Welcome to JUNKER’s Extended Donor Profile - Microsoft moment I have played guitar for 6 years and...

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Welcome to JUNKER’s Extended Donor Profile - Microsoft moment I have played guitar for 6 years and...

Welcome to JUNKER’sExtended Donor ProfileJUNKER voluntarily provided the following information which will be disclosed to future parents as an aid in their selection

Race: CaucasianEthnicity: DanishHeight: 176 cmWeight: 78 kgBuild: Athletic Shoe size: 43Clothing size: LargeSkin tone: FairFacial shape: OvalLips: MediumEye colour: BlueEyebrows: BrownBeard: Dark brownHair: Brown, thick and curly

JUNKER uses prescription lenses. He has a mild allergy for cats, and dust allergy for which he uses nasal spray daily. He has no medical conditions or physical abnormalities. JUNKER resembles the English actor Ollie Barbieri. Click here for photos of Ollie.

JUNKER has been in school for a total of 12 years including primary and lower secondary school. In his final year of lower secondary school, JUNKER went to a boarding school. He is currently attending high school, and his career goal is to

become a psychologist. He has previously worked as a tele-marketer and has once carried out voluntary work at an elec-tion. JUNKER’s native language is Danish, and he also speaks English and a little German. He has not served in the military.

Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | DenmarkWebsite: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685

I’m currently attending high school, and my career goal is to become a psychologist.

Words that describe my personality would be: Kind, thinker, funny, teasing, a good friend and polite. I value kindness and honesty.

General information and characteristics


Q&A with JUNKERJUNKER answers questions about his life, experiences, and good memories

Which words describe your personality? Kind, thinker, funny, teasing, a good friend and polite.

Describe your strong sides: I like to help out where I can. If I see someone in trouble I will help them immediately. I work well in social surroundings and has little trouble with talking to new people.

Describe your weak sides: I am (sadly) lazy and I have a bad habit of procrastinating.

What is your marital status?Single.

Do you have any children? No.

Which types of sport do you play or have played? I played football for a couple of years, and handball when I was about three to five.

Which other types of sports are you interested in? I am not really a sports guy.

List any other hobbies you may have or have had:I enjoy playing computer, but I would much prefer to hang out with my friends in do something fun.

List which musical instruments you play or have played: I played drums for 4 years when I was young, and in the writ-ing moment I have played guitar for 6 years and I am also beginning to explore the piano.

Religion: Nonreligious.

How many hours of sleep do you get on an average night?8 hours.

Do you eat healthy?I try.

Do you smoke?Sometimes.

Do you ride a bicycle?Never.

How much alcohol do you drink on average per week?It varies, but I do go to parties sometimes. I would say around 10 beers on average.

Which countries have you visited?Poland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Spain and India.

Describe the best holiday you have had: I was in India, Goa to be precise for a month with my best friend and his family (they own a small house near the ocean) It was the first time I had been somewhere without my parents let alone outside Europe. It really amazed me how different the culture was there, even though Goa as a state is very tour-ist friendly. It was hot, really hot, and everything was cheap (even though the merchants tried to rip you off) and it did not rain. My friend and I spent most days at the beach drinking rum and cola and just chilling. Sometimes we decided to go to these huge markets where several hundreds of merchants sold different fun things as souvenirs and clothes. It was a great time, and we even skipped school for two weeks.

What do you like the most about your own country?I like that it is a small and cosy country where there is room for being different.

Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | DenmarkWebsite: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685

Who are your idols/heroes/heroines? I do not really have any idols.

What are your goals in life? I want a good and fun life. I want to make the people around me happy, and be as kind and honest as possible. Even though I know this is very simple, I believe it is something that people often forget and they end up living a life full of regret.

What were your childhood dreams?When I was a kid, I wanted to become a musician and travel the world.

Which values do you rank the highest?Kindness, honesty, not being afraid to do what is right, stand-ing up for your friends and for yourself.

Which childhood experience made the biggest impres-sion on you? Someone I knew, who was at my age, died when I was young-er. I did not know her very well but they announced it at my school because there were many who did. I do not know why, but I was very shocked and it reminded me of my mortality and I realised how fast your life can disappear. That is when I decided to make every day as happy as possible and my life in general, because each day might be the last.

Which was your greatest experience or moment? When I was touring with my school choir in Germany, and we sang in this huge catholic church where over 600 people showed up to watch us. The audience was so moved, many cried a bit, and when we were done more than 10 seconds passed before anyone could break the silence and applaud.

Happiest: During the first week of boarding school, you are assigned to a group of 9 people who will be your new ‘fam-ily’, and then you go on a trip together. The teacher that our group had prepared an exercise where we had to tell some-thing about ourselves that we wanted the others to know. Somehow, although we had only known each other for 3 days, everyone opened up and told almost everything about them-selves. There was this magical atmosphere where you felt like you had known these people for your entire life.

Funniest: Two friends and I once sneaked into a classroom in a school where one of my friends had gone, because they had a new teacher who did not know any of them. Needless to say, we ended up being kicked out of the classroom because we were too noisy, and the teacher began to suspect that we were not meant to be there, but it was really funny.

Scariest: During a school trip, there was a swing down a hill with a height of 1 to 6 meter above the ground. Once I rode the swing, and for a moment I was not concentrated so I fell down from around 5 meters height. Luckily, some branches from a tree slowed my falling and the ground I landed on was soft, but I thought I would die during the fall.

Q&A with JUNKER - continuedJUNKER’s dreams, favourites and experiences

Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | DenmarkWebsite: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685

Proudest: Same as my greatest one probably, or just gener-ally how we as a choir were able to move several hundred people to tears.

Most dangerous: Same as scariest I would say.

Greatest sorrow: I was once told by one of my best mates that almost all of the other guys we were hanging out with in school had a problem with me. I changed school shortly after, but at that time it felt like I only had that one friend left.

What is your favourite colour? Dark purple, I do not know why.

What is your favourite animal? Cats. I grew up with them and my mother has always had 4-5 of them.

What is your favourite kind of food? Indian is my favourite cuisine, but I would say it is a tie be-tween butter lam and all dishes with mushrooms.

What is your favourite kind of music? I listen to quite a lot of different music, but classical and jazz must be my favourite genres because I grew up with my father listening to all kinds of jazz, and I found the love for classical music by myself.

What is your favourite kind of car? I am not a car guy.

What is your favourite kind of pet? Cats, because it is kind of mandatory when you grew up with them.

What is your favourite time of year? Summer, although I was born in the winter, because I really do not like being cold.

What is your favourite book and/or author?My favourite books must be “The Golden Compass” by PhillipPullman. I just like the story.

What is your favourite movie and/or director? My favourite movie is either “Interstellar” or “Whiplash”. “In-terstellar” because I am interested in space, and “Whiplash” because it is just so good.

Q&A with JUNKER - continuedJUNKER’s dreams, favourites and experiences

Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | DenmarkWebsite: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685

JUNKER’s family treeInformation about JUNKER’s siblings, parents and grandparents

Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | DenmarkWebsite: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685

Paternal GrandfatherAge: UnknownAlive: -Race: -Ethnicity: -Education: -Occupation: -Height: -Weight: -Hair colour: -Eye colour: -Health: -

Paternal GrandmotherAge: UnknownAlive: -Race: -Ethnicity: -Education: -Occupation: -Height: -Weight: -Hair colour: -Eye colour: -Health: -

Maternal GrandfatherAge: 85Alive: YesRace: CaucasianEthnicity: DanishEducation: OfficeOccupation: RetiredHeight: 176 cmWeight: 70 kgHair colour: BlackEye colour: BlueHealth: Good, has mild arthri-tis in the fingers

Maternal GrandmotherAge: 44Alive: NoRace: CaucasianEthnicity: DanishEducation: OfficeOccupation: OfficeHeight: 156 cmWeight: 56 kgHair colour: BrownEye colour: Blue Health: Died of breast cancer

FatherAge: UnknownAlive: -Education: -Occupation: -Height: -Weight: -Hair colour: -Eye colour: -Health: -

MotherAge: 59Alive: YesEducation: ArchaeologyOccupation: Writer Height: 170 cmWeight: 95 kgHair colour: Reddish brownEye colour: BlueHealth: Good

A personal message from JUNKERMy motivation for being a Cryos International donor

Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | DenmarkWebsite: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685

Extended Profile data filled out on 14DEC2017 Layout and design modified on 21DEC2017