We are going to die!

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of We are going to die!

PowerPoint Presentation

We are going to Die!By group 1


What is Extinction?

Extinction is a state when the entire population of a species no longer exist.

But since were talking about human extinction


Lets start withOverpopulation

Diseases and Viruses

Actual Footage

Nuclear War

DNA Degradation

Super Volcanic Eruptions

Asteroid/Comet Impact

Alien Invasion

Actual Footage

Global Warming

This clip aims to show the irresponsible acts of humans that tend to speed up Global warming.

Habitat Destruction

It is true that everything has an end, but every end is a new beginning as well; the end of the night is the beginning of the day, the end of the winter is the beginning of the spring, and the end of life is a beginning of another life, it can be an awful life and it can be a good one, it depends on what youve done in your previous life.