Week 2 21/4 3.45-7.30pm 3 way conferences 2017 PREP ...€¦ · Anzac Day—public holiday Tuesday...

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Transcript of Week 2 21/4 3.45-7.30pm 3 way conferences 2017 PREP ...€¦ · Anzac Day—public holiday Tuesday...

The PURPOSE of Plenty Parklands Primary School is -

to educate children as lifelong learners to shape a better Australia.

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10

Principal’s Message

Principal - Claire McInerney Assistant Principals - Julie Nixon and Alison Devereux

Business Manager - Kristina Elvey 48 Blossom Park Drive, Mill Park, 3082 Phone: 9404 4311, Fax: 9404 4702

E-Mail: plenty.parklands.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.plentyparklands-ps.vic.edu.au

Congratulations to our year 5 and 6 students for their enthusiasm for, and participation in, our camps last week. As year 6 camp is to Canberra we are in the ‘public eye’ all the time and once again this year, our students’ behaviour and attitude received praise and recognition from members of the public and presenters at our venues. On both flights their manners and respectful behaviour was commented on by the crew and other passengers. The kids really got involved in the activities at each venue and asked some probing and insightful questions. Well done. Thank you and congratulations to the staff (PPPS and parent volunteers) who gave up time with their families to make it all possible. Thanks to Meg Seidel, our camp coordinator, Andrew Cavalieros, Emma Patterson, Kristy Caruso, Maria Stella, Joanne Magee, Michael Minas and Athena Dimitriou; we all had a great time and learnt a lot at the same time. Year 5 campers to Forest Edge came home with a similar story; kids were great and everyone had a great time. Their learning was more about meeting the challenge of each new activity and working with others, but the positive reports were the same. Thanks and congratulations to the staff (both PPPS and parent volunteers) for the success of the camp; we couldn’t do it without you. Thanks to Simon La Rocca, our camp coordinator, Seb Scanu, Kellie Goldspink, Katrina Gouramanis, Jacqui Coggin, Donna Lockett, Diana Mitrevski, Freda Lumani, Dani Krstevski and Af Hamka. Every camp staffer needed ‘a good lie down’ when they got home. Another fun option for our kids at lunchtime. Apart from play equipment made to measure for each age group, a sandpit that caters for the desire of some kids to dig and build, a sportsground that can hold as many games of football and soccer as we need, an ICT ‘open house on Tuesdays, a chess club on Mondays and the option of a board game, building materials or reading in the library, our preps to year 2’s now have the chance to enjoy dress ups and games in the Ruang on Wednesdays. Thank you to the staff who volunteer to

organise these opportunities in addition to their normal yard duty with the kids. Safety concern We think it is a great idea that kids are walking and riding to school on a regular basis and we hope that the Active Paths programs has encouraged more families to do just that. There is a danger, however, that we need to be aware of and to remind our kids about every day. We have been alerted by a neighbour of the danger they witness nearly every day as students ride their bikes on the footpath without regard to cars coming out of the driveways. We need to remind them that they have to slow down when approaching a driveway and check if a car is reversing. Often drivers will not be able to see children on bikes and find it incredibly difficult to stop if children seem to ‘appear out of nowhere’ when riding. So while we congratulate the students for riding we also need to remind them of this particular danger and to slow down and check all driveways. Principals message continued ……..


NOW BEING TAKEN If you are a member of our

school community and have a child commencing Prep in 2017 please come to the school office to collect an enrolment pack as soon as


Calendar of Events

Week 2

Thursday 21/4

3.45-7.30pm 3 way conferences

Friday 22/4 10.30am-3.45pm 3 way conferences—students only attend school for their conference

Week 3

Monday 25/4

Anzac Day—public holiday

Tuesday 26/4

Curriculum day—no school

Thursday 28/4

9.15-10.30am Tour of School & Chat with Principal

Week 4

Monday 2nd May

2-3.15pm Tour of School & Chat with Principal

Tuesday 3rd May

Mother’s Day Stall

6-6.30pm Volunteer Training

Wednesday 4th May

9.10-9.40pm Volunteer Training

Year 5 excursion—Werrribee Zoo

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10 Principal’s Message continued…..

I believe the zoo will never be the same after our year 2’s spent the day there last Friday. The kids were fabulous, the creatures pleased to see us and the staff and parent volunteers exhausted. Great day all round. We are also enjoying visits from people in the community who help us. Sound like a prep unit of work? You’re right. Last week, the police visited and this morning there was a fire truck in the car park. Fortunately it was for educational reasons and the kids learnt something while also enjoying their visit from our fire officers. Celebrating our values of caring and a fair go for all congratulations and thank you to two of our year 2 students and one little sister, Neve and Ghaanavy (both in 1/21) and Isla. Last Saturday after much preparation and

using inspiration from last year’s Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal, these girls held their first art exhibition. They created all their own artwork, organised the event, prepared and delivered their thank you speech and spoke to customers. All that commitment and persistence helped them raise $143.10 towards the Appeal. This may increase after their seven phone orders and three commissioned artworks. Thank you and congratulations for thinking of others, girls. Celebrating personal achievement this week, we congratulate sisters Cindy (5/3) and Jade (past student) who have been selected to perform with the Victorian Ballet Company in DON QUIXOTE. They are part of a small group of young dancers who will join the Company for performances in August.

Claire McInerney Proud Principal once again

Volunteers needed for Mother’s Day Stall

Tuesday 3rd May 2016

I would like to volunteer for the Mother’s Day Stall sales. Please tick preferred time below and return to the school office by Thursday 28th April, 2016: 9.00-10.40am ¨ 11.10-1.00 ¨ 1.50 – 3.30 ¨ Your name:…………………………………………………………………………………….Phone number:……………………………………… Youngest child’s name:…………………………………………………………………..Child’s home group:.................................

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10

YEAR 4-29 ASSEMBLY Year 4-29 5-Star Quality Learning Rap!

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10

EDUCATION WEEK—Let’s Go Fly a Kite!

Education Week will be held from the 15TH to the 21ST May. This year’s theme is: TECHNOLOGY, so at PPPS we will be investigating, designing and flying


During the week we will use our entire curriculum, reading, writing, art, maths, music and science to investigate various

aspects of kites. We will then design, create and of course fly, our kites. If there are any parents out there who have special kite flying interests or abilities we would love to hear from you. Please let the office know if this applies to you as we would love to tap

into your expertise.

OPEN EVENING TUESDAY 17TH MAY from 6.00-7.00pm will be our open evening. We invite families to visit the classrooms to assist your child to begin to create their kite which we will finish at school during

the week. We also have a special family poetry display for you to contribute to on the evening.

DRESS UP AND KITE FLYING DAY On Friday 20th May (wind permitting) we will have a whole school Kite Flying Day (more

details to follow) On this day students can dress up as something to do with Technology (computer, solar

panel, robot, scientist, kite OR they can dress up in the colours of their kite). Please make sure you mark all of these dates in your diaries and on your calendars and stay tuned

to future newsletters for more information.

It will be a fantastic week! The Education Week Committee

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10

Mini Beasts in 1-16 Butterflies have four wings and insects have six legs. A spider is not an insect – Alvin.

Bees make honey from flowers – Sia.

Male butterflies are more colourful than females – Arain.

Caterpillars go into a cocoon and a butterfly comes out – Sara.

Most insects have six legs. Some insects have three body parts – Rachel.

Most insects and bugs have six legs – Sam.

Bees only have one sting – Adam.

A male butterfly has more colours – Devdan.

Bees only have one sting. A wasp can sting many times – Aathana.

You might not know ants can bite you – Isabelle.

Flies have six legs – Anisa.

I did not find any bugs on our school safari walk –


Wasps can sting people many times – James.

A butterfly has four wings and drinks nectar – Luka.

I had a fun time when we picked up bugs – Esra.

A butterfly has four wings – Alessia.

Most insects have six legs – Cooper.

Ants have six legs. Male butterflies are colourful – Oliver.

Butterflies have four wings – Lucas.

Male butterflies are more colourful than the female. Bees die after they sting you – Caitlin.

Some spiders are venomous – Christian.

We went on a walk and I found a bug – Natalia.

When caterpillars are fat they make a cocoon and then they change into a beautiful butterfly –


Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10

Volunteer Helpers at PPPS

Please note that if you attended a training session in the past, you do NOT need to attend another one. ‘Once trained, we have you for life!’

For new volunteers we are offering two briefings this term

So that we can strengthen our interdependent partnership between Plenty Parklands school and the community we offer training sessions for parent and community members. Over the years our students have benefited from the work and dedication of hundreds of helpers. We are always ready and willing to welcome even more. You may be a new member of our community and keen to offer your help while also getting to know other community members.

The sessions will outline your role and responsibilities with regard to Privacy, Work Cover, Harassment and Occupational Health and Safety legislation. In line with our values, particularly those of Care, Trust and Respect, you will understand that the safety and care of your children are the most important considerations when implementing a program such as volunteer helpers. Also with legislation related to a range of issues it is imperative that ALL volunteers are briefed before they are able to help in any way at school. You need only attend one of the briefings.

This training includes everyone who would like to start to help in any or all of the following areas; canteen, Parents Social and Fundraising sub committee (PSF), interschool sport, uniform shop, classroom helpers (in any area of the curriculum), excursions, special event days, fun day at the end of the year, fruit distribution, gardening, sports coaching, P.E. programs such as the Prep Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) and any transportation of students. In fact, anyone who helps at the school in any way. Please note that helpers on school camps have a special briefing prior to camp. The dates for term 2 are: Tuesday 3 May from 6:00 to 6:30 or Wednesday 4 May from 9:15 to 9:45

Remember that you need to participate in a training session in order to help in any capacity at the school. The briefing takes about 30 minutes and will be held in the conference room (library) or staff lounge (staff room).

After completion of this short briefing, you will be welcome to help at PPPS at any time in the future in a ‘one off’ or ongoing situation.

Please see this invitation as an opportunity to get to know other members of our school community while also providing the students of PPPS with invaluable support and assistance.

Don’t worry; there are no hard questions to answer or problems to solve. You just need a willingness to help and we’ll do the rest!! We look forward to seeing you at one of these sessions. Please complete and return the slip below by Monday 2 May. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….

Volunteer Training I will be attending the training session on (Please circle):

Tuesday 3 May from 6:00 to 6:30 or Wednesday 4 May from 9:15 to 9:45

Your name: ………………………………………………….……………….………. Phone number: …………………………………………………..…. Youngest child’s name: ……………………………………………………………….……. Child’s home group: ………………………

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS: The school and the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT accept no responsibility for the goods or services offered in advertisements in this newsletter.

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10

LOST PROPERTY ROSTER Fri 22/4 Rosa Harrison

Fri 29/4 Kathy Filev


Fri 22/4 Rosa Harrison

Fri 29/4/ Catherine Norton

6-8 Jeryshan 6-7 James 6-2 Jesse 6-1 Rebecca

5-6 Bryce 5-5 Luca 5-4 Sharnequa 5-3 Cindy

4-32 Adem 4-31 Jaycob 4-30 Caitlin 4-29 Nikita

3-20 Christina 3-19 Lucas 3-18 Metin 3-17 Locha

2-28 Nimai 2-27 Om 2-26 Emily 2-25 Shivani

2-24 Ethan 1-23 Grace 1-22 Lucas 1-21 Chloe

1-16 Rachel 1-15 Koby

STUDENT OF THE WEEK The following students were presented on Monday 18th April


Term 2 April 25 No assembly—Anzac Day May 2 3-19 May 9 2-24 May 16 1-23 May 23 No performance— Report Writing Day May 30 5-3 June 6 P-9 June 13 No assembly— Queen’s Birthday June 20 2-26


1 - 23

Library donation Thank you to Daniel A (3-19) for his donation of books to our library.

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS: The school and the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT accept no responsibility for the goods or services offered in advertisements in this newsletter.

Don’t forget to swipe at the end to get a receipt number and confirm that payment has gone through.

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10 SPORT 5/6 SPORT PROGRAM 2016 Please see Mrs Elvey in the office if you have difficulties in paying for sport. Any parent who is available to attend the Intra School Sports Program (held at Epping Leisure City) between the hours of 9.00am and 11.30a.m, please see Mr Scanu URGENTLY! You can contact Mr Scanu directly on scanu.sebastian.s@edumail.vic.gov.au Interschool Sport Program - Round 1 Friday April 22nd is a BYE for PPPS due to camp this week


This year on Wednesday May 25 the annual district cross-country will be held at Bundoora Park from 9.30am-12.30pm. There will be

approximately 60 students representing PPPS. The squad is to be selected shortly and a permission note handed out. If you have

any questions relating to this event please ring the school and ask for Mrs Gatt on either Tuesday, Thursday or Friday on 9404-4311.

Below are the codes of behavoiur that we all must live by when attending games as a teacher, player or spectator. Plenty Parklands lives by this code when involved in any sporting event. If parents or friends of players come along as spectators please ensure that you live by the code of behaviour set out below. If you have a concern at any sporting event please see a staff member of PPPS or if present Mr Scanu or Mrs Gatt. At no time are you to approach opposing players, parents or staff from the opposing schools. Thank-ing everyone in anticipation of what will be an exciting and great winter sports competition. VICTORIAN PRIMARY SCHOOLS’ SPORTS ASSOCIATION- CODES OF BEHAVIOUR:

The codes of behaviour are put in place so that the sports played are enjoyed by all and that there are no misunderstandings as to

the roles that everyone has, who is involved in school sport.


Be a good sport.

Play for enjoyment.

Work hard for your team as well as yourself.

Treat all team mates and opponents as you enjoy being treated yourself. Play by the rules.

Control your behaviour on and off the field.

Learn to value honest effort.


Set a good example for your players.

Encourage and create opportunities to develop individual skills.

Teach a wide range of team skills.

Ensure that the sport is appropriate for the age group and the skill development of the players involved.

Teach your players to be friendly towards officials and opponents.

Give all interested students a chance to participate in training and in games.

Remove from the field of play any of your players whose behaviour is not acceptable.

Keep your own knowledge of coaching and the developments of the game up to date.

Team officials prohibit smoking during matches, pre-match preparation and post-match periods whilst in contact

with team members.


Encourage participation by your children

Provide a model for good sportspersonship for your child to copy.

Be courteous in your communication with players, team officials, game officials and sports administrators.

Encourage honest effort, skilled performance and team loyalty.

Make any new parents feel welcome on all occasions.

Do not interfere with the conduct of any events.


Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour.

Remember children play for enjoyment.

Don’t let your behaviour detract from their enjoyment.

Let game officials conduct the events without interference.

Support skilled performances and team play with generous applause.

Demonstrate respect for opposing players and their supporters. Physical Education & Sports Coordinator - Sebastian Scanu

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10

Entertainment book 2016/17

Plenty Parklands Primary School is pleased to be selling the 16|17 Entertainment

™ Memberships

as a fundraiser in 2016 – the Memberships are now available to purchase at the school office or online. You can choose between the traditional Entertainment

™ Book

or you can purchase the Digital Membership, which puts the value of the Entertainment

™ Book into your iPhone or Android smartphone, all for just $65!

The Entertainment

™ Memberships contain over 800 valuable up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for

many of the best restaurants, attractions, hotels and retailers in Melbourne. Each Membership sold raises $13 for Plenty Parklands Primary School to help us raise much needed funds. Please show your support by visiting the link below and purchasing your Membership today: www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/182g893 For any enquiries please contact: Antonella Azzopardi on 9404 4311 or azzopardi.antonella.a@edumail.vic.gov.au

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: April 21st 2016 Issue 10