Walt disney series vi

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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The wonderful story of Tarzan slided here. Read it through. Answer the questions and listen to the music. Watch the film.

Transcript of Walt disney series vi

Walt Disney Series VI


Babu Appat

Walt Disney Series VI


Walt Disney Series

In this series I will tell you some stories

Selected from world classics.It’s to improve your

Language skills, Listening skills, Narrative skills, Vocabulary, and Comprehensive abilities

Please Read On…

Deep in the African Jungle, high in a tree-house, Kala the ape found an odd looking

baby with no fur.

The baby’s parents had been killed by Sabor the leopard.

The same leopard had recently taken Kala’s own baby.

Kala could see that the baby needed someone to love and care for him, and she decided that she would be that someone. She would be his mother.

Kala took the baby to her family group, but Kerchak, the leader of the guerillas, said, “You have to take it back.

It’s not our kind.” “But he needs me.” said Kala. “Sabor killed his family.”

Kerchak agreed to let Kala keep the baby. Kala smiled.

“I know he’ll be a good son.” she said. “I said he could stay,” said Kerchak. “That doesn’t make him my son.”

Kala named the boy Tarzan. He grew up strong and curious and loved to mimic all the animals. He also came up with his own sound, his special Tarzan yell.

One day, Tarzan’s best friend, Terk, dared him to pull a hair from an elephant.

As Tarzan approached the herd, a young elephant called Tantor mistook him for a piranha. He panicked and scared the other elephants.

The elephants stampeded – right through the gorillas’ feeding grounds.

The stampeding elephants almost trampled a baby gorilla and Kerchak was furious.

“What happened?” he said. “It was my fault,” said Tarzan. “It was an accident.”

“you’ll never learn to be one of us,” said Kerchak. “Because you never give him a chance,” said Kala.

“Look at him,” replied Kerchak. “He will never be one of us.”

Tarzan was hurt by what Kerchak said, but Kala reassured him. “Inside we’re the same,” she said. “Kerchak just can’t see that,”

“I’ll make him see it,” said Tarzan. “I’ll be the best ape ever.” And Tarzan saw to it that he was.

Over the years he worked hard to learn skills from all jungle animals.

And one day, when Sabor the leopard attacked the guerillas, it was Tarzan who saved Kerchak and the rest of the family from the vicious cat.

The guerillas had barely recovered from the shock of Sabor’s attack, when they heard the sound of gunshots.

They fled into the jungle, but Tarzan decided to investigate. He followed the sound and was amazed by what he found – creatures who looked like him.

Tarzan watched the creatures, and saw one of them upset a family of baboons.

When the baboons started chasing her, Tarzan swung through the trees to her rescue.

Tarzan was curious about this strange creature who seemed so much like himself. He held his hand up to hers and studied it closely.

And Jane Porter, who had come to Africa with her father to find and study apes, was just as curious about this strange wild man as he was about her.

Kerchak told Tarzan to stay away from the humans.

“They won’t harm us,” said Tarzan. But Kerchak insisted. “Protect your family. Stay away from them,” he said.

Meanwhile, Jane was telling her father and Clayton the hunter about Tarzan.

Suddenly, Tarzan dropped into their camp from the treetops above.

Clayton looked at the strange half-man, half-ape and started to hatch a plan.

Kala realised that it was time to tell Tarzan about his real parents and he decided he would go to England with the humans.

But he said to Kala, “No matter where I go, you will always be my mother.”

On board the ship, Clayton revealed his evil plan to Tarzan.

He was going to capture the apes and sell them.

When Tarzan revealed what was going to happen to his family, he let out a cry of despair.

Back in the jungle, Tarzan’s friends, Tantor and Terk heard his cry and knew he was in trouble.

They swam to the boat and helped him escape.

Tarzan and his friends raced back to the jungle to help the gorillas.

Clayton aimed his gun at Tarzan and prepared to shoot, but Kerchak charged at the hunter and was hit,

Tarzan grabbed Clayton’s gun and smashed it. As the two men fought in the treetops, Clayton stumbled and fell to his death.

“Forgive me” Tarzan said to Kerchak.

“No,” said Kerchak, “Forgive me for not understanding you. Take care of the family, my son.”

Sadly, he said goodbye to Jane. But as the boat was rowed away from shore, Jane realised she couldn’t leave either.

She leapt into the water and rushed to Tarzan.

About the Story:

Tarzan ("...the Apeman") is a fictional character, an archetypal feral child raised in the

African jungles by the Mangani "great apes"; he later experiences civilization only to largely reject it and return to the wild as a heroic

adventurer. Created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan first appeared in the novel Tarzan of the

Apes (magazine publication 1912, book publication 1914), and then in twenty-five sequels, three authorized books by other

authors, and innumerable works in other media, authorized and not.

Answer these Questions:

Who’s the Mother of Tarzan? Who’s Kerchak? Who’s Tantor and Terk? Who’s Jane Prter?

