Voluntaryism Pamphlet

Post on 20-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Voluntaryism Pamphlet

What is


Live, Love, Liberate

Let’s plant the seeds of freedom in our community by celebrating Voluntaryism Day on the last Monday of May!

If you are an individual who deals with people in the day to day by non-violent means, trade with others on a voluntary basis, share things willingly, allow others to think, act, or speak differently than you; if you feel that freedom is worth defending at any cost, if you feel there is value in the consideration and uplifting of others, if you feel that war is immoral, taxation is theft, if you look at the world around you and are confused and angry at the stark contrast between how the world is as you’ve experienced it versus how you’re told how the world is by governments, media, and by social institutions, chances are... you’re already practicing voluntaryism, and you didn’t even know it.

On Voluntaryism Day, help end statism by spreading awareness. Pass out fliers. Hold up signs. Show your community what a free and voluntary society looks like.

“Dissenting Electorate: Those Who Refuse to Vote and the Legitimacy of Their Opposition” by Carl Watner and Wendy McElroy

“Discourse on Voluntary Servitude” by Étienne de La Boétie

“Anatomy of the State” by Murray Rothbard

“Adventures in Legal Land” by Marc Stevens

“The Most Dangerous Superstition” by Larken Rose

“I, Pencil” by Leonard Read

“Everything Voluntary - From Politics to Parenting” by Skyler J. Collins

Get to know local Voluntaryists:Facebook.com/Groups/LiberateRVA/

Voluntaryism Day! Additional Resources:

For more information and to meet new friendscome join us at www.LiberateRVA.com

What is Voluntaryism?Voluntaryism is everything the state is not. It is in fact the antithesis of the state and state action. It is a philosophy by which all human interaction is (and should be) undertaken and conducted on a non-violent, non-coercive, and voluntary basis. It is not business at the barrel of the ballot, the gun, the club, the taser, or the cage; it is people interacting and conducting themselves on a voluntary and discretionary basis. It is stability through plurality and the free market of ideas.

The voluntaryist recognizes, internalizes, and expresses to the world the maxim that the initiation of force against others is inherently at its core, short sighted, mutually demeaning and dehumanizing, and immoral.

What is sought through voluntaryism is not a Revolution; revolution is more of the same of what we have now on a rotational basis, but what the voluntaryist seeks rather is an Evolution by which humanity is able to manifest its potential and to freely grow past the psychologically indoctrinated need for institutions and for the regulation and control of human thought and human action.

As the butterfly grows and sheds its cocoon, it must break out so that it may fly, live, and be free.

- Panxer

The state is a group of individual people who advocate the initation of violence to solve personal and societal problems.

Number of human beings murdered by the U.S. government in the name of “war” since WWII: Over 30 million.

Percentage of human beings kidnapped and caged by the U.S. government for victimless crimes in the name of “criminal justice”in 2009: 86% of the federal prison population.

Amount of productivity, property, and wealth stolen by the U.S. government in the name of “taxation” in 2012: Over $5 trillion.

For more information: www.YouTube.com/LiberateRVA

Voluntaryism peacefully and vehemently rebukes and refuses to participate in the pervasive, coercive, and destructive nature of the state and its violent means of political action by encouraging individuals to critically, empirically, and objectively examine and challenge the baseline assumptions inherent in the politics of state and rejects the idea that using force against others as an offensive act of aggression, for whatever motive or necessity, undermines what it is to exist and what it is ultimately to be human beings.

Politicians’ hypocrisy, a floundering economy, an ever-growing prison population, the failing war on drugs, a broken educational system, corrupt police, and endless wars all left me wondering if there wasn’t a better way to approach meeting societal needs. As I listened to people on both sides of the aisle argue over who had the solution, I found myself entirely disillusioned by politics.

I had always understood parenting to be one of the most effective long-term strategies for implementing social change, but what I did not know was that parenthood would bring me to a radically different understanding of how humanity ought to interact with one another! Through my research on peaceful parenting and pedagogy, I discovered the philosophy of Voluntaryism. This framework brought me new insight and clarity into the problems I had felt so overwhelmed by before! Suddenly I understood why government repeatedly failed at what it claimed to be needed for, and what little it did accomplish was done inefficiently and often at a tragic cost. Slowly I opened my eyes to new possibilities and alternative solutions to problems I used to believe only government could handle.

In your hands you are holding the key to the door of your cage. I invite you to liberate yourself by engaging in a life-changing psychological evolution! Educate and empower yourself with the philosophy to peacefully change the world one mind at a time. - Katie Voluntaryist Testa

A Message to You: What is the State?