Vizury - Growth through Browser Notifications

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Vizury - Growth through Browser Notifications

Growth Via Browser Notifications

>300 $30M Funding Raised So Far from Global Investors

3 Verticals – Commerce,

Finance & Travel

5 Offices in San Francisco, Dubai,

Bangalore, Singapore, Tokyo

7 Number of Free & Paid channels

which we power for our clients

No of Clients Across the Globe


Vizury – Growth Marketing Company

No. of unique users profiled per month

100s of Commerce Brands, And Counting!

Engage Commerce – Multi-Channel Growth Marketing Platform

Ecommerce Only + 1-1 Prediction + Hyper Personalization = Growth

Browser Notification – The Free & Universal Channel

Across Devices Targeting – Desktop, Tablet & Mobile “Offline” Engagement - Target even if your website is not loaded on their browser

80%+ Browser Reach - Supported by Chrome, Safari & Firefox

Browser Notification – Facebook Newsfeed like Units

Image Title Message

Browser Notification – The Huge Potential of Email Channel

1-1 Email Targeting 1-1 Browser Notifications

30-60% 20-40% WITH EMAIL-ID / OPTED IN

15-30% 60-80% MESSAGE VIEW RATE

$$$ $$$ RE-ENGAGED

CLICK RATE 10-20% 5-7%

Ø  Frequency Cap – Set a User Cap which is ideal

for your business and User base

Ø  Time Interval between Notifications – Set a Time

Interval between notifications

Ø  Personalize – Create 1-1 messages for each user

based on behavioral data

Controls After User Opts-In Controls Before User Opts-In

Ø  Segment Users for which the Opt-In request

needs to be showed. For Eg Loyal Users.

Ø  Mandatory Opt In – Mandatory Opt-In to show


Ø  Unsubscribe Control – Ability to unsubscribe any

time. No questions asked.

Browser Notification – Controls at Each Stage

Vizury Sample – New User Onboarding

A user has never made a transaction on your website. Send a web push telling him about his visited category and the first-purchase offer code.

Make user complete the purchase as soon as he drops from the cart or any other time that you may chose like: •  15 min •  30 min •  1 hour •  4 hours •  12 hours

Vizury Sample – Personalized Retargeting

Re-engage with the users who have not visited your website in the past week. Share unique coupon codes, product details or visited categories to get them back!

Vizury Sample – Lapsed User Re-Engagement

Target your loyal users by thanking them for being your partners along with relevant product details for them.

Vizury Sample – Drive Loyalty

Getting Started through Vizury – 3 Simple Steps

1.  Identify HTTPS page on Domain to be used show the native opt-in necessary to capture the subscriber Id

2.  Upload these from Vizury to the top level root of the site directory:

i.  Manifest.json ii.  vizurySDKWorker.js

3.  Include and Initialize the SDK

Thank you!

1. Browser Notification – Sample Campaign on Vizury Platform

Campaign Objective

Target Users who have at least 2 Products in the Cart

Campaign Message

Personalized Message based on Products in the Cart


Schedule the Web Push Engagement at 7.00 pm. You can choose to make the

engagement Recurring

Simple & Easy Campaign Set Up

Step 1: Easy Segmentation of Target Users

Powerful & Easy Segmentation of Users Across APP & Web

Real Time Feedback on Users in the Segment

2 simple steps To create Segment

Step 1: Easy Segmentation of Target Users

Create New Engagement

All Segments will be listed in Segmentation Section

Select Web Push Notification Channel

Choose the saved segment

Step 2: Creating Personalized Engagement

Enter an Engagement Name

Choose recurring scheduling here

Choose Push Type.

Step 2: Creating Personalized Engagement

You can Choose either Static or Dynamic Message

All the components are Dynamic. Use @ to access Dynamic parameters like Username, Product name etc.,

Step 2: Creating Personalized Engagement

Click on Save and Engage. Your Abandoned Cart Web Push Campaign is Live!

Fall Back content will be utilized if Dynamic Data is not available for the User in real time






Chrome Firefox Safari IE Others

US Market Share by Browser*

Source - XXX