AIESEC Indonesian December newsletter vol 1

DECEMBER Vol.1 Internal Newsletter Internal Newsletter


AIESEC Indonesian December newsletter vol 1

Transcript of AIESEC Indonesian December newsletter vol 1


Internal Newsletter Internal



Throwback November………………………………1

Good Case Practice of the Month…..................3

Recognition of the Month………………………..3

National Board Space…………………………4

What’s on Next…………..…………………..5

Insightful Corner……………………………6

Any inquiries & suggestion send to:

[email protected]

Page 1

Throwback November Indonesian Youth Leadership Conference

AIAO Updates

MCP Asia Pacific Summit

Ardian was attending MCP Asia Pacific Summit

held by AIESEC International right before Asia

Pacific Leaders Conference November 28-30th

Malaysia. We cannot wait to hear the Summit

updates from you MCP!

AIESEC Indonesia Alumni

Organization had a nice time

during radio talk show at Brava

Radio 103.8 FM. Curious

enough about what Mas dacil,

Mas Biddo and Firnando (our

former AIESEC International

Vice President 13-14) share

about? Click here to find out this

interesting conversation :


AIESEC in Prasetya Mulya was

successfully held Indonesian Youth

Leadership Conference for 280

delegates of new members from all

over entities in Indonesia. Take a look

of the documentation here IYLC 2014

“National Competition Project collaboration with AQUA“

Sign up and proposal submission deadline is exteded to December 12th. Dare to do something impactful for your society? Click here for detail ProjectCompetition

Throwback November

Youth Speak Campaign

Incoming Exchange Initiative (GIP)

Incoming Exchange Initiative (GCDP)


Collaboration Project IIPi and ER/BD, Embrace The Challenge, Because

The Next Big Thing Happens Here! (Deadline January 16th)

Watch video here:

Organizational Development Fund

“Embrace your Creativity, Develop your Entity“ Submit your proposal before December 17th

November Notice:

AIESEC Indonesia is the top 3 contributor of YouthSpeak, the collaboration

survey of AIESEC International with United Nations by giving 1378 voices .

Thank you for all of AIESEC Indonesia members especially for Marketing

PR Commission who made this happened. Still don’t get what the purpose

of YouthSpeak is? Click here: YouthSpeak

Page 2

Page 3

Good Case Practice of the Month

Parent Induction is new initiative that held by

AIESEC in UNS that aims to give the clear

expectation and information about the GYAP.

In this event was held on 21st of November

2014 in Solo. Not only explain the program,

but also having the sharing part with the

returnees and their parents as well. Expected

the result is a good conversion rate for people

from pass selection to raise.

(For detail information and GCP sharing

please contact Aditya Cleverina, LCVP

OGCDP UNS on [email protected])

Ambassador Buddy Program is the program

that is improved from the concept of EP

buddy. However, something unique from this

program that has by AIESEC UNDIP. They

package the program for the EP returnees.

The ambassador program empowers the EP

returnees to back and share their experience

to the new EP/ Ambassador. It really helps the

process and maintaing for the EP before they

go exchange.

(For detail information and GCP sharing

please contact Cleo Indaryono, LCVP OGCDP

UNDIP on [email protected])


Recognition of the Month

Biggest appreciation for UGM, UNDIP, SURABAYA, UI, UNAND & UNHAS for successfully held

National YouthTalk by engaging more than 5000 from all over Indonesia.

Best recognition for LCVP & IR manager of OGX GIP in Surabaya for being the best Match (7

MA), OGX GIP in PMBS for breaking the history by having the very first EP Match and OGX GIP

in Bandung who sucessfully conducted SRB for more than 50 applicants.

Best recognition for PU (ILEA Piloting) Surabaya & PMBS (ISER Piloting) for the massive growth

in raising ICX GIP.




Warmest welcome to the new leaders in National Board!

Annisa (UA)


Layli (UMM)

BD Manager Jazman (Bandung)

MCVP Dig.Marketing

National Board1


Say hello to the fresh selected NST for Brand Experience sub team!

Karina Ananta - National Campaign Coordinator - AIESEC OE UNILA

M. Ashari Rahman - National Marketing Project Coordninator - AIESEC OE UMM

Re-allocation NSTs;

National Firefighting ICX and Co-delivery

Julianda Pratama-GCDP Reza Jodyanta-GIP

National Firefighting OGX and Co-delivery

Ferdinand M. Nagal

National Process Evolution GCDP

Dian Famudillah

National Process Evolution GIP

Ika Nindyas

Do you feel interest to be

part of National Board for

the upcoming term?

Want to get to know more

about National Board Life?

Page 4

Fill this survey to get to

know more:

Page 5

What’s on Next1


Now is Happening:

Expansion National GCDP Coach

iGIP National IR Coordinator National iGIP Project Coordinator

oGCDP National IR Coordinator

Be part of NST of:

Application link:




Be an International facilitator of

Korea Winter National

Leadership Conference:

Application link:

Ardian, our MCP is facilitation a

conference where young leaders

from 22 countries and territories

across Asia Pacific, opening a

conversation between a cross

section of youth, development

professionals and business

leaders with the intention of

inciting social change. 4th to 8th

of December 2014, Penang


AIESEC International just realised

the new guideline booklet for

Standard and Satisfaction. To

adapt with the new Standard and

satisfaction, we are having

National Customer Experience

Summit within the Customer

Experience sub-team from 4-7

December 2014 in Jakarta

Page 6


Corner Authentic Leadership:

5 Key Elements to Lead with Authenticity

1. Behaving and Breathing Authentic Leadership 24/7 – "Leadership is

not your business suit that you wear only while at work. It is who

you are 24/7!”

2. Walk the Talk – “You find out who true leaders are not in the oasis

(when things are good) but in the dessert!”

3. Demonstrate Consistently Shared Values & Integrity

4. Allow Others to Take the Lead

5. Know When & How to Authentically Influence & Impact

Find the article here : Authentic Leadership

Find Leadership Journal here:

Objective : To facilitate inner journer of leadership experience to our member

Special Thanks to Creator:

Hana Talita – National LEAD Coordinator

Keep Spirit


Internal Audit See you!

Welcome December!