Wall to Wall Learning - BETT · Cool Computer! The computer changed the world a lot! Good Job!...

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Transcript of Wall to Wall Learning - BETT · Cool Computer! The computer changed the world a lot! Good Job!...

Wall to Wall LearningCollaborating and Sharing Student Digital Creations

Gareth Hancox – Pheasey Park FarmTwitter@garethhancox

Dr David Whyley – Whytek ConsultingTwitter@davewhy

Whoosh … where has it gone???

• Lots of digital work gets created

• But…..

• Where does it end up?

Whoosh … where has it gone???

• Or sent to an old server…

• To die!!!

Whoosh … where has it gone???

• Or if you are lucky –

• Sent to “Cloud” storage to be seen by a few invited others…

How highly is digital work valued?

Is the reason that Ed. Tech. is not valued as highly as traditional written work -

because it is hidden and rarely assessed???

Digital Glass Ceiling???How can we break through to impact directly on standards??

We hope to share with you how to…

• uplift the value of Ed Tech work in your school

• make your digital work valued

• make your digital work visible to all

• develop effective peer assessment

• collate whole school work

• support whole school moderation of standards

• enable collaboration in real time

• nurture collaborative problem solving

We wanted to transform…

• Book trawls for standards

• Subject coordinator moderation

• Traditional corridor and classroom displays

Which technology did we choose?

Our living display…


Meta-cognition and self-regulation


Digital Technology


… From wherever you log on…

Input and organise…

From classroom to….. ….living display

Scenarios for use…

Living Display Canvas

Whole School Theme for all


Subject based

Poetry or story Writing

Year Group IPC Theme

Moderation of whole

school wwok

Collaboration with other


Whole School Collaboration - Digital Safeguarding

Whole School Collaboration - Digital Safeguarding

Poetry English - Multiple class

Poetry English - Multiple class

Poetry English - Multiple class

Teacher Use – Whole School Fraction Moderation

Going Global – Collaboration with New Brunswick

Class 3AR Projects

Keira:I made this invention because i thought it would be interesting to make a project that was the first step for apple.

Kemeece Thompson:I made this invention because it was interesting and fun.

Ethan Meeson:I made this invention because it was interesting to research.

Joel Green:I made this invention because it is my favourite vehicle. Sienna Panesar:

I made this invention because it shows good effects and it was fun to make! Light bulbs are a very important invention.

Rosie Ettrick:I made this invention because my step granddad gave me the idea. Without the needle we wouldn't be able to have clothes.

Conor Flanagan:I made this invention because I like rockets and they helped to experience the moon.

Madison Hupfield:I made this invention because it is a really good invention. People can travel in trains.

Jamie Johnson:I made this invention because my great great great great great great granddad invented it to help people in the war.

Alfie Hadley:I made this invention because it was interesting. If we didn't have a rocket we wouldn't be able to experience space.

Max Rollings:I made this invention because it was the first invention to send messages.

In 1829, there was a competition to build something more useful. The winner was George Stephenson's Rocket, which could pull passenger trains at 50km per hour.

Before the development of the steam-train, it took 12 days to travel between Edinburgh and London on horseback. The Flying Scotsman took just 8 hours to travel the same distance.

Ella Smith:I made this invention because it was interesting to research. T.V helps us experience the world.

Nice Ipod! It looks very very real! It did change

the world. -Darla

Cool Computer! The computer changed the world a lot! Good Job!

Great needle! Very small invention but had very big

impact on the world.

Thomas Edison would be proud of that light bulb.

Good Job!

That rocket is out of this world! The rocket helped

us get to space

Great computer!! Looks awesome!!

Great Project! Looks very real!!

I like trains, They are fun to ride in! They helped us

do a lot of things.

George's first locomotive went at only 4 mph.

It pulled wagons weighing 30 tons!

James Watt invented the steam


Class 3LB Projects

Chrisopher Fletcher Rocket I chose this invention because you get to learn more about space.

Millie George Mobile PhoneIf no one had a mobile phone they wouldn't be able to communicate with each other.

Lily SmithRocket I chose a rocket because it helps people learn new things about space.

Rosie BeresfordLight blubI chose this invention because I think it is a really good invention.

Phoebe Griffiths XrayIt helps doctors to get people better.

Nevaeh Tyler Mobile phone Without this invention they would not be able to get hold of people without being with them in person.

Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb, he also invented early versions of mobile phones and the digital camera.

Ellis HarrisSpace shuttleI chose the invention because it goes into space.

Tyson Clive Rocket I wanted to do a rocket because you can explore space with it.

Until 12th April 1981 all spacecraft were designed to be used only once. The Space Shuttle, was designed to be reused for up to 100 visits to space, to make it cheaper.

Hadassah CarteriPad I chose this because the man who created it created all the Apple devices.

Scott EggintonTelevision I wanted to do this invention because you get to know what is happening all around the world.

Daniel EarlTelephone I chose this invention because I think it is interesting.

Louise James Rocket It helps people learn more about space and I like space.

Joseph CaseyLaptopI chose this because it helps me do my homework and learn new things.

Rhianna Smith PlaneI chose it because people use it to get to places around the world.

Isabelle StokesTelevision I chose this invention because I use it nearly every day.

The first X-ray is one he took of his

wife’s hand

1st hospital X-rays were of a kidney


and a penny lodged in a child's throat

In 1942 the German V2 was the first rocket to

reach 100km

the Earth’s surface (the boundary of space).

to send humans to an asteroid by 2025 and to the planet Mars in the


The U.S. National Space Policy of 2010 set out

goals for space exploration;

The iPad allows us to access all the information

in the world very easily

A computer is a machine that takes input from the

user and gives output.

The first words ever said on a telephone


“Mr Watson, come here. I want to see you.”

Class 3DR Projects

William Elkes Mobile phone It is more than just a telephone. You get to play games on it and I enjoy using it. Adam Gorani

I chose this invention because when I am older I want to be able to fix things and the rocket inspires me.

Scarlette I chose this if you want to explore space you can use the rocket to travel.

Bethany Allmark It is an important invention to help with transport.

A compass is a tool for finding direction. A simple compass is a magnetic needle mounted on a pivot. The needle, which can spin freely, always points north. To use a compass you need to line up the needle with North.

A compass works because Earth is a huge magnet. A magnet has two main forces, called poles—one at each end. Lines of magnetic force connect these poles. Bits of metal near a magnet always arrange themselves along these lines. A compass needle acts like these bits of metal. It points north because it lines up with Earth's lines of magnetic force. A computer is a machine that takes input from the

user and gives output. So, you give the computer a

command and it follows it to produce a result.

In 1833, Charles Babbage invented all the parts a modern computer uses, but it wasn’t until 120 years later that the first modern computers were invented

Computers have a microprocessor that can make calculations instantly. Lots of things have

microprocessors, such as your car, your washing machine, your dishwasher and even your television.

ShiloIt helps us to research and find new information.

Computers have memory or RAM, which stores items on the computer when they’re not in use. The processor stores

everything your computer needs to run.

Daniel CoppI chose this invention because my dad is a good navigator on the compass. It helps you travel.

Joe Bisseker It helped people listen to the radio and provides wifi.

Thomas Cartwright I chose this because when I am bored I can watch the television to entertain myself.

The Vikings invented a kind of sun compass to help find their way. At night they watched the skies and could use the position of the stars to determine which direction they were heading.

Tillie Devaney Telephone - It helps to communicate and rather than travelling a long way away you could get in touch with people on the telephone.

Joe BissekerIt helps with space exploration.

Ryley GibbonsIt helped to explore Space.

Rockets need so much fuel in order to overcome Earth’s gravity. Only when they reach a speed of 28 000 km an hour are they travelling fast enough to enter orbit.

If you let the air out of a balloon, the air goes one way and the balloon moves in the opposite direction. Rockets work in much the same way. Exhaust gases coming out of the engine nozzle at high speed push the rocket forward.

As computers run, they get hot. Computers have fans to keep them cool.

The first computer was an abacus. Invented in Babylon in 500 B.C.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone

Inventions That Changed The World Inventions that changed the world.....

Year-3 Project BriefMake a model of an invention that you think has made a big difference to the world we all live in ...

Which of these inventions do you think has changed the world the most?Write your answer and explain why.Write a sentence evaluating the model.

Which of these inventions do you think has changed the world the most?Write your answer and explain why.Write a sentence evaluating the model.

Which of these inventions do you think has changed the world the most?Write your answer and explain why.Write a sentence evaluating the model.

In 1924 JOHN LOGIE BAIRD MANAGED TO TRANSMIT THE FIRST FLICKERING IMAGE ACROSS A SHORT DISTANCE. 1925 he managed to transmit the first television picture with a gray-scale image in his laboratory. He was so excited that he ran to a shop across the street and convinced a boy to be part of his television transmission.

In 1895, William Roentgen, a 50-year-old German professor of physics noticed that electromagnetic rays were able to pass through material.

Global Use – Inventions that have changed the world

Collaboration CharacteristicsCommunication Characteristics

• Speaking

• Listening

• Questioning

• Presenting (making a pitch)

• Persuading

• Negotiating

Social and Organisational Characteristics

• Turn Taking

• Team Working

• Self organising

• Project managing

• Re-working

• Concluding

• Decision making

Emotional Characteristics

• Politeness

• Self Confidence

• Self Belief

• Befriending

• Expressing feelings

• Reflecting

• Respecting

• Empathising

Peer Review and Student Collaboration

Pheasey Park Farm Ofsted R. I. to Good• Teachers have good subject

knowledge and use it to plan lessons that pupils find interesting and enjoyable.

• Teachers’ questioning supports pupils’ learning well. It probes and checks understanding and makes pupils think for themselves.

• Technology is used effectively to develop collaboration between pupils.

The Most Important Things…

• Always find out where your children’s digital work is saving to

• Find a way of making your children’s digital work visible

• Ask yourself – how am I marking or assessing digital work in my school?

• Does the technology in my school support collaborative working?

• Do you encourage peer review ?

• Are you using digital work to develop social and emotional capabilities?

What can you do???

• How could you showcase digital work in your corridors or shared areas ?

• Find an old projector and whiteboard and move it into a corridor or entrance hall.

• Get classes to collaborate onto a shared document using O365 or Google Docs

• Use the document to collate work using the different scenarios – Moderation – Whole School Themes – Subject Focus etc.

• Place a paper flip chart next to the screen or projected image to collect peer review comments

Wall to Wall LearningCollaborating and Sharing Student Digital Creations

Gareth Hancox – Pheasey Park FarmTwitter@garethhancox

Dr David Whyley – Whytek ConsultingTwitter@davewhy