Welcome, please find a seat and we will begin shortly!

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Welcome, please find a seat and we will begin shortly!

Welcome, please find a seat and we will begin shortly!

Class Policies

Classroom: AttendanceAttendance will be taken every day in the classroom. When the bell rings you are to be in your seat, QUIET and ready to receive instruction.

Class Policies

Classroom: Late ArrivalIf you are tardy, please quietly enter the classroom. Do not be disruptive! If we are already in the shop, check in with Mr. Clark and begin work immediately. If you rack up 4 tardies, you will be referred to the Assistant Principal or Dean of Students for corrective discipline. If you are more than 5 minutes late you will be marked absent regardless of you participation.

Class Policies

Classroom: ObjectivesImmediately following attendance we will discuss the learning objectives for the day. Every student is responsible for knowing:

WHAT we are doing

HOW we will accomplish our objective

WHY we are learning this skill

Class Policies

Classroom: Direct InstructionAll students must conduct themselves in a professional manner while in this class. Disruptive and disrespectful behavior is not tolerated. If you have something to contribute, raise your hand.

If I am speaking…you are listening, period.

Class Policies

Classroom: Classroom vs. ShopRoughly 20 days will be spent in the classroom receiving direct instruction. When in the classroom you should be taking notes and participating in discussions.

Roughly 70 days will be spent in the shop or on nearby job sites. When in the shop you should be engaged in your project at all times.

Class Policies

Classroom: GradingAll students will complete both traditional classroom lessons as well as shop projects. There will be a combination of quizzes, tests, readings, writing assignments, wood/construction projects and participation points that make up your final grade.

Take a look at Skyward often to track grades.

Class Policies

Classroom: Required SuppliesAll students will be issued a workbook, safety manual and safety completion card for the course. These items must be in your possession everyday.

All students are required to have pen and pencil everyday, no exceptions.

If you need to borrow a pencil or pen, ask a classmate.

Class Policies

Classroom: Work AreasNo one is to be in the shop working without the entire class being in the shop. Once the class is in the shop, no one is to return to the classroom for a break. You must be in the shop when the class is working in the shop.

Transition from the classroom to the shop should take no longer than 1-2 minutes max.

Class Policies

Classroom: Class ForemanEvery class will have a minimum of 1 class foreman. This student has mastered the equipment and skills required for all shop curriculum.

This student is more than a TA. They are here to help you learn and have success. They have special authority granted by the instructor and you should honor their instructions.

Class Policies

Classroom: DisciplineI use discipline procedures as directed and approved by the school district

I use alternative methods to correct behavior• After School Shop Detention • Loss of Privileges/ Removal • Alternative Assignments

Class Policies

Safety: Your safety is my first priority. At all times, you will act in a safe manner for yourself and for others. Violating safety rules and engaging in horseplay will not be tolerated and you may lose the privilege of being in this class.

3 safety violations are basis for removal

Class Policies

Safety Glasses: Safety glasses are to be worn in the shop at all times. If you are working without your glasses, you will stop working and do a writing assignment on eye safety.

If you continue to break this rule you will be removed from the class.

Class Policies

Improper Equipment Use: Any student that uses a tool or material in a destructive or otherwise dangerous way will:

Lose shop privileges for the day

Be assigned an alternative assignment

Be assigned 1 hour of shop detention

Class Policies

Student Handbook: VandalismThe school district may prosecute students for vandalizing school property. Vandalism is cause for immediate suspension. A school district whose property has been lost or willfully cut, defaced, or injured may withhold grades, diploma, transcript, or deny participation in school related activities of the student responsible for the damage/loss until the student’s parent/ guardian has paid for the damages.

Class Policies

Project Storage: You will be issued a storage cubby with a partner. All projects are to be stored in this area. If your project is too large you may store it in the lumber storage room.

All items must be stored safely and have your name on it in pencil.

Class Policies

Theft of Projects: Sadly, theft often occurs in the cubby room. There are 2 ways to prevent it.

(1) Put your name on all of your project parts

(2) Report any theft that you witness

Any student that commits an act of theft in the shop will be subject to the following consequences:

Class Policies

Student Handbook: TheftHazen students respect the personal property of others. Any theft is cause for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Due to the potential disruption of teaching and learning.

Class Policies

Shop and Tool Safety: You may only use tools and equipment you have received proper instruction on. Safety guards must always be in place, dust collection system turned on when applicable, and think through all the safety procedures before you turn a machine on. Ask for assistance if you are unfamiliar with a tool, and have the instructor check all your machine set-ups.

Class Policies

Shop Clean-up: It is your responsibility to clean up the shop daily, whether you created dust or not. You are part of this class, and therefore one of your tasks is to help clean up at the end of each period. All work will stop for the last 8 minutes of class, and everyone will clean and put away tools and supplies. You will be assigned an area to clean, class foremen will oversee the cleaning areas.

Class Policies

Project Materials: Each student will be issued enough materials to complete all assigned projects at no cost. With the exception of the following:

1) Replacement materials due to errors or negligence

2) Special or extra personal projects

Class Policies

Bathroom Pass: If you need to use the restroom, notify Mr. Clark, and take the restroom pass with you. Only one student is to be gone at a time.

Class Policies

Music Players, Cell Phones: Not allowed in class - disruptive and distracting

Not allowed in shop – safety

Please follow reminders, warnings etc. I do not desire a confrontation and neither do you. You will lose the argument…trust me.

Class Policies

Food and Drink: Not allowed in classroom or shop for any reason. Water in the classroom is the only exception.


1) It’s a shop, not a cafeteria

2) Equipment must be cared for

3) It disrupts our procedure and causes behavioral intervention


1. Be respectful to me and each other

2. Be present and work hard

3. Obey safety rules at all times

4. Do not use electronic devices in class

5. No food or drink allowed

6. No immature/obscene behavior

7. No whining