week 20 january 17-21 - Springfield Public Schools 20 jan 17-21again.pdfTuesday, January 18 Math...

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Transcript of week 20 january 17-21 - Springfield Public Schools 20 jan 17-21again.pdfTuesday, January 18 Math...

5th Grade Standard-Based Lesson Plans For the Week of January 17-21 , 2011

5th Grade Lunch this year is 11:45-12:30

RBL (Recess Before Lunch)That means at 11:45, you will walk my students down the fire escape in a line all the way to the south playground. When you are sure there is a supervisor to watch them, you may go to lunch. At 12:30, you will pick students up in the cafeteria and walk them quietly back to class.

Monday, January 17 No SchoolDIBELS MOY TESTING This Week!Tuesday, January 18 Math Topic 9 TestTuesday, January 18 Theme Test 3 AssessmentWednesday, January 19 QAR Book Study begins 7:00 a.m.Wednesday, January 19 1 hour math collaboration 5th grade 9:15-10:15Wednesday, January 19 Board Office Writing Workshop Session 4:00-6:00Thursday, January 20th Reading Night 5:00-6:30Thursday, January 20th Meeting with advocate for Rileigh 3:15

I will have a pre-conference with Karen Vogt this week.

I have duty on Thursdays at 8:05 (outside south playground or inside in the gym)

I have bus 78 duty on Tuesdays at 3:00. However, every day at 3:00, I walk my students all the way to the bus lines and around to the parking lot to make sure they leave safely.

Special Classes each Week.Mondays 1:45 PE2:15 Music Tuesdays 10:15 Music Wednesdays 1:45 PE Thursdays 10:45 Art Fridays 10:00 Lion’s Quest Lesson (not this week)11:15 Library


Monday, January 17thNo SchoolMartin Luther King, Jr. Observation


Tuesday, January 18thTeachers meets students on the asphalt or in the gym (if weather is bad).

My class now enters the door, goes down stairs, through the downstairs hall, and up the stairs to our classroom.

1. The principal’s announcements will come on first. She will lead the Pledge . 2. Lunch count. As students enter the classroom, they take their lunch clothes pin and place it on hot lunch, cold lunch, or brought my lunch today. After everyone arrives I fill out lunch slip, and put slip on clip outside our classroom door for the cafeteria lady. 3.Take Attendance- I do attendance on the computer. A substitute will be given a paper attendance sheet to complete and send to the office.

Bell Work:As students enter the classroom, they will pick up a math paper to work on while I do attendance and lunch count. Today’s bellwork is a review test for Topic 9.(We have Music at 10:15)

8:45-10:00 Reading Workshop Mini Lesson: 1.Review the 4 types of Questions.

Right There Questions: "Right There" questions require you to go back to the passage and find the correct information to answer the question. These are sometimes called literal questions because the correct answer can be found somewhere in the passage. "Right There" questions sometimes include the words, "According to the passage…" "How many…" "Who is…" "Where is…" "What is…"

Think and Search Questions: "Think and Search" question usually require you to think about how ideas or information in the passage relate to each other. You will need to look back at the passage, find the information that the question refers to, and then think about how the information or ideas fit together. "Think and Search" questions sometimes include the words, "The main idea of the passage…" "What caused…" "Compare/contrast…" Author and Me Questions: "Author and You" questions require you to use ideas and information that is not stated directly in the passage to answer the question. These questions require you to think about what you have read and formulate your own ideas or opinions. "Author and You" questions sometimes include the words, "The author implies…" "The passage suggests…" "The speaker's attitude..,"

On My Own Questions: "On My Own" questions can be answered using your background knowledge on a topic. This type of question does not usually appear on tests of reading comprehension because it does not require you to refer to the passage. "On My Own" questions sometimes include the words, "In your opinion…" Based on your


experience…" "Think about someone/something you know…"

Read from The Unhuggables. Then ask four questions and ask students to identify the type of question.

Part 2: Students will be taking the Theme 3 Test today.Worktime:1. Students will work on the Theme Test for Theme 3 during worktime.

2. Students will be given time to read their Just Right Books and write in their Reading Response Notebooks about what they are reading. They should also fill out their Reading Log, which is kept in their FROG Notebook.

Language Arts Goal 1: Read with understanding & fluency Learning Standard C: Comprehend a broad range of reading materials Benchmark: Read independently for 30 to 40 minutes daily Body of Knowledge: Choose appropriate textApply comprehension strategies Wrap Up..Students will gather on the carpet to wrap up today’s Reading Workshop. We will share our first tall tale graphic organizer. Reading Workshop Standards: Language Arts Goal 4: Listen and speak effectively Learning Standard A: Listen effectively in formal and information situations Benchmark: Listen for a variety of purposes

10:15-10:45 Music Class....walk class to the music room on our floor. Pick them up and walk them back to class when music is over.

10:45-11:45 Math Block Math Block

First, we will go over the review test for topic 9 together.

Then time will be given to students to take their Topic 9 test.


Math Standards for Topic 9

Goal 6 Uses knowledge of numbers and applies computation strategies

Goal 8 Uses number patterns and applies strategies to represent problems

11:45…Lunchtime…We are now doing RBL (recess before lunch) so you will walk the students down the fire escape in a line all the way to the south playground. When you see a supervisor, you may go to lunch.

12:30….Pick class up at their table in the cafeteria and walk them quietly back to class.

12:30-1:15 Writing Workshop Mini Lesson: No mini lesson today.

Some students will be typing their invention essays on the laptops.

Some students will be finishing writing their invention essays.

Some students will be working on their Thomas Edison assignments.

Some students will be writing in their Writerʼs Notebooks using their January Calendar of Ideas.

Worktime:Students will be working on a variety of assignments as stated above.

If they finish, they may write in their Writer’s Notebooks.

Language Arts Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes Learning Standard C: Communicate ideas in writing to accomplish a variety of purposes. Benchmark: Write for a variety of purposes and audiences Body of Knowledge: Write a variety of genres: descriptive or expository, personal or


expository essay, narrative, research report, persuasive essay, or poetry.

1:15-1:30Calendar Math Daily Math Components Part 1: Today’s Fact Family Discussion

Part 2: January Calendar Math

1. Record Daily Decimal, Fraction, & Percent… 2. Daily Calendar Pattern discussion-The January calendar has a variety of quadrilaterals. We will be discussing and sorting the quadrilaterals by the following attributes: sets of parallel sides, right angles, and congruent (equal) sides. The quadrilaterals on our calendar this month include: trapezoids; rectangles, rhombuses, and squares 3. Factor Guys: Each day we will add a factor guy. The factor guy’s legs will have any factors the number has. Each factor guy has a hat: a crown for Factor guy 1 b. Day 1:ecause he is special. The rest of the numbers have a prime or composite hat. Finally, a few factor guys are square.

4. Measurement We will add an inch each day. We will record our answers as inches as well as fraction of a foot. When we reach a foot we will record our answers as a mixed number also.

5. Graphing:We are going to be looking at square numbers and making a graph for each one: day 1: 1x 1 = 1 day 2: 2 x 2 = 4day 3: 3 x 3 = 9day 4: 4 x 4 = 16day 5: 5 x 5 = 25day 6: 6 x 6 = 36day 7: 7 x 7 = 49day 8: 8 x 8 = 64day 9: 9 x 9 = 81

Math Goal 6A2: Uses pictures, objects, words, and symbols to show whole numbers to 100,000,000; fractions, including mixed and improper, and decimals to ten thousandths Daily decimal & fraction counting tape:


Math Goal 6A3: Compares and orders whole numbers to 1 million; decimals to thousandths and fractions through 12’s, including a combination of fraction & decimal numbers

1:30-1:45 Math Facts Practice Day 2: White Board Activities: We will work with unlike denominators and multiples today.Introduce this weekʼs word wizard words from Babushka Baba.

1:45-2:15 Word KnowledgeIntroduce the new Word Wizard Words for Babushka Baba Yaga. Words.




Part 2: Go over this weekʼs spelling list

Todayʼs spelling assignment is 5x each

Word Knowledge Benchmarks: Language Arts Goal 1: Read with understanding and fluency Standard A: Apply word analysis & vocabulary skills to comprehend selections Benchmark: Use vocabulary skills to read & understand age-appropriate text. Body of Knowledge: Read & Understand: multiple meaning words, homophones, antonyms, compound words, synonyms, homonyms, idioms, word


families, meaning-based analogies, and a variety of resources to determine and clarify meanings of unfamiliar words.

2:15-2:45Social Studies

Todayʼs Assignment:Students finished Chapter 8 last week. Today students will take the Chapter 8 Test. They may use their books to take this test. They may not work with a partner.

Social Studies Standards & BenchmarksGoal 14: Understands political systems, with an emphasis on the United States.Learning Standard A/C: Understands and explains the basic principles of the United States Government and rights and responsibilities of citizens. Learning Standard B: Understands the structures and functions of the political systems of Illinois and the United States. Learning Standard D: Understands the roles and influences of individuals and interest groups in the political systems of Illinois and the United States.Learning Standard F: Understands the development of United States political ideas and traditions. Goal 15: Understands economic systems, with an emphasis on the United States. Learning Standard A: Understands how different economic systems operate in the exchange, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Goal 16: Understands events, trends, individuals, and movements shaping the history of the United States.Learning Standard A: Applies the skills of historical analysis and interpretation. Learning Standard B: Understands the development of significant political events.Learning Standard C: Understands the development of economic systems.Learning Standard D: Understands Illinois and United States social history.Goal 17: Understands world geography and the effects of geography on society, with an emphasis on the United States. Learning Standard A: Locates, describes, and explains places, regions, and features, on the earth.

2:45... Students fill out their Assignment Notebooks.

Students gather their materials to go home and come sit on the carpet. This is my teacher read aloud time.

3:00...We walk students through the upstairs hallway and down the stairs at dismissal so they will go in an orderly manner. Walk students all the way to the bus lines.


Wednesday, January 19

8:25 bell...Teachers meets students on the asphalt or in the gym (if weather is bad). My class now walks in the door, goes down the stairs, through the downstairs hallway and then up two flights of stairs to our classroom.

1. The principal’s announcements will come on first. She will lead the Pledge . 2. Lunch count. As students enter the classroom, they take their lunch clothes pin and place it on hot lunch, cold lunch, or brought my lunch today. After everyone arrives I fill out lunch slip, and put slip on clip outside our classroom door for the cafeteria lady. 3.Take Attendance- I do attendance on the computer. A substitute will be given a paper attendance sheet to complete and send to the office.

Bell Work-As students enter the classroom, they will pick up bell work which is a topic 5 review test.

8:45-10:00 Reading Workshop Mini Lesson: Right There Questions: "Right There" questions require you to go back to the passage and find the correct information to answer the question. These are sometimes called literal questions because the correct answer can be found somewhere in the passage. "Right There" questions sometimes include the words, "According to the passage…" "How many…" "Who is…" "Where is…" "What is…"

Think and Search Questions: "Think and Search" question usually require you to think about how ideas or information in the passage relate to each other. You will need to look back at the passage, find the information that the question refers to, and then think about how the information or ideas fit together. "Think and Search" questions sometimes include the words, "The main idea of the passage…" "What caused…" "Compare/contrast…" Author and Me Questions: "Author and You" questions require you to use ideas and information that is not stated directly in the passage to answer the question. These questions require you to think about what you have read and formulate your own ideas or opinions. "Author and You" questions sometimes include the words, "The author implies…" "The passage suggests…" "The speaker's attitude..,"

On My Own Questions: "On My Own" questions can be answered using your background knowledge on a topic. This type of question does not usually appear on tests of reading comprehension because it does not require you to refer to the passage. "On My Own" questions sometimes include the words, "In your opinion…" Based on your experience…" "Think about someone/something you know…"

I will read from the nonfiction book, The Unhuggables, and then ask 4 QAR questions and have students identify the correct type.


Part II:Test Practice: Students should bring their reading books to the carpet.

First, reread to students the brief selection we did last week called Spies.

1. Point out what brave thing Mary Redmond did on p. 334I and 334 J. The passage starts with “The city was honeycombed with spies......”

2. Point out what dangerous things John Darragh did on 334 J and the passage finishes at the top of 334 K. It begins with, “Elsewhere in Philadelphia.....”

3. Point out what remarkable things Dicey Langston did starting on 334K with “Further south......” and ends on 334L.

Tell students that they are are learn 3 steps for writing a personal response today. Have them turn to 334N.

Read and discuss together pages 334N and 335.The 3 steps that should be emphasized are: 1. Understand the question.2. Get ready to write and make a chart3. Write your response using details from both of your lists.

Worktime: 1. Students will do #249 and 250 Test Practice

2. When finished, students will read their Just Right Books and write in their Reading Response Notebooks. They should also fill out their Daily Reading Log.

Language Arts Goal 1: Read with understanding & fluency Learning Standard C: Comprehend a broad range of reading materials Benchmark: Read independently for 30 to 40 minutes daily Body of Knowledge: Choose appropriate text Apply comprehension strategies Self-monitor reading Wrap UP...I will wrap up today’s Reading Workshop on the carpet. Language Arts Goal 4: Listen and speak effectively Learning Standard A: Listen effectively in formal and information situations Benchmark: Listen for a variety of purposes


10:00-10:15Word Knowledge 1. Review Word Wizard Words

2.Word Wall-no new words this week- Just review this week

3.Spelling Assignment: ABC order Word Knowledge Benchmarks: Language Arts Goal 1: Read with understanding and fluency Standard A: Apply word analysis & vocabulary skills to comprehend selections Benchmark: Use vocabulary skills to read & understand age-appropriate text. Body of Knowledge: Read & Understand: multiple meaning words, homophones, antonyms, compound words, synonyms, homonyms, idioms, word families, meaning-based analogies, and a variety of resources to determine and clarify meanings of unfamiliar words.

10:45-11:45 Math Block

1. Go over spiral review from this morning

Begin Topic 10First, show Topic Opener for Topic 10

10-1Develop the Concept: Interactive (20 minutes) in TE 256B

Engage: 1. Topic Vocabulary--Review vocabulary on our Math Focus Wall2. Set the purpose & Connect in TE 256B

Explore: Together: on overhead 256B

Summarize: Partners or teacher will share some of the things they learned

Develop the Concept: Visual (25 minutes)

Engage: view animation (Learning Bridge Clip) using the LCD projector.


Important Note: If the classroom teacher is absent during the Learning Bridge, please do not try to use our LCD Projector. This same learning is also pictured in their textbooks at the beginning of this lesson at the top of the page. The class can discuss it without the LCD.

Explore:Guided Practice on overhead p. 257 #1-6; if needed do p257 #9-25

Summarize: Independent Practice:Reteaching worksheet 10-1

Close/Assess & Differentiate:

Centers: Review game procedures with students

Centers:Students will play the 10-1 math games with a partner Teacher will work with an intervention group.

Math Standards for Topic 10Goal 9 Uses knowledge of geometric figures and explains similarities and differences

11:45…Recess is now before lunch.Walk students down the fire escape in a line to the south playground. When you see a supervisor you may go to lunch.

12:30…students will be at their table in the cafeteria. Walk them back to the classroom quietly.

Wednesday afternoons

12:30-1:15Writing Workshop Students will be working on different things.


Some students will be typing their invention essays.

Some will be finishing writing their essays.

Some will be working on their Thomas Edison projects.

Some will be using their January Writing Ideas Calendars to write in their Writerʼs Notebooks.

Worktime:1. Students will be working on a variety of writing projects.

2. When finished, students can use their January Writer’s Notebook Calendar Ideas for their Writer’s Notebook.

Language Arts Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes Learning Standard B: Compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes and audiences Benchmarks: Write to maintain focusWrite to maintain support/elaboration Write to maintain organization Performance Task: Daily writing in Writer’s Notebook

Have kids pack up and then be dismissed from one of the classrooms.

1:15-1:30Calendar Math Daily Math Components Part 1: Today’s Fact Family Discussion

Part 2: January Calendar Math


1. Record Daily Decimal, Fraction, & Percent… 2. Daily Calendar Pattern discussion-The January calendar has a variety of quadrilaterals. We will be discussing and sorting the quadrilaterals by the following attributes: sets of parallel sides, right angles, and congruent (equal) sides. The quadrilaterals on our calendar this month include: trapezoids; rectangles, rhombuses, and squares 3. Factor Guys: Each day we will add a factor guy. The factor guy’s legs will have any factors the number has. Each factor guy has a hat: a crown for Factor guy 1 b. Day 1:ecause he is special. The rest of the numbers have a prime or composite hat. Finally, a few factor guys are square.

4. Measurement We will add an inch each day. We will record our answers as inches as well as fraction of a foot. When we reach a foot we will record our answers as a mixed number also.

5. Graphing:We are going to be looking at square numbers and making a graph for each one: day 1: 1 x 1 = 1day 2: 2 x 2 = 4day 3: 3 x 3 = 9 day 4: 4 x 4 = 16day 5: 5 x 5 = 25day 6: 6 x 6 = 36day 7: 7 x 7 = 49day 8: 8 x 8 = 64day 9: 9 x 9 = 81

Math Goal 6A2: Uses pictures, objects, words, and symbols to show whole numbers to 100,000,000; fractions, including mixed and improper, and decimals to ten thousandths Daily decimal & fraction counting tape: Math Goal 6A3: Compares and orders whole numbers to 1 million; decimals to thousandths and fractions through 12’s, including a combination of fraction & decimal numbers

1:30Flash Card Day for Daily Math Facts

1:45-2:15 PE


Walk students to the gym for PE.

At 2:15, walk them back to the classroom.

2:15-2:45Social Studies Begin Chapter 9 Lesson 1 Read 296 to 301 in social studies books.Students should complete workbook page 72.Students should pick 6 yellow vocabulary words. They should look them up in the back of their social studies books and write their definitions. When finished, they should staple their words to their workbook page and turn it into the homework basket.

Social Studies Standards & BenchmarksGoal 14: Understands political systems, with an emphasis on the United States.Learning Standard A/C: Understands and explains the basic principles of the United States Government and rights and responsibilities of citizens. Learning Standard B: Understands the structures and functions of the political systems of Illinois and the United States. Learning Standard D: Understands the roles and influences of individuals and interest groups in the political systems of Illinois and the United States.Learning Standard F: Understands the development of United States political ideas and traditions. Goal 15: Understands economic systems, with an emphasis on the United States. Learning Standard A: Understands how different economic systems operate in the exchange, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Goal 16: Understands events, trends, individuals, and movements shaping the history of the United States.Learning Standard A: Applies the skills of historical analysis and interpretation. Learning Standard B: Understands the development of significant political events.Learning Standard C: Understands the development of economic systems.Learning Standard D: Understands Illinois and United States social history.Goal 17: Understands world geography and the effects of geography on society, with an emphasis on the United States. Learning Standard A: Locates, describes, and explains places, regions, and features, on the earth.

2:45Students will complete their daily planners while I write all of todayʼs assignments on the ELMO. Then students will need to pack up their belongings and come sit on the carpet.

This is my read aloud time.

3:00…Walk students down the stairs. Remind them that we walk on the right side of the hallway and stairs. We also hold the rail on the stairs and take one step at a time. Teachers are to walk students all the way to the bus lines.


Thursday, January 20 I have duty at 8:05 in the gym!8:25 bell...Teachers meets students on the asphalt or in the gym (if weather is bad). My class now walks through the door, down the stairs, through the downstairs hallway and up the stairs to our classroom. 1. The principal’s announcements will come on first. She will lead the Pledge . 2. Lunch count- As students enter the classroom, they take their lunch clip and put it on hot lunch, cold lunch, or I brought my lunch today. While they are working on their Bell Work, I fill out a lunch slip and put it outside our classroom door on the clip. 3.Take Attendance- I do attendance on the computer. A substitute will be given a paper attendance sheet to complete and send to the office.

Bell Work On the way into the classroom, students will pick up our morning bell work which is math spiral review.


Reading Workshop Mini Lesson: Right There Questions: "Right There" questions require you to go back to the passage and find the correct information to answer the question. These are sometimes called literal questions because the correct answer can be found somewhere in the passage. "Right There" questions sometimes include the words, "According to the passage…" "How many…" "Who is…" "Where is…" "What is…"

Think and Search Questions: "Think and Search" question usually require you to think about how ideas or information in the passage relate to each other. You will need to look back at the passage, find the information that the question refers to, and then think about how the information or ideas fit together. "Think and Search" questions sometimes include the words, "The main idea of the passage…" "What caused…" "Compare/contrast…" Author and Me Questions: "Author and You" questions require you to use ideas and information that is not stated directly in the passage to answer the question. These questions require you to think about what you have read and formulate your own ideas or opinions. "Author and You" questions sometimes include the words, "The author implies…" "The passage suggests…" "The speaker's attitude..,"

On My Own Questions: "On My Own" questions can be answered using your background knowledge on a topic. This type of question does not usually appear on tests of reading comprehension because it does not require you to refer to the passage. "On My Own" questions sometimes include the words, "In your opinion…" Based on your experience…" "Think about someone/something you know…"


I will read from the nonfiction book, The Unhuggables, and then ask 4 QAR questions and have students identify the correct type.

Part 2:Students should bring their reading books to the carpet.

We will read and discuss: Games of Young America on pp 330-333. We have emphasized Following Directions in this theme. This is a great selection for that.

Worktime... 1. Students will tell in their own words how to play each of the 3 games in the above article. Games of Young America p. 330-333 Name___________________In each box below summarize in your own words how to play each game.

Marbles or “Ring Taw”



Eleven Men’s Morris

2.When finished, students read their Just Right Books and they may write in their Reading Notebooks about what they are reading. They should also fill out their Daily Reading Log in their FROG Notebook.

Language Arts Goal 1: Read with understanding & fluency Learning Standard C: Comprehend a broad range of reading materials Benchmark: Read independently for 30 to 40 minutes daily Body of Knowledge: Choose appropriate text Apply comprehension strategies Modify/Clarify strategy

Wrap Up--I will sum up what we did in Reading Workshop today.. Language Arts Goal 4: Listen and speak effectively Learning Standard A: Listen effectively in formal and information situations Benchmark: Listen for a variety of purposes


10:15-10:45Word Knowledge

1 We will review our Word Wizard Words for the test tomorrow. (They are on our Word Wizard Wall)

2 Then the class will play Sparkle to review for our spelling test tomorrow. (We do this on the carpet. Boys and Girls go separately-while one is doing it, the other is the audience. We get it down to 2 semi-finalists for boys and for girls and then they compete against each other.)

Word Knowledge Benchmarks: Language Arts Goal 1: Read with understanding and fluency Standard A: Apply word analysis & vocabulary skills to comprehend selections Benchmark: Use vocabulary skills to read & understand age-appropriate text. Body of Knowledge: Read & Understand: multiple meaning words, homophones, antonyms, compound words, synonyms, homonyms, idioms, word families, meaning-based analogies, and a variety of resources to determine and clarify meanings of unfamiliar words

Art 10:45-11:45...walk students down to the art room in the basement. 11:45…..Walk students from the art room outside to the playground. When you see a supervisor you may take your lunch.

12:30…Pick up class in the cafeteria at their lunch table and walk them back upstairs quietly.

12:30-1:30Writing Workshop Students will be working on a variety of projects today.

Some will be typing their invention essays.Some will be finishing writing their essays.Some will be working on their Thomas Edison projects.Some will be writing in their Writerʼs Notebooks using January Calendar of Ideas.


Worktime:Students will work quietly.

If they finish they can write in their writer’s notebooks for January.Language Arts Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes Learning Standard B: Compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes and audiences Benchmarks: Write to maintain focus Write to maintain support/elaboration Write to maintain organization Performance Task: Daily writing in Writerʼs Notebook

1:15-1:30Calendar Math Daily Math Components Part 1: Today’s Fact Family Discussion

Part 2: January Calendar Math

1. Record Daily Decimal, Fraction, & Percent… 2. Daily Calendar Pattern discussion-The January calendar has a variety of quadrilaterals. We will be discussing and sorting the quadrilaterals by the following attributes: sets of parallel sides, right angles, and congruent (equal) sides. The quadrilaterals on our calendar this month include: trapezoids; rectangles, rhombuses, and squares 3. Factor Guys: Each day we will add a factor guy. The factor guy’s legs will have any factors the number has. Each factor guy has a hat: a crown for Factor guy 1 b. Day 1:ecause he is special. The rest of the numbers have a prime or composite hat. Finally, a few factor guys are square.

4. Measurement We will add an inch each day. We will record our answers as inches as well as fraction of a foot. When we reach a foot we will record our answers as a mixed number also.

5. Graphing:We are going to be looking at square numbers and making a graph for each one: day 1: 1 x 1 =1day 2: 2 x 2 = 4; day 3: 3 x 3 = 9; day 4: 4 x 4 = 16


day 5: 5 x 5 = 25day 6: 6 x 6 = 36day 7: 7 x 7 = 49day 8: 8 x 8 = 64day 9: 9 x 9 = 81

Math Goal 6A2: Uses pictures, objects, words, and symbols to show whole numbers to 100,000,000; fractions, including mixed and improper, and decimals to ten thousandths Daily decimal & fraction counting tape: Math Goal 6A3: Compares and orders whole numbers to 1 million; decimals to thousandths and fractions through 12’s, including a combination of fraction & decimal numbers

1:30-1:45Daily Math Facts PracticeGame DayStudents can play War with decks of cards.


Math Block First go over spiral review for today.

Main Math Lesson......Lesson 10-2Lesson 10-2Develop the Concept: Interactive (20 minutes) in TE 260B

Engage: 1. Topic Vocabulary--review vocabulary on our Math Focus Wall2. Set the purpose & Connect in TE 260B

Explore: Together: on overhead 260B

Summarize: Teacher will sum up what students will be learning today.

Develop the Concept: Visual (25 minutes)


Engage: view animation (Learning Bridge Clip) using the LCD projector.

Important Note: If the classroom teacher is absent during the Learning Bridge, please do not try to use our LCD Projector. This same learning is also pictured in their textbooks at the beginning of this lesson at the top of the page. The class can discuss it without the LCD.

Explore:Guided Practice on overhead p. 260

Summarize: Independent Practice:Reteaching worksheet 10-2

Close/Assess & Differentiate:

Centers: Review game procedures with students

Centers:Students will play the 10-2 math games with a partner that directly relates to their score on the Quick Check. Teacher will work with an intervention group.

Math Standards for Topic 10

Goal 9 Uses knowledge of geometric figures and explains similarities and differences

2:45: Students will write all assignments in their assignment planner as the teacher writes them on the big screen.

Students then pack up their belongings and join teacher on the carpet.

This is my teacher read aloud time.


At 3:00 bell, walk class through the upstairs hall, down the stairs, out onto the asphalt and all the way around the building past the bus lines to the parking lot.


Friday, January 21st8:25 bell...Teachers meets students on the asphalt or in the gym (if weather is bad). Students are walked in the door, down through the downstairs hallway and up the stairs to our classroom. The principal’s announcements will come on first. She will lead the Pledge . Lunch count. As students enter the classroom they put their lunch clips on hot lunch, cold lunch, or I brought my lunch. While they are working on Bell Work, I fill out the lunch slip and put it outside the door on our clip Take Attendance-I do attendance on the computer. A substitute will be given a paper attendance sheet to complete and send to the office.

Bell Work- Students will pick up our bell work for today as they enter the classroom, which is a math spiral review.

No Lion’s Quest Today

8:45-10:00 Reading Workshop Mini Lesson: Right There Questions: "Right There" questions require you to go back to the passage and find the correct information to answer the question. These are sometimes called literal questions because the correct answer can be found somewhere in the passage. "Right There" questions sometimes include the words, "According to the passage…" "How many…" "Who is…" "Where is…" "What is…"

Think and Search Questions: "Think and Search" question usually require you to think about how ideas or information in the passage relate to each other. You will need to look back at the passage, find the information that the question refers to, and then think about how the information or ideas fit together. "Think and Search" questions sometimes include the words, "The main idea of the passage…" "What caused…" "Compare/contrast…"

Author and Me Questions: "Author and You" questions require you to use ideas and information that is not stated directly in the passage to answer the question. These questions require you to think about what you have read and formulate your own ideas or opinions. "Author and You" questions sometimes include the words, "The author implies…" "The passage suggests…" "The speaker's attitude..,"

On My Own Questions: "On My Own" questions can be answered using your background knowledge on a topic. This type of question does not usually appear on tests of reading comprehension because it does not require you to refer to the passage. "On My Own" questions sometimes include the words, "In your opinion…" Based on your experience…" "Think about someone/something you know…"

I will read from The Unhuggables and then ask four QAR questions for the students to identify.


Part 2:Use short text on p. 306-309 In Their Own Words in our reading book. Read and discuss this text together deeply. Worktime:

1. Students will use a QAR graphic organizer to write the various type of questions based on the text we just discussed called In Their Own Words.

2 Students will read their Just Right Books and write in their Reading Response Notebook. They should also fill out their Reading Log in their FROG Folder today.

Language Arts Goal 1: Read with understanding & fluency Learning Standard C: Comprehend a broad range of reading materials Benchmark: Use reading strategies before, during, and after reading Sharing...I will wrap up what we did today in Reading Workshop. Language Arts Goal 4: Listen and speak effectively Learning Standard A: Listen effectively in formal and information situations Benchmark: Listen for a variety of purposes

10:15-10:45 Word Knowledge

1 Students will take their final spelling test. (If we ran out of time yesterday, we will need to play Sparkle before the test)

2 Students will take their weekly Word Wizard AssessmentWord Knowledge Benchmarks: Language Arts Goal 1: Read with understanding and fluency Standard A: Apply word analysis & vocabulary skills to comprehend selections Benchmark: Use vocabulary skills to read & understand age-appropriate text. Body of Knowledge: Read & Understand: multiple meaning words, homophones, antonyms, compound words, synonyms, homonyms, idioms, word families, meaning-based analogies, and a variety of resources to determine and clarify meanings of unfamiliar words.


10:45-11:45 Math Lesson Math Block Go over spiral review from this morning first.

We have library from 11:15-11:30.

Main Math Lesson......Lesson 10-3

Develop the Concept: Interactive (20 minutes) in TE 262B

Engage: 1. Topic Vocabulary--Review vocabulary on our Math Focus Wall2. Set the purpose & Connect in TE 262B

Explore: Together: on overhead 262B

Summarize: Partners or teacher will share some of the things they learned

Develop the Concept: Visual (25 minutes)

Engage: view animation (Learning Bridge Clip) using the LCD projector.

Important Note: If the classroom teacher is absent during the Learning Bridge, please do not try to use our LCD Projector. This same learning is also pictured in their textbooks at the beginning of this lesson at the top of the page. The class can discuss it without the LCD.

Explore:Guided Practice on overhead p. 262 #1-4

Summarize: Independent Practice:p. 262-263 #7-21 odd and #30


Close/Assess & Differentiate:

Centers: Review game procedures with students

Centers:Students will play the 10-3 math games with a partner Teacher will work with an intervention group.

Math Standards for Topic 10Goal 9 Uses knowledge of geometric figures and explains similarities and differences

11:45-walk class down the fire escape in a line all the way to the south playground. When you see a supervisor, you may go to lunch.

12:30…Pick class up in the cafeteria at their lunch table and walk them back upstairs

12:30-1:15Writing Workshop

Students will be working on a variety of projects

Some will be typing their invention essays.Some will be finishing writing their invention essays.Some will be working on their Thomas Edison projects.Some will be writing in their Writerʼs Notebooks using their January Writing Calendars.

Language Arts Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes Learning Standard B: Compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes and audiences Benchmarks: Write to maintain focus Write to maintain support/elaboration


Write to maintain organization Performance Task: Daily writing in Writerʼs Notebook

1:15-1:30Calendar Math Daily Math Components Part 1: Today’s Fact Family Discussion

Part 2: January Calendar Math

1. Record Daily Decimal, Fraction, & Percent… 2. Daily Calendar Pattern discussion-The January calendar has a variety of quadrilaterals. We will be discussing and sorting the quadrilaterals by the following attributes: sets of parallel sides, right angles, and congruent (equal) sides. The quadrilaterals on our calendar this month include: trapezoids; rectangles, rhombuses, and squares 3. Factor Guys: Each day we will add a factor guy. The factor guy’s legs will have any factors the number has. Each factor guy has a hat: a crown for Factor guy 1 b. Day 1:ecause he is special. The rest of the numbers have a prime or composite hat. Finally, a few factor guys are square.

4. Measurement We will add an inch each day. We will record our answers as inches as well as fraction of a foot. When we reach a foot we will record our answers as a mixed number also.

5. Graphing:We are going to be looking at square numbers and making a graph for each one: day 1: 1 x 1 = 1day 2: 2 x 2 = 4day 3: 3 x 3 = 9day 4: 4 x 4 = 16day 5: 5 x 5 = 25day 6: 6 x 6 = 36day 7: 7 x 7 = 49day 8: 8 x 8 = 64day 9: 9 x 9 = 81

Math Goal 6A2: Uses pictures, objects, words, and symbols to show whole numbers to 100,000,000; fractions, including mixed and improper, and decimals to ten thousandths Daily decimal & fraction counting tape: Math Goal 6A3: Compares and orders whole numbers to 1 million; decimals to thousandths and fractions through 12’s, including a combination of fraction & decimal numbers


1:30-1:45Daily Math Facts PracticeStudents will take the weekly Quick Check

1:45-2:15We will need to use this time to finish math from this morning because we went to library.

If we are caught up we can use this time for social studies.Here are plans for social studies-if they are not used we will do this lesson next week.

Social StudiesLesson 2 Patriots at War p. 302-308 in social studies book.Students should complete workbook page 73.Students should look up 6 yellow vocabulary words for this lesson in the back of their social studies books and write the definitions on notebook paper. When they are finished, they should staple the definitions to their workbook page and turn it into the homework basket.

Social Studies Standards & BenchmarksGoal 14: Understands political systems, with an emphasis on the United States.Learning Standard A/C: Understands and explains the basic principles of the United States Government and rights and responsibilities of citizens. Learning Standard B: Understands the structures and functions of the political systems of Illinois and the United States. Learning Standard D: Understands the roles and influences of individuals and interest groups in the political systems of Illinois and the United States.Learning Standard F: Understands the development of United States political ideas and traditions. Goal 15: Understands economic systems, with an emphasis on the United States.


Learning Standard A: Understands how different economic systems operate in the exchange, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Goal 16: Understands events, trends, individuals, and movements shaping the history of the United States.Learning Standard A: Applies the skills of historical analysis and interpretation. Learning Standard B: Understands the development of significant political events.Learning Standard C: Understands the development of economic systems.Learning Standard D: Understands Illinois and United States social history.Goal 17: Understands world geography and the effects of geography on society, with an emphasis on the United States. Learning Standard A: Locates, describes, and explains places, regions, and features, on the earth.

2:15-2:45Weekly Cool Tool LessonReview hallways What does it look like?What does it sound like?

We will also use the class Situation Jar to discuss 5th grade issues.

2:45Students will fill out their Daily Planners while I record todayʼs assignments on the ELMO.

3:00 Dismissal Walk students through the upstairs hallway and the down the south stairs onto the blacktop. Teachers are to walk students all the way to the bus lines.

