Vortex Flow Technology

Post on 05-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Vortex Flow Technology

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


     Yokogawa Corporation of America

    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    Vortex Flow Technology

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    Corporate Brand

    The acute angle and sharp straight edges of the top half of the

    diamond symbol represent Yokogawa’s cutting-edge technology while

    the gentle curvature of the bottom half represents the warm-hearted

    nature of Yokogawa’s people. By balancing these two elements,

    Yokogawa aims to contribute toward the realization of a thriving

    global society in much the same way as the sun. This property is

    reflected in the bright yellow of the diamond.  !orporate trademark since "ctober #$%&

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation


     Yokogawa designs

    first Vortex meter 


    Dual piezoelectric



    First industrial

     Y!F"# released


    First $%& inc'

    Vortex flowmeter 


    1$($$$ units

    installed )*+,-


    First .+mart/

    Vortex flowmeter 


     Y!F"# 1$$0

    ,merican made


    ass Y!F"#


    History of YEWF! Vortex




    .+,5/ flowmeter 

    "##"$igital YEWF!

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    roduct "ine3*p

    • Semi-conductor andbiotech industries• Electropolished

     7-15Ra finish

    ig' ressure Design

    ig'3urit Design

    • 1500# & 2500# flange


    Dual +ensor Designs

    • Redundant sensors for 

     critical applications

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    rinciple of #peration

    he analog! of a golf ball mo"ing through the air is useful

    in describing "orte formation$

     % slo mo"ing putt barel! displaces

    the molecules of air 

    he higher "elocit! of a chip shot

    causes irregular eddies to form behind

    the ball

    he "elocit! associated ith a dri"e is

    sufficient to cause a strong' regular 

    "orte formation behind the ball

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    rinciple of #peration



    (orte formation inclouds blon b! a

    mountain top is an

    eample from nature of

    the "orte phenomenon

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    7/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    rinciple of #peration

     "ig't 4reeze 3 "aminar flow(

    no :ortices formed

    ;5 < $3&$$$

     +tiff 4reeze 3 ransition flow(

      irregular :ortex formation

    ;5 < &$$$32$$$$

     +trong wind 3 ur4ulent flow(  regular :ortex pattern

    ;5 < =2$$$$

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    8/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    %rinciple of !peration

    )hen a floing medium stri*es a non-streamlined bluff ob+ect'

    it separates' mo"es around the ob+ect and passes donstream, %t the point of contact ith the ob+ect' "orte sirls separate from the

    bod! on alternating sides, his separation causes a local increase

    in pressure and a decrease in "elocit! on one side and a decrease

    in pressure and an increase in "elocit! on the opposite side, he

    alternating "elocities generate alternating pressure forces on either side

    of the bluff bod!, he freuenc! of these pressure changes is

    proportional to "elocit!,

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology

    9/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation


    +witc'ed >apacitor  Y!F"#

    +'edder ?ar 

    @ntegral Diap'ragm


    Typical Vortex &ensors

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    10/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

     % pie.oelectric cr!stal

    con"erts a mechanical stress

    into an electrical pulse, he

    cr!stals are hermeticall!sealed and not in contact ith

    the process,

    /r!stal %



    lo hits the shedder bar' separates

    and due to the shape of the bar'

    forms "ortices, he "ortices create

    an alternating pressure differential

    across the bar, he bar is ph!sicall!stressed toard the lo pressure

    side of the bar,


    *niAue +ensor Design

    ow Does @t !orkB

    ' (

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology

    11/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    rinciple of #peration

    he arman "orte freuenc! 3f4 is proportional to the "elocit! 4"4,

    herefore' it is possible to obtain the flo rate b! measuring the arman

    "orte freuenc!$

    f St 6"d8

    here$ f arman "orte freuenc!

      St Strouhal number 6constant8

    " (elocit!

    d )idth of "orte shedder 6constant8

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    12/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

      What is &tro'hal ('m)er*


    • he Strouhal number is the ratio beteen the "orte inter"al and the

    shedder bar idth• 9suall! the "orte inter"al 6l8 is about : times the shedder bar idth

    6d8' hile the Strouhal number is the reciprocal "alue 6;0,178• )hen the Strouhal number is fied' the "elocit! can be measured b!

    counting the number of "ortices

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    13/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

     Sensor %ssembl!








    // D=%E

    AER@E>/ SE%=

    /%D %SSE@=


    >BS9=%B 9>BC8

    @E%= 9E

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology

    14/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation




    etal Disc

    etal u4e

    etal late

    .#/ 5ing +eal

    +olid etal

    +'edder ?ar 

    Bo thin

    diaphragms to damage

    Bo ports to plug

    @ in ecess of  250 !ears

     *niAue +ensor Design

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    15/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    ,mplifier• 5emote a:aila4le

    Casket• ig' 5elia4ilit

    ?od• Full ,;+@ rating

    +'edder ?ar • +olid metal• 5ugged construction• ;o mo:ing parts


    "ocal @nterface

    ermeticall +ealed


    Field %ro+en ,echanical Constr'ction

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology

    16/42Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    Why are more 'sers applying Vortex*

    •  Improved Reliability•  (o -mp'lse ines to %l'g. Free/e. or eak 

    •  0ed'ced potential leak points

    •  Reduced Cost•  -n1line de+ice is cost1e2ecti+e in smaller lines

    •  0ed'ced maintenance3 (o imp'lse lines. (o %eriodicCali)rations 0e4'ired

    •  Can be applied in most applications where

      D!"ri#ce has traditionally been used•  "1wire $e+ice

    •  Applica)le to i4'id. 5ases and &team

    •  Wide Temperat're 0ange to 67" F 879# C:

    Vortex &impli;es -nstallation < 0ed'ces Costs

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    Vortex %erformance Bene;ts

    .igh /ccuracyG- 0,75H of reading 6liuid8

    G- 1H of reading 6gas' steam8 

    /utomatic 0as E1pansion Factor Correction% dramatically improves accuracy

     2emperature Compensation% eliminates ambient temperature e3ects on the

    analog output

     2urn Down% as high as 4567 provides accurate control over

    wider process conditions

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    • ;o start3up tuning

    •,d:anced self3diagnostics

    •arameter settings made simple

    •>ompact design

    •>lear( two3line displa

    Featuring Y#E#C,!,s new( proprietar

    digital signal processing tec'niAue

    ~Spectral Signal ProcessingSSP

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

     Adapti+e (oise &'ppression 8A(&:

    ending moment of shedder

    bar in lift force direction



    S B






    • %BS ta*es ad"antage of

    o*ogaaIs uniue dual

    sensor design

    • ! indi"iduall! anal!.ing the

    signal from each sensor %BS

    can deduce hich portion of

    the signal is flo and hich

    portion is noise,

    • >mpro"es signal to noiseratio

    • /ontinuousl! anal!.es the

    incoming signals and adapts

    to changing noise conditions

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    ; Spectral Signal DrocessingSSD





  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation



    Noise Ratio Setting











    C%E %RR%







    +ignal rocessing >ircuitr

    >n digitalE)=< the signal processing circuitr! is full! digiti.ed, his permits signal

    processing hich had been pre"iousl! performed b! analog circuits 6such as an adder'

    Schmitt trigger' and filter8 to be incorporated into a gate arra!' resulting in reduced parts

    and a donsi.ing of the con"erter,

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    E2ect of Vi)ration

    luid$ )ater 

    Si.e$ 50mm

    Setting$ ?efaultSpan$ 15 mKh 62 ms8

    (ibration$ 1C

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    ow Flow 0esponse

    luid$ )ater Si.e$ 50mm Setting$ ?efault

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    &impli;ed %arameter &ettings

    Fre+uently!used parameters grouped together in a +uick access (ormatdecreases commissioning time8

    HART Communicator Menu Tree for DYF

    1 Device Setup 1 Process Variable 1 lo! Rate cr

    " lo! Rate " lo! Rate #$% cr& Analo' (utput & Analo' (utput cr) lo! Span ) Total cr

    #* Temperature% cr#+ Densit,% cr

    1 Self- Test" Dia'.Service 1 Self- Test.Status " Status r

    " /oop Test

    & D.A Trim 1 Set Percent Mo0e r!) Scale0 D.A Trim " Set re2uenc, Mo0e r!* Test (utput & Set Status

    HART Communicator Menu Tree for DYF

    1 Device Setup 1 Process Variable 1 lo! Rate cr

    " lo! Rate " lo! Rate #$% cr& Analo' (utput & Analo' (utput cr) lo! Span ) Total cr

    #* Temperatur e% cr#+ Densit,% cr

    1 Self- Test" Dia'.Service 1 Self- Test.Status " Status r

    " /oop Test& D.A Trim 1 Set Percent Mo0e r!) Scale0 D.A Trim " Set re2uenc, Mo0e r!* Test (utput & Set Status

    & 7asic Setup 1 8as, Setup" Ta' r!& lo! 3nit 1 /i2ui05Volume

    ) lo! Span r! " 9as.Steam5Volume* Dampin' r! & /i2ui05Mass) 9as.Steam5Mass* 9as5STD.:ormal

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    (ew Compact Ampli;er Ho'sing

    9maller than Yew$o:E  1=#>Fewer parts (or improved reliability

    6"olume reduction8

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    Features G Functions +ummar

    •Bo start-up tuning  %utomaticall! selects the optimum settings - e"en in nois! en"ironments

    •=o flo stabilit!

     %ccuratel! senses "ortices at lo flo rate for stable' accurate flo measurement

    •ac*ard compatible

    he SSD amplifier can be retrofitted to pro"ide the best "orte flo measurementa"ailable toda!

    • %d"anced self-diagnostics

    Dro"ides diagnostic messages on high "ibration en"ironments' ecessi"e flo

    fluctuations' and clogging or plugging in the area around the shedder bar, %nal!sis

    of the process allos true condition-based maintenance

    •Simplified parameter settings

    reuentl! used parameters grouped together in a uic*-access format decreases

    commissioning time

    Features G Functions +ummar

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    Features G Functions +ummar

    •/lear' parallel to line =/? displa!

    ?ispla!s simultaneous flo rate and total along ith process diagnosis

      /onfigurable through displa! interface 6@@>8

    •Be compact amplifier housing

    =ighter' small and easier to handle design ith increased reliabilit! and performance

    •Simultaneous analog and pulse outputs

    •Status output 6flo sitch function8 or alarm output

    •R%>B' A%R and communications

    •)ide process temperature range

    Aigh temperature option to NJ2 deg, 6J50 deg, /8

    •Aigh accurac!

    G- 0,75H of reading 6liuid8

    G- 1H of reading 6gas' steam8

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    ,'lti1+aria)le ,ass VortexFlowmeter 

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    digitalYE*F)" ;ulti!variable ;ass

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation


    Multi-variable Option ~ Flow & Temperature 

    Built-in temp sensor rotected in shedder bar

    *- # deg ! li/uid0, *- 1 deg ! gas*steam02 3T+ t #4ohm

     Multi-variable option 5low 6 temperature values displayed

     +ual output flow7 pulse, temp7 8-190

     Steam mass flowrate calculation :ass flowrate calculated using steam table and measured

    temperature fi;ed pressure0

     *- 1< of rate accuracy

    R? sensor 

    Die.o sensors

    Shedder bar 

    di it lYE*F)"

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    digitalYE*F)" ;ulti!variable ;ass

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    -nstallation Considerations5eneral

    % %ipe orientation

    • Ensure that pipe stays (ull% ,eter orientation

    • Can be mounted in any direction

    % ,aterials of constr'ction

    • Ensure that material is compatible with process $uid% Heat of %rocess

    • Ensure proper meter selection (or process temperature

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    &'ccessf'l Vortex Applications


  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    %iping 0e4'irements

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

     %roper gasket selection and installation

    Correct I8D8 re+uired

    9el( Centering =Recommended>roper material

    roblems occur i(888 gasket is too

    small,gasket is de(ormed, has shi(ted

    position, or i( the mating pipe connection ismisaligned8?

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

      %ress're and Temperat're Taps

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


    Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    0elia)le Flow ,eas'rement &ol'tion

    Vortex has come a

    long way o+er theyear?

    @se Vortex as

    another owmeas'rementsol'tion? -t reallydoes Work

  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


  • 8/15/2019 Vortex Flow Technology


     Yokogawa Corporation of America

    Thank Yo'