Wallwisher presentation

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Wallwisher presentation

By: Elmostafa Omarakly

What is wallwisher?

Wallwisher is like a ‘virtual sticky’ notice-board in which you can post stickies with text images, links to websites and even videos so that any one or only restricted people can view it and/or post to it.

How to use wallwhisher?The first step is to register

• You can create your own wall by clicking on ‘build a wall’.

•Click on the top to add a title and add a sub title.

Click to select an image.

•Go to preferences: choose who can view your notes and who can poste new sticky notes.

Finally,You may choose any background that you want and click on done.

• Once the wall is created, you just double click on it to add a sticky note. You can add your name, a short message, and a link to an image or online video.

•When you have finished click on ‘ok.

How to use this with students?

Video tasks:

We can create videos and get students to post responses to the wall by leaving it open for everyone to contribute.

Image based tasks:

We can post an image and get students to post responses to the wall by leaving it open for everyone to contribute.

Theme based wall:

We could give students a theme and get them to create their own walls based around that theme.

Vocabulary walls:we can create vocabulary walls and get students to talk about a certain picture/ theme using the vocabulary related to the same issue using different terms.

Grammar walls:

We can create grammar walls and get students to post what they know and examples of different verb tenses or grammar points.

Create debate: You can use the wall to create debates through posting

your opinions and get students to respond.

Share resource links:

You can use the wall to collect and share resources.

Fun walls:

We could get students to create fun walls based around a favourite band or celebrity.

Wishing walls: We could even get students to post their wishes on it

using third conditional.