Visual Interest Assignment By Emily Rademacher. Hopper, Edward, Summer Evening, 1947.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Visual Interest Assignment By Emily Rademacher. Hopper, Edward, Summer Evening, 1947.

Visual Interest AssignmentBy Emily Rademacher

Hopper, Edward,Summer Evening, 1947.

Frida Kahlo,Broken Column, 1944

John Sloan, The Picnic Grounds, 1907.

Rockwell Kent.The Trapper, 1921.

Charles Burchfield. Ice Glare, 1933.

John Sloan. Sixth Avenue Elevated at Third Street, 1928

Rebecca Mock, Nothing to Do in this Heat, 2013

Rebecca Mock, Lagrange Points, 2013

Max Ernest. Two Children are Threatened by a Nightingale, 1924

Joseph Cornell, Habitat Group for a Shooting Gallery, 1943

Dan Burgess,Wizard of Oz, 2012

a 100 year winter, a Giant Frozen Tin Man, a lion made of Fire, a Scarecrow that transforms into a Crow, and Dorothy with Her Trusty ToTo sword. This is my vision of a classic tale. 

Dan Burgess, Factory, 2013

Wenqing YanThe Raven, 2014

Poe's work always carried a sense of mystery and familiarity to me. I wanted to reinvent that feeling in a modern setting. Imagine walking down the street, through the crowd, and in a brief moment, catching the glimpse of someone you once knew. But before you can act -blink- and they're gone again. 

Lois van Baarle, Daybreak, 2012

Andrew Wyeth. Christina’s World, 1948

Guillaume Ospital, Intermission, 2013

Guillamume Ospital, Loud Sunshine, 2014

René Magritte. The False Mirror, 1928.

Alfons Mucha, Summer, 1896

Alfons Mucha, The Four Seasons,1895

Yan Qin Weng,Untitled, 2013

John Sloan. Backyards, Greenwich Village, 1914.

Yan Qin Weng, Untitled, 2014


Tessa Stone, Hanna Is Not A Boys Name, 2010-2011

Daria Yeliseyeva (Xamag), The Black Brick Road of Oz, 2013- Current