Week 4 editing (for blog)

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Week 4 editing (for blog)



Shot/Reverse Shot

Dramatic Meaning

Links together two characters, often in conversation.


A shot is taken over the shoulder of one of the characters to show the other character speaking. The next shot is of the same type but the other way round. These shots are then taken together and used in a conversation sequence to provide a break from shots showing the characters the two characters together.

Eyeline Match

Dramatic Meaning

Can be used for audiences to possibly empathise with a particular character.


A type of edit which cuts from a character to what the character is looking at.

Graphic Match

Dramatic Meaning

Smoothens the transition, but can be used for metaphorical associations.


An editing effect in which two different objects of the same shape dissolve from one into the other.

Action Match

Dramatic Meaning

Adds variety and dynamism.


Usually referred to as match-on-action- the actions of a character are continued in the following shot.

Jump Cut

Dramatic Meaning

Jump cuts are used expressively, to suggest the ruminations or ambivalences of a character. Jump cuts draw attention to the telling such a story.


A type of editing which breaks the continuity of the viewing experience.


The process of editing from one simultaneous scene to another and then usually back to the original scene.

Dramatic Meaning

The two actions and characters are linked together in some capacity.

Parallel Editing

Dramatic Meaning

Strictly speaking this differs from cross-cutting in the sense that instead of cuts occurring simultaneously to one another it is instead over time.


A type of editing which allows two or more possibly connected stories in a text to run at the same time. Scenes are not necessarily simultaneous.


A cut with an instantaneous distancing from the previous shot, though of the same object or character. The new shot is not one seen in the master shot.

Dramatic Meaning

The two actions and characters are linked together in some capacity.


A cut to a close-up of something that is seen in the master shot.

Dramatic Meaning

The two actions and characters are linked together in some capacity.



Long Take

Dramatic Meaning

Decisively influences a film’s rhythm. Depending on how much movement is included, a long take can make a film tense, stagnant and spell-binding, or daring, flowing and carefree

Short Take

Dramatic Meaning

Often used to demonstrate a sense of pace or action

Slow motion

Dramatic Meaning

Heightens emotions


Dramatic Meaning

Condenses the time- can heighten emotional states


Dramatic Meaning

Can be used to increase tension