Welcome: Headteacher English: Miss Harvey (AQA) & Mrs Rivett (iGCSE) Maths: Mrs Lamb Science: Mrs...

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Transcript of Welcome: Headteacher English: Miss Harvey (AQA) & Mrs Rivett (iGCSE) Maths: Mrs Lamb Science: Mrs...

Year 11 Revision Evening25th March 2015

• Welcome: Headteacher• English: Miss Harvey (AQA) & Mrs Rivett (iGCSE)• Maths: Mrs Lamb• Science: Mrs Watt• Show My Homework: Ms Doherty• GCSEPod: Mr Maiella

Carousel between subject areas

GCSE examinations• 5th May – 19th June • Enrichment Mornings

• Booster sessions• Increased 1:1 & 1:3 • Revision classes before

and after school• GCSEPod• Show My Homework

Important Dates25th March 4.30 or 5.30 pm – Revision Evening5th May – 19th June GCSE examinations1st-19th June Students attend school for examinations

and revision sessions only23rd June, 8.30am Breakfast and shirt signing23rd June, 9.30am Leavers’ Assembly in the Sports Hall24th/25th June Colchester Sixth Form College Induction

Days26th June, 7.00pm Prom and official leaving date




Tuesday, 2nd JuneAM


Section AThey will be given 3 media sources.

4 questions are based on these sources and test skills like comprehension, analysis and empathy with characters.

2 questions are creative writing which could be persuasive in nature or descriptive.

2 hours 15 mins

Section B: Creative Writing Examiners will be looking at:

• sentence structures• language choices (devices)• vocabulary• paragraphing• Punctuation• How well they sustain the PURPOSE, AUDIENCE and FORM.

2 hours 15 mins

Modern Texts ExamMonday 18th May



Modern Texts Exam• 2 sections

• 45 minutes per section.

• Both 30 marks each.

1 hours 30 mins

Section A• Will be on a novel/play they

have studied over the last 2 years:

• The Woman in Black• An Inspector Calls• (Lord of the Flies)


• Split into two sections. Students MUST answer both.


• Students will be given a short extract to use for their answer to part a.

• Students will be required to consider the social/historical and cultural background of the novel in part b.

Section B

AQA: Poetry ExamFriday 22nd May 2015



Poetry Exam• One exam.

• 2 Sections

• Section A = 36 marks (45 minutes)• Section B = 18 marks (30 minutes)

1 hour 15 mins

Question 1• Students will need to

compare two poems they have already studied in class.

• They will be given ONE of the poems and will need to choose the second.

• They need to know which poems link together.

• This requires them to analyse a poem they have never seen before.

• They have 30 minutes to find points and write an answer.

Question 2

iGCSE Paper 2 Reading Passages

•This exam is two hours long.•It is worth 50 marks.•Candidates answer three questions on two passages.

•This component is worth 40% of the total marks.

Question 1 – Extended Response (20 marks)Passage A

Students respond in one of the following text types:1. letter2. report3. speech4. journal5. interview.Students will need to identify relevant material in Passage A and develop those ideas by analyzing and evaluating facts, ideas and opinions.

Question 2 – Language Question (10 marks)Passage A

• Students will need to aim to find 5 relevant quotations in each part of the question. They’ll need to give the quotation, explain its meaning, and then explain its effect on the passage.

• Students will need to focus on each word individually as they explore and explain the effect the writer wanted them to have on the reader.

• Students will need to explain why and how the author has chosen that particular image in the context of the passage.

• Students will need to use their own words to show that they are understanding what they are reading.

Question 3 – Summary Question (20 marks) Passage B

• Students will need write their content points in note form and then their summary as continuous writing.

• Both halves of the question are equally important.• To get all 5 Writing marks, the students will need to show evidence of

clear and concise summary style throughout, precise focus and the use of their own words.

• Students will lose marks, if their summary is in the wrong form- for example they should not use bullet points or a list. They shouldn’t write in the first person, write a narrative or use quotation. Students shouldn’t comment on the content of the passages.

What do you have to do for the iGCSE core paper?Core Paper (1 hour 45 minutes)

Question 1 (20 marks)- 7 short questions asking you to find information and make inferences from passage A.- Complete a table explaining how language is used for effect.

Question 2 (15 marks)- Turn passage A into creative writing (e.g. journal, article).- 10 marks for content (testing your understanding of the passage). - 5 marks for writing (vocabulary, SPaG, organisation)

Question 3 (15 marks)- Find 10 points from a passage and make notes.- Write these points up concisely in a passage.

The questions on for the core paper are very similar to the extended paper. The main differences are:• Some bigger questions are split into smaller ones.• You may not be asked to find as many things in the

passages.• The vocabulary in the reading passages is slightly

simpler (but not easy!) than the extended paper.

What does the iGCSE core paper involve?

• Practise, practise, practise! • Old papers can be found online. Past papers may look a little

different to the 2015 paper but the same skills are being tested.• Practise key skills used for the exam (summarising, skimming,

scanning) through newspaper articles, autobiographies etc. The questions are fairly formulaic.

• Improve SPaG using the SPaG guides issued to all year 11s during form time.

• Attend core revision sessions held on a Wednesday lunchtime.

How can I revise for the iGCSE core paper?

What can you do to practise?

AT HOME• Read articles in broadsheet newspapers (e.g. The Times, The Daily Telegraph). • Re-tell articles in your own words.• Summarise articles in a few sentences.• Select words and phrases from articles and explain how the writer has created

effects by using language.

AT SCHOOL• Attend revision sessions on a regular basis.• Ask your teacher for extra work.




Additional revision guides for LANGUAGE and LITERATURE have been supplied by class teachers.


GCSE MathsExamination Board : Edexcel

1MA0 1H/2H or 1MA0 1F/2F

2 Papers

Thursday 4th June (am) – Non-CalculatorRevision Wednesday 3rd (other exams permitting)

(8.15 in the LRC 4th June – last minute tips)

and Monday 8th June (am) – CalculatorRevision Friday 5th (other exams permitting)

(8.15 in the LRC 4th June – last minute tips & calculator settings)

After School and Lunch TimeDrop In Revision Sessions

Different days and times – something to suit everyone

  Lunchtime After School

Monday  Mr Edin and Mrs Whitlam

Tuesday Mrs Palmer  

Wednesday Mrs Lamb  

Thursday Mrs MoffatMrs Lamb,

Mrs McManus and Mrs Moffat

Friday Mrs Palmer  

Maths Watch (available at £5.00 per CD)

Revision guide (available at £4.00)

BBC Bitesize

MyMaths (Password : stanway Login : reflect)

Text Books (student shared area : subjects : maths : edx (h/f))

Past Papers (mathsgeeks.co.uk or mathsmadeeasy.co.uk)

What can you do at home?

All students need their own calculator for the exams We recommend CASIO fx 83 GT plus

Preferably their own pencil case too with all the mathematical equipment they might need in the exam!


Year 11 GCSE Science

•GCSE pupils have either studied Additional Science or Triple Science (Biology and Chemistry).

Overview of courses

Additional Science

• ISA is worth 25% of final mark. This has been completed.

• Final exams; Biology (B2), Chemistry (C2) and Physics (P2).

• All worth 25% and are one hour long.

Overview of courses

Triple Science (Biology and Chemistry)

• ISA is worth 25% of final mark. This has already been completed.

• Biology has three exams (B1, B2 and B3).

• Chemistry has three exams (C1, C2 and C3).

• All are worth 25% and are one hour long. • Reminder that Physics was completed in

Year 10.

GCSE examination dates

Exam Date B1 5th June, pmB2 12th May, pmB3 12th May, pmC1 9th June, pmC2 14th May, amC3 14th May, amP1 12th June, pmP2 20th May, pmP3 20th May, pm


• All students have revision guides which are specific to AQA.

• Pupils can work on past papers.• There are revision clips from the

internet which are really useful.

Key message

• Content is very important. The more you know, the more marks!

• Read the question very carefully – look for the what is the examiner actually asking?

Command words

• State (recall facts)• Describe (what?)• Explain (why?)• Calculate (show your working and

add units)• Evaluate (advantage, disadvantage

with a conclusion)

6 mark question• Highlight the information first.• What are the

advantages/disadvantages?• What information can you add to your

answer to back up the information/data in the question?

• What is your final sentence going to be?• Quality of Written Communication mark;

make sure it is set out correctly.


The Stanway school’s approach to setting and completing homework…

Show My Homework

All teachers will be posting their homework online, using Show My Homework. It should also be noted in the planner.

So what is it?

Each student/parent has an account. If you have lost/forgotten your log in details, please let someone know and we can reorganise this for you.

How does it work?

Students/parents/carers can always check what homework has been set by following the link on the school website.

The dog ate my homework

What is GCSEPod?

• One website, one Apple app, over 3,500 audio-visual podcasts

• Content produced specifically for mobile devices

• Squeezes exactly the right knowledge you need into short 3-5 minutes chunks

Why should you use GCSEPod?

• It’s convenient – you can use it anywhere

• It will help you organise your revision

• Works on any device - on mobiletablet, computer or


Using GCSEPod for Revision– Use the Podcasts to start a revision session

– Keep yourself organised by viewing a list of all your exams in subject or date order.

– Create a playlist of podcasts relevant to an exam and play them on the way to school.