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Transcript of Week 6 MAKHRAJ OF THE LIPS AND THE NASAL CAVITY 19 Rajab 1434.

Ahkam AltajweedRewayat Hafs 'An 'Aasim

by the way of Shaatibiyyah CANBERRA MOSQUE



A diagram showing where each letter originates

The 4th main makhraj:Ash-shafatain (lips)

The fourth main makhraj is the two lips

This makhraj contains two sub makhraj

1st sub-makhraj of the two lips

Between the inside of the lower lip and the tip of the two front upper incisors.

Only one letter comes from this sub–makhraj which is (ف)

A diagram showingthe makhraj of (ف)

Examples of the letter (ف)

BاسE لن BورJدJى صBا 114:5 (ٱف PفRوPا EهB أ لل BينBى دBف (�� ج ٱ ۞

)110:2) BضRرP Rأل دJونP فBى BسRفJ ٱ) وPي ۞2:27 (۞

) Pاد PسPفR ل و فBيهPا JرP Rث كP ٱفPأ hكP 89:12ا� ب Pر BدRمPحB hحR ب ب PسPف (۞

) Jه RرBفRغP ت Rس P110:3ٱو PسRوPد RرBفR ل PونJ PرBث EذBينP ي ل ٱ) ٱ ۞

)23:11 tuىPلPع JاءPمR ل PقPى Rت ل Pا ف Jو رRضP عJيP Rأل Pا ن RرEجPفPٱ) و ٱ �� ج ٱ ۞

) PرBدJق RدPق RمP أ )54:12ر

Between the two lips Three letters come from this

sub-makhraj which are (و،م،ب) The un-lengthened waw ( و غير

is articulated by forming (المديةa circle with the two lips without the two lips meeting completely.

2nd sub-makhraj of the lips

2nd sub-makhraj of the lips

The meem (م) is articulated by closing the two lips together. It always comes with Ghunna.

The baa (ب) is articulated by closing the two lips together, but stronger than the meem.

A diagram showing the makhraj of (و)

A diagram showing the makhraj of (م)

A diagram showing the makhraj of (ب)

Examples of the letter (و)

�ا ( PذBب EهB ك لل ىu عPلPى PرP فRت BنEمBم JمP PظRل ٱوPمPنR أ ۞ ) 6:21ٱ

) JةPعBاقPوR ل BتPعPقPا وPذB RدuPنP 56:1ٱإ RوBل ل JلPعRجP ا ي RوP ٱ) ي ج�� ۞

�ا ( يب B73:17ش PمRوP PوRمP وJلBدت� وPي uPمJ عPلPىE ي ل Eلس Pٱ) و ۞

ا ( Pح JثPعR Jب PوRمP أ مJوتJ وPيP أ�� EهJ 19:33ج PجRعPل ل PمR ي ۥ) وPل ۞

وt (18:1عBوPجPا ( JرPفP �ذBينP ك ل PرP PمR ي وPلP ا�) أ ٱ ۞21:30(

Examples of the letter (م)

) Jاء PشP JعPذhبJ مPن ي فPعJ ) 48:14وPي RشP EذBى ي ل ٱ مPن ذPا ۞

) BهB BذRن Bإ BالE ب ۦعBندPهJ إ لدhينB (2:255ۥ B PوRم ٱ) مuPلBكB ي ۞1:4 (

ا ( Pا ج Jح PالPمR ل Pون� ب BحJ ��� وPت ج ��� ج ٱ ۞89:20 RتEمPه RدPقP ۞) وPل

BهPا ( BهB وPهPمE ب �ب ا (12:24ۦ R وPي Jر RمJهR مRهBلP ��) أ ر ۞86:17 (

PتRمPعR Pن EذBينP أ ل Pط uPرBص PيمBقP ت RسJمR ل Pط uPرhلص Pا هRدBن ٱ ٱ ٱ ٱ ۞

) RمBهR Pي RمPغRضJوبB عPل ل BرR RهBمR غPي Pي )1:6-7ٱعPل

Examples of the letter (ب)

) Jاء PشP JعPذhبJ مPن ي PدBهB ) 48:14وPي Bي EذBى ب ل Pك PرuP Pب ٱ ت ۞

) JكRلJمR PبE مPا 67:1ٱل PهP وPت Bى ل بP PدPا أ EتR ي Pب �) ت ر ۞

PاتPا ذ Pا PصRلPىu ن ي Pس PبPسP JهJ وPمPا ك RهJ مPال Pىu عPن PغRن �أ ج ۥ

R ب Pا حPهBيدBى جBف BبPطPحR ل PةP JهJ حPمEال تP أ PرRم Pو PهP ��ل ج ٱ ۥ ٱ � ر) PسEن مhم� )111:1-5ج

5th main makhraj:Alkhayshum

The fifth main makhraj is the Khayshum (the nasal passage)

This makhraj does not have a sub-makhraj

Only one letter comes from it which is (al Ghunna )

Please Note: The Ghunna always comes with the letter (م)

and the letter (ن). The duration for Ghunna is two harakat. If you close your nose you will not be able to

pronounce the Ghunna The Ghunna is very strong when the letter (م)

or (ن) have a shadda on it. When these two letters have any other harakat

(including sukoon in some circumstances), they still have Ghunna but not as strong as it is with the shadda.

A diagram showing the ghunnah with the letter (ن)

A diagram showing the ghunnah with the letter (م)

A diagram showing the ghunnah with the letters ( م،ن )

Examples of Ghunna with the letter (ن)

Noon with shadda

Pى جBفuE لن BٱتE B (ن uPكB) 10:9عBيم EمP (نE۞ وPل ل Pس PهE لل ) 8:43ٱ Noon without shadda

Pم JبhذPعJ اءJ (نوPي PشP فPعJ عBن۞ مP) 48:14 ي RشP EذBى ي ل ۥدPهJ نٱ ذPا

) BهB BذRن Bإ BالE ب 2:255Pۦإ اءP أ Pا شPذB JمE إ هJ (ن۞) ث Pر P80:22ۥش (۞

سJو Pر� PرBي (ر � ك كBي69:40ر RسBم RوP ��ا۞) أ P (ج ب PرR � ذPا مPت )90:16ر

Examples on Ghunna with the letter (م)

Meem with shadda

P Rي ل PخPافBى مhٱفBى مP ) 28:7( وPالP تJ � وPعPلPىtu أ ر مP مhمEن۞

J �� مEعPكP وPأ ج �

RمJهJعh JمPت ن P11:48(س Jه Pر PنشP اءP أ Pا شPذB JمE إ ۥ) ث ۞)80:22 ( Meem without shadda

RرP BحBجPارP مBت �يهBم ب جhي مhر Bن س� EهJ) 105:4(ر ب Pر EنB BهBم۞ إ Bي مR ب ب PخE B ل PوRمPئ � ي ر � ر

)100:11BيهBدRهP ي Pس (۞RمJهP Pال BحJ ب JصRل JهJمR وPي ل BخRدJ فPهPا مJ وPي EرPع PةE ن PجR ل ٱ

JهP PعRل47:5P-6 (مRل EهJ ي لل Pٱ) و ۞Jم JمPو RمJ Pك Eب PقPل Jمت uك RوPى ) 47:19 (مPRث

Practice with Ghunna

Surat At-Takathur Surat An-Nas


How many sub–makhrai are there in the tongue? And how many letters in total?

What is/are the letter/s that come out from the deepest part of the tongue and what lies opposite to it on the roof of the mouth (the soft and hard palate)?

There are two letters articulated from the tip of the tongue and what lies opposite it at the gum in two different sub-makhraj. What are they?


What is makhraj of the letters ( ،ط، د?(ت

Why is the letter (س) different to the letter (ث); and the letter (ز) different to the letter (ذ)?

What should we be careful about when we read a long vowel preceded by the letter (م) or (ن)?