Volume XLVI - Issue 13

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Transcript of Volume XLVI - Issue 13




DECEMBER 6, 2013


By Cesar Azrak ‘16 Staff Writer !By the middle of 2011, the first signs of violence of what would become the longest period of civil dissent of the Arab Spring had begun. By now, over 2 mil-lion Syrians have fled the war-torn country, and over 100,000 have been killed, 11,000 of which are children. Most cities have no phone or internet ser-vices. Food and fuel are scarce, and most cannot afford the healthcare to take care of their injuries. Unfortunately, Syrians have suffered extremely in the dreary situation. The desire for an end to the war is high, but no resolution to the struggle is in sight. Meanwhile, the effects of

the war are thrown on the shoulders of the Syrian popula-tion. It is in this utter darkness that the locally known “Blue Marists” of Aleppo, a branch of the Catholic Marist order, take their stand as a light for thou-sands of people. They provide food, clothing, shelter, and edu-cation for hundreds of families. Aleppo, the second-largest Syr-ian city (after Damascus, the nation’s capital), has been the site of major fighting between rebel and government forces, and its inhabitants have become used to falling asleep to the sounds of gunfire and shelling, vastly inflated prices, and a deteriorating economy as re-sources are denied entry to the city and factories are looted.

These Marists came to Syr-ia over 100 years ago to teach the poor and minorities. Now, they take on the task of helping a people who could not survive without them, selflessly disre-garding the persecution their fellow Christians have suffered during the course of the war. This group needs our support, and we will be supporting them in a project called the “Moun-tain Basket,” which provides food for the needy. More in-formation on their work can be found in letters written by members of the group at www.maristsolidarity.net.au/newsfeed/entry/letters-from-aleppo-syria-a-country-in-cri-sis.


DECEMBER 6, 2013 Editor In Chief!

Andrew Cammon ‘14!

Layout Editor!Lucas McGartland ‘14!

Content Editors!Michael Herman ‘14!William O’Brien ‘14!

Eric Stange ‘14!

Faculty Moderator!Ms. Layton!


314.434.3690 ext. 221!!!!!

The Record Disclaimer!The Record is the official student publication of Saint Louis Priory School in St. Louis, Missouri. It is produced by students/staff mem-bers. Its purpose is to inform stu-dents of events in the community; to encourage discussion of local, national, and international issues; and to serve as a training ground for budding journalists, photogra-phers, and graphic designers. The Record accepts contributions from all members of the Priory commu-nity, including students, faculty, and alumni. The Record will not publish content considered legally unpro-tected speech, including but not limited to: libel, copyright infringe-ment, unwarranted invasion of pri-vacy, or material disruption of the educational process. Student editors apply professional standards to the production of the newspaper and are solely responsible for all con-tent, both explicit and implicit. Let-ters to the Editors are always ap-preciated. Feedback not intended for publication is also welcome.


By Cole Wagner ’14 STUCO Member-at-Large !Wrestling season began with a strong start this last Tuesday, showing some great individual success despite several gaping holes in the lineup (someone really needs to show Kevin Schilling how to use scissors properly). Despite suffering a few unfortunate losses to the throws of the Brentwood team, Priory's wrestlers continued to domi-nate, and kept the pressure up into their next match, taking

only two close losses against Principia. This past Tuesday has shown a lot of things about the Priory wrestling team; particu-larly that they have a lot to look forward to. We saw some great things at Brentwood, from new talent to Taylor Boyce's super-takedown; the work is definite-ly starting to pay off. Come out to the next wrestling meet this week, Fri-day and Saturday, at John Bur-roughs to see Priory compete for glory and honor in the old-est sport of them all!

"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."

Dress Down Day Benefits Great Cause

Wrestling Starts Up


"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."!


Flunk The Flying Monk: Jungle Energy Pt. 2By Fr. Ralph, OSB Monk !“Well, what’s the latest? Un-gloom me, Glory,” said Flunk. “A firm in Minnesota has made a major breakthrough in its production technology and now plants are being made that can produce Ethanol at mini-mum water-cost from waste.” “What kind of waste?” asked Flunk. “Brewery waste for a start. Soft drink/soda recycling-plant waste for another. And what’s more within a few years these plants can be set up in different parts of the country to make use of the left-over/waste from the local agricultural communities. Citrus from Florida, potatoes from Idaho woodchip and pulp waste from Oregon and Wash-ington State. And of course wherever there are breweries—and even flying monks drink beer regularly— there’ll be

brewery waste to convert.” “Well, old Glory, what’s on your mind for next year’s con-gress, since you seem to have it all worked out already?” said Flunk with a touch of excite-ment back in his voice. "This is how I see it.” said the Deacon-n e s s , “ T h e s e breakthroughs on waste manage-m e n t a n d ethanol produc-tion are huge, Flunk, don’t get me wrong. But, like Carver suggested in the quote, we’ve got to think bigger and be better stewards of our agriculture, or energy-culture if you like, at world level. We have to harvest jungle waste and, just as we reclaimed deserts where nothing grows we can start reclaiming parts of dense jungles in an orderly fashion for growing food.

Flunk, we really do have to learn to be better stewards of God’s good planet!” “So why Singapore?” asked Flunk. “Singapore is already a

global hub in a tropi-cal region. It’s also

just a stone’s t h r o w f r o m Malays ia . In Malaysia most

of the primary jungle is long gone. The jungle giants are

trees of the past. Where they used to grow now grows a lush teeming

supply of almost impene-trable vegetation. Because of the tropical climate it

grows non-stop all year round. It is a ready feedstock for ethanol just waiting to be harvested. And as the harvest is achieved the ground will be ready for the growing of edible crops to feed hungry people.

Domesticating this kind of sec-ondary jungle will be a world pilot-project and a kind of ap-prenticeship for becoming bet-ter, Carver-type farmers of the creator’s planet earth. We will be able to create crop-friendly areas of land from impenetrable jungle and at the same time create an ongoing access to energy that will gradually be-come affordable and, when p roper ly managed , inex-haustible.” “Gloria, you amaze me!” said Flunk, almost wordless in astonishment, “We’ve got the plan so lets get working and see if we can bring it off for Sep-tember 2014.” They downed their coffee refills, finished their third crois-sants, and set off to start work-ing on the pamphlets that they would need to sell their plan in the offices of the potentates who had been participants in the Cairo Congress.

NFL Preview: Week 14 By Patrick Millburn ‘17 Staff Writer !Seattle Seahawks (11-1) @ San Francisco 49ers (8-4) Peyton Manning is almost certainly going to be named the league MVP. It's common knowledge. What isn't common knowledge is who deserves to be second. The likes of Calvin Johnson, Drew Brees, Nick Foles (maybe), and Seahawks QB Russell Wilson would be worth a mention. If you had to pick a handful of defenses to stop Russell Wilson, wouldn't the 49ers be in that lot? A great secondary and two of the best linebackers in the league make up the core of the 3rd best de-fense in the NFL. Their passing

game, however, is not so top-notch. It has ranged from medi-ocre to awful over the course of this season but is showing some improvement. With the return of Michael Crabtree, the atten-tion won't only be on Anquan Boldin and Vernon Davis. On the other hand, the Seahawks are coming off a big win against the Saints. What was expected to be a highly compet-itive Monday Night Football game turned out to be a clinic on how to stop Drew Brees and Jimmy Graham. If you take a look at some of the 49ers losses this season (Panthers, Sea-hawks, Saints), they are against physical teams that limit San Francisco 's yards on the ground. Kaepernick has shown

he is capable of beating teams with his arm, but the Seahawks have the 2nd ranked defense overall and 1st against the pass. Their DBs will be more than capable of handling the 49ers receivers one-on-one.

27 - 13 Seahawks !Carolina Panthers (9-3) @ New Orleans Saints (9-3) Last week and this week are a big tell for New Orleans. After this game, we'll be able to see their true ability to compete against playoff teams. Last week they faced the Seahawks, the best team in the NFC. They only managed to put up 7 points against them, but it's under-standable as the Seahawks are 13-0 in their last 13 home

games (hinting that they are a force to be reckoned with if they get home field advantage in the playoffs). It'll be interest-ing to see Drew Brees try and bounce back against the best defense in the NFL. With 8 consecutive wins, Carolina is the hottest team right now. Their running game is flowing, Cam Newton is making big plays, and their top-ranked de-fense is one of the best in fran-chise history. They are also the last team to beat the Saints at the dome, sweeping them in their season series last year. For me this pick is by far the tough-est of the week. and even though the Saints, like the Sea-hawks, are undefeated at… continued on page 7


"Lead from the back — and let others believe they are in front."!

Crossword PuzzleACROSS 1. Jetty!5. A bed on a ship!10. Spar!14. Lasso!15. A drama set to music!16. Carve in stone!17. Ear-related!18. Mediator!20. Device!22. Preordain!23. Citrus drink!24. French school!25. Unfortunate!32. Girlfriend (Span-ish)!33. Angers!34. Clothe!37. Rend!38. Assail!39. Early 20th-centu-ry art movement!40. French for

"Summer"!41. Objectives!42. Poison!43. Unworthy!45. Sand bar!49. Caviar!50. Deluge!53. Walks unsteadily!57. Unmerited!59. Found in some lotions!60. Encounter!61. A river through Paris!62. Small island!63. Combustible pile!64. Canvas shelters!65. Scallion!!DOWN!1. A formal high school dance!2. Greek letter!3. Sweeping story!

4. Reload!5. Hood!6. Type of sword!7. Regulation (ab-brev.)!8. Stepped!9. Despise!10. Substantial!11. Loft!12. British biscuit!13. Half of six!19. Small islands!21. Bright thought!25. Unusual!26. Send forth!27. Donate!28. Step!29. Passageway!30. Consecrate!31. Permit!34. Cab!35. Norse god!36. Mob!38. French for

"Good"!39. Fit together tight-ly!41. Throats (archaic)!42. Gait faster than a walk!44. Wears away!45. The base part of a tree!46. Product of bees!47. Law and _____!48. Mountain crest!51. Where a bird lives!52. Tall woody plant!53. Canvas dwelling!54. If not!55. Part in a play!56. Search!58. French for "Wine"

Sudokus: Easy, Medium, and Hard


Why did the chicken cross the road?A man drops an egg onto the cement. The egg doesn't break after falling 3 feet. How could this be?

What is so delicate that even mentioning it breaks it?

A man and his boss have the same par-ents, but are not siblings. How is this pos-sible?

I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter.

You throw away the outside, eat the in-side, and throw away the inside.



7:30 PM AT VIZ



"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."!


European Soccer Preview By Alexander Hill ‘15 & Michael Ricci ‘15 Staff Writers !Arsenal vs. Everton The top-table Gunners take on fifth-place Everton this Sun-day at the Emirates. Everton’s Lukaku is on a major scoring run with four goals in five league matches. Arsenal’s top scorers include Aaron Ramsey and Olivier Giroud, each with three goals in the past five matches. Arsenal remains unde-feated at home, while Everton has only won two of their past five away games. Because Lukaku is in such good form, it is safe to say that the Arsenal goalscorers and Lukaku are on equal footing. The key to victo-ry for both teams lies in their defense. Arsenal’s Mertesacker and Koscielny form one of the top defensive partnerships in the Premiership. Baines and Jagielka form the backbone of the Everton defense, but with Baines on the wing, he may only be enough to stop deadly crosses into the middle and lock down the wing. Arsenal also has world-class keeper Woj-ciech Szczesny in goal for them, but Everton’s shot-stop-per, American Tim Howard, is on equal footing with Szczesny. Arsenal’s midfield is in incredi-ble form, led by Aaron Ram-sey’s insane scoring ability. I predict a 2-1 win for the Gun-ners to remain atop the table. !Borussia Dortmund vs. Bayer Leverkusen On Saturday, Dotmund takes on second-place Bayer Leverkusen at home. The criti-cal difference between the two teams is Dortmund’s defense, or lack thereof. All of Dort-mund’s back four are injured: Piszczek, Subotic, Hummels, Schmelzer. Although Dort-mund’s defense is crippled,

their attack is certainly not. G o a l s c o r e r s R o b e r t Lewandowski and Marco Reus should have little trouble net-ting a goal or two against Lev-erkusen. Leverkusen’s attack consists of Kiessling and Son, both of whom are more than capable of scoring on Dort-mund’s shattered back line. I cannot see Dortmund pulling off a win on Saturday, so I pre-dict a final score of 2-1. !Southampton vs. Manchester City This weekend, the slump-ing Southampton Saints clash with the Manchester City Sky Blues. Southampton is coming of three straight loses, dropping from third to eighth in the standings. Manchester City has worked their way up into third place with three wins in a row. The Sky Blues look to ride off of the inform strike force of Sergio Aguero and Samir Nasri to help them get the 3 points. Nasri lead the Sky Blues to a victory on December 1 scoring a brace against Swansea City, and he looks keen to do it again on Saturday. The reeling Saints look to reinvigorate their young midfield, especially their two goal scorers Jay Rodriguez and Adam Llana. This looks to be a high scoring affair with goals coming from both sides. Man-chester City look to win this one 4-3. !Newcastle vs. Manchester United Both Newcastle and Man-chester United are coming into Saturday’s match riding off of two disappointing losses. Man-chester United’s loss was much more disheartening (losing in the last 5 minutes of the game after controlling the possession thoughout the game). Loic Remy looks to lead Newcastle’s attack against the weary Man-

chester United defense, hoping to take advantage of the lack of experience between the full-backs and centrebacks. Man-chester United has one of the most threatening offenses, when they are clicking. Wayne Rooney, Robin Van Persie, Danny Welbeck, and Shinji Kagawa all have the ability to take control of games and score goals when needed. My predic-tion is for the Star-Studded Red Devils of Manchester United to pull out the win, but it will not be easy and Newcastle have a very likely chance to pull out the win if they are able to take control of the tempo of the game. Manchester United 2 Newcastle United 1. !Fiorentina V. AS Roma As Fiorentina comes off of a win in a 7-goal thriller with Verona, they look to keep up their stretch of form and hope-fully give Roma their first loss of the season. Giuseppe Rossi, after making a return to Italian football, has made his voice heard leading the Serie A with 12 goals. Roma look to keep their unbeaten streak alive after coming close to losing it after 4 straight close draws. With the return of Juan Cuadrado, Fiorentina look to capitalize on Roma’s latest skid and cut short their unbeaten streak. Look for Giuseppe Rossi, Juan Cuadra-do, and Borja Valero to have big games if Fiorentina is able to pull out the tough victory. While on the other side, “Il Capitano” (Francesco Totti) looks to lead his young Roma side back to victory and hope-fully back to 1st place in the standings. This has the mark-ings for a great match between two great teams. I predict this shootout to end 3-3, but it could go either way, the win is there for the taking.

School TipSetup your Priory email account on your phone or tablet so you need miss another important email. For help in doing this, visit the Technology Department in the library.

Clothing DriveThe Junior School is hosting a clothing drive currently until Friday, December 20th. All dona-tions will go to Catholic Chari-ties Community Services South-side, a charity that helps immi-grant and refugee communities in the area. Donations, accepted from any and all members of the Priory community, may be placed underneath the crucifix in the Junior School . Gent ly used clothes of any size, newborns through adults XXL, will be gratefully accepted. Shoes, boots, and bedding (sheets, blankets, towels, etc) of all types are also needed. Underwear, if donated, needs to be new and in the orig-inal packaging.

!NoticeBy Patrick Shanahan ’17 Staff Writer !Warning! Spoilers ahead! !The Walking Dead midseason finale: Season 4 of The Walking Dead has been a very interest-ing one. There have been many plot lines and threats to the group that are nontraditional to the show, the game, and the comics alike. The rise of a flu epidemic, a psychopath feeding walkers and allowing them into the prison, and a large section dedicated to a new telling of the Governor’s exploits following the first prison attack are all original and interesting. But there was no doubt in my mind throughout the entire season that the best part of the show was still to come. I was right. The midseason f inale kicked off with our good old friend the Governor (David Morrissey) up to his usual tricks, this time manipulating Martinez’s (Jose Pablo Cantil-lo) former group. He success-fully convinced everyone in the group that the people living inside the prison are horrible people and were the ones who destroyed Woodbury (when we all know it was the Governor himself who did this). He even went as far as to kidnap Her-schel and Michonne (Scott Wil-son and Danai Gurira) and use them as bait for Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his group. The Governor charges the prison with a tank, leaving girl-friend Lilly (Audrey Marie An-derson) and her daughter Meghan (Meyrick Murphy) alone at the camp, and requests that Rick hand over the prison otherwise Mitch (Kirk Aceve-do) will destroy it and its inhab-itants using the tank. Rick, be-ing the reasonable man he is, offers that they try to live to-gether in separate parts of the

prison. This speech is actually one of the highlights of the episode, as it offers great dia-logue, as well as show off Rick’s vulnerability in this situ-ation. Of course, the Governor (being way too far off the deep end) thinks Rick is lying and proceeds to lop off the head of conscience of the group, Her-schel, using Michonne’s katana. This is possibly the most impactful part of the episode. Herschel had become a real leader of the group, particularly during the flu epidemic and offering advice to Rick and Glenn (Steven Yeun) when they needed it most. The final shot before Herschel was decapitat-ed was also one of the saddest moments in the whole series. Herschel had a grin on his face as if he knew that it was his time, and the muted screams of Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Beth (Emily Kinney) as they watched their father’s demise was truly disheartening. Not only was there not going to be any more Spaghetti Tuesdays, but the group had lost their only real father figure and it showed in the faces of the people who witnessed it firsthand. While all this is happening Lilly is doing her best to watch over Meghan as they are left alone at the camp. Of course, in classic horror movie fashion, Lilly gets distracted briefly from Meghan’s “peanut butter sandwiches” (mud pies) by a far off walker who was drown-ing in the river, and a walker who busts out of the mud she was playing in eats Meghan. Lilly sprints her way to the Governor just after the final blow to Herschel, and he pro-ceeds to shoot Meghan’s body in the head, apathetically. It is at this moment where all hell breaks loose. Gunfire erupts from both sides, bringing in hordes of walkers and many

extras lose their lives, making for the most epic battle in the show’s history. Daryl (Norman Reedus) pulls the classic dead-body-as-shield and grenade-into-the-tank techniques to waste a large chunk of the ene-my forces. Tyreese (Chad Coleman) is barely saved by Lizzie (Brighton Sharbino) who comes into her own as a strong child protagonist as she shoots two of the Governor’s in-fantrymen. Speaking of the Governor, he is beating Rick up in quite a manner with his bare hands, using various chokes, grabs and punches to complete-ly wretch up Rick’s face. That is, until Michonne appears with her sword again and runs it straight through his chest, leav-ing him for dead. Many survivors begin to load up on the prison bus to begin the escape from the over-run prison. But Rick can’t find Carl (Chandler Riggs). He runs around the entire prison shoot-ing every walker or human in sight with his trusty revolver until Carl comes up out of nowhere and returns to him. But unfortunately, during their meet-up they come across a bloodied baby carriage that belonged to the baby Judith, who may or may not have es-caped. Either way, Carl is dev-astated and wastes an entire clip of ammunition in his rifle on a single walker in his moment of weakness. The episode finally ends with Rick and Carl fleeing the prison alone and in tears, watching their home burn down, and possibly their dead family member in the flames herself. Verdict: This episode is one of the very best in the show’s history and serves as a proper sendoff to the prison epic that has lasted for almost two seasons. And this only makes me wanting more. 9/10

Host families are still needed for Irish exchange students! The boys arrive from Coláiste Ailigh School in Ireland on March 27 and depart for home on April 8.!! Please call or write to Mr. O’Connell if you’d like more information about how you can host one, two, three or the whole kit and caboodle.   314.434.3690, ext. 122, kocon-nell@priory.org


"Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people."

TV Talk: Walking Dead Midseason Finale

NoticeFr. Michael presents the World Religions Series, a free series of presentations for all ages, from students to seniors.!!

Saint Anselm's Parish Center!3:00 - 4:30 p.m.!!

Saturday, Jan. 4!! Introduction & Hinduism!Saturday, Jan. 11!! Buddhism!Saturday, Jan. 18!! Kundun*!Saturday, Jan. 25!! Daoism & Confucianism!Saturday, Feb. 1!! Zoroasterianism & The Axial !! Age!Saturday, Feb. 8!! Judaism!Saturday, Feb. 15!! The Message*!Saturday, Feb. 22!! Islam!Saturday, March 1!! 1947 - Earth* & Conclusion!!* Full-length movie - begins at 1 p.m

NoticeIf you have a notice that you would like featured in The Record, send an emai l to thepr io-ryrecord@gmail.com and the one can be put in for the next week’s issue.


5) Boutonnieres!











Young Forever


Vertigo U2

Pop Culture (Live Mashup)


My Love Justin


Lose Yourself Eminem

Don’t Stop Believing Journey

Coming Home Diddy

Moving To Mars


All Of Me John


Jesus Walks Kanye West

Editor’s Picks


h t t p s : //

l h 4 . g o o

g l e u s e rc o n -

t e n t . -

By Austin Krueger ‘14 Staff Writer !Do not worry, avid readers of the one and only Priory Record. I am back to add the flavors of indie rock to our beloved school newspaper! I know that many of you have been rather dismayed of late because of my recent absence from The Record, but now I am back and

we all rejoice. I have two musi-cal selections to share with you all today. The first of these songs is by a band that I really come to appreciate a great deal: The Airborne Toxic Event. “Timeless,” the new single off of their third album Such Hot Blood. The band uses meticu-lously selected lyrics in many

of their songs, and “Timeless” is no exception. Its vocals were constructed in a way that brings out a sort of ethereal tone to match the lyrics. Fiction writer turned song writer-vocalist Mikel Jollett is the driving force behind the band, and it is his love of reading and writing that inspires their unique, al-most orchestral style and poetic lyrics. The instrumental intro

sets up the song that is sure to launch The Airborne Toxic Event to future fame. The next song is by The Fray. The band that brought us such hits as “How To Save A Life” and “Over My Head (Ca-ble Car)” is at it again with their new single “Love Don’t Die.” Along with the new song,

the band has announced a new album, Helios, to be released early next year. “Love Don’t Die” is more guitar driven than most of The Fray’s previous piano based work. The band is not changing their musical style with the high-energy song, but is adding to it. The keyboard still has a presence in the song that gives it that extra drive and makes the song what it is.

“Love Don’t Die” has the type of rhythm and strong drum beat that will liven up whatever it is you’re doing. These are my musical se-lections for the week. It is my sincere hope that these songs will enhance you musical expe-rience. As always, feel free to talk music with me anytime.

K-Money Reviews: The Fray And More

NFL, Continued From Page 3their defense decides it for me.

30 - 21 Panthers !Saint Louis Rams (5-7) @ Arizona Cardinals (7-5) Saint Louis is a much bet-ter team than their record shows. We lost three very close games that could have easily been won (Seahawks, Titans, Falcons), and that was when our run game wasn't established yet. Although the Rams have always been able to beat Ari-

zona, our first encounter with them early in the season was close (27 - 24 Rams). We have the youngest team in the NFL, but we've seen little improve-ment for all the potential in our young players. I thought we could turn this season around after blowout wins against the Colts and the Bears, but we showed little discipline against the 49ers (committing 11 penal-ties for 105 yards). If we want a chance at

beating Arizona, we'll need support from the one part of our team that is above average; our defensive line. We rank fifth in sacks (thanks to Robert Quinn and Chris Long) and previously had a field day against Carson Palmer. Although Arizona has improved greatly since last sea-son (mostly their defense), one thing will never change: our dominance over the Cardinals.

21 - 17 Rams

"If I had my time over I would do the same again. So would any man who dares call himself a man."

Calendar !

Friday, December 6!Lunch:  Pasta Bar!! Buffalo Shrimp!!Saturday, December 7!7:30PM  Viz/Priory Dance !9:30PM  V Hockey vs. Whitfield @

Brentwood!!Sunday, December 8!!Monday, December 9!Immaculate Conception - NO

SCHOOL!!Tuesday, December 10!8:00PM  Fall Sports Assembly !Lunch:  Country Fried Steak !! Pasta !!8:30PM    V Hockey vs. Timberland

@ Lindenwood Ice Arena!!Wednesday, December 11!Lunch:  Tacos!! Chicken Tenderloin !!Thursday, December 12!Lunch:  Smoked Brisket !! Breakfast !!Friday, December 13!Lunch:  Vegetable Mostaccioli!! Fish and Chips!!9:45PM    V Hockey vs. Burroughs

@ Affton!


"It always seems impossible until it's done."!

Weekend Choice: Viz-Priory Or Hockey? By William O’Brien Content Editor !Priory students face a tough decision this week; do you go to the hockey game on Saturday night, or do you attend the Viz/Priory Dance instead? Many find themselves divided, unsure of what to do. I interviewed multiple students on the issue, and will share my findings with you so that you can make the most informed decision possi-ble. Student 1- Taylor Dubray. Taylor reported to me that he was going to the Viz/Priory dance, so then I asked who his date was. A smile came to his lips as he proudly told me he was going stag. When I asked him how he came to this deci-sion, Taylor told me that the girl he asked just happened to be out of town that weekend. Odd-ly enough, his second, third, fourth, and fifth choices were also all out of town. Taylor told me he guessed that they were all going on some vacation to-gether, and we agreed that was probably most likely. Taylor said that he was really looking

forward to the dance, particu-larly when Miley Cyrus comes on. Since my interview with Taylor, I have heard rumblings of him actually finding a date, but it unknown as of yet if she will be in town. Student 2- Ben Blase. Ap-parently, as a Junior Schooler, Ben Blase is unable to attend the high school dances (STU-CO can we get on this??) This leads to the logical conclusion that Ben Blase will be attending the hockey game instead. Even the most ardent defenders of the dance have to concede that Ben’s assumed presence at the hockey game will be a lift in school spirit. Student 3- Frat Bick. For those of you who don’t know, Frat Bick (nicknamed Luke for some reason) is threatening Frat DeSimon for Priory’s annual “The Frattiest Man in the World” award. Rumour has it he’s already got bids from sev-en different frats and one soror-ity. I tried to contact Frat Bick and ask him to weigh in on the dance vs hockey game issue, but he was unavailable for a comment. I have heard that Frat

was far too busy deciding which Sperrys would better compliment his Polo shirt he was wearing. Apparently he will also be too busy to attend either school event this week-end. Student 4- Tim Bussen. Mr. Bussen will be trying to accomplish the impossible; hit up both of these events in one night. He apparently will dine with his date, take her to the dance, and then rage on the dance floor until around 9:30, at which time he will take his date to the hockey game and hope to catch the second and third peri-ods. As admirable as this is, a student attempting this brave maneuver will have to pay for both their date’s entrance to the dance and hockey game, which will really setting your wallet back a step (not to mention snacks and dinner). Now that you know all the possible options, you may choose wisely. You can go to the hockey game, the dance, neither, or both. Good luck making your decision and, whichever event you choose, remember to be frat.

How To ChristmasBy Eric Stange ’14 Content Editor !Now most of you tell yourself that Christmas is a special time and what you do at Christmas is special. Christmas is such a delightful season its perhaps the greatest holiday, or thing for that matter. First of all, a tree is necessary. Artificial trees are basically the cargo shorts of Christmas decorations. Would any of mine or any of your German ancestors accept a counte r fe i t t r ee in the i r Schloss? Nein. Next, only the

few and the proud can slam down this drink during the hol-idays. Egg nog is of course the favorite, but custard nog is more than a satisfactory substi-tute. You ‘yoked’ boys better swallow your pride and man up to down holiday fare. Any red meat variety, pastries, nog, and anything you see decorated in red and green must be de-voured. Obviously, you also better be festive. You better look like a Brooks Brothers or J. Press catalogue smacked you in the face. Most music types should deferred until January 6.

Trust me; I know there is noth-ing I would rather do than spit verses back and forth from Still D.R.E. with Dez Watson. Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and The Drifters better be singing their songs. The world needs us to be celebratory and merry AF, be-cause what sounds better than Christmas parties with friends and family, the gifts, and at-mosphere, the camaraderie, and your emotional high? So don your gay apparel, drink and be merry, and don’t be naughty, for this is the most wonderful time of the year.