week, until the new ‘month’ started on the 4th€¦ · 5. I would like to use wikispaces in my...

Post on 22-Jul-2020

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Transcript of week, until the new ‘month’ started on the 4th€¦ · 5. I would like to use wikispaces in my...

This week was really busy and hectic, and my internet is a Verizon air card, with a 5GB limit/month. I rarely use the whole 5GB, but this month, it was close 4.99GB, so my internet time was limited this week, until the new ‘month’ started on the 4th. I was only able to spend time on two sites and tools and actually spend time using them. The two that I spent time on this week were Google Docs: https://drive.google.com/ and Wikispaces: http://www.wikispaces.com/content/teacher. I was able to watch a few of the other tutorials. I am hoping that next week won't be as busy and hectic and I will be able to spend time on the other sites learning about them and how they work as well, and how I will be able to use them in my future classroom.

Google Docs: https://drive.google.com/

1. Google Drive and Google Docs

2. It allows users to upload and store files easily online, and share with others. Those who you share it with are easily able to make changes to documents such as word files. This is perfect for group projects when all members are unable to meet face-to-face.

3. It could be used with any age, more than likely older grade school, middle school, high school, and college age would benefit more from it. It could be used for a variety of things for collaborating, but I see it being used for group projects and writing papers and communicating when not all group members are able to meet face-to-face.

4. It is easily used with a gmail or google email account.

5. It could be incorporated into my instruction by having all students create a gmail email account that they will use for class. Create assignments and projects that allow that opportunities to collaborate and work together but not always face-to-face. Encourage the use of google doc and saving work on google drive where it is easily accessible to them or anyone that has the password from any computer that has internet access. They may start a project at school, and then work at it at home, and without bringing anything with them, may start from where they left off at home the next day at school.

6. A screen shot of what I created is below.

Wikispaces: http://www.wikispaces.com/content/teacher

1. Wikispaces

2. Wikispaces is a site that allows users to create and use wikis to communicate and collaborate with one another. You are also able to upload and store work and files in a secure manner. Users are able to create a portfolio in which they are able to store and then present all their work in a nice manner, and it also works nicely as a project for learning.

3. This can be used for upper grade school, secondary, and college age students. They would be able to use it to create a project for learning, or to upload and store all their work and create a portfolio.

4. It is easy to use, with the tutorials and the step by step process.

5. I would like to use wikispaces in my future instruction by having my students create a project, and using wikispaces throughout the semester or year accumulate their assignments, projects, thoughts, etc, and create a portfolio that shows what they have learned.

6. The 5 screen shots of the various pages are below. I was running out of time, and my internet and the website were acting up, and reacting really slow.