Wattle Grove Primary School - Super Science Challenge 2016


Transcript of Wattle Grove Primary School - Super Science Challenge 2016

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All students from Year 1 to Year 6 participated in the challenge, by researching an experiment or topic to present to their class.

Then 2 students were chosen from each class to present to the year level, to decide which one would represent that year and present their project at a whole school science assembly.

There has been lots of science and excitement happening around the school in the last 2 weeks and this coming week it is the Super Science Assembly.

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This Year 1 is doing an experiment with the aid of his teacher, to see if you can use vinegar and Bicarb to burst open a sealed zip lock bag.

It got awfully tight , but not quite to bursting in the time I was watching…

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Steven in Year 6 is doing a similar experiment this time trying to launch a film canister into the air using vinegar and an Alka-Seltzer tablet to create a gas under pressure.

You have to be quick or you lose all the fizz before you get the lid on. Needs a bit of practise to get it right…

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In this experiment, Paul is doing the old egg in the jar experiment. How do you get a hard boiled egg into a jar with a narrow neck. Paul managed to do it twice. The harder part was getting the egg out afterwards.

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Here is a bit more fizz!! Adding an Alka-Seltzer tablet to a bottle of coke. Adding a balloon quickly will inflate it if you are quick enough…

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Fiona is doing a mixing colours Experiment.

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Maddison is making Oobleck with corn flour and water. It is interesting as it thickens under pressure and then returns to liquid once the pressure is released…

Scientists call it a Non-Newtonian Fluid…We will add more photos from the Super Science Assembly,later this week…THE END