)

19th December 1 Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after Tuesday., 10th December, 1912

5th Dec. Claremont Infants' School Ad- ditions. Claremont Practising

19th December Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after Tuesday, 10th December, 1912

School—Additions (4790) (Noon on Tuesday)

21st Nov. Fremantle Barracks—Additions (4779)

31st December ... Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Freman- tle, on and after Tuesday. 3rd December, 1912.

12th Dec. West Leederville School- -Ad- 31st December Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after 17th Decem- ditions (474z) ber, 1912.

12th Dec. Perth Intermediate School— 131st December ... j Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after Tuesday, 17th Additions (179:3) December, 1912.

12th Dee. Midland Junction Infants' School 31st December ... Contractors' Beth; and at the Court House, —Additions (4794) Midland Junci on, on and after Tuesday, 17th

December, 1912. 12th Dec. North Claremont School—Addi- 31st December ...

tions (4795) Contractors' Room, Perth, and at the Court Ruse,

Fremantle, on and after Tuesday, 17th December, 1912.

12th Dec. West Guildford School—Addi- 31st December Contractors' Room, Perth, and at the Court House, tions (4-796) Midland Junction, on and after Tuesday, 17th

12th Dec. Bunbury Infants' School—A ddi-tions (4707)

December, 15;12, 31st December Contractors' 1': nth, and at the Court Houses,

Bunbury ad ; ,ton, on and after Tuesday, 17th December, 1912.

Tenders are to be addressed to "The lion. the Minister for Works," and will be received at the Public Works Office, Perth. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

By order of the Hon. the Minister for Works,

C. A. MUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

Public Works Department, Perth, 11th December, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of the following By-laws of the Boulder Municipal Council, under Section 179 of "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1906.'

C. A. 'AUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

MUNICIPALITY OF BOULDER. A By-law of the Municipality of Boulder, made under

Section 179 of "The Mnnicipal Corporations Act. 1.906," and number-3d 91, for the prevention of the dan-gerous use of hat-pins.

In pursuance of the powers contorted by the said Act, the Mayor and Councillors of Boulder order as follows :--

1. No person shall, while standing or walking in or upon a street, public way, or footpath, or in or upon any place of public resort, or in or upon any park or

reserve, within the Municipality of Boulder, wear a hat-pin which protrudes in such a way as to be a source of danger to any person.

2. Any person offending against this By-law shall for every such offence be liable to a. penalty not exceed-ing Twenty pounds.

Passed by the Council of the Municipality of Boulder on the 19th day of September, 1912.

[The Seal of the CHAS. R.. DAVIES, Municipality of Mayor. Boulder.] E. W. V. GRIBBLE,

Town Clerk.

Recommended,— (Sgd. '; W. D. JOHNSON,

Minister for Works.

A pproved by 'T

Count this 19th day of De

( Sgd. ) BEI? NA RD P Clerk of

e CounciA.

4962 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. Ec. 13, 19.12.


lgorn Road Board.

Arrears of Rates.

Public Works Department, Perth, 28th October, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Yilgarn Road Board writing of Arrears of Rates stated in Schedule heeunder, in accordance. with Section 240 of "The Roads Act., 1911."

(Signed) C. A. MUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

Schedule. Assessment No., Person rated, Location, Amount, and

Reason why abandoned. 123—Petniefather, --, G.A. 19, £1 lls. Reverted to

Crown. (Deceased.) 421—Cassidy, W., Camp, 19s. Camp destroyed. 425—Angus, R. nip, Is. Left District. 426—Abbott, V., Ca 5s. Left District. 427—Autog,auli, A., Camp, 5s. Left District. 428—Abbott, W., Camp, 5s. Left District. 429—Pnirimge, E. C., B. Area (no number), 5s. Error

in as-mssment. 430—Bur;: , I, --, Camp, 4s. Gd. Left District. 431—Kea ourt Lease 843, Hs. Reverted to

p, 5s. Left District. amp, 55. Left District. camp, Gs. Left District.

is. Left District. 5s. Left District. 5s. Left District.

1Zeverted to Crown. r, coned to Crown.

District. Left District.

Le ft District. Ss. Lea, District.

,s. Left District. Os. Gd. Left District. 5, 9s. Gd. Reverted to Crown.

5s. Left District. .A., no number (';imp, 5s. Left

5s. Left District. Is. Left District.

•4, 5s. Left District. op, 5s. Left District.

5s. Left District. is. Left lG,.triet.

. Deft District. 5s. Le •;. District.

Ti ft 1 fistriet. n.M., 4s. 6(1.

nn removed. District.

4s. %winded

C rown . 1_0s. Lef

L. is. Left District. 166—.6 , 55. Left District.

- 1. C.. ( M rep. 5s. Left District. 468- • Moii..Pin, J., Civi:p, 5s. Left District. .1 '' 1\1i- Fa :la lie, R., alp, Os. 6d. Left District.

o•niaci: F . nip, 1s. Gd. Left District. ‘'illto 0., B.A. No. 2 old Marvel Loch, 5s.

to ('rows. B.A. N, 5s. Error iu assess

cii p, 9s. Left District. 'amp, '10s. Left District.

=Ho— . Left District. 190—(. 'Neil, T., Lease S21, Hs. Reverted to

Crown. 402-0 'Neil, T., Camp, 4s. 6d. Left District. d9'—Phillips, J., Camp, 5s. 1.,eft D-'15! Het. 19-1— Dr. Paul, 1., Camp. Left 1)41i1(1-.


474—Morgan, II., Camp, 5s. Left District. 475—Morgan, L., Lease No. 2, Francis Furniss, 17s

Reverted to Crown, 476—Miller, W. J., Camp, 5s. Left District. 477—Maddrill, W., Camp, 4s. Gd. Left District. 478—Martin, J. W., Camp, 3s. Left District. 479—McArdle, G., Camp, 5s. Left District. 480—McKenzie, S., Camp, 5s. Left District. 481—McL'oughlan, E., Camp, 5s. Left District. 482—McKenzie, A., Camp, 5s. Left District. 498—Smith, Thos., Camp, 5s. Left District. 499—Schucroft, J., Camp, 5s. Left District. 500—Troy, R., Camp, 5s. Left District. 501—Totti, Ulich, Camp, 5s. Left District. 502—Vale, R., Camp, Gs. Gd. Left District. 503—Williamson, John, Camp, 5s. Left District. 504—Wollner, H., Camp, 5s. Left District. 505—Walsh, W., Camp, 9s. Left District. 506—Wilson, A., Camp, 10s. Left District. 507—Wise, P., G.M.L. 855, 10s. AReverted to Crown. 508—Williams, J., Camp, 3s. Left District. 509—Wilson, .Jas., Camp, 5s. Left District. 510—Barnett, —, Camp, 5s. Left District. 511—Cameron, L., Camp, Gs. Left District. 512—Marten, W., Dwelling, 10s. Left District. 513—Murphy, D., Camp, 5s. Left District. 514—Brown, E. 1"., G.M. Lease 831-2, 2s. Gd. Wrongly

assessed. 516—Burnett, C., Camp, Is. Left District. 518—Cooper, .1., G.M. Lease 832, 4s. Gd. Revereed to

Crown. 519—Cogdell, A. K, Camp, 5s. Left District. 520—Hines. M., Camp, 5s. Left District. 521—Anderson, G., G.M.L. 859, 2s. Gd. Error in assess-

ment. 524—McGuiness, E. C., No po.rticulars, 1Gs. Reverted to •

Crown. 525—McMillan, R., Camp, 5s. Left District. 526—Rolland, H., Camp, 5s. Left District. 527—Burnett, M., Camp, 10s. Error in assessment. 528—Wilson, A., Camp, 5s. Left District. 529—Soachenberg, —, Camp, 4s. 6d. Left District. 530—Chadwick, J. E., 801, 15s. Reverted to -

Crown. 531—Fielders, W., Camp, Os. Gd. Left District. 532—Ferro, A., Camp, 4s. Left District. 535—Montgomery, --, Maida Camp, 5s. Left District. 536—Bencroft, 0., B.A., Greenmount, 15s. Left District. 537—Cerine, P., Camp, Greenmount, 9s. Left District. 538—Brown, T., Camp, £1. Left District. 539-13allantine, A., Camp, 4s. (id. Left District. 540 —Burns, J., Camp, 5s. Left District. 541—O'Sullivan, —, Residence, £1 10s. Removed. 543—Gerra, A., Camp, 4s. Left District. 511—Henderson, 0., Camp, 5s. Left District. 515-1 le itt, W., Camp, 12s. Left District.

J., C.P. 35, 5s. Error in assessment. 51.7—Poison, S., Camp, 3s. Left District. 5-18—Pittaway, W., Dwelling, 18s. Removed. 519—Petersen, F., Camp, 4-s. Gd. Left District. 550—Rechford, IL, Camp, 5s. Left. District. 551—Pa I mer, Camp, Ss. Left District. 552—Rodereda, E., Camp, 4s. Left District. 553 --Sunnuertou, E., Camp, 5s. Left District. 55-I Williams, John, Camp, 5s. Left District. 555—Williams, Jas., Camp, 5s. Left District. 557—Williams, W., Camp, 9s. Left District. 558-- Birrell, Mrs., Dwelling, Greenmount, lls. Re-

moved. 559—Abbott, P., Dwelling, N.Z. Golly, £1 9s. Removed. 5GO—Alexander, F., Camp, 5s. Left Doistrict. 56I—Adams, J., Camp, 5s. Left District. 562—Anstey, (1., Camp, 5s. Left District. 563-11arnion, G., Prosp. Area 111, 4s. Reverted to

Crown. -Brooks, J., Camp, 15s. Left District.

565—Better, R., Camp, 5s. Left District. 506—Barnett, <1., Dwelling, Central Hill, 5s. Removed. 567-1i0I1es, Jas., Camp, 10s. Left District. 568—Persen, Geo., Camp, 5s. Left District.. 50-11niek„1., Camp, 6s. Left District. 5'70— I tr;:y, W. 'I'., Residence, Southern Cross, £1 lls.

1 ■1.:1101ed.

571—Cook, J., Residence, Southern Cross, 10s. Removed. 572—Charles, Jos., G.M.L. 861, 3s. 9d. Reverted to

Crown. 573—Clancy, --, Camp, Gs. Left District. 57-1—Cassells, Win., Camp, 4s. Left District. 575—Corbett, T., Camp, 5s. Left District. 576—Coffee, Camp, 5s. Left District. 577— Coulter, K, Camp, 5s. Left District.

132,- n 133- imp ,

oulthardt, - I :;5-1 K. 36—i ,,urte, J., t 37--.C.sack, .1., 3.S—Crisp, S. I. 39--Ci.po, J., P

• 10- 11,Jrt:!!, R. i - L

4 15—Devero 1111—Davie,

)ixon, )onelly,

District. 1. i.Ii--Dick. 1., ( 150- 1: ,, •ar D 151- I:a:a,


Caliph I, A., Cmp. 114 , C., ( :ii rphy, P. J., 1 .1

' 7'.. (

Lon ! ii strict. Disl

Left District. Left District.

. Left District. Left District.

Left District. Left District.

Left District.

Schedule, No., Pe• catml, Location, Amount, and

abandoned. 1 2s. Removed. 12s. 6d. Removed.

,use, Hs. Removed. 173—

DEC. 13. 1912.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, rW.A 4963

57S—Conarby, M., Prosp. Area 10S, 3s. Reverted to Crown.

579—Clarke, A., Camp, Is. Left District. ISO—Cannons, J., Camp, Gs. Left District. 5S1 P., Camp, 5s. Left District. 582—Davidson, R., Dwelling, Goat Flat, 10s. Removed. 583—Dolphin, John, Camp, 15s. Left District. 584—Donovan, John, Camp, 10s. Gd. Left District. 585—Durrant, H., Camp, Ss. Left District. ISO—Doughty, E., Camp, Is. Left District. 587—Dowell, E., Camp. 1.0s. Left District. 58S—Davis, J., CaaT, ('s. Left District. 589—Dante, J., map, Is. Left District. 590—Dorm Chas.. Dwelling, 9s, Left District. 591—Day, 0., G.M.L. 705, 706, Ss. Reverted to

Crown. 592—Douglas, J., Camp, 3s. Left District. 593—Della, Vedooa G., Camp, 4s. Left District. 594—Duffy, .1. 0., Camp, Is. Left District. 595,—Duntan, S., Camp, lls. Gd. Left District. 596—Edgar, D., Camp, 10s. Left District. 597-Eadie, A., Camp, 10s. Left District. 59S—Edwards, R., Camp, Is. Left District. ° 600—Francischini, —, Camp, 5s. Left District. 599 —Evans, 12., Camp, Is. Left District,. 601—Fox, J., Camp, Os. Left District. 602—Fulston. IV., Cala:, 4s. Left District. 603--ICert!. 16<. Left District. 604—Faraday, V., i see n, Is. Left District. 605—Forwerd, ( Left District. (306—Gardiner, J., cam H;s. Left District. 607—Goldsworthy, P., c; , 5s. Left District. NS—Goldsworthy,

— R., Is. Left District.

609—Guiviea. . Left District. 610-01', lilt — Le ft District. 61.1-1;r. Left District. 612—Oolds ■ Left District. 613—C;•ra. '1 10s. Left District. 614-14r gie ''s. Left District. 615—Tin (is. Left District. 616—Haamin Left District. 617—Thounis. s Left District. 618—Fled

,ig. P. 6d. Left District.

619—Henn' Left District. 620—thapp. . Is. Left District. 621-13um1:lin Gs. Left District. 622—Treia,:j, r,s. Left District. 624—Johnsione, M.„ camp. Is. Left District. 625—Jones, N., Dv.ellin, 3.31 ids. Removed. 626—Lazarini, G., ("a rea, 7s. Left District. 627—Tackel, IL, ( 1 ,111:•. Left District. 628—Jarvis, G., Glair. Ss. Left District. 629—James, R., Camp. 5s. Left District. 630—jack, Jas., Camp, 5s. Left District. 631—Jones, N., Camp, 3s. Left District. 630—Leentie, Camp, 5s. Left District. 633—Lukyn, A., ( 1 .P. 4542, Hs. Gd. Error in assessment. 631—Ttong„T., Ca lop. Os. Gd. Left District. ;137,— LONsie, C • 1. Is. Left District. fm—Leeman, Is. Left District, 6:17—Lee, F., Camp, 5s. Left- District. G38—Leeoni, P., amp, 5s. I. eft District. 639—Lank„1., Let: District. 640—Morris, G., ;. ntp, Is. I.eft District. 641—Manning, 17)., Camp, lie. Left District. 612—Murphy„T., Camp, Gs. Left District. 643—Mechl, P., Camp, Os. Left District. 634—Manning, Chs., Camp, 9s. Gd. Left District. 645—Muller, Jas., Camp, Gs. Left District. 646—Muir, W. F., Camp, Is. Left District. 647—Moore, J., Ca mp, 5s. Left District. 648—Morela, p., ('amp, Is. Left District. 649 —McQuarrie, W. R., Camp, Os. 6(1. Left District. 650—MeMillan, F., Camp, Gs. Left District. 651.—MeNarnape, M.

' Camp, Sc. Left District.

(352— MeV:aiam, P. Camp, Is. Left District. 653—McGrath, P., Camp, 5s. Left. District. 654—Miller, T. R., 'Camp, 4s. 6a. Left District. 6552—Poole, F., Camp, 1.Ss. Left District. 656-1_]eCarlie, F., Camp, 4s. Left District. 657; t• McIntosh, 'W., Camp, Is. Left District. 658—M-eQuade,, 0., Camp, 10s. Left District.

(3.59--).[cDonald, Camp, 5s. Left District. 660—I,1cDonahl, E., Camp, 17s. 6d. Left District. 661—McDonald, D., Camp, 3s. Left District. 662—McCallum, G., Camp, Is. Left District. 663--Norris, J., Camp, 10s. Left District. 664—Newton, R., Camp, Is. Left District. 605—Norris, J., Camp, 17s. Left District. 666—Neelands, J., Camp, 14s. Gd. Left District.

667— Left District. 66S—C s. Left District. 669-1 Left District. 670— is Left District. 671-1' Left. District. 672— U. Left District. (573— 15. Left District. 671— Gd. Left District. 1375— 1d. Left District.

is. Left District. , 4s. Removed.

. Removed. Is. Left District. 10s. Left District. . Gel. Left District. Left District.

Left District. Os. Left District.

. Left District. 6d. Left District.

1"s Left District. '•. Left District.

GS!!. 5s. Left District. 690— 1.0s. Removed. 691— . Gd. Left District. 61•12— „wt. Left District. 6511-2 .1. , 9s. 3d. Error in assess-

a. District. (is. Left District.

Is. Left District. Left District.

Left District. Gd. Left District.

5.4s. Left District. 5s. Left District.

21 Ss. Removed. 666, Nevoria, £1 4s.

Left District. I 5s. Left District.

Is. Left District. Is, Left District.

12s. Left District. p, 4s. Gd. Left District,

5s. Left District. 115. Duplicate entry.

s. Left District. . 5s, Left District. . Left District.

r. 6d. Left District. Camp, 10s, Left District.

:f,1 10s. Removed. , Gs. Removed.

Is Left District. Note.—The total of these arrears are included on

1912- 1 :1 P.,:ek with Heeest added, so the actual amount to be ..2::1 be .€126 ls. G.D.E.P.

H. H. KELLY, Secretary.

ilLC being written off in at: the prOV1610 "The Roads Act,

(Sgd.) W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

22nd October, 1912.


caotryordie Road Board.

Tars of Rates.

Public,: Works Department, Perth, 31st October, 1912.

IT is for general information, that the Minister for `/..o has approved of the North-East Coolgardie Road 'board writing off Arrears of Rates stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with Section 240 of "The Roads Act, 191E'

(S-,itpas1) C. A. STUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

678— 679-1 680 ' 681— 682-1,-Zo:

(384—F-311:';'1 •

,T.. 695- (i96—'' 697—' l' 698—To 6911)-700

70 I — 705—• 70(3— 70--7C 70: --710--711 , 712—Yea 1k. ,

714—Wimaley 715—Pri, s.. 716—Pp:mat. 717—Seddon, 1 715—`1'i •J



4964 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. [DEC. 13, 1912.

246—Bettina, John, Camp, 5s. Removed. 360—Buckley, W. J., House, 8s. Removed. 380—Burgan, Alfred, Camp, 7s. Gd. Poverty. 362—Beldock, A. J., House, 6s. Burnt down. 359—Cable, Lardner, Iron Store, Ss. Burnt down. 278—Clancy, Thomas, Camp, 4s. Removed. 301—Cook, Robert, House, is. 6d. Removed. 345—Cable & Kelly, G.M.L. 263K, Os. Forfeited. 361—Cooper, H., Camp, Os. Removed. 376—Chambers, E., House, 7s. Gd. Removed. 377—Corbett, Michael, G.M.L. 316K, 12s. Forfeited. 371—Chambers, John, Camp, 7s. Removed. 382—Commins, Harry, Camp, 2s. Gd. Removed. 389—Chisholm, G., G.M.L. 1234X, 4s. Forfeited. 393—Carroll, Charles, Camp, 8s. Removed. 395—Christenson, W., Camp, 3s. Removed. 75—Dempsey, J,, jun., M.H.L. 30X, £1. Forfeited.

129—Davidson, George, Camp, 2s. 6d. Removed. 174—Dumaresq, J. G., Camp, 4s. Deserted. 396—Dumaresq, J. G., G.M.L. 1269X, 2s. 6d. Forfeited. 337—Deveseux, W., Camp, 3s. Removed. 338—Dodd, F., Camp, 3s. Removed. 335—Dix, F., Camp, 3s. Removed. 3G6—Dumaresq & Moran, G.M.L. 1152X, 10s. Forfeited. 374—Dumaresq & Moran, G.M.L. 1215X, 3s. Forfeited. 373—Dumaresq, J. G., 1196X, 8s. Forfeited. 365—Edwards, Alfred, Camp, 16s. Poverty. 368—Edwards, Frank, House, 10s. Removed. 375—Edwards, Thos., G.M.L. 1208X, 2s. 6d. Forfeited. 276—Foote, Joseph, House, 5s. Removed. 205—Graves, Alfred, Camp, 2s. 6d. Removed. 328—Gray, Sid, Camp, 3s. Removed. 339--Glover, John, Camp, 3s. Removed. 357—Gunter, Thos., Camp, 3s. Removed. 331—Hicks, W. J., Camp, 3s. Removed. 346—Howes, Henry, G.M.L. 1121X, El. Forfeited. 347—Hack, Fritz, House, is. Removed. 352—Henderson, James, House, 5s. Rated in error. 369—Heard, Andrew, Camp, 3s. Removed. 389—Hampton, Fred., G.M.L. 1233X, £1 4s. Forfeited. 402—Heard, A., Camp, 3s. Removed. 388—Hampton, Wederkin, G.M.L. 1238X, 8s. Forfeited. 25—Harrop, W. N., G.M.L. 1047X, 65. Resumed by

Mines Department. 344—Tcke.ringill, M.H.Ls. 11X, 10s. 3d. Forfeited. 334—Johnson, Peter, House, 8s. Rated in error. 157—Kalgoorlie Foundry, House, 1 5s. Removed. 98—Lohse, H. C. W., Camp, 5s. Burnt.

165-7-Lardner, Martin, Buildings, 5s. Burnt. 214 Lamond, James, House, 125. Poverty. 247—Lancaster, A., Camp, 5s. Burnt. 89—Miller, James, Camp, 8s. Removed.

179—Markman, Joseph, Camp, 3s. Removed. 318—A.Tonoghan„T., Camp, Os. Removed, 350—Mapp, Charles, House, El 4s. Removed. 374—Moran & Dumaresq, G.M.L. 1215X, 2s. 6d. For-

feited. 392—Moore, Thomas E., Camp, 10s. Removed. 68—McLityre, James, House, 12s. Removed.

324—McDonald, E., Camp, Os. Removed. 333—McGregor, hector, G.M.L. 1192X, 1.8s. Forfeited.

9—N. W. Feather Gold Mines, G.M.L. 1276X, 5s. Surrendered.

330—Nunn, Edward, Camp, Os. Removed. 394—Negus, Joseph, Camp, 7s. Gd. Removed. 379-0 'Brien, William, House, 5s. Removed. 386-0 'Toole & Party, G.M.L. 320K, 12s. Forfeited. 342—Perry, Binge, & Harrop, G.M.L. 1161, 3s. For-

feited. 343—Perry, Binge, & ITarrop, G.M.L. 1162, 3s. For-

feited. 363—Philips, L., Camp, 6s. Removed. 329—Reynolds, John, Camp, 3s. Removed. 340—Rutledge & Commins, G.M.L. 878X, 12s. For-

feited. 355—Ramsay, A., Camp, 3s. Removed. 358—Ruttle. Martin, & Bartlett, R.C.R. 3711, £3

Buildings removed. 381 --Robb, James, Camp, 4s. Removed. 36—Smith & Palmer, G.M.L. 1290X, 12s. Withdrawn. 90—Sims, Francis, House, 10s. Removed.

16S—Smart, Thomas, House, SS. Removed. 195—Smith, La,vington, Camp, 2s. Gd. Removed. 282—Swilridge, Martin, Camp, ,ts. Removed. 310—Smith, C., Ilense, 5s. -Removed. 322—Smith, Chas. Henry, Camp. 3s. Removed. 323—Stephens, George H., Camp, 3s. Removed. 275—Turnbull, Thomas, Camp, 8s. Removed. 326—Tagliferio, Peter, 2 Camps, 4s. Removed.

364—Trenfield, John, Camp, 5s. Removed. 383—Thomas, Harry, House, 12s. Removed. 385—Thompson, J., & Party, G.M.L. 1251, £1 4s. FOr-

f eit ed. 341—Williams & Party, G.M.L. 392X, El 4s. Forfeited. 1.24—Watson, Mrs. E., Camp, 5s. Left District. 143—Wisdom, R., Camp, 5s. Removed. 320—Watson, W., Camp, 3s. Removed. 35].—Weldon, Thomas, Camp, 5s. O.A. Pensioner. 367—Wright, Albert, Camp, 5s. Removed. 372—Waddington, James, Camp, 6.s. Removed. 32—Williams, Spencer, & Scoble, G.M.L. 1286, 2s. 6d.

Forfeited. 313—Zinneeker, William, Camp, 4s. Removed.

C. BARTLETT, Secretary.

I approve of Arrears in this Schedule being written off in accordance with the provisions of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

31st October, 1912.


Upper Blackwood Road Board. Arrears of Rates.

Public Works Department, Perth, 31st October, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Upper Black-wood Road Board writing off Arrears of Rates stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with Section 240 of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) C. A. HUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

Schedule. Assessment No., Person rated, Location, Amount, and

Reason why abandoned. 152—Hyde, H. S., Homestead Farm 2613, 10807/74,

16s. Sd. Reverted to Crown. 224—Robinson, J. D., Homestead Farm 3698, 12349/74,

Gs. Sd. Reverted to Crown. 225—Robinson, J. D., C.P. 4349, 22972/55, 9s. 5d. Re-

verted to Crown. 403—Guimelli, D., Homestead Farm 2328, 9524/74, 10s.

3d. Reverted to Crown. 407—Maywood, F., Homestead Farm 3246, 9338/74, £1

10s. Reverted to Crown. 481—Moore, A lice, Conditional Purchase 3942, 20656/55,

El 14s. 10d. Reverted to Crown. 486,—Moore, Joseph, Homestead Farm --, 7730/74,

£1 10s. Reverted to Crown. 491— Moor, Edward, Homestead Farm 2910, 9307/74,

£1 3s. 46. Reverted to Crown. 581a--Venn, Frank E. Pastoral Lease 1206/93, ls. ld.

Reverted to E., 620—Brooks, B. V., Homestead Farm 4437, 12590/74,

16s. 8d. Outside District. 690—Hannay, II., Homestead Farm 1357, 2610/74, £1

3s. 4d. Duplicated. 745—Moffat, T. H., Conditional Purchase --, 15216/55,

El 9s. 9d. Error in assessment. 1006 —.Johnson Sarah, Conditional Purchase 5206, 7584/

:56, El 1 ls. 3d. Exempt under Sec. 194, ss. 8. i016—johnson, G. R., Conditional Purchase 4411, 23501/

55, 12s. Exempt under Sec. 194, ss. 8. 11017—Johnson, G. R., Conditional Purchase 4433, 23502/

55, 7s. 5d. Exempt under Sec. 194, ss. 8. 1027—Johnson, Robt., Conditional Purchase 4491, 23607/

55, 12s. 671. Exempt under Sec. 194, ss. 8. 1143—Scott, William. Conditional Purchase 2262, 24661/

5:5, El 1i s. 3.1. Exempt under See. 194, ss. S.

I approve of arrears in this Schedule being written off in accordance with the previsions of " The Roads Act, 1911."

(,Sgd.) W. D. .JOHNSON. Minister for Works.

31st October, 1912.

DEC. 13, 1912.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4965

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Greenhills Road Board.

Arrears of Rates. Public Works Department,

Perth, 31st October, 1912. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Greenhills Road Board writing off Arrears of Rates stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with Section 240 of "The Roads Act. 1911.''

(Sgd.) C. A. AUNT, Under Secretary fin! Public Works.

8cl/edit/G. Assessment No., Person rated, Location, Amount, and

Reason why abandoned. West ircoid.

40—Blechynden, C. W., 3796, 1(is. 5d. Out of Dis-trict.

41—Barr, James, 345/97, £2 ls. 3d. Removed. 42—Burton, George, 48/1966, 12s. 6d. Duplication. 59—Batty,E li., 8275, £1 3s. 4c1. Not in District. 85—Tlikoo, Shim), 6285 and 7297, £1. 4s. 4d. Not in

District. 104—Clulow, Wm., Town Lot Greenhills, 2s. 6d.

Duplication. I1G—Courtenay, II., 8285, £1 Ss. 4d. Forfeited. 137—Daggo, Arthur, 10063, 3.5s. Forfeited. 218—Gardiner, ins., 5430, £1 10s. Forfeited. 219—Gilbert, A. L., 3279/68 and 9903/74, £1 1.0s.

Forfeited. 392—Julian, Eli, 6363, Ss. 4d. Forfeited. 290—Johnson, Harry, Old arrear 1.904, no particulars

available, 18s. Gd. Forfeited. 289—Johnson, Wm., Town Lot—Old arrear, no par-

ticulars, 2s. Gd. Error. 346—Lonbit, W. F., 9133, £5 185. 9d. Not in Dis-

trict. 349—Lukin, 0. R., 3664, 8496, and 8497, £6 2s. idld.

Not in District. 410—Motharn, drones, 49/336, £4 13s. 4d. Duplication.

388/12—Marwick, Warren, 10774, £3 13s. l.d. Overcharge. 446—Massingham, J. C., 1597/55, £1 13s. lit Not in

District. 445—Marwick, 'Wm., 2360, 2310, £9 5s. 5d. Not in

District. 106—Richey, J. IV., jr., 7949, £1 2s. 11d. Duplication. 136—Seabrook, C. W., 4396, 10s. Overcharge. 706—Wilson, R., Old arrear 1904—no particulars; 7s.

6d. Forfeited.

North. Ward. 35-36—Brown Lukin, 7213 and 1605, £5 14s. 7d. Not

in District, 53--Baxter, C. F., £S 15s. 9d. Resumed. 64--Bannister, Henry, 872$, £1 4s. Out of District.

103—Clark, David, 3014, 13s. 4d. Duplication. 133--Collins, & Hy., Town Lot Dangin, 5s.

Error. 305—Gardiner, Charles, 11236, £4 4s. 4d. Forfeited. 254—Flanagan, James, 8540, £1 7s. ld. Forfeited.

327-8---Hodgson, Thos. C., 3231 & 2922, £5 19s. 9d. Not in District.

329-39—Hodgson, 31. T., 3237 S.:, 3393, £11 ls. 1d. Not in District.

330—Harman Singh, 8746 & 3138, £6 13s. 8d. Not in District.

313—Howard, Arthur, 5630, 15s. Not in District. 344—Hunter, L. 0., 3720 & 3721, £2 is. 10d. Not in

District. 346—Hopkins, A. L., Town Lot 30, 2s. 6d. Not owner. 347--Horan & Shea, Jennaberring Lot 18, £2 Gs. 10d.

Not owners. 410—,Kebir Singh, 3838, £4 10s. 3d. Not in District. 412—Kenny, W. & E., 3310, £1 18s. 4d. Forfeited. 449—Land Corporation, W.A., Old Lease—no .particu-

lars available, arrears from 1904, £5 4s. 2d. Resumed.

529—McGuire, 1294, £1 3s. ld. Forfeited. 494—Marwick, Jas. W., 8271, El. 3s. 45. Forfeited. 534--McCarthy, W. .T., 50:38 7513, £3 I3s, 351. For-

feited. :561—Nox, Chas. P., 5373, £6 16s. 3d. Forfeited. 578-0 'Connors. F.. 7557, Ss. 4d. Forfeited. 623—Penny, J., 8373 & 6432, £3 3s. 9d. Forfeited.

600-1—Parker, W. B., 6392, £2 13s. 10d. Not in Dis- trict.

648—Ryan, E. D., 8924.

694—Schutliffe, A. E., 16357/55, £5 19s. 9d. Not in District.

695—Schultze, Bruno, 5336, £1 17s. 11d. Not owner. 696—Shelley & Brown, £1 17s. Gd. Forfeited. 702—Sewell, C. M., 70/53, £2 is. Sd. Resumed. 706—Sewell, Augustus, 6097, 4s. 2d. Forfeited. 737—Torlin, AV., 4149, £2 Os. ld. Forfeited. 785—Wimite, Albert, 6503 & 7549, £1 17s. 4d. Not

owner. 757-8—Wylie, G. M. R., 3336 & 8337, £6 7s. 10d. For-

feited. 789—Walker, Win. J., 8532, £6 1(3s. 7d. Forfeited. 790—White, A., 5796, 16s. Sd. Forfeited.

South Ward. 153—Crossman, Alexr., 70/91, £2 18s. 4d. Resumed.

151-3—Dempster, AA'. P., 399/97, 244/97, £9. Resumed. 7793, £1 10s. Forfeited.

155—Dalton, AV., Town Lot Quairading, 5s. Rated in error.

365—Jackson, 3136 & 9999, £4 lls. 3d. Not owner. 567—Mckenzie, J. W., 9336/74, £3 ls. 10d. Not in

District. 648—Parker, C. A. R., 10461, 5s. 11d. Duplication. 739—Spence, S. AV., 3864 & 9:585, £4 10s. 7d. Not in

District. 754—Sherlock, T. H., 7437, 15s. Not in District. 752—Smith, John T., 44/61, 4759, 4760, & 4758,

19s. 8c1. Not in District.

I approve of Arrears in this Schedule being written off in accordance with the provisions of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Danmark; Road Board.

Arrears of Rates.

Public Works Department, Perth, 31st October, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Denmark Road Board writing off arrears oil rates stated in Schedule hereunder in accordance with Section 240 of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) C. A. HUNT, Tinder Secretary for Public Works.

Schedule. Assessment No., Person rated, Location, Amount, and

Reason why abandoned. 1G55--Brodie, Wm., Hay 665, 7s. 6d. Area reduced from

320 acres to 286 acres on survey. 1692—Butler, Joseph, Plantagenet 2756, £1 4s. 5d. In

Albany District. 1718—Flay, 0. A., Plantagenet 2482, lls. 8d. Not the

owner. 1593—Simmons, Chas. B., Plantagenet 2085, £2 6s. 7d.

Duplicated in Rate Book. 1741.—Saynor, Henry, Plantagenet 1768, £1 4s. 5d. Not

in Denmark District. 1742—Saynor, Henry, Plantagenet 1768, 15s. 8d. 1:523—Thorpe, B., Hay 134, £1 19s. In Albany District. 1652—Williams, C. H., Plantagenet 2411, , 15s. Gd.

Abandoned. 1735—White, E. A., Plantagenet 2754, £1. 18s. 10d. Not

in District. 1733—Watson, James, Plantagenet 2724 part, 15s. 3d.

Not in District. 1739—Watson, James, Plantagenet 2724 part, £1 4s. 5d.

Not in District. 1536—McLean, E. H., Town Lot 5(3, 3s. 971. Abandoned. 1338—McLean, E. H., TOM]. Lot 97, 3s. 9d. C. E. Smith's

duplicated in Rate Book. 1745—McKenzie, John, 1139, £1 7s. 2d. Not in District. 1746—McKenzie, John, 1185, £3 14s. 10d. Not in District.

(Sgd.) HAROLD BUCKLEY, Secretary.

I approve of rs in this Schedule being written

off in accordance the provisions of "The Roads Act. 1911."

(Sgd.) AV. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

31st October, 1912.


GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W. [Disc. 13, 1912.

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Narrogilt Road Board.

Arrears of Rates.

Public Works Department, Perth, 31st October, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Narrogin Road Board writing off arrears of rates stated in Schedule hereunder in accordance with Section 240 of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) C. A. MUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

Schedule. - Assessment No,, Person rated, Location, Amount, and

Reason why abandoned. 14—Cornwall, W., 4S19, 9s. 0(1. Overcharged. 18—Cullen, B. M., 5557, £1 Os. 3d. Forfeited. 38—Hustom Alfred, 190, £2. Duplicate entry. 16—:Judd, W. 51., 2059, Cl Hs. (id. Duplicate entry. 49— Kent, A. A., 3199, £2 3s. 4d. Duplicate entry. 51—Lewis, J. B., 4579, £1 Gs. Sd. Duplicate entry. 51—Lilly and Wagg„ 1.09S, 1099, 1063, £5 13s. 4d.

:)mph sate entry. 07—O'Brien, Hy.. 201, 47, E4 2s. 3d. Duplicate entry. 74—Poole, W., 1019, £2 lOs. Duplicate entry. 79—Sinclair, 51. J., 3713, 3714, £2 14s. 2d. Duplicate

entry. 81—Spencer, A., 5372, £1 Os. 90. Wrongly assessed.

110—Blackwell, H., 4449, El 16s. Sd. Wrongly assessed. 116—Bland, Jos., 09, 47, 70, 13s. Clerical error. 132—Eades, A. W., (1421, 0419, E3 10s. 4d. Error in

assessment. 113—Farinilo, G. E., 6003, 0006, E2 1.3s. 40. Error in

a ssessment. 138—Giles, A. A., 5'1)2, El 110s. ld. Error i11 assessment. 117—Benson, H., 3:73, El. Error in rise 154—jidnes, C. II., .5102, 12s. Error in :Lio::-3sieent. 1.56—Job, T. 1:., n.,9!. ?.1 4s. Error in as:5-11:ent. 179—Mitchell, c. D.. 5229, 5234, £4 5s. 4d. Duplicate

entry. 198—Selkirk, E..9, Duplicate entry. 201—Sullivan, M. P., 5041, El Gs. 3d. Duplicate entry. 231—Borgas, L. A., 0392, El 19s. Duplicate entry. 231 —llorgas. G. II., 0391, 9s. Duplicate entry. 261—Daniel, W., 5742, 5697, £4 9s. 11.3. Duplicate

262-- Dickenson, L., •1806, £2 155. dd. Duplicate entry. 263--Doogup„ AL, .1:1511, E2 lls, Unpaid. :101— Downe, E. L., 7728, El lls. 81. Duplicate entry. 270—Edwards, L., :12:19, 1.0s. 30. Duplicate entry. 279—Gillingham', AV., 5966, 5730, £2 13s. 4d. Duplicate

entry. 284---Graimor, 1 1 . it.. 3297, 5298, EP Duplicate entry. 307—Loch, 11'.. 1790, 4789, i1',1 Ss. Oel. Duplicate entry. 312--5ars1 ii H. AV. 1".„ 6153, Gs, 3d. Error in assessment. 318-5.1i1e3. 11.. 3:129, 7s. •Id. Duplicate entry.

111.1:?..13.11. 13s. 40. Clerical error. 381.__:\ 1 Hm% T„ (051. 40. Duplicate entry. 340—Poweii, T., 4291, 13.35, £2 17s. 7d. Wagin

'Board. 350—Reynolds, M., 2770, 3942, 2771, 5902, £1.0 5s. 5(1.

Wagin Board. 355-11yari„T. .1., 51u,G, .10s. Clerical error. 358—Scott, IT. AL 2882, El 19s. 7d. Duplicate entry. 376—Thompson, E., 2281, 2282, 2283, 2284, 221G, 2221,

2223, 2280, 4072, £15. Duplicate entry. 394—Winderburp.,-, R., 5538, £2 8s. 4d. Duplicate entry. 114--1Tamilton, S., 11(188, 4530, E5 Os. SO. Error in

assessment. 419—Kelliher, M. j., 2206, El I 7s. 10. Duplicate entry. 140—Proctor, F. (7, 5831, 5832, 5833, 5834, 5535, £16

4s. 7(1, Forfeited. 440—Reidy, T., 6645, Os. 40. Duplicate entry. 1-13—Selkirk. A 1,,c. (MS, £2. 1Duplic:ri- e entry. 111—Selkirk, Andrew. 6387, 42. Duplicate (miry. 415 Selkirk, D., DupliciHe 151--Anderson, lits. 9,1. entry. 4-58--Reims, 0., 3002. El 13s, 9(1. Duplicate ry. 481—Fitt. .T., 11:::8:1, 9s. 4d. Error in assessment. 484—Gill, TT. E., '1503, 3s, 110. Caballing Board. 192—TTaslop, AV. L., :1990, 10s. Error in assessment. 500—Pristkuclien, L. M., 2371, 0561, 4518, El 5s. 5d.

Error in assessment. 508—Pustkuellem T. E., clf10, 63. 3d. Error in assegs-


510—Peat, J. J., 1603, El 11.s. 3d. Error in assessment. 519—Rodda, E. 0., 432, £1 14s. Gd. Duplicate entry. 544—Cowin, T. A., S569, 8586, 4586, 3796, 4555, £4 16s.

Error in assessment. 557—Haeslip, G.

' £1 5s. Wagin Board.

567—Kelly, J. A., 2692, 2688, ,C3. Error in assessment. 577—McDougall, P. G., 4543, 4545, 4444, ES 17s, 11d.

Duplicate enery. 356—Richard, A. S., £1 lls. 50. Wagin Board.

(Sgd.) A. JONES, Secretary.

I approve of Arrears in this Schedule being written off in accordance with the provisions of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

31st October, 1912.

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Goontalling Road Board.

Arrears of Rates. Public Works Detori wont,

Perth, 31st Och ■ ber, 1912. is hereby notified for general information, that

the Minister for Works has approved of the Goomalling Road Board writing of Arrears of Rates stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with Section 240 of " The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) C. A. MUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

Schedule. Assessment No., Person rated, Location, and Amount.

10i5—Longhead, Hugh, 5389, El 16s. Sd. 1040—Lohr, J. E., 4283, £1 16s. 8(1. 1047—Lyan, Walter E., 1615, E7 Gs. Sd. 1045—Lyan, Walter E., 1616, El 1.6s. 8d. 1050—Lynch, J. N., 5042, 61 16s. Sd.; 1051—Lynch, Thomas, 5611, Is. 111', ,(1. 14SS—McCorry, Alma C., 3.07, 14s. Sd. 1460—McCorry, Alma C., 58:1 2, 8s. 4d. 1461-51cCorry, Alma C., 40'30, Ss. 4d. 1162—McCorry, Alma C., Pastoral Lease 155/97, 7s. Gd. 1.163- AleCorry, Alma C., Pastoral Lease 171/97, 15s. 8d. 1161-- Alcc'orry, Alma C., Pastoral Lease 156/97, 7s. Gd. 1165-51cCorry, Alma C., Pastoral Lease 151/97, 7s. 6d. IL- I—Mi.:Corry, Alma C'., Pastoral Lease 300/97, 7s. Gd. 11:10S—McCorry, Alma C., Pastoral Lease 173/97, 7s. Gd.

Catherine, Pastoral Lease 3833, Ss. 5d. i:12--Wolfe, Robert T. S., 4571, 13s. 40.

1--- -Wolfe, Robert T. S., 4407, 13s. 4(1. ' 5 —Wolfe, Robert T. S., 202/97, El Os. 20.

' 0—AfcCorry, Alma C., 1451, 8s. 4d. 111/9—bookyer, Alfred, 5044, 4s. 2d. 1,00—Leake, R. B., 5789, 17s. 2d. 1065—Coonlbe, Clarence, 6485, El 7s. Sd. 1067—Coombe, James, 7072, 10s. 1068—Coombe, James, 7040, -„El. (is. 811. 1222—Lnke, 13. W., 6234, £5 14s. Sd. 1023—Ada els, jape, Pastoral Lease 182/97, 17s. 40. ]!'l.'1---Adams, Jane, Pastoral Lease 330/97, 15s. 102:1—Adams, Jane, Pastoral Lease 156/97, 15s. 11120- iIanei, Jane, Pastoral Lease 133/97, 15s. 1027---.\-lams, Jane, Pastoral Lease 676/97, 15s.

Jane, C.P. 3343, 16s. 80. 1e:11—Adams, Jane, 3340, 16s. 8(1. Iii32—Adams, Jane, 136/97, 15s. 17,31t—Dunstall, Ernest, 2768, £1 16s. 8d. 1035—Dunstall, Ernest, 3759, El 3s. 101. 1052—Leake, N. IV. B. W., Pastoral Lease 198/07, lls. 1053—Leakc, N. W. k B. W., Pastoral Lease 200/97, 13s.

4d. 11151—Leake, N. AV. k 13. W., Pastoral Lease 199/97, 10s. 10.53—Maddock, George, 243/97, 1.0s. 4d. 1157—Lynch, Peter J., C.P. 5696, £1 16s. Sd. 1169 —Niorrell, David T., 2733, £2 10s.

I2.1---Scott, A., 8126-114010/55, E4 13s. Gd. 1:13 S,-(d I A., 2127-3611/5:;, CO 1:-. 60. 188- Vadi 51, 1S9- • 190-11'I 191 lip :01 5•10/08, 13s. 20. 109---V:110ing I/729, Cl: Ss. Ga. 193—;Vildini 1G/778, 14s. 2d. 194—\\41,1Hg P. .Al.. •I9/770, £2 Os. 3d. 11 95-5Vii•Iii; "I., P122-301/65, 5s.

£1 13s. 4d.

DEC. 13, 1912.] GOVERN ENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4967

197—Wilding, R. & L., 126, Ss. 4d. 211—Mitchell, James, 7615-1884/55, 12s. Gd. 212—Mitchell, James, 7619-1439S/35, £1 18s. 6d. 213—Mitchell, James, 7522-13397/53, 12s. Gd. 214—Mitchell, James, 7523-13597/55, 12s. Gd. 2.15—Mitchell, James, 7965-3341/56, 16s. 216—Mitchell, James, 6607-63/2421, £16 19s. 2d. 26—Richardson, A. P., 3651, 4s. 2d. 27—Richardson, A. P., 3680, 4s. 2d. 28—Richardson, A. P., !010, 16s. 80.

198—Kinsman, R. J., 7916, £2 3s. 4d. 200—Kinsman, E. .1., El lds. 100, 761—Whittonie. 11 ' • 1 -22350/55, £1 5s. /4-1. 762-1Vhittome, ;;1-;: 893/74, , Os. 8d. 763—Gilbert, A. J., 1.i;59-22179/55, £1 2s. 11d. 761 Gilbert, A. J., 12014-11757/64, Gs. Sd. 765—Hutchison, E., 12915-11739/74, Gs. Sd. 766—Hutchison, E., 11435-22180/53, £1 2s. 60. 768—Powell, Walter R. E., 11480, 22191/55, £1 Os. SO. 769—Powell, Walter R. E., 12907, 11709/74, 6s. 5d. 770—Anderson, J. W., 11484, 22173/55, £1 Os. 40. 771—Anderson, J. W., 12906, 11751/71, Gs. Sd. 772—Askill, R. Mc., 11482, 22333/35, £1 2s. Gd. 773—Askill, R. Sic., 12599, 11S90/74, 6s. 8d. 774—Shield, John, 12950, 11892/74, 6s. 80. 775—Shield, John, 11 22355/35, £1 Gs. 8d. 972—Cox, 0. H. A., 11 102, 22177/35, ;El Os. 100. 973—Cox, Cr. IT. A., 1ft0003, 11755/74, Gs. Sd. 974 McRae. D., 11163, 22187/75, £1 3s. 9d. 975—McRae, D., 12912, 11765/71, Os. 8(1. 976—Miller, R., 11401, 221'; 4/35, £1 Os. 100. 977—Miller, R., 1291:), 11762/74, Gs. 8d. 978—Cartlon, .1., 11164, 2 1176/73, £1 3s. 90. 979—Carlton, J., 12S94, 11754/74, Os. 8d. 980—Mitchell, Win. M., 11467, 22183/55, £1 10s. 10d. 981—Mitchell, Wm. M., 12893, 11763/71, 6s. Sd. 982—Coyle, Frederick, 11468, 22349/53, £1 13s. 20. 9S3—Coyle, Frederick, 12918, 11857/74, Gs. Sd. 964-0 loughlan, Michael, 13315, 12256/74, Gs. Sd. 905—Abbot, ..losuith, ILO:, 1 6857/74, 6s. SO. 966—Abbot, Jos:mh, 12711. 21014/35, 14s. 21. 967—Abbot, josoph, 12 03 1 3.56/6S, 108. 2O. 908—Elliot, H. N, ;.s. 20. 969—Elliot, H. N. ';/36, 4s. 20. 970—Elliot, Ti. N. 1/30. 4s. 20. 939—Morrell, .Tulia E., ..768 14s. 940—Morrell, D. T.. 073 1/0; £9 .7s. 60, 9 41—Wilding, C., 12804, 1300. 4151/6S, £1 Ss. 171. 942—Wilding, C., 12805, lo 3s. 70. 943—Derane, T., 13761. :2191/71, Gs. Sd. 944—Derane, T., 13762. 255061/55

' 2s. Gd.

945—Ryan, T., 13805, 2a105/53, 14s. 20. 946—Ryan, T.,, 13806, 12492/7;1. Os. 8d. 948—Forward, L. IL 14., 11; 0 72, 219/56, 4s. 2d. 949—Forward, L. H. R, 10873, 5820/50, Sr. 10. 950—Forward, L. & R., 56 3307/50, 16s. Sd. 951—Davis, K. 319, & Marshall, W. A., 5737, 5239/68,

8s. 3d. 952—Gillespie, M. J. G., 10934, 3217/65, 15s. 7d. 953—Beard, L., 5246, 22645/55, 12s. Od, 954—McPherson, L. C., 6630, 7307/36, 12s. 60. 953—Curley, Horace, 12374, 1500/74, Os. 8d. 956—Moore, H. L., 3493, 7222/74, Os. SO. 957—Watts, H. W. A., 10367, 137807:56, 4s. 4d, 958—Dumstall, 0., 8251, 21034/55, Ss. 4d. 959—Mathews, E. P., 12137, 6755/56, 4s. 2d. 960—Matthews & Madert, 10500, 5399/56, 4s. 20. 984—.Norton, Patrick, 11497, 23052/55, £1 8s. 80. 985—Norton, Patrick, 12699, 12;179/71, Os. 8d. 986—Manus, John H.,. 10954, 95'2/7^ Os. 8d. 521—Bell, Charles, 12910, 1118.S3/7/, is. Si. 522—Bell, Charles, 11472, 220;8 '73. £1 15s. ill. 523—Anderson, G., 11452, 22174/5.7, '11 6s. 8d. 524—Anderson 0., 12890, 11752/7 t. 6s. Sd. 525—Stevens, Jas., 12895, 11771/71, Gs. 526—Plummer, J., 11456, '22190/55, £1 7s. 10d. 527—Plummer, J., 12589, 11768/74, Os. 80. 528—Hassock, Wm., 11454, 22181/55, £1. lbs. 529—Hassock, Wm., 12592, 11758/71, Os. 80. 530—Everett, G. E., 11450, 22178/55, £1 2s. 60. 531—Everett, 0. 17., 12902, 11736/74, Gs. 8d. 532-Tilbrook, F., 11435, - 22195/55, £1 2s. 60. 533—Tilbrook, F., 12891, 11773/74, 6s. 8d. 534 L 'Dwyer, T. L., 11453, 22155/55, £1 Gs. 50. 535—L 'Dwyer, T. L., 12904, 11766/74, -Os. 8d. 536—Randell, G. D., 11459, 22192/35, £1 2s. Gd. 537—Randell, G. D., 12897, 11770/74, 6s. Sd. 292—Treasure, Jas., 3176, 7256/55, £1 15s. 111/2d. 293=Treasure, Jas., 3473, 517/74, £1 16s. Sd.

294—Treasure, Jas., 4915, 6156/55, £2 Gs. 31/2d. 295—Treasure, Jar., 5352, 7237/55, £1 14s. 41/2d. 296—Ohe, P., 3153, 49/1954, £5 14s. 70.

-1—Bradie, R. C., 3374, 3747/74, Gs. Sd. 297—Gillespie, A. E., 7547, 3272/36, 185. 10. 299—Gillespie, AI. J. G., 7930, 3379/56, £1 3s. 44. 295—Gillespie, 51. J. G., 7826, 3271/56, 15s. 40. 300—Gillespie, Alex., 8478, 3s. 301—Williams, Samuel, 10675, 7456/55, 14s.

lliams, el, 10076, 174:57/55, Ss. 6'41. io92/74, £1. 1.6s. SO.

. .921)/6:•. 7s. Gd. – . £3 1.s. lttlAd.

34,—Eorvr , 1301/68, £0 101/2 cl. 25— Madow, _ 6809/55, £2 10s. 5d.

289 —Matthews & Sladow, 5219, 18s. 4d. 501 Carter, Robert, 3186, 5s. 305—Carter, Nathan', 4550, £1 10s. 51/2,d. 300—Carter, Elizabeth, 4970, £1 12s. 10. 305—Carter, Albert, 5158, £1 Os. 71/2'd. 307— Carter, Robert, 5157, £2 13s.

1484—Shenton, E. C., 2S000, 70/960, 5s. 3d. 1485—Shenton, E. C., 20000, 70/961, 3s. 9d.

(SO.) E. F. EDWARD, Secretary.

I approve of Arrears in this Schedule being written off in accordance with the provisions of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

31st October, 1912.

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Illerrediu Road Board.

Arrears of Rates. Public Works Department,

Perth, 15th Slay, 1912. IT is hereby notified,for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Merredin Road Board writing off Arrears of Rates stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with Section 240 of " The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) C. A. MUNT, Linder Secretary for Public Works.

Schedule. Assessment No., Person rated, Location, Amount,

and Reason why abandoned. 5—Angel, Francis H., Avon Location 9907, £2 Os. 5d.

Reverted to Crown. 6—Angel, Joseph 0., Avon Location 10507, £2 Os. 5d.

Reverted to Crown. 17—Bergin, E. J., Avon Location 6302, £3 2s. 5d. Re-

verted to Crown. 37—Clarke, Eva M., Avon Locations 9858 and 11330,

£2 Os. 100. Duplicated by entry; E. M. D. Whithead, Asst. No. 231.

115—Holly, Edwin L., . Pastoral Lease 134/97, Hampton Plains, and Avon Location 1203, 4s. 2d. Re-verted to Crown.

123 Jukes, J. W. S., Doodlakine A.A. 24, £1 16s. 10. Kellerberrin District.

125—Kemp & McMaster, Avon Pastoral Lease 569/97, 7s. 00.; Resumed by Crown.

136—McMaster, E, R., Avon P.L. 494/97, 7s. 6d. Re-sumed by Crown.

138—McCorry, A. C., Avon P.L. 173, 155, 154, 172, 300, 191, 335, 3s. 4d. Resumed by Crown.

194—McMaster, Robt., Avon P.L. 1895, 12s. 60. Re- sumed by Crown.

147—McCorry, A. C,, Avon P.L. 354/97, 3s. 4d. Resumed by Crown.

151—McCorry, C. E., C.D. & H., Avon 14/5193, £4 3s. 4d. Compulsory forfeiture owing owner being under age.

495—Haines, W. J., M.L. 2151, Westons, £1 5s. Rater says he abandoned lease soon after selection (April, 1911).

I approve of Arrears in this Schedule being written off, in accordance with the provisions of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works,

4l)(iS GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEc. 13, 1912.


Port Hedland Road Board.

Arrears of Rates.

Public Works Department, 6539/12. Perth, 31st October, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Port Hedland Road Board writing off Arrears of Rates stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with Section 240 of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Signed) C. A. MUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.


Assessment No., Person rated, Location, Amount, and Reason why abandoned.

208—Hall, H. A. Sc E. A., Unknown, £4 19s. Gd. Rated in error.

209—Watson, H. J., Unknown, £6 6s. 8d. Rated in error. 210—Noble, A., Unknown, £6 is. Gd. Rated in error. 235—Campbell, A., Unknown, £2 7s. Gd. Rated in error. 204—Pearson, M., PiMarra Pastoral Lease 836/96, £1

16s. 8d. Reverted to Crown. 211—Macdonald, Hannerman, and Rayner, 'Wodgina

Mining Lease 85, 15s. Reverted to Crown. 215—Weir & Hannerman, Wodgina Mining Lease 88,

£1 5s. Reverted to Crown. 216—Johansson & Marshal, Wodgina Mining Lease 89,

£1 5s. Reverted to Crown. 220—Thelemann, F., Wodgina Mining Lease 124, £1.

7s. Reverted to Crown. 221—Weir, J. K., Wodgina Mining Lease 125, £2 14s.

Reverted to Crown. 221a—Woodroofe, Elliott, Wilson, & lIuliner, Wodgina

Mining Lease 126, £1 2s. 3d. Reverted to Crown. 222—Bell, Elliott, Johansson, & Marshall, Wodgina

Mining Lease 133, £1 2s. GO. Reverted to Crown. 225—Mullner, A., Vitnigina Mining Lease 57, £1 Os. Gd.

Reverted to Crown. 224 Woodroffe, Elliott, Wilson, & Wodgina

Mining Lease 127, £1 2s. Gd. Reverted to Crown. 223—Thelemann, F., Garden Area, Hedland, 2s. Gd.

Reverted to Crown.

(Sgd.) D. SUTHERLAND, Secretary.

I approve of Arrears in this Schedule being written of in accordance with the provisions of " The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

31st October, 1912.


Albany Road Board.

Arrears of Rates.

Public Works Department, Perth, 31st October, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works Las approved of the Albany Road Board writing of arrears of ra es stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with H‘el.ion 210 of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) C. A. MUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.


Assessment No., Person Rated, Location, Amount, and Reason why abandoned.

427—Stratford, Edmund W., Torbay 24, 2s. Gd. Not taken up by Stratford.

445—May, Phillip W., Torbay. A.A. 31, Os. Sd. Reverted to Crown.

629—Davidson, Jos., Plantagenet: Loc. 541, 13s. 70. Error in assessment.

633—Parmenter, Chas., Plantagenet Lees. 532, 1340, 10s. lid. Reverted to Crow n.

675—Peacock, .T. W., Plantagenet Loc. 948, 14s. 11d. Not in District.

704—Ross, Eric, Plantagenet Loc. 1089, 2s. 2d. Abandoned.

736—Sharply & Whittingham, Plantagenet Loc. 450, 10s. 50. Charged twice.

740—Watkins C. E. & G., Plantagenet Loc. 2296, £1 7s. scf. Charged twice.

852—Young, Thos., Lease 185/93, 3s. Error in assess-ment.

3044—Ward, IV. H., Plantagenet Loc. 14(32, £2 7s. Charged twice.

3152—Horner, H., Plantagenet Loc. 713, El 10s. 70. Re-verted to Crown.

3175—Shanhun, A., Plantagenet Loc. 773, 6s. 11d. Aban-doned.

3176—Shanhun, A., Plantagenet Loc. 772, £1 8s. 5d. Abandoned.

3190—Symonds & Angove, Plantagenet Loc. (505, 8s. 3d. Reverted.

3191—Ielerrilees, A. A., Plantagenet Loc. 700, £1 Ils. 3d. Charged whilst in hands of Crown.

3195—Polkinghorne, Plantagenet Loc. 2108, lls. 10. Re-verted to Crown.

3196—Polkinghorne, Plantagenet Loc. 2113, 13s. 10d. Re-verted to Crown.

3243—Riley, George, Plan 221 part, 5s. Charged twice. 4089--Wellstead, Thos., Lease 641/93, 7s. ld. Cancelled

and included in other leases. 4090—Wellstead, Thos., Lease 680/93, 135. 6d. Cancelled

and included in other leases. 4091--Wellstead, Thos., Lease 765/93, 13s. Gd. Cancelled

and included in ether leases. 4092—Wellstead, Thos., Lease 1244/93, 15s. Cancelled

and included in other leases. 4111—Muir, Thos., Lease 174/93, £1 is. Cancelled. 4113—Parsons, J. L., Plantagenet Lee. 2051, £1 2s. 2d.

Charged twice. 41S7—Townsend, Edward, Plantagenet Lee. 1938, £1 19s.

11d. Not in District. 4200—Osborne, W., Plantagenet Lee. 808, Ms. ld. Not

in District. 4210--Price, W. W., 1-lay Loc. 450. Os. 11d. Not in

District. 1211—Davis, R. T., Plantagenet Lee. 1721, £1 2s. 20.

Reverted to Crown.

(Sgd.) C. C. PLAYNE, Secretary.

I approve of Arrears in this Schedule. being written off in accordance with the provisions of "The Roads Act, 1911."

W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

31st October, 1912.


Black: Range Road Board.

Arrears of Rates.

Public Works Department, Perth, 31st October, 1912.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Black Range Road Board writing off arrears of rates stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with Section 240 of "The Roads Act, 1911.''

C. A. MUNT, Under Secretary for Public. Works..

Schedule. Assessment No., Person rated, Location, Amount, and

Reason why abandoned. 766—Brown and party, Cold Mining Lease 521b, 10s.

Forfeited. 770—Coventry and party, Gold Mining Lease, 564b, £1

1.4s. Forfeited. 780—Evans, Alf., Gold Mining Lease 622b, 1Ss. For-

feited. - 802—Lynch, M., Gold Mining Lease Gllb, 9s. Forfeited.

I approve of Arrears of Rates in this Schedule being written off in accordance with the provision of "The Roads Act, 1911."

W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

31st October, 1912.

1912. December 5 279A, 1912

12 12

283A, 234A,

1912 1912

November 12 267,1912 21 271A, 1912 21 273A, 1912

December 12






GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A. 4969 DEtt. 13, 1912.]

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Murchison Road Board.

Arrears of Rates. Public Works Department,

Perth, 18th October, 1912. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Murchison Road Board writing off Arrears of Rates stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with Section 240 of " The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) C. A. MUNT, Under Secretary for Public Works.

Schedule. Assessment No. Person rated, Location, Amount,

and Reason why abandoned. 3-Burgos, W., 331/102-120,000 (part), 5532/102-

39,000 ( part) , 349/102-2,000 - Total 161,000 acres, £6 14s. Id., and interest 6s, 3d. Error in assessment.

(Sgd.) M. HACK, Secretary.

I approve of Arrears in this Schedule being written off, in accordance with the provisions of "The Roads Act, 1911."

(Sgd.) W. D. JOHNSON, Minister for Works.

8th October, 1912.

& D. 899/11. Ex. Co. No. 5419. HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved of the further amendment of By-law No. 121, "Schedule of Prices at which water will be supplied, Fre-mantle District," made by the Minister for Works, acting under the powers conferred by The Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1909," by the deletion of the following:-

SHIPPING-Hills Water, 50 per cent. ou the follow- ing prices:- •

Shipping-Up to 35,000 galls., 4s. per 1,000 galls. 35,000 to 55,000

'' 35,000 galls., 4s. per 1,000 galls. Balance, 3s. per 1,000 galls.

35,000 to 15,000 galls.- 35,000 galls., 4s. per 1,000 galls. 20,000 galls., 3s. per 1,000 galls. Balance, 2s. 6d. per 1,000 galls.

Over 75,000 galls.- 35,000 galls., 4s. per 1,000 galls. 40,000 galls., 2s. 9d. per 1,000 galls. Balance, 2s. per 1,000 galls.

and the substitution of the following in lieu thereof :- Skipping-Fremantle Water, 3s. per L000 galls.

Hills Water, 4s. per 1,000 galls. J. V. HAWTIN,

Secretary. 5th December, 1912.


Tenders for Government Supplies.

Date of advertising. Schedule No. Supplies required,. Date of


40 cords Fiaewood for IVIeckering Pumping Station ... . 1 only Automatic Regulating Valve ... . 800 drums Linseed Oil for Railway Department

... Copper Pipe for the Railway Department ...

.., 50 logs pitch pine for the Railway Department ...

... 0 only 60It. Railway Turntables for Public Works Department

... Cartage of Supplies to State Battery at Leonora for a period of 12 months

For Sale ley Tender. Sale and removal of two old Cottages at the rear of the Water Supply

Department, James Street

1912. December 19

19 19

1913. January .9

16 16 23

1912. December 19

'Tenders, addressed to the Chairman, Tender Board, Perth, will be received for the above-mentioned supplies until 215 p.m. on the dates of closing.

Tenders must be properly endorsed on envelopes, otherwise they are liable to rejection. Tender forms and full particulars may he obtained on application at the Tender Board Office, Murray Street,Perth. No tender necessarily accepted.

12th. December, 1912. JAS. THOMPSON,

Chairman Tender Board.


Accepted Tenders.

TELE following Accepted Tenders are published for general information :-

Tender Board No.



British Instil. Co.

Bullers, Ltd.

Shropshire Iron Co. (per Agent General)

Particulars. Department concerned.

Telephone Material :-- Cordeaux Insulators ... ... Public Works Tubular Brackets ... Bolts for Tubular Brackets...

Copper Wire ...

Soft Copper Binding Wire ...


9*d. each 9d. each lOs 9d. per 100

£97 3s. Oct. ton

..£94 8s Id. ton



Schedule No.

JAS. THOIVIPSO.N, 13th December, 1912. Chairman Tender Board.


Leonora Water Board.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that Ifis Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of the re-appointment of the following as members of the Leonora Water Board, such members hav-ing retired through efflux-Ma of time:—

Mr. M. Punch, representing Mt. Malcolm Road Board, to 30th September, 1914.

Mr. J. McDermott, representing the Mines, to 30th September, 1914.

Mr. W. W. S. Price, representing the Leonora Muni-cipality, to 30th September, 1914.


Under Secretary for Water Supply.


Application No. 3311/1912. TAKE notice that William Bromine of Midland junction in the State of Western Australia landowner has made application to be registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcel of land situate at Midland Junction in the Siren District and being:—

Lot 117 of Swan Location 15 containing 38 perches Bounded on the West by 1 chain of Frederic Street

On the North by the South boundary of Lot 1.18 meas-uring 2 chains 55 2/10 links

On the East by part of the left bank of Woodbridge Creek and

On the South by the 'Thiry of Lot 116 measuring 2 chains 30 8/10 l

The land is more particulm•ly defined on Plan 2112 deposited in the Land Titles Office.

And further take Notice that all the applicant claiming to have any en interest in the above unreel of laud an to lodge in this Office ea or before January next a cars forbidding the t brought under the o perati on of the As!.

other than or

pd red It day of

from being


Registrar of Titles. Land Titles Office, Perth,

12th December, 191.2.

Stone 4' Burt, 511 /lay rth. Solicitors .I! went.



(Section 75.)

Application No. NOTICE is hen's of the Commissiotim tended on the Thomas John Di:ro , Special Corti flea cm. the duplicate c(•. been lost.

Dated 5th day of December, 1912.

to the direction behalf it

novt to issue to rville

below mg as s alleged

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

4970 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEc. 13, 1912.

The land referred to.

Lot 1 of Canning Location 2 being the whole of the land described coin ne;:to of Title Volume 495 Folio 78 standing in the name of Thomas John Dixon of Vic-toria Park hotelkeeper.


(Sections 121 and 122.)

Application No. 3107/1912. TAKE notice that John Leonard Walker of Bunbury in the State of Western Australia solicitor the proprietor of Mortgage No. 3128/1911 has made application to the Commissioner of Titles for an order foreclosing the right of the mortgagor to redeem the land hereinafter de-scribed and that by direction of the said Commissioner 1. hereby oiler for private sale the following parcel of land situate in the Wellington District and being:—

Wellington Location P402 containing 10 acres (par-ticularly described in Certificate of Title Volume 166 Folio 154)

And further take notice that after the 18th day of January next an order for foreclosure may be issued to the said John Leonard Walker the mortgagee unless in the interval in sufficient sum has been obtained by the sale of the land to satisfy the principal and interest moneys secured and all expenses incurred in and about such sale and proceedings.

The amount due in respect of principal and interest and all expenses incurred was on the 2nd day of December 1912 £175 1Ss. 6d.

Dated at the Land Titles Office Cathedral Avenue Perth this 5th day of December 1912.

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

Stanley, Money, tj- Walker, Bunbury, Solicitors for the Applicant.


(Section 75.)

mtion No. 3435/1912. NOTlt l• herd''.' gk that pursuant to the direction of the Commissimier l' Titles in this behalf it is - in- bolded on the 11th der., of January next to issue to Diehard Comen ftonghten of Geraldton in the State of Western. .."..ustralla telegraph lineman a Special Cer-tificate of Title to the land described below, the dupli-cate Certificate of Title having as is alleged been destroyed by fire.

Dated 12th day of December 1912.

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

The land referred to.

Lot 77 of Swan Location 804 and being the whole of the land described in Certificate of Title Volume 398 Folio 70 standing in the name of Richard Corwen Broughton of Perth civil servant.


(Section 75.)

iplication No. 3388/1912. NOTIICI:l is hereby given that pursuant to the direction of. the Commissioner of Titles in this behalf it is in-tended ou the 25th day of January next to issue to Alexander Chamberlain of Kellerberrin formerly of Broome in the State of Western Australia farmer a Special Certificate of Title to the land described below the duplicate Certificate of Title having as is alleged been lost.

Dated 12th day of December 1912.

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles-

The land referred to.

Broome Town Lot 85 being the whole of the land described in Certificate of Title Volume CCLVIII. Folio 114 standing in the name of Alexander Chamberlain of Broome pearler.

Dre. 13, 1912.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4971

MISSING FRIENDS. Fide Govermeont Ga.zette, 1912, page 4390, B3/1555. CHARLES KOCH has been found at Mt. Turner

Station, Tableland. Ufa, (;(,.•cru,a, 1912, page 1924, B3/938. 'o it E El, I FS R found near Coolgardie.

(;,,,a- retwi! (:u:f lb. 19 page 4390, 133/1557. ELIZABETH ALICE Ill has been found at Kal-

goorlie. 1'. HANSON, native of O:n~ I, Sweden, age about 40

years, height 5 feet 7 dark complexion; last heard of :It Boulder about four :!gn. (Inforntation to the 011ieer-in-Charge, Criminal iavos:lgation Branch, Perth.-- 133/1.79ffi)

DAVID BROWN, age 65 years (no description given); last hoard of 20 years ago. (information to the Officer-ia-Charge, Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B3/ 1800.)

JOHN THOMAS READ, age about 34 years but looks alder (no description given); last heard of in Yearlering take district about 6 months ago. (inforulation to the offieer-in-Charge, Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.— B11/172(i.)

PATRICK TIERNEY' (no description given), who arrived in this State about 25 years ago. (Information to the Otlicer-in-Charge, Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.-133/1727.)

THOMAS ALBERT EGAN, very thin build, age 45 years, height about 5 :feet 10 inches, dark hair inclined to be curly, brown eyes, small nose, dark complexion, sandy moustache; scar on left side of face and over left eye; native of Bendigo; last heard of at Perth in April last. (Information' to the Officer-in-Charge, Criminal In-vestigation Branch, Perth.—B3/1729.)

JAAr-ES IIALKE BOYCE, native of Dover, England, butcher or ship's steward, brom: shouldered, age 22 years, height about 5 feet 9 inches, light brown hair, clean shaven, fresh complexion, Lad -teeth, prominent breast-bone; is believed to have left this State for Sydney during 1910. (Diformatiott to the Officer-in-Charge, Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B3/1212.)

RICIIARD WILLIAM DEWSON alias CARR, age 31 years, height 5 feet 71/1; inches, fresh complexion, grey eves, dark brown hair (may be turning grey); "I.V.B.,'' "S.S.R." under daggers tattooed on left arm; female head and face, crucifix, tombstone with "In loving memory of my parents," butterfly, Maltese cross, etc. (2 on right arm), scar right knee-cap; blacksmith by trade; served in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment during the Boer war

' and has the Distinguished Conduct Medal,

and South African Medal with four clasps; last heard of by letter from Victoria, about three years ago. (In-formation to the Officer-in-Charge, Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B3/1805.)

ALFRED MAHONY, age about 39 years (no further description given), left London for Victoria about 20 years ago, and is believed to have come to this State. (information to the Officer-in-Charge, Criminal Investi-gation Branch, Perth.-133/1806.)

FREDERICK PHILLIPS, medium. build, age 31 years, height 5 feet S inches, brown hair, clean shaven, grey eyes, full visage, fair complexion; miner or labourer; native oil Wales; last heard of at -Perth in May last. (Information to the Officer-in-Charge, Criminal Investi-gation Branch, Perth.--133/1809.)

E. L. COLE (may use aii(w LEONARD or EVAN-DER), formerly of Scottville, Michigan, native of America, age 41 years, may appear to be 50 years, height 5 feet 7 inches, weight 2001bs., smooth faced but may grow beard, fair complexion, white hair inclined to be thin in front, blue eyes and noticeably large, sometimes

is affected by rheumatism, walks fast, seal ring with engraved, gold-filled -open-face watch, thin

case, iloward movement, No. 989990, case No. 1916868; wore dark blue trousers, cap and mixed goods, brown sweater, black Oxford shoes; member of K. of P. Lodge, and calmed apprentice Mason. May visit any of the goldfields. (Information to the Officer-in-Charge, Crimi-nal Invostigation Branch, Perth.—B3/1807.)

f'11.\ NI.E5 BROWN a/4os CHARLIE,'' inilive of South Australia, age 59 years and looks it, a pr:'-, p' -tom', married, height 5 feet 9 or 10 inches, stout erect dark hair turniim: 1WaVy eyebroWSi11- 1•1111,d 10 be grey, high forehead, large eyes, broad flat nose, -dose mouth, short thick tiagers, round chin, round smiling face, dark complexion, heavy grey moustache, speaks broken English with German accent, walks lame, supposed suffering ,r1.01 It corns, dressed in dungaree trousers, soft shirt, grey felt hat, and Blucher boots; left Menzies on the 29th July last for locality 30 miles South-West of Davyhurst, prospeeting, and has not been heard of since; his: horse strayed_ into Coolgardie some time ago. (Information to tl,e Officer-in-Charge, Crimi- nal Inv-- a• ion Branch, ,Pert h.--133/1810.)


touter Section 5, Subsection 5, of "The Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Amendment Act, 1907."

Registrar General's Office, Perth, ffith December, 1912.

RC. 1912/97. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that Mr. T. R..Etaimait has been appointed to act temporarily as Deputy District Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Mar-riages for the North Coolgardie Registry District, to reside at Menzies, .iice Mr. C. E. Forbes; appointment to date from 10th December, 1912.

11,61, 1912/244. IT is hereby- notified, for general information, that Mr, C. E. Forbes has been appointed to act temporarily as Deputy Assistant District Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the North Coolgardie Registry Dis-trict, to reside at Kookynie, sire Mr. -W. M. E. Anderson; appointment to date from 10th December, 1912.

R.G. 1912/946. IT is hereby notified, for general_ information, that Mr. Francis Edgar Ford has been appointed to act tem-porarily as Deputy District Registrar of 'Birtlis.'Deatlis, and Marriages for the Kittanning Registry District, to reside at Km:Inning. during the absence- on leave of Mr. R. Coblatm ; , :pointinent to date from lith December, 1912.

R.G. 1912/947. 1.'11 is hereby notified, for general information, that Mr. A. Crawley heon appointed to act temporarily as Deputy District Registrar of 'Births, Deaths, and Mar-riages for the Coolgardie Registry District, to reside at Coolgardie, during the absence on leave of Mr. M. Cohn; appointment to date from 16th December, 1913

R.G. 1912/944. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that Sir. R. P. Ill: os has been appointed to act temporarily as Deptrly District Registrar of Births, _Deaths, and Mar-

the Blackwood Registry District,. to reside at ,Brffigt town, rice II,', it. C. Williams, on leave; ammilits moat. to date from 10th December, 1912.

IV. SIEBENHAAR, -.Deputy Registrar General.

Registrar General's Office, Perth, 11th December, 1912.

IT is hereby published, for general information, that the undermentioned Minister has been duly registered in this office for the Celebration of Marriages throughout the State of Western Australia :—

B.G. No. Date. Denomination and Name. Residence. I

Registry District.

1912. Seventh Dory Adventists. 2735 10th December ... Pastor William John Smith ... ! Perth Perth

W. SIEBENHAAR, Deputy Registrar General.

4072 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEc. 13, 1912.

IN the Metropolitan Retail Butchers' Award published in the Government Gazette of 29th November, 1912, the following corrections should be made in the schedule:—

Page 4792, Clause 4.—Delete sub-clause (c). Page 4793, Clause 6, Sub-clause (ii.), line 1.—Delete

the word "to" and insert "that may" in lien thereof.

T. F. DAMES, Clerk of the Court of Arbitration.

11th December, 1912.

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Closure of Road.

WE, Waldeck Brothers, being the owners of land over or along which the portion of road hereunder described passes, have applied to the Mullewa Road Board to close the said portion of road, viz.:--

CLOSURE. Mullewa.

Corres. 6343/12. M65.—The surveyed road passing along the East boun-

dary of Victoria Location 3965, from a surveyed road at its North-East to a surveyed road at its South-East corners. '(Plan 156/80, E2.)

WALDECK BROS., per E. Waldeck.

I, David Warren, on behalf of the Mullewa Read Board, hereby assent to the above application to close the road therein described.

D. WARREN, Chairman Mullewa Road Board.

7th December, 1912.


Closure of Road. 1, H. RYAN, being the occupier of land over or along which the portion of road hereunder described passes, have applied to the Goomalling Road Board to close the said portion of road, viz.:—

CLOSURE. Goomalling.

Corres. 3178/96. G. 84.—The surveyed road leaving a surveyed road on

the South-Western boundary of Avon Location 8601, about 7 chains 39 links from its South corner, and ex-tending Northward as surveyed (Diagrams 509 and 33732) to join Road 4139 in Location 8601.

Also the surveyed road from the South-Western boun-dary of Avon Location 8601, at its intersection with Road 4139, extending East-North-East to join above road. (Plan 27B/40, D1.)


1, G. W. Slater, on behalf of the Goomalling Road Board, hereby assent to the above application to close the road therein described.

G-. W. SLATER, Chairman Goomalling Road Board.

25th November, 1912.

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Closure of Road.

1, FREDERICK STANLEY WHITE, being the owner of land over or along which the portion of road hereunder described passes, have applied to the Meckering Road Board to close the said portion of road, viz.:—


Meciceriny. Corres. 2507/10. ii. 53.—Road No. 3823, passing along the South-

Eastern boundary of Avon Location 4136, from the sur-veyed road at the latter's. South corner to the South-Western side of a surveyed road at its East corner; commencing again on the North-Eastern side of said road at South-West corner of Location 4217, and extending East along the South boundary of said location and the

North boundary of Location 4214 to the latter's North-East corner; thence extending South-Eastward through Locations 17009 and 17008 to Road No. 2791. (Plan 26D/40.)


I, Jas. Halbert, on behalf of the Meckering Road Board, hereby assent to the above application to close the road therein described.

JAS. HALBERT, Chairman Meckering Road Board.

13th N ovember, 1912.


Closure of Road. I, FRANCESCO VANZEVII, being the owner of land over or along which the portion of road hereunder des-cribed passes, have applied to the Upper Irwin Road Board to close the said portion of road, viz.:—

CLOSURE. Upper Irwin.

Corres. 8960/12. I. 14.—The surveyed road passing through Victoria

Location 3768, along the South boundary of Location 3287 and through Location 3286 from the former's West to the latter's East boundaries. (Plan 90/80.)


I, Chas. W. 0 'Halloran, on behalf of the Upper Irwin Road Board, hereby assent to the above application to close the road therein described.

CHAS. W. 0 'HALLORAN, Acting Chairman Upper Irwin Road Board.

29th November, 1912.


Closure of Road. 1, D. H. LILLINGSTON, being the owner of laud over or along which the portion of road hereunder described passes, have applied to the Wanueru Road Board to close the said portion of road, viz.:—

CLOSURE. Wanueru.

Corres. 4239/12. W. 14-1.—The surveyed road passing along the Eastern

boundaries of Swan Locations 2396 and 2397, from a surveyed road at the former's North-East to a surveyed road at the latter's South-East corners. (Plan 1A/40N.)


James Spiers, on behalf of the Wanueru Road Board, hereby assent to the above application to close the road therein described.

JAMES SPIERS, Chairman Wauneru Road Board.

2nd December, 1912.

THE ROADS ACT, 1911. Closure of Road.

THE Greenmount Road Board being the holders of laud over or along which the portion of road hereunder des-cribed passes, have applied to the Greenmount Road Board to close the said portion of road, viz.:—

CLOSURE. Greenmount.

Corres. 8213/02. G. 101.—Road No. 1353, from Road No. 1884 South-

Eastward passing through C.P. 48/2044, along part of the West boundary of and through C.P. 48/2155, and onwards to the West boundary of Canning Location 1326.

Also Road No. 1885, Southward from Road No. 1353 to the North boundary of Canning Location 2473. (Plan 1C/40.)

E. B. STEPHENS, Chairman.

1, E. B. Stephens (Chairman), on behalf of the Green-mount Road Board, hereby assent to the above applica-tion to close the road therein described.

E. B. STEPHENS, Chairman Greenmount Road Board.

3rd December, 1912.

Edna cy Cori NOTICE is berth,. place of busines. Gold. Mining IJ field, and tha'. Jot!! of the said Comp

Dated this 25th


Solicitors for the comp:

'fuel tIldee or • is 's, )litgarn Cold-

tek is the A arney A as



DEC. 13, 1912.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4973


NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office in Western Australia of The Mulga Queen (West Australia) Gold Mining Company, Limited, is situated at "Mulga Queen" G.M. Lease N. 1875T, North Erlistoun, Mount Margaret Goldfield, and that Alfred Forbes, of Mulga Queen, is the General i,:elaft•er and Attorney for the Company in Western .'tss,-;;:irt.

Dated this twenty-secomi day of November, 1912.

GILD ART H. BRAY, Bart Street, Laverton,

Solicitor for the Company in Western Australia.

The New South Wales Most de Piete Deposit and Investment Company, Limited.

Notice of Re-moral of Registered Office. NOTICE is hereby given that the situation of the Regis-tered Office of the above Company has been changed from Pantheon Chambers, William Street, Perth, to Weld Chambers, St. George's Terrace, Perth.

Dated the 30th day of November, 1912.

JAMES & DARBYSHIRE, of Eurnival Chambers, St. George's Terrace, Perth,

Solicitors for the Nev South Wales i\ font de Piete Deposit and Investment Company, Limited.

Andrews Bros. Proprietary, Limited. NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the above-named Comon:o. is situate at New Zealand Chambers, No. 105 St. c eoege's Terrace., Perth, and that Leonard Lolmann is the Attorney of the Company in Western Australia.

Dated this 3rd day of December, 1912.

LOBIRM ANN & .'jeDONALD, 105 St. Geo, : Terrace, Perth,

Solicitors; t raid Comoeny.

In the matter of The Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908," and in the -matter of the Perth (W.A.) Estate Company, Limited.

HEREBY give notice that the Australian creditors of the above-named Company are required, on or before the 31st day of December, 1912, to send their names and ad-dresses, and the particulars of their debts or claims, to me, as liquidator of the Company, addressed to the care of Mr. Christopher William Garland, at 578 Hay Street, Perth, Western Australia; and if so required by notice in writing are personally or by their solicitors to come in and prove their said debts or claims at such time and place as shall be st.ecified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made b, core -licit debts or claims are proved.

Dated this 29th day of November, 1912.


Northmore (5- Hale, Solicitors for the Liquidator, Emanuel Buildings, St. George's Terrace, Perth.

The Lauri Timber Company, Limited. Aiotiee of _Registered Office.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the above Company is situate at Barrabnp Mill, Barrabup.

-Dated the 2nd day of December, 1912.

JAMES & DARBYSHIRE, of Purnival Chambers, Saint George 's Terrace, Perth,

Agents for Madden & Butler, of Melbourne, Solicitors for the Knurl Timber Company, Limited-

In the Supreme Court of Western; Australia.

In the matter of "The Companies Act, 1893," and in the matter of the Wholesale Dairy Farmers' Co-Operative Society, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby giyen that the situation of the Registered Office of the above Company has been changed to Number 515 Hay Street East, in the City of Perth, and that the office hours are from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., except on Saturdays. when they are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Dated this Gth day of December, 1912.

GAWLER, HARD-WICK, & FORMAN, Solicitors for the above-named Company.


In the Supreme Court of Western Australia—Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of the Estate of John Mahomet, deceased. WHEREAS on flit 28th day of November, 1912, an order to administer the estate and effects of John Mahomet, late of Wyndham, in the State of Western Australia, Camel Driver, deceased, who died on or about the 2nd day of January, 1911, was granted by the Supreme Court of the said State, under the provisions of "The Ad-ministration Act, 1903," to the undersigned, the Curator of Intestate Estates, Perth.

Now notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having' claims or demands against the estate of the said deceased are hereby required to send particulars of such claims or demands in detail to the undersigned, on or before the 9th day of January, 1013.

And further, that the undersigned will, immediately after such date, proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the creditors and persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which he shall then have had notice. And the said Curator will not lie liable for the assets, or any part thereof so dis-tributed or dealt with, to any person of whose claim or demand lie shall not then have received notice.

Dated at Perth this fitit day of December, 1912.


Curator of Intestate Estates.


In the Supreme Court of Western_ Australia—Probate Juri,sdictian.

In the matter of the Estate of Jane Sparkes, deceased. WHEREAS on the 28th day of November, 1912, an order to administer the estate and effects of .Jane Sparkes, late of Albany, in the State of Western Aus-, tralia, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day 'of February, 1910, was granted by the Supreme Court of the said State, under the provisions of "The Adminis-tration Act, 1903," to the undersigned, the Curator of Intestate Estates, Perth.

Now notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having claims or demands against the estate 'of the said deceased are hereby required to send particulars of such claims or demands in detail to the undersigned, on or before the 9th day of January, 1913.

And further, that the undersigned will, immediately after such date, proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the creditors and persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which he shall then have had notice. And the said Curator will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof so distributed or dealt with, to any person of whose claim or demand he shall not then have received notice.

Dated at Perth, this Gth day of December, 1912.


Curator of Intestate Estates.



In the Supreme Court of Western Austr«li a—Probate


In the matter of the Estate of Cornelius Ferguson,


on the 2Sth day of November. 1912,' an order to administer the estate and effects of Cornelius Ferguson, late of Cooglegang, in the State of Western Australia, Miner,' deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of May, 1912, was granted by the Supreme Court of the said State, under the provisions of "The Administration Act, 1903," to the undersigned, the Curator of Intestate Estates, Perth.

Now notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having claims or demands againstt, the estate of the said deceased are here-by required to send particulars of such claims or demands in detail to the undersigned, on or before the 9th day of January, 1913.

And further, that the nmlersigned will, immediately after such date, proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the creditors and persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which he shall then have had notice. And the said Curator will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof so distributed or dealt with, to any person of whose claim or demand he shall not then have received notice.

Dated at Perth, this 0111 day of December, 1912.


Curator of Intestate Estates.

c Ed MU Icing, Dec-axed,

NOT ICE is hereby given that all persons having claims or demands upon or trgebr4 the estate it hhimund King, Late of limos Street, Perth, iu the State u!' \\"estern Aus-tralia, pastoralist, deceasod (who died at Perth aforesaid on the 10th day of Nir.-r-mber, 1912) are hereby required to send in writing particulars of their claims and de-mands to the executors of the will of the said deceased, to the care of the undersi r rued, on or before the 9th day of January, 1913: And notice is hereby also given that, at the expiration of the last mentioned date, the said executors wilt distribute the assets of the said Edmund King amongst :he parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which hi, shall then have had uotirre: And the said executors will not be liable for the assets of the said Edmund King, deceased, or any part thereof so distributed, to any person 011 \\hese claim the said executors shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution.

Dated the 7th day of December, 1912.


514 lily Street, Perth,

Solicitors fir the said 'Executors.

In pre me Cowl of ft -ct m A Hs! robate

n the Estate of Bicluird tird.rr: it Smith, late of Hall's Creek, in the State 01' Western Australia, Drover, deceased, intestate.

Notice to Cr' curd others.

is hereby _lieu that all creditor, ami other rto.haying any claim or demand agains, the estate

ri1 Richard Robert Smith, late of 11H1 's Creek, in the St;itr• of Western Australia, drover, deceased, intestate, are hereby required to send particulars in writing of their claims and demands to the undersigned, on or before the 13th day of March, 1913; and fort-her that, at the

expiration of the last mentioned date, the administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which the administrator shall then have had notice.

Dated this 11th day of December, 1912.

JAMES & DARDYSHIRE, Furnival Chambers, 47 St. George 's Terrace, Perth,

Solicitors for the Administrator.


Notice of Intended Sale by Hort p«gees.

THE National Bank of Australasia, Limited, the mort-ga gees under instrument of mortgage registered as No. 13231/138 and 14103/138, respectively, over the holding set out- below, in exercise of their power of sale_ will otter the said holding for sale., by public auction, through Mr. Charles Sommers (in conjunction with Peet and Co., Ltd.), their Auctioneer, on Thursday, the 23rd day of January, 1913, at 3 o'clock p.m., at his rooms, St. George's Terrace, Perth.

The Holding referred to.

Avon Location 4187, containing 1,000 acres more or less, and tieing the whole of the land comprised in Crown Lease No. 7218/1911 (526/68), standing in the !Mine of David Merton Barr, of Doodlakine.

Dated the 9th day of December, 1:112.

JAMES & DARBYSE FRE, Solicitors :dui Agents For the National Bank of

Australasia, Limited, the Mortgagees.



To George (1artield Gamble, .Parnner, of ,Narnrr in, ;ill others whom it only concern.


TA KIT notice that default having been made iii payment of' the principal SLIMS and interest secured by two several .MOMOV:11Kin .Mortgage bearing date respectively the twenty-sixth day- of January, Due thousand nine hundred and twelve, and the twenty-third day of Yob-miry, Due thousand nine hundred sad twelve, from Georrre Garfield Gamble, of Narrogint, farmer, to and Inc favour Or the National Mutual Life A:—r,rtritrtion of Austrainsia, Limited over Conditional .Purcht-r- Leases Nos. 45,32/.55, 4533/55, 4534/55, 1535/55, 12385/.15, and 15130/55 to secure pay-nunnt, of the principal sums of 11000 and X1,2.110 and regis-tered Numbers 12/105 and 12/380, and interest thereon, as therein provided, the said Association will after the expiration of thirty days from the 13th day of .December„ :1912, proceed to sell the aforesaid leases or holding, luu'suant to the provisions in that behair contained is "The Lanal vet, 1898," and amendments.

Dated the 10t1t day of December, 1912.


Solicitors and Agents For the National Mullin' Life Association of Aus'ralrisia, Limited.

Irei he Supreme Coart of Wer,,t Aust

In the. matter of "The Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act, 1808," and in the mutter of john 'Russell Skinner, of Moora, Farmer, a .Debtor.

NOTICE is hereby given that a Meeting of the Creditors of Jahn Russell Skinner, of MOOrft, fanner, will be held at our (Micros, Harper's Building, flovrard Street, Perth, on Wednesday, the 18th day of December, 1912, at 3 o'clock p.m., under the provisions of the said Act.

Dated this 10th nlcry of December, 1912.

D. 11. COOMBS & Co., Agents for the Debtor,

epee's iTciilding, Hiwarrl Street, Perth.

Joseph: Henry Leslie West Perth .. Mechanic Hardie

Debtor's Name. Address.



Description. Court. No. of Date of Order. Matter.

... Supreme Court, 98 of 1912 Perth

7th day of Decembe 1912

scription. Court. No of Matter.

Supreme Court 91 of 1912 Perth

do. .. 98 of 1912

itebtor's Name. Address.

Albert Edward Lewis Arthur River

Joseph Henry Leslie 24 Cleaver Street, Mechanic Hardie West Perth

DEC. 13, 1912.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 4975,

Date of Petition.

th day of December, 1912

Receiving Orders.

Date of Date of Act or acts of Order. Petition, Bankruptcy.

h day of 9th day of ; No resolution

1912 December, November, passed at meet-

1912 Mg, of creditor; held under "The Bankruptcy Act A. ut e ndin en t, Act, 1898."

7th day of Debtor's Petition. December, 1912

7th day of December, 1912

Dated this 11th day of December, 1912.

M. M. MOSS, Official Receiver in Bankruptcy.

l`n the Supre» Court of Western Australia.— In


In the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act A inm.ilment Aet, 1898," and in the matter of \ Jamieson, of Narrogin, Storekeeper, a Diffitor.

NOTICE is hereby given that the above-named Debtor has executed a deed of assignment under the provisions of "The .Bankruptcy Act A mendnumt Act, 1898," to Walter Mc kechnie Collins, as Trustee, and that he same is now lying for inspection and execut•ion th•• office of the said Walter MeRechnie Collins, Aco, • a nd Auditor, of Commercial Union Chambers, Saint rue's Terrace, Perth.

Dated this 12th day of December, 1912.


Official Receiver in Bankruptcy.

itt the 0S'aprome Court of Wes-torn Atrstralia—la,


In he matter of The Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act, 1898," and in the matter of Patrick .rolin Hennessey, of Goomalling, Farmer, a Debtor.

NOTICE is hereby given that the above-named Debtor has executed a deed of assignment under the provisions of "The Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act, 1898," to Walter McKechnie, Collins, as Trustee, and that the same is now lying for inspection and execution at the office of the said Walter McKechnie Collins, Accountant and Auditor, of Commercial Union Chambers, Saint George's Terrace, Perth.

Dated this 12th day of December, 1912.


Official Receiver in Bankruptcy.


The Government Gazette is published on Friday in each week, unless otherwise interfered with by Public Holi-days or other unforeseen circumstances.

Subscriptions: Froni and after the 1st July, 1912, the subscription will be 3s. Gd. per quarter, Lis. Sd. for half-year, and 12s. Gd. per annum; a less period than three mouths cannot be subscribed for.

Subscriptions are required to commence and er ate with a month.

Advertisements: Notices for insertion must be received by the Government Printer before Teu o'clock on the day preceding the day of publication, and are charged at the following rates:--

For the first eight lines, 4s.;

For every additional line, 4d.,

and half-price for each subsequent insertion.

To estimate the cost of an advertisement, count nine words to a line; heading, signature, and date being reckoned as separate lines.

All fees are payable in advance. Remittances should be made by money order, postal note, or cheque. Ex-change must be added to cheques.

All communications should be addressed to ' The Gov-ernment Printer, Perth."


OWING to the .Christmas holidays, the Government Gazette will be published on Tuesday -the 24th, in lieu, of Friday the 27th December.

Notices for insertion in that issue should reach this office not later than 10 a.m. on Monday.



Section 247 (2).


Notice of intention to issue Warrant of Execution against Land in Default of Payment for Rates.

WHEREAS under the provisions of Section 247 of " The Roads Act, 1911 " the Melville Road Board has certified that the several sums set out in the first column of the Schedule are due and in arrear in respect of the several parcels of land described in the second column thereof.

And whereas the persons who upon search at the office of Titles and Registry of Deeds appear to have any estate or interest in the several parcels of land respectively are named in the third column of the schedule.

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the said Act I shall at the expiration of three months from the date hereof, issue a warrant of execution against the said several parcels of land unless such rates with interest thereon and all rates and other payments accrued (Inc on the several parcels of land respectively in the meantime and all expenses incurred are sooner paid.


First Co I umn.

No. of Lot.

Second Column.

Description and situation

Plan Location Number. No.


Third Column.


Amount of Rates due

and in Arrears.

of land rated.

Whole or part of land Vol. lin Certificate

of Title.

Names and Addresses of Persons appearir to have an estate or interest in

the land.

Name. Address.

s. d. 24 17 3 Cockburn Sound Loca-

tion 302 Whole 380 56 Mary Adelaide Hewi-

son William Street, Balael;

Victoria, Married man.

380 55 Bethia Beatrice Gingin, Married Won Teague

1 8-I, 4 1 8S5 Camnng Locations 44 and 56

Part 76 177 ( Ishmael Rogers .. Charles Sommers ..

Perth, Accountant. Perth, Auctioneer.

I 8-?; 91 887 Canning Locations 44 and 56

Part 76 177 (. Ishmael Rogers .. Charles Sommers ..

Perth, Accountant. Perth, Auctioneer.

I 17 V- 33 1804 Cockburn Sound Loca-tion P177

Part 246 175 Thomas Hughes .. Formerly Fremantle, ( dener, now Finial. Farmer.

Thomas Hughes Formerly Fremantle,- diner, now Pinjai. Farmer.

1 10 11.1, 40 4 1804 Cockburn Sound Lo-tion P177

Par( 246 175 Edward Crake and John \Voodford

'Fremantle, also c/o. 1 son & Gawler, Ei

O'Halloran Chambers, Hay Str Perth.

Thomas Hughes .. Formerly Fremantle, dener, now Pinjar: Farmer.

3 0 4 56, 57 I 804 Cockburn Sound Loca- tion P177

Part 246 175 Edward Crake and John Woodford

Fremantle, also c/o. 1 son & Gawler, E;

O'Halloran Chambers, Hay Str Perth.

I 0 60 180Cockburn Sound Loca- tion PI 77

Part 246 175 L'homas Hughes Formerly Fremantle, ( dener, now Pinjar: Farmer.

13 II c Sound Loc.: — ti 232, less one acre resumed for road pur- poses. Correspond- ence :71 /05

1-1 288 John Hurley Jarrandale, Military 1 stoner.

9 3 0 0 811 1547 Swan Location 70 Whole 29)1 112 Walter John Ashby Leederville, Gentleman Cousins

III 3 4 95 1547 Swan Location 70 Whole 251 66 Margaret Mathewson Fremantle, Married roan.

II :1 1.7 175.1 Swan Location 61 Whole 364 1 2 Irene Miriam Trigg Claremont, a minor of (Sheet 1) age of thirteen year:

12 1 6 :P, 516,518 1751 Swan Location 61 .. Whole 378 11 Austin Bede D'Arcy Perth, Civil Servant. (Sheet 2)

i3 7 10 73 2541 Cockburn Sound 'Loca-tion 8

Part 364 71 Katherine Mary Mil-ler

Wife of Edward Gec Miller, Perth, Ageni

Francis Leo Egan .. Gulgong, New Sout Wales, Farmer.

14 2 9 10 74 2541 Cockburn Sound .Loca- Part 3114 71 r Francis Leo Egan .. Gulgong, New Sent: tion 8 . Wales, Farmer.

17 7 HI 2541 Cockburn Sound (one

Katherine Mary Mil-ler 3114 i 1 r, Francis Leo Egan ..

Wife of Edward Geo Miller, Perth, Agent

Gulgong, New So tion 8

ti Katherine Mary Mil- ler

Wales, Farmer. Wife of Edward Gee

Miller, Perth, Agent

x. 13, 912.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. 4977

Notice of Intention to Issue Warrant, etc.—continued.

First Column. Second Column. Third Column.

Amount of Rates due

and in Arrears.

Description and situation of land rated. Names and Addresses of Persons appearing

to have an estate or interest in the land.

No. of Lot.

Plan No.

Location Number.

Whole or part of land in Certificate

of Title.

Vol. Fol. Name. Address.










s. d. 2 7 10

1 7 6

1 7 6

1 7 6

1 7 6

2 15 0

2 5 10

2 5 10

2 15 0

76 2541

126 2541

337 2541

217 2541

218 2541

385 2541

386 2541

396 2541

397 2541

Cockburn Sound Loca- lion 8

Cockburn Sound Loca-tion 8

Cockburn Sound Loca-tion

Cockburn Sound Loca-tion 8

Cockburn Sound Loca-tion 8

Cockburn Sound Loca-tion 8

Cockburn Sound Loca- lion

• tion 8

Cockburn Sound Loca-tion 8

Cockburn Sound, Loca-tion 8




























Francis Leo Egan . •

Katherine Mary Miller

Alice McGuiness • •

Alice Mary McGui-ness

Kate Spencer

Kate Spencer

Thomas Lalor

Thomas Lalor

Thomas Lalor

Thomas Lalor

Gulgong, New South Wales, Farmer

Wife of Edward George Miller, Perth, Agent.

Fremantle, Married Wo- man.

Perth, Married Woman.

62 Queen Street, Freman- tle, Married Woman.

62 Queen Street, Freman- tle, Married Woman.

St. George's Terrace Perth, Commission Agent.

St. George's Terrace, Perth, Commission Agent.

St. George's Terrace, Perth, ComMission Agent.

St. George's Terrace, Perth, Commission Agent.

Dated the tenth day of December, 1912. W. E. BROWN, Clerk of the Local Court at Fremantle.

4978 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEC. 13, 1912:


s. d. Abattoirs . • .. 0 0 6 Aborigines Act and Amendment .. 0 1 6 Administration Act .. 0 2 6 Agricultural Bank Act and Amendments .. 0 2 y Arbitration Act .. 0 0 0 Associations Incorporation Act 0 0 6 Auctioneers Act and Amendments 0 1 6 Bankruptcy Act, 3s.; Rules, 1892, 5s.; Rules,

1908, ls. • 0 9 II Bills of Sale At and Amendments .. 0 3 6 Bills of Exchange 0 2 0 Boat Licensing Act and Amendments 0 2 6 Brands Act 0 1 0 Bread Act and Amendments .. 0 1 6 Bunbury Harbour Board 0 1 0 Bush Fires Act .. 0 1 0 Cart and Carriage Licensing .. 0 0 6 Cemeteries Act and Amendments 0 2 9 Companies Act and Amendments 0 3 6 Co-operative and Provident Societies Act 0 1 3 Copyright At .. 0 1 3 Crimiird Code Act and Amendments .. 0 5 9 CriminH Code Act and Rules (14 bound, with

Index) 0 6 6 Crown Suits Act .. 0 0 9 Dentists Act and Amendment .. 0 1 0, Distillation Act •

0 1

6 District Eire Brigades and Amendment 0 1 9 Dividend Duties .. 0 1 0 Divorce Act and Amendment, 2s. 3d.; Rules,

Is. 6d. • • 0 3 9 Dog Act 0 0 9 Droving Act . , 0 0 6 Early Closing Act (Compilation) 0 0 9 Education Act and Amendments 0 4 0 Electoral At and Amendment .. 0 3 3 Electric Lighting Act .. 0 1 6 Employers Liability Act 0 0 6 Employment Brokers Act 0 0 9 Evidence Act .. 0 1 6 Explosives Act and Regulations 0 3 0 Extradition Cases—Procedure .. 0 5 0 Factories Act 0 1 6 Fencing and Trespass Act and Amendment .. 0 2 3 Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act and Amend-

ment 1 6 Firms Registration Act and Amendment .. 0 1 0 Fisheries Act and Amendment • 0 1 3 i'remantle Harbour Trust Act and Amendment 0 1 9 fIame Act and Amendments 0 2 0

inmial Loan and Inscribed Stock Act 0 0 9 iohltields Water Supply Act .. 0 1 9

iiovernment Savings Bank Act .. 0 0 9 1-foio;foi1 Report, per vol. 0 7 6

:/d TiIeport, weekly issue, per copy .. 0 0 6

11iiport, Annual subseriptioir 0 10 6 and Pedlars Act and Amendment .. 0 1 0

Him Ith . •. 0 4 0 Health Act index: paper covers, 5s.; stiff

covers .. • • 0 5 6 I minii:isration Act and Amendments .. 0 2 8 he imam; Labour Act and Amendments .. 0 Innue (and Land) Tax Assessment 0 1 9 fr:dex tc Government Gazette . . . . 0 1 0

ial Conciliation and Arbitration Act . • 0 2 3

iection of Machinery Act, with Regulations 0 2 0 stices Act . • 0 3 0

Justices—Manual for 0 10 6 Land Act and Regulations (pamphlet) 0 1 0 Land and Income Tax Assessment .. 0 1 9 Land Tax and Income Tax (Regulations)_ 0 0 3 Legal Practitioners Act .. 6 1 3 Legitimation 0 0 6 Licensed Surveyors 0 0 9 Licensing Act .. 0 3 6 Life Assurance Act 0 1 9 Limited Partnerships .. 0 0 6 Local Court Aet and Amendment .. 0 2 Local Court Act and Rules (cloth) .. 1 1 0 Local Court Act and Rules (1/2-bound) 1 5 0 Local Courts Act Amendment Act, 1911, and

Local Court Rules of 1911 and 1912 0 2 0

Lunacy Act 0 3 0

Marine Stores Aet • • 0 0 9 Marriage Act and Amendment .. 0 1 3

Acts of Parliament, etc.—continued.

£ s. d. Married Women 's Property Act and Amend-

ments . • . .. • • 0 1 3 Masters and Servants Act 0 0 9 Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and

Drainage .. 0 2 0 Medical Practitioners - Act .. .. 0 1 3 Merchant Shipping Act Application Act .. 0' 0 6 Mines Regulation Act .. 0 1 3 Mining Development Act 0 0 9 Municipal Corporations Act .. 0 3 6 Navie-ation Act 0 2 3 Pawnbrokers Act and Amendment 0 1 3 Pharmacy and Poisons Act .. 0 1 0 Police Act and Amendments .. 0 3 6 Prisons Act and Amendment .. 0 1 0 Public Notaries Act .. 0 0 6 Public Service Act 0 1 6 Public Works Act and Amendment .. 0 2 6 Rabbits Act 0 0 9 Railways (Government) Act .. 0 -1 9 Redemption of Annuities 0 0 6 Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages 0 2 6 Reports of Proceedings before the Boards of

Conciliation and the Court of Arbitration, Volumes I. to IX.; per vol. .. 0 10 0

Roads Act 0, 3 6 Sea-carriage of Goods .. 0 0 6 Secondhand Dealers Act 0 0 6 Stamp Act and Amendments .. 0 3 6 Statutes (sessional sets, per vol.) 0 16 6 Supreme Court Rules .. 1 5 0 Totalisator Act and Amendment 0 2 0 Trade Marks Act and Amendment 0 2 6 Trade Unions Act 0 0 9 Tramways Act .. . • • • • • 0 2 0 Transfer of Land Act and Amendments • • 0 4 0 Trespass, Fencing, and impounding Act .. 0 1 6 Truck Act and Amendment .. 0 1 6 Trustees Act • • 0 1 0 Vermin Boards . • 0 0 9 Veterinary • • 0 0 6 Water Boards Act • • 0 1 9 Weights and Measures Act and Amendments.. 0 0 9 Workers' Compensation Act and Regulation .. 0 1 3 Workers' Homes .. • • 0 1 0 Workmen's Wages Act .. .. 0 1 6


Aborigines, Protector of ... 4943 Advances on Shipments of Copper Ores 4959 Agriculture, Department of ... 4959 Bankruptcy ... -• 4974-5 Christmas Holidays ... 3,4957, 4975 Colonial Secretary's Department ... 4939,-4943 Companies ..• 4978 Consular Agents- 4943 Crown Law Department 4945-6 Early Closing • .. 4939 Electoral 4946 Indian Civil Service Examination 4943 Intestate Estates _. 4973-4 Lands Department 4939-43, 4946-57 Metropolitan Water Supply, etc. 4911,4969 Hines Department ... 4957-9 3ilining Companies 4973 Missing Friends 4971 Municipalities ... 4941 Orders in Council 4941-3 Partnerships dissolved 4902-3 Proclamations ... 4939-41 Public Health 4943 Public Service Commissioner (Commonwealth) 4945 Public Service Commissioner (State) -. 4943-4 Public Works Department ... _. 4960-9 Railway Department 4959-60 Registrar General ... 4971 Road Boards (see also under " a ds " and

"Public Works" Departments) 4972 Sale by Mortgagees ... 4974 Tender Board ... 4969 Tenders accepted 4960, 4969 Tenders invited 4961, 4969 Transfer of Land 4939, 4970 Treasury ..• 4945 Water Boards ... ... 4970

By kathemity: Eton. WV. SIMPSON, Government Printer, Perth.