Vol 1 issue 1 Newsletter December 2014

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Transcript of Vol 1 issue 1 Newsletter December 2014

Important Dates

Important Dates 2014 / 2015

End of School – Term 4 2014

Fri 19 Dec – VIC

Wed 17 Dec – NSW

Start of School – Term 12015

Thur 29 Jan – VIC

Wed 28 Jan – NSW

Upcoming Social Club Activities

Adventure Park 15 February

Puffing Billy 21 March

Footy Tipping March – September

December 2014 Newsletter | Vol 1 | Issue 1

1 – Director’s Diary – Important Dates

2 – Service Delivery

3 – Service Delivery cont. – Customer Service

4 – Star Performers

5 – Employee Profiles

6 – Industry News

7 – Fleet Services

8 – Depot News

9 – Depot News

10 – Fundraising – New Babies

11 – EAP – Safety

12 – Major Milestones

13 – New Staff

14 – Financial Summary – Family Office Message

15 – Christmas Card Winners

16 – Vision, Mission and Values Statement

The year 2014 seems to have gone faster than the year prior. The cliché that “you know you are getting older when the years start to go fast” may have some merit.

From a company perspective looking back on the year to date we have seen some key events; in particular the recent acquisition of bus contracts, vehicles and staff at Wangaratta. A special welcome goes to all Wangaratta team members reading our newsletter for the first time. Welcome to the Dysons family.

Other developments included increasing our stronghold on emergency rail work – Victoria wide. Additionally, we have recently re-built our relationship with TrainLink (NSW), performing many support rescues throughout September and October.

Separately we signed a new agreement with Metro Trains, and at the time of printing we are awaiting the outcome of a Yarra Trams tender. In July 2014 Dyson’s Bairnsdale operation commenced new services between Traralgon and Bairnsdale.

Early 2014 saw Dyson’s officially change fuel supplier to BP from Mobil (after 40+ years). The improved arrangements with BP have been successful.

Dyson’s rolled out the renewed company Mission, Vision and Value statements – please refer to the rear page of this newsletter. The Directors please ask you to acquaint yourself with the Dyson Values; and to walk-the-talk in every daily circumstance.

In closing, we share that the financial year 2013 / 2014 was a strong performing year financially for the company, so we pass on our gratitude to everyone at Dyson’s for their efforts, loyalty and contribution to the company success. From the Dyson Board, Directors, and Executive/Management teams – Thank you everyone. A special mention goes out to Tony Cohen and his family – we extend our best wishes to you all.

We take this opportunity to wish everybody happy Christmas celebrations and a healthy 2015.

Neil, Shane & Lance – Joint Directors

Hot off the pressDyson Group has been awarded four (8 year) contracts with TrainLink (NSW). Operated from the Wodonga Depot the following runs will commence from 1st January 2015:

• Dubbo / Cootamundra / Bathurst

• Griffith / Wagga

• Tumbarumba / Wagga / Cootamundra

• Condobolin / Parkes

The TrainLink services in southern NSW provide a great opportunity for Dysons to continue to grow the business through our core activities of government and private contracted bus services.

We have also been successful in the renewal of the Gippsland Grammar and PVCC School contracts.

On behalf of Dysons’ Executive Management Team, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our drivers, mechanics and support staff who contributed to this success.

Directors’ Diary – News & ViewsInside this issue

The Dyson Moving TimesSafety D r ives Dyson ’s Success !

Use of Personal Audio Devices and Radio SystemsAt Dysons we believe that the health and safety of our employees, contractors, customers and the general public is paramount to the success of our business.

Therefore, as a representative of Dysons, it is a driver’s responsibility to be completely aware of their surroundings whilst driving a bus. If your situational awareness is impaired by any type of personal audio device to the extent that you cannot hear emergency alarms, calls for help etc., it is clearly unsafe.

As such, the use of earphones, bluetooth, headphones, individual ipods, mp3 players or other portable music device through headphones while driving is strictly prohibited.

Mobile Phones The following applies when driving heavy vehicles, changeover cars and other Dyson commercial vehicles:

• Using a mobile phone as you drive is distracting and creates dangerous situations that could be fatal. The risk of being involved in a crash increases by as much as four times, when using a mobile phone as you drive, and if you are texting the risk of crashing increases to 20 times.

• Under no circumstances is it acceptable to use a mobile phone when driving a heavy vehicle.

• From time to time you may be contacted on your mobile phone by the depot. If you do receive an urgent, work related call whilst driving, and you have no other means of communicating in the vehicle (eg two-way radio), you must not answer the call while you are driving. If you are on a regular service, you are expected to check the phone at your next stop.

• It is not acceptable to receive or make any personal calls whilst driving.

• Remember that using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving is illegal and could result in termination of your employment.

If you are driving a personal vehicle for work purposes, the above criteria also applies, unless the vehicle is fitted with a hands-free mobile phone functionality that is an integrated part of the vehicle design.

Service Delivery - Use of Personal Audio Devices & Radio Systems

In these instances, urgent work-related phone calls may be taken provided the conversation is kept to a minimum. Wherever possible the caller should be advised that you are driving, and an arrangement should be made to call back at another time.

Bus & Coach RadiosWhen operating the radio system in Dysons buses and coaches with passengers on board, it is requested that easy listening music be played.

Programs that should be avoided are – talk back shows, football, cricket, horse racing etc.

The radio should be set at a reasonable volume that can be heard throughout the coach but not too loud to be annoying to passengers who may not be interested in listening.

If recorded music is to be played it should also be easy listening music and varied.

You must ensure that if a passenger requests for the radio to be turned off, it is to be turned off immediately.

General NewsService Delivery is working with PTV on some significant upgrades to our network. These projects are in early stages with no planned start date at this stage. They are currently planning exercises that Dyson’s will lobby hard to become a reality by 2016.

• LaTrobe Uni Shuttle – 10 min service between Reservoir Station and LaTrobe Uni running on university days only.

• Epping Nth / Wollert new services and improvements

• Mernda Review – including Bus Priority on Plenty Rd and 10 min frequency between Mernda and Sth Morang Station.

If these projects are successful and implemented, this has the potential to increase our fleet size to an additional 12 – 15 buses and possibly up to an additional 50 drivers.

As some drivers are aware we are currently in the process of re-negotiating our Nightrider Contract. We are currently operating under an extension which is until June 30th 2015.

In the period between now and June we are expected to work with both Ventura and PTV to revise the Nightrider Network and propose changes of which PTV will evaluate and if agreed will offer a new contract to both Dyson’s and Ventura. It is hoped by April 2015 we will be in a position to update everyone how these negotiations have progressed. We will be commencing meetings with a small number of existing Nightrider drivers to assist with some of the idea’s Dysons is working on, with the first meeting planned late November/early December.

SmartTrak is a PTV supplied and maintained GPS system now installed in all our route services vehicles. The system went live around the end of September and Service Delivery are utilising it to assist with complaint handling amongst other things. The data gained from the system will also allow us to review, develop and propose travel times for future timetable changes.

Drivers can receive indications on how they are performing to timetable through the in bus indicator. If you have any questions please ask one of the Service Delivery Coordinators.

We are releasing a driver survey soon. The last driver survey around rosters was back in 2008. We have a large number of new drivers that have not participated in a survey in the past, so this is a great opportunity to review what people like and don’t like about our current set of rosters. The survey will also assist in the formation of some of the strategies used in the review of rosters ongoing.

In April 2015 Metro Trains will be changing the timetables. The lines that may influence our timetables are on the Craigieburn and Upfield lines. We are yet to receive the final train timetables but the PTV will be expecting us to review our connectivity with trains which may lead to timetable changes. We should be in a position to commence planning by the end of November. Unfortunately any changes PTV request will be expected at no cost. This rules out the possibility of increasing services or adding buses to any of the affected routes, it will be simply time changes to trips.


The Dyson Moving Times

It’s starting to warm up and people are on the move!

Hello from the Customer service team!We are well and truly into our busy season as the weather warms up. Some of these include:

• The G20 Conference in Brisbane (20 vehicles & 38 drivers)

• V/line (Emergency Services & currently replacing the train on the Bairnsdale line due to bridge works)

• MET bookings (Emergency & planned)

• International & Australian ‘cricket’ teams

• International & Australian ‘netball’ teams

• Spring racing carnival

• School excursions & camps (including all the Summer sports programs)

Just to name a few.

Midland is very busy, securing 5 new Probus/senior clubs.

October was a great month for day tours and in November we have a 7 day Kangaroo Island tour booked as well.

We have been receiving great feedback about both Dyson’s (charter & MET) and Midland drivers in regard to their professionalism, knowledge and keenness to help passengers. Our team appreciate the effort of the drivers who have enabled us to reunite many items of lost property to their rightful owners.

Regardless of the monetary value, a child’s toy or an elderly person’s umbrella can mean as much as a lost wallet.

Last, but not least!

Congratulations to the following Service Delivery / Customer Service staff members who recently celebrated the following service milestones this year:

Gordana, Roshni, AJ and Trevor who celebrated 10 years of service and Brad Dyson who celebrated 15 years of service.

Congratulations - you have all been a wonderful asset to the company.

– Thank you from the team, keep up the great work!

For all bus drivers, the following licences must be current and provided to Human Resources for entering in the TIMS system and placed on personnel files:

• Medium Rigid (MR) or Heavy Rigid (HR) or Heavy Combination (HC) license

• Drivers’ Certificate (DC) – “PUB” for NSW employees, ‘DA’ for SA Employees

• Working With Children Check

• A current Statement of Demerit Points from the respective Authority

Every employee must forward a copy of their current licence to Service Delivery or relevant Depot Manager upon the expiration of such licences.

In addition the drivers position description also states:

These qualifications / licenses must remain valid at all times during your employment in this position. Accordingly, you must report to your Supervisor immediately any instances where you have cause to believe that these qualifications are at risk of expiry or cancellation.

Loss of LicenceIf an employee has lost his or her licence or DC through speeding or drink driving or other, they must advise Dysons immediately. Failure to have a current licence may result in termination of employment.

Statement of Demerit PointsA condition of employment is that all drivers must produce a Statement of Demerit Points, available from the relevant authority at least once a year, at the cost of the employee.

Costs Please be advised that all costs associated with the renewal of any required licences and permits are covered by the employee.

This includes drivers’ licences, driver certificates or authorities, Working With Children Checks and any other similar licence or permit that is a requirement of your employment with Dysons. This also includes any medical or other costs that may be associated with holding such a licence or permit.

(Please note that if the company requests you to attend a medical appointment outside these requirements, then that cost will be covered by the company.)

Reference: Licenses - Drivers Manual Edition 2, 22 May 2014; 2. Driver Route Services Position Description

Renewing your Driver AccreditationYou will receive a renewal form approximately 16 weeks before your driver accreditation expires.

To ensure that your accreditation is renewed before your current driver accreditation expiry date you must submit your renewal as soon as possible after you receive it in the mail.

Renewals submitted with less than 10-15 working days before the current expiry date may not be assessed in time.

If your driver accreditation expires before it is renewed you will not be able to work during this time.

Drivers with specialist medical conditions should provide all medical reports as requested at least 4-6 weeks before their current accreditation is due to expire to avoid disappointment.

To apply for the renewal of your driver accreditation, you need to:

• Lodge the form by mail or in person to the TSC, or in person at a Vic Roads office.

Reference: Taxi Services Commission, State Government of Victoria, - 07 October 2014

Renewing your Heavy Vehicle licenseVic Roads will send a renewal notice as a courtesy before your license expires. Non-receipt of a renewal notice is not an acceptable excuse to drive after the license expires. The renewal notice will provide instructions on the options available to you and whether you need to take a new photo.

Reference: Vic Roads -Renew your license 07 October 2014

Renewing Working with Children (WWC) CheckYour Working with Children (WWC) Check is valid for 5 years. You must renew your WWC Check before it expires.

If you have kept your contact details up to date, you will receive a reminder to renew from the Department of Justice by email, SMS, or letter 28 days before your WWC Check expires.

Reference: Department of Justice 07 October 2014

Customer ServiceService Delivery - Licences


The Dyson Moving Times


Abdullah Kirca | Complimented by a travelling passenger who witnessed your helpfulness with some sight impaired passengers. They said you went out of your way to ensure the bus was lined up properly for them to get on, and continued to make sure they were seated comfortably, and able to disembark without any problems.

Alan Mahar | Complimented on the day tour to the Cuckoo Restaurant with the Wildflower Day Club. They praised you for your great driving and said they had a wonderful day and Alan was also complimented on the day tour with the Whitehorse Day Club. The tour manager Barrie praised you for your professional, safe and courteous driving. He also wanted to thank you for going “beyond the call of duty” in your care of some of their disabled members.

Albert McHeileh | For greeting all your passengers and providing a great service.

Anne Kovacevic | Complimented by a passenger for being a great driver during the unusual traffic conditions in the recent storms.

Bernard McManus | In recognition of your efforts in operating the Griffith Service after difficult and challenging circumstances. Your hard work and contribution in successfully carrying out the service under pressure is to be commended.

Billy Spasovski | For being a wonderful driver. They said that way you greet all your passengers with a smile and a good morning or afternoon makes their day.

Borivoje Pismanovski | Complimented by a passengers parent for ensuring their daughter got off at the correct stop, after she had previously caught the wrong bus. Your helpfulness was very much appreciated.

Cane Bosevski | For always being friendly to everyone on the bus. She also remarked on how you pull the bus up nicely to the kerb so it is easy to step off.

David Lawson | In recognition of your efforts in assisting with the recent Griffith Service disruption. The Company would like to acknowledge your team work and contribution in helping get the job done under difficult circumstances.

Erol Sayan | Was complimented by a passenger who says you always greet them with a nice smile and are very polite and helpful, assisting passengers with prams to get on and off the bus and was also complimented by a passenger who catches your bus every day. She says you are always very polite and helpful. She also states it is a pleasure to see you every morning.

Frank Longo | For being a great driver , and just the nicest guy. Some of the feedback has been about how you always greet everyone, announce major stops, say goodbye and wish everyone safe travels.

Gerard Kelly | Complimented by a road user who said you were a very courteous driver.

Gordana Metelovski | Complimented by two tour groups for helping the bookings process run smoothly and efficiently.

Gordon Robinson | Complimented on the Shopping Tour with the Greythorn Bowling Club Group. They said you made their day more special with your helpful and friendly nature and your expert driving and parking. Gordon was also complimented on the day tour with the Reservoir Legacy Group. They said you did a great commentary, were very helpful and good fun.

Ian Johnstone | Complimented by a passenger who you waited for, who was running to catch the bus in the pouring rain. This action was much appreciated by them. Additionally, Ian was complimented once again for waiting for a passenger who was running to catch the bus. They want to thank you for your kindness and consideration.

Loui Eletva | Complimented by a passenger for being very patient with the traffic during the recent storms. She also said you were very pleasant to all the passengers.

Mendo Jovcevski | For assisting a couple in Marysville with helping them to replace their car battery, with another driver. Your helpfulness and empathy was much appreciated by them.

Milan Micevski | Complimented by a passenger’s parent for helping their daughter get onto the right bus when they had boarded the incorrect bus. Your helpfulness was very much appreciated.

Phillip Bower | Complimented on the tour to Geelong with the St John of God Health Care Group. They praised you for doing an exceptional job and they wanted to pass their gratitude on to you.

Robert Reid | Helped to get a Concord student to school safely recently. Concord school and Dyson’s thank you.

Roshni Narain | Complimented by Montmorency South Primary School for their recent camp. Your help and efficiency in the booking process helped make the trip a success.

Sam Kilik | Complimented by a passenger for being extremely helpful and pleasant. He said you waited a few extra minutes for the passengers transferring from the train to the bus and it was very much appreciated.

Slobodan Catovic | For your friendly and helpful manner.

Sokrat Culakovski | Complimented by a passenger for returning her lost phone and wallet to her. Your helpfulness and willingness to “go out of your way” was very much appreciated.

Susan Pearson | Complimented recently by a passenger on the Nightrider bus. They said you were informative, thoughtful and helpful, all whilst upholding a cheery, friendly and kind demeanour.

Tim Hancock | For your friendly and courteous manner.

Veljan Milevski | Complimented by a passenger for returning their lost property to them after they had left it at the bus stop. It was really appreciated.

Vince Cavaliere | For assisting a couple in Marysville with helping them to replace their car battery, with another driver. Your helpfulness and empathy was much appreciated by them.

The following staff were recognised for outstanding Customer Service Skills. – Well done everyone, keep up the great work.

Star Performers – Mid August to October 2014

The Dyson Moving Times


Paul DanielBundoora Bus Driver

Star Sign: Libra

Years with Dyson’s: 2 & 1/4

Lives: Bundoora

Interests: Song Writing (Keyboard & Guitar) and motorsport

Most memorable moments: Birth of my son

Favourite food: Anything hot & spicy…Curries!

Favourite drink: Ice cold beer on a hot day

Favourite team: St Kilda

Favourite TV show/s: Sci-Fi & Shawshank Redemption

Likes: Going out for dinner or having a bbq at home with friends

Dislikes: Negative People

What is your favourite thing about Dyson’s? The awesome people that I work with

Favourite Holiday Destination: Spain

If you were marooned on a deserted island with one other person, who would you choose and why? Somone that I would & could spend the rest of my life with

If you could choose a saying on your headstone, what would it be? Lived when alive and sleep now that I’m dead

Nadia RichardsKyneton VLine Driver

Star Sign: Taurus

Years with Dyson’s: 6

Lives: Lancefield

Interests: Ten Pin Bowling

Most memorable moments: Birth of my four children

Favourite food: Chinese

Favourite drink: Moscato

Favourite team: North Melbourne

Favourite TV show/s: X factor

Likes: My school kids that travel on my bus

What is your favourite thing about Dyson’s? Our friendly Lancefield depot

Favourite Holiday Destination: Queensland

If you were marooned on a deserted island with one other person, who would you choose and why? My cat, Snowbell

John ButcherWangaratta Bus Driver

Star Sign: Virgo

Years with Dyson’s: 4 Weeks

Lives: Wangaratta

Interests: Television & Movies

Most memorable moments: Lions Grand Final 3 years straight

Favourite food: Fish

Favourite drink: Coffee

Favourite team: Lions, if any

Favourite TV show/s: Get Smart

Likes: Relaxing

Dislikes: Working too hard

What is your favourite thing about Dyson’s? Too early to say

Favourite Holiday Destination: Sydney

If you were marooned on a deserted island with one other person, who would you choose and why? Bill Barry Cotter! He would be able to build me a boat to get off the island

If you could choose a saying on your headstone, what would it be? Finally succeeded at something

Employee Profiles

The Dyson Moving Times

Our managers enjoying dinner after their workshops

V/Line Coach Ticket MachineAs many V/Line coach operators would be aware the majority of the V/Line coach fleet that service Victoria do not have electronic ticket machines on board. With fewer outlets around the State selling these types of tickets, on time running is becoming a greater challenge to meet as bus drivers continue to manually write out the ticket(s) for the customer(s).

To solve this problem a panel made up of 5 V/Line bus operators has been established to find a V/Line Customer Management System (VCMS) solution which will include a ticket machine and other functions that have been classed as either essential or desirable. Examples include: (essential) GPS tracking, passenger counts, a V/Line reporting suite, (desirable) CCTV, 2 way messaging, on time running reporting and passenger waiting time notification. Five suppliers have been chosen to help find a VCMS solution, which will then be short listed to two once their responses to the ticket machine and desirable/essential functions of the VCMS have been evaluated by the panel.

V/Line LiveryThe V/Line livery design has been agreed with V/Line and includes PTV / V/Line co-branding on the front and rear of the bus and PTV / Bus Operator co-branding on the side of the bus. The new livery will be affixed to all new V/Line buses to be put into service. In respect of the potential re-branding of existing V/Line buses, V/Line are yet to formalise a plan given the myriad of issues to consider and resolve, not the least of which is the provision of replacement buses whilst a bus is being re-branded (i.e., how it is to be organised, will V/Line pay for the cost of the replacement etc). There may still be some issues between V/Line and PTV on the cobranding however, that is a matter for them to resolve between themselves.

January 1 Fare ChangeThe Victorian Government has released further information about the fare changes to take effect on 1 January 2015.

Free Tram ZoneFrom 1 January 2015, customers will be able to travel for free on trams in the CBD in a new Free Tram Zone. There will also be a reduction in the cost of Zone 1+2 travel across all modes of public transport.

The free CBD tram travel will allow customers to travel within the Free Tram Zone at no cost. Travel inside the Free Tram Zone will not require a myki. Many of Melbourne’s attractions will be in the new Free Tram Zone or within a short walking distance. Customers travelling outside the Free Tram Zone will be required to touch on/off as normal.

Penalties will apply if travelling outside the Free Tram Zone without a valid ticket and no leniency will be shown to customers (even one stop) outside the Free Tram Zone without a valid myki.

Zone 1 + 2 Fare Change• Zone 1 fares will apply for customers travelling between

Zones 1 and 2.

• Customers travelling in Zone 2 solely will still be able to travel for the cheaper Zone 2 fare.

• The Zone 1 myki pass will no longer be available for sale after 1 January 2015.

• Customers should buy a Zone 1+2 pass, which will be at the price of a Zone 1 pass.

• Zone 2 passes will still be available.

• Existing Zone 1+2 pass holders will be reimbursed for the remaining Zone 2 portion of their pass after 1 January.

One Myki Product / Card Only from NovemberThere will only be one Myki product/card available for sale from November once current stock runs out. That is, there will be no concession identifier like the current printed ‘C’, ‘S’ or ‘CH’ that is printed on the card. At the Committee Meetings on October 14 it was agreed that industry want them supplied pre-coded to the concession type rather than the card being coded by the driver at point of sale. The pre-coded cards will be supplied with an identification sticker. Concern was raised about difficulty in driver’s identifying if a card was concession fare or not and possible increase in concessional fare evasion.

Industry News

Depot Managers Conference – 29 & 30 October

All the depot managers attended several workshops and undertook management training over a 2 day period in October.

Workshops and training were held on Counter Terrorism, upcoming G20, Bullying and Harassment and staff Reward and Recognition.


The Dyson Moving Times

We would like to share a few things with you that have been happening over the last few months since the last newsletter.

The new financial year has allowed us to introduce another 6 new Hyundai i30 changeover cars. This now brings the total of new vehicles to 24, now the majority of the fleet. There have been a few teething issues with the camera and security swipe on systems, but this has been a focus for the maintenance team and our support contractor DTI and the issues have reduced significantly. The sight of the i30 vehicles on the road sporting the company branding is a significant positive for the look of the company, and the Fleet Presentation and Workshop staff are working hard to keep the vehicles looking and performing to the highest standard.

Fleet Services

SafetyIn line with Dysons Safety values, the conduct of Essential Services Audits continues to be facilitated through our association with the Hendry Group. Our Infrastructure Coordinator, John Stewart, recently worked with the Hendry Group to include our Reservoir Depot into the inspection schedule.

Wangaratta The livery plan has been developed for the fleet and will see 13 vehicles changed over in to the Dyson full livery. The first of the 13 was completed during the September school holidays. Over the Christmas break the Fleet Presentation team will be scheduling another 6 vehicles to be completed, and aiming for the last 6 to be completed by June 2015.

First Livery Change – Fleet 854

Mick Reynolds - Presenting at the Southern Cross Commercial Lubricants Seminar

In another exciting development for the depot, we are working with our partner BP and stakeholders Wangaratta Council and North East Water to have a refuelling facility at the depot. It is envisaged that this project would bring significant operational benefits to the organisation.

StaffWe welcome our newest member into the team, with Steve Parker coming on board taking over the mechanic duties at our Moama Depot. Steve has relocated to the area and comes from within the bus industry. Stuart Gray and Cory Dyson have been backfilling the position for a few months and have done an excellent job in looking after the fleet at the depot.

In October, our lubricant supplier, Southern Cross Lubes held their annual Commercial Lubricants Seminar. This year our Fleet Service Manager, Mick Reynolds was a guest speaker at the request of Southern Cross. Mick spoke on the subject of transitioning our fleet to Delvac MX ESP oils and the use of oil analysis programs by Dysons to extend the service intervals of a number of our fleets.

Mick’s presentation was well received at the conference. Southern Cross have used the findings from our oil analysis program as a Proof of Performance, a document that is published in the Mobil Network and used across the oil industry.

Finally, I would like to thank all of the Fleet Services Staff and Management for their hard work and the outcomes achieved this year. I would also wish everyone and their families a happy Christmas and New Year period and we look forward to doing it all again next year.


The Dyson Moving Times

Moama Driver participates in Ice Bucket ChallengeAdrian Hilder, a Moama Driver and also Captain of the Cobram Fire Brigade participated in the recent Ice Bucket Challenge. Cobram Fire Brigade was nominated by the Diggers Rest Fire Brigade.

In the evening of Thursday, 28 August, Adrian along with other members of his Brigade were filmed completing the challenge, and if you were one of the lucky ones to be a friend of Adrian’s on Facebook, then you would have seen the drenching Adrian and his counterparts received.

Adrian nominated the Nagambie, Rochester, and Mooroopna Fire Brigade’s to complete the Challenge within 24 hours. Unfortunately Mooroopna and Nagambie did not take up the challenge up with in the required 24 hours, and it was unknown if Rochester participated.

Participating members donated $10 each to the cause, and other members also donated, netting a total of $120 towards the cause.

– Well done Adrian!

On the 1st of September this year we acquired V/Line, school and coach charter services from the Joyce family who owned and operated Wangaratta Coachlines.

Wangaratta Coachlines had proudly serviced North East Victoria for the past 27 years and throughout this time had expanded to a fleet of 40 vehicles operating 23 government contracts, school services and extensive coach charter.

Roy Dyson and his family relocated to Wangaratta for a temporary period to manage the depot and coordinate the integration of this operation to Dysons.

Key to this acquisition was the combined team of 40 people whom we warmly welcome to Dysons, and by all accounts we hear that everything is running extremely well.

This acquisition represented a terrific opportunity for Dysons to continue to grow our Regional Services. The Wangaratta operation clearly aligns with our strategic objective to continue to develop the business through the core activities of government contracted services and private school services.

Moama – Depot News Wangaratta – Depot News

Wodonga – Depot News

Milestone for MoamaAs irony would have it, Dysons of Moama no longer operate the service between Bendigo and Moama daily. Unfortunately an opposition an opposition company won that run from us in the tender process a few years ago, but as noted by Greg Christy, Area Service Manager of V/Line, quoted that we – (Dysons) left our mark in the history books as being the first coach operator to use the new bus stop at Epsom which is on the Bendigo line on the 6 November, whilst covering a train Replacement programme for the day .


We might be gone but not forgotten…

We have had quite a busy few months with school and corporate charter and with the recent acquisition of Wangaratta Depot. We have been working well with them due to lots of crossovers with work.

We were awarded 4 NSW Trainlink contracts - Tumbarumba, Wagga, Griffith, Dubbo, Bathurst & Condobolin with services commencing on 1 January 2015 – huge thank you to Viv, Glaciee and Jamie.

5 drivers were sent to Brisbane in November for the G20 – Craig Barrass, Jim Campbell, Greg Finster, Gary Patton, Don Marshall.

Our Christmas party is being held 29th November at the Commercial Club, Albury. Santa has accepted his invitation.

We have a new low floor vehicle arriving on Friday 21 November 2014.


The Dyson Moving Times

Tony Cohen UpdateFor those of you who don’t know, Tony was the driver of the accident that we had down here in April of this year. Tony is coming along slowly but surely. He is still having x rays and specialist visits on his left leg which was badly damaged in the accident. Hopefully he might be able to come back to work on light duties towards the end of the year.

Vale - Dennis Quigley Dennis commenced work in the Northern Territory for Cobb & Co and moved to Victoria and became our very first Omeo driver. Unfortunately Dennis was diagnosed with cancer in mid- October this year and sadly passed away on Friday, 7 November and his funeral was held on 13 November.

New Services UpdateOn the 28th of July V/Line implemented 6 new services between Bairnsdale, Sale & Traralgon.

The first of these services starts at 4.25am from Bairnsdale to Traralgon, connecting with a train to Melbourne. The last of these services finishes in Bairnsdale at 9.15pm after connecting with a train at Traralgon which has come from Melbourne. These services are proving to be very popular, with passenger numbers increasing by the month.

New DriversWith the introduction of the new services we have had to employ 2 new drivers. We would like to welcome John Tregear and Kevin Clark to the Bairnsdale team.

G20The Bairnsdale depot had 3 drivers, Scott O’Connor, Tony Byers and Wayne Haywood join the rest of the crew that went to Brisbane for the G20.

SociallyWe have entered a team in the local barefoot bowls competition this year. We won our first game. So hopefully this will be a bit of fun outside of work. Congratulations to our apprentice mechanic Luke and his partner Cloe on their engagement.

Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party this year will be held on the 6th December at the Water Wheel Tavern at Lake Tyers beach

Bairnsdale – Depot News

Reservoir – Depot News

Griffin’s Monkey Business Foudation

As some of you would be aware, back in April this year a 12 year old boy was tragically taken in an accident on one of our buses in Bairnsdale – his name was Griffin Vollemaere. He had a wish to contribute to a forest in Sumatra to replenish the land for the animals.

Griffin’s Monkey Business Foundation is the result of his dream to make a difference because it is the right thing to do! The project is being implemented by the Orangutan Information Centre where they have commenced planting a rainforest in Sumatra that over the

next few years will grow to 30,000 trees and cover ten hectares.

As they grow the trees will create habitat for many species of endangered animals and plants. Griffin was passionate about Orangutans and his family have chosen this project to create Griffin’s Forest as it will recreate habitat for Sumatran Orangutans, one of Griffin’s favourite animals.

The forest has begun to grow with the latest report being that they have already planted 1020 trees!

How Can You Help?

You can make a direct donation by going to your nearest CBA and make a direct deposit into:

Account Name: Griffin’s Monkey Business Foundation

BSB: 063501


Or if you would like help with a project call Brendan (Griffin’s Dad): on 0457832113 or email: brendanbrv@gmail.com

You can find out more about Griffin’s Forest in Northern Sumatra at this website


If you’d like to watch it grow please follow Griffin’s Forest Facebook page.

I am pleased to announce there have been no major issues arise at Reservoir Depot. Operationally, drivers are working well and are very pleased that they are still at Reservoir and not re-locating to Bundoora for the time being.

Interaction between Dyson’s and Transdev drivers has been going well, as is the tenancy arrangements Transdev has with this depot.

Driver, Vasil Mitev, had an unfortunate fall at home and has been away from work for the last three months. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Peter Piu and Brian Sizeland are doing and excellent job of keeping us informed about all bus maintenance and vehicle change over’s as we keep disruptions within operations to a minimum.


The Dyson Moving Times

In Memory of Neil Hardie Update

Since our last newsletter, Dyson’s Bowel Cancer Australia Fundraising Committee has been working hard continuing to raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia in memory of Dyson’s driver, Neil Hardie.

On Saturday 11th October, Dyson’s Dinner Dance was held at Emerald Receptions and attended by 280 guests, where a fundraising auction was held with very pleasing results raising a grand total of $1,900 for Bowel Cancer Australia. It was wonderful that Neil’s family were present on the night

to witness this great fundraising achievement held in Neil’s honour. Many thanks to everyone who contributed by purchasing an auction item or making a donation on the night. Without your generosity these funds would not have been raised.

Dyson’s BCA Fundraising Committee will continue working to raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through until March 2015, where it is envisaged that key Bowel Cancer Australia staff will be invited to Bundoora Depot to attend a special cheque presentation and lunch.

Fundraiser events & Amount RaisedBal. Brought Forward $ 887.99

Friday 27th June – End of Term 2 Pizza Day Raffle $ 257.30

Friday 26th September – Casual Dress Friday $ 28.00

Monday 29th September – Vending Machine – Fleet Services $ 72.00

Saturday 11th October – Auction $ 1,900.00

Friday 31st October – Casual Dress Friday $ 102.35 Total raised as of Friday 14th November 2014:

$ 3,247.64


A Baby Boy for Harpreet and Sandeep

A Baby Girlfor Brad and Ashlee

New Babies

Fundraising – Bowel Cancer Australia

Little Furmaan Chahal Congratulations to Bundoora Service Delivery Coordinator, Harpreet Chahal and his wife, Sandeep, on the safe arrival of their first child, a baby boy, Furmaan, on 30th October 2014, weighing in at a healthy 7lb 6ozs.

Little Lucy DysonCongratulations to Bundoora Service Delivery Coordinator, Brad Dyson and his wife, Ashlee, on the safe arrival of their second child, a baby girl, Lucy Mae, on 14th October 2014, weighing in at 8lb 11ozs. A little sister for Piper.

Caught Out By Baby TestAn Egyptian bus driver who tried to fooI a drug test by using his wife’s urine ended up being told he was pregnant.

Officials said they became suspicious when the driver’s test detected a pregnancy and they confronted the man and asked him to verify the sample was his own urine.

The man confirmed ownership of the sample, leading officiaIs to respond: “Congratulations, you’re pregnant”

The driver admitted the urine came from his wife and he was not aware she was two months pregnant.

Daily Mail Newspaper article, 5 November 2014

The Dyson Moving Times


Seat Safety Checklist Our #1 Safety Value: Safety First; every time, everyone, everywhereAs a result of recent bus seat issues, both driver and passenger seat and RSI inspection outcomes, a new seat safety checklist has been developed and implemented into the regular servicing schedule.

A check will be performed on all seats in the vehicle to ensure that following a scheduled service, the seats are safe and functional.

Defect Reporting is still the primary mechanism for ensuring seats are assessed and repaired promptly, if required. As employees, we have an individual responsibility to work safely. Drivers who have concerns about their safety and risk of injury as a result of a seat issue should report this immediately to their Supervisor. It is the driver’s responsibility to assess their particular situation and determine if they feel it is safe to continue driving.

Consider this story...This is a little story about a company with four employees named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

Safety in the workplace was discussed and they all agreed that it was very important and Everybody was asked to do it.

Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it and that Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry because it was Everybody’s job.

Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realised that Everybody was not going to do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody encouraged Anybody to always use safe work habits.

The moral of this story is that when it comes to safety ANYBODY can do it and maybe SOMEBODY will do it. It is our job to make sure EVERYBODY is involved in workplace safety so that NOBODY gets hurt.

You need to become the SOMEBODY that impacts our workplace to be a safe place for EVERYBODY!


EAP – Out of balance?

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)24 hours - 7 days Call us today

1300 361 008 – Australia 0800 155 318 – New Zealand

The EAP is easily accessible, voluntary and can provide support on a range of personal and work related issues such as:

• Responsibility At Work

• Work-Life Balance

• Depression / Anxiety

• Stress Management

• Managing Change

Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides short term counselling and support. The service is provided by professionally qualified psychologists or social workers. Your EAP is personal and strictly confidential.


The Dyson Moving Times

5 Years Service

AKYURT, Bayram

BHOOBUN, Vidya prakash





DOUMAS, Steven

EYLES, Vivienne

GERMAN, Dragan



HIGGS, Tracey

HOLDEN, Josephine


I’A Sanelivi

ILALIO, Tuliloaina


KING, Paul



LEE, Esdon

LEWIS, Kevin

LUKUPA, Linofinema

MAILO, Sinapati

McCANN, Glenn




PARIS, Teresa

PEPA, Pepa



SAAGA, Benjamin

SELIM, Cihan

SMITH, Geoffery

TANKIR, Gultekin



10 Years Service BALMFORTH, Alan






KIDD, Daniel

KRYMSKI, Mariusz



NARAIN, Roshni





ROBINSON, Katharine

SMITH, Robert






15 Years Service DAVIES, Stephen

DYSON, Bradley

ELMS, William

FEDOR, Michael


LUKIC, Ljubomir





20 Years Service ARSOVSKI, Dragi

WALSH, Rodney

25 Years ServiceDUNNE, Rosalie



30 Years ServiceHILL, Margaret

40 Years ServiceCOLAKOVSKI, Naum

45 Years ServiceCARDAMONE, Antonio

Major Milestones

Elephants have been known to remain standing after they die.

The normal body temperature is 37 degrees.

A duck’s quack doesn’t echo.

Did you know...

Fruit mince browniesMerry Christmas! Fruit mince adds a lovely twist to a traditional brownie.

New RecipiesJuly to December 2014Dyson’s take this opportunity to formally acknowledge the following staff in achieving the following milestones with the company:

Ingredients• 200g good-quality dark chocolate

(70% cocoa solids), chopped

• 300g brown sugar

• 250g unsalted butter, chopped

• 4 eggs, lightly beaten

• 1 & 1/3 cups (200g) plain flour

• 1/4 teaspoon baking powder

• 1/3 cup (35g) cocoa, plus extra to dust

• 1/3 cup (85g) fruit mince

• 1 teaspoon mixed spice

• 1 cup (100g) toasted walnuts, chopped

Method• Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease

a 22cm square cake or brownie pan and line the base with baking paper.

• Place chocolate, sugar and butter in a saucepan over low heat, stirring until melted and well combined. Remove from heat, cool slightly, then stir in eggs until well combined. Add flour, baking powder, cocoa, fruit mince, mixed spice and nuts, stirring to combine. Spread into the pan and bake for 25 minutes or until just set.

• Cool in pan, then dust with cocoa. Cut into 12 squares and serve. Brownies will keep in an airtight container for 2-3 days.


The Dyson Moving Times

Warm Welcome – To Our New Staff

Glen Ryan Workshop Supervisor Bundoora - August 2014

Steve Shipard Kyneton Driver - July 2014

Ali Mortazi Bundoora Driver - July 2014

Geoff Taylor Kyneton Driver - July 2014

John Parker Reservoir Driver - July 2014

Garry Stoll Bairnsdale Driver - July 2014

John Tregear Bairnsdale Driver - July 2014

Edin Kalajdzic Bundoora Driver - June 2014

Mark Bui Bundoora Driver - August 2014

Ehab Rezek Bundoora Driver - June 2014

Ron Rosales Bundoora Driver - June 2014

Daniel Conlon Bundoora Driver - June 2014

Gayle Weller Moama Driver - June 2014

Toni Dimovski Bundoora Driver - June 2014

Joy Tilker Wodonga Driver - June 2014

Mark Waters Bundoora Driver - August 2014

Erol Sayan Bundoora Driver - August 2014

Kevin L’Estrange Wodonga Driver - July 2014

Benjamin Barker Bundoora Driver - June 2014

Jesse Lopez Bundoora Driver - October 2014

Rio Michel Bundoora Driver - September 2014

Kevin Clark Bairnsdale Driver - October 2014

Stephen Parker Moama Mechanic - October 2014

Theologis Gogas Bundoora Driver - October 2014

Paul Mott Kyneton Driver - September 2014

Alberto Acosta Bundoora Driver - June 2014

There is a Tupperware party held somewhere in the world every two seconds.

Did you know...


The Dyson Moving Times

As we come to the end of another year it allows time for reflection. There were at times abnormally high workloads during the last year. Our family are extremely proud of the efforts of all the team and truly appreciate the dedication shown in getting the job done in a professional manner. From all the feedback received, our customers were also very pleased with the efforts shown by our team members. Thank you and congratulations on a job well done.

You would be aware of the many family members that work in all areas of our business in both the Bundoora and Regional depots. We are constantly recognised by other family businesses as being unique in relation to the high number of family that work in our business. The 4th generation members are gaining in numbers on the 3rd generation and hopefully one day will exceed it. We recognise the need to help develop the next generation to ensure the longevity and success of our business.

In the last financial year James Deacon, a 4th generation family member was appointed to our cadetship program. James will be gaining substantial knowledge while working in and being a part of all areas of the business over the next 2 years. He follows in the footsteps of Brad Dyson, AJ Stewart and Roy Dyson who have all successfully completed the cadetship program.

We also saw the appointment of Roy Dyson as the manager of the new Wangaratta operation. This will be a challenging and rewarding experience for Roy and I am sure the team at Wangaratta will be happy to support him in his new role.

We would also like to recognise and congratulate Margie Hill on reaching 30 years of service. Margie has been an integral part of the business. She is the first female family member (or indeed team member) to achieve this milestone.

We are very proud to be an Australian owned and operated family business and will continue to work at ensuring that family business governance is adhered to. We believe that Australian family businesses can compete with the foreign owned businesses and with the ongoing support of all our team this can be achieved.

From our family to yours we wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and New Year.

Total Revenue by Division– July 2014 to October 2014

Vehicle Count by Division– June 2014

– October 2014

Actual Head Count by Division– As at October 2014

Family Office MessageFinancial Summary

Regional 25%

Charter 62, 55

Charter 77

Met 387

Regional 194

Support 79

Regional 97, 128

Charter 9%

Met 66%

Met 170


The Dyson Moving Times

Our newsletter is for you which is why we would like to share more of your stories.

If you have something you want us to know about, whether it is about your day on the road or in the office, a holiday, a new family member or if you want to pass a compliment on to one of your colleagues, you can email us your story to be posted in the next edition of the newsletter. Simply send an email to


and tell us your story. It does not need to be fancy, dot point is okay. Include in your email your name, depot, job position and any relevant photos you may have.

If you would like to receive the newsletter via your personal email account, request this at: newsletter@dysongroup.com.au

We look forward to hearing from you!

Christmas Card – Winners

We Want to Hear Your Stories!


The Dyson Moving Times

WinnerLachlan Dickason

Our 2014 Christmas card was designed by 10 year old Lachlan Dickason son of Rochelle Dickason, Group Manager Human Resources at Bundoora Depot.

To embrace the spirit of giving at Christmas, Lachlan has chosen to support St Vincent de Paul Society.

A donation has been made in his name to this charitable event, which raises funds each year towards assisting people in need and combating social injustice.

2ndKeeley O’Reilly2nd place was awarded to Keeley, who is the grand daughter of Jim Campbell one of our drivers at Wodonga Depot.

3rdSyahirah Rozaidi3rd place went to Syahirah, who is the niece of Julian Jackson, one of our MET drivers at Bundoora.

S a f e t y D r i v e s D y s o n ’ s S u c c e s s !



VValuesCare and Respect We actively listen Teamwork With common goals Open and HonestIncluding in our communication Accountable We do what we say

MissionThe Dyson Group of Companies is a progressive and dynamic family company. Our mission is to provide our passengers with safe, reliable, high quality passenger transportation, through our commitment to responsive and innovative management, continual upgrading of our fleet, rigorous attention to vehicle maintenance, whilst being ever mindful of our responsibilities to passengers, co-workers and the community.

VisionTo be the leading bus and coach operator in the Australian market delivering safe, innovative, competitive and exceptional services.

The Dyson Moving Times

Vision . Mission . Values