Wattle Grove Primary School - Expert Review Group Team Visit

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Wattle Grove Primary School - Expert Review Group Team Visit

Expert Review Group VisitWattle Grove Primary School

Director, Cheryl Parkin and Deputy, Andrea White, with Director, Jim Bell speaking to staff and Principal, Jason Romeo looking on .

Director, Cheryl Parkin also speaking to staff

Deputy Principal, Andrea White watching students using laptops in Room 21

Year 4 student Francis showing off his Maths prowess to Director, Mrs Parkin

Year 4, Room 21students talking to Director, Jim Bell about their literacy skills

Mr Romeo talks to students from Room 21 about the experiment they were demonstrating

Mrs Parkin visiting Room 15, Year 6 with Mrs Lowther

Mr Romeo visiting the Year 3’s in Room 16 with Mrs Szczepanik

Mrs Parkin in Year 4, Room 17 with Mr Petch

The ERG Team also visited other Rooms and Learning Blocks , during

their time at Wattle Grove….