Welcome to Wide Area Workflow e- Business Suite. · 2020-05-27 · Welcome to Wide Area Workflow e-...

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Transcript of Welcome to Wide Area Workflow e- Business Suite. · 2020-05-27 · Welcome to Wide Area Workflow e-...

CertificationFolder Page 1 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Welcome to Wide Area Workflow e-Business Suite. This demonstration contains audio narrative. Please adjust your volume accordingly.

This presentation is of the Local Processing Office's "Certification Folder".

CertificationFolder Page 2 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

To get to the "Certification Folder", cursor over the Government dropdown link, and select the "Certification Folder"

The "Search Criteria - LPO Certification Folder" page is displayed. Select the "DoDAAC" from the dropdown list.

CertificationFolder Page 3 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

The more information you enter on this page, the more you narrow your search, and the number of documents returned in the results page. Click the "Submit" button to display the results.

The "LPO Certification Folder" results page is displayed.

CertificationFolder Page 4 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Click on the "Contract Number" link to view Contract Documents from EDA.

The "Electronic Document Access" page is displayed with links to the EDA documents. If no documents are found, a message is displayed.

CertificationFolder Page 5 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Click the "Invoice Number" or "Shipment Number" links to view the iRAPT documents.

Click the "Return" button to go back to the results page.

CertificationFolder Page 6 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Click the "Shipment Number" link to work the iRAPT document.

The document is brought up in the "Data Capture" page where you can update the document.

CertificationFolder Page 7 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

After updating the document, you can click the "Submit" button to submit your changes into iRAPT, you can click the "Save Draft Document" if you just want to save your changes, but submit the document at a later time.

You can also print information on the document by clicking the Printer Friendly Link. To go back to the results page, click the "Previous" button.

CertificationFolder Page 8 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Click the "H" link in the Hold column to place a document on hold.

The document is displayed with a warning message.

CertificationFolder Page 9 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Click the "Hold" button to place the document on hold.

When placing a document on hold, a success page is displayed.

CertificationFolder Page 10 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Click the "Return" button to go back to the results page.

Click the "Invoice Number" to work the iRAPT document.

CertificationFolder Page 11 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

The document is displayed in the "Data Capture" page.

To sort the results by a different column, click on the label of the column. To sort the results by "Shipment Number", click on the label. The results will be sorted by Shipment Number in ascending order.

CertificationFolder Page 12 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Click the number link in the Purge column to delete the saved copy of the iRAPT document and revert back to the version of the document before it was saved.

The document is displayed with a warning message.

CertificationFolder Page 13 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Click the "Purge" document to remove the saved copy. Click the "Previous" button to return to the results page.

A success page is displayed when you purge a saved document. Click the "Return" button to go back to the results page.

CertificationFolder Page 14 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

The "Status" and "Purge" columns are updated in the results page when you purge a saved document.

To page through the results, click the "First", "Prev", "Next", and "Last" links, or click on the page number links.

CertificationFolder Page 15 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

Click the "Return" button to go back to the "Search Criteria" page.

The "Search Criteria" page is displayed.

CertificationFolder Page 16 of 16

Built with Tanida Demo Builder www.demo-builder.com

This concludes our demonstration.