Vision Mission PPT

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Transcript of Vision Mission PPT


Writeshop on the Formulation of the Roadmap for Public Higher Education Reform, 2017-2022 Action PlanAugust 9-10, 2016Hive Hotel, Quezon City

The VISION for Public Higher Education

Vision for CHED

Vision for Public Higher Education

Vision for Private Higher Education

Vision for the Nation

Vision for Higher Education

State Universitiesand Colleges


Local Universities and Colleges


Private Higher Education


Preceding Vision for the Nation

Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 A country with…

1. A re-awakened sense of right and wrong, through the living examples of our highest leaders;

2. An organized and widely-shared rapid expansion of our economy through a government dedicated to honing and mobilizing our people’s skills and energies as well as the responsible harnessing of our natural resources;

3. A collective belief that doing the right thing does not only make sense morally, but translates into economic value as well;

4. Public institutions rebuilt on the strong solidarity of our society and its communities

Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan 2004-2010

The basic vision of the MTPDP is to reduce poverty incidence by building prosperity for the greatest number of Filipinos over

the next six years. Towards the realization of this vision, greater economic opportunities must be opened up, a stable social and political life should be maintained, and good governance must

be promoted. The strategies, measures and activities in the Plan are focused on stimulating economic growth, creating more

growth, creating more jobs and promoting fiscal and remuneration reforms.

Preceding Vision for the Nation

Current Vision for the NationAMBISYON NATIN 2040 (NEDA, 2016)

Vision of Filipinos for Self: “In 2040, all Filipinos will enjoy a stable and comfortable lifestyle, secure in the knowledge that we have enough for our daily needs and unexpected expenses, that we can plan and prepare for our own and our children’s futures. Our families live together in a place of our own, yet we have the freedom to go where we desire, protected and enabled by a clean, efficient, and fair government.“

Vision of Filipinos for Country: “The Philippines shall be a country where all citizens are free from hunger and poverty, have equal opportunities, enabled by fair and just society that is governed with order and unity. A nation where families live together, thriving in vibrant, culturally diverse, and resilient communities.”

Duterte 10-PointEconomic Agenda

(7) Invest in human capital development, including

health and education systems, and match skills and training.

(8) Promote science, technology, and

the creative arts to enhance innovation

and creative capacity.

Current Vision for the Nation

Preceding Vision for Higher Education

Higher Education Reform Agenda (From Roadmap 1)

“HERA shall be underpinned by the vision and organizing thrusts of the Administration’s agenda of accountability:• Expanded and enhanced career and life choices for

students; and• Higher education and its institutions placed in full service

of national development

Preceding Vision for Higher EducationMEDIUM-TERM DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR HIGHER EDUCATION 2005-2010

With the increasing prominence and utilization of knowledge in the economy, higher education in the Philippines is envisioned to be the

channel for life-long learning that provides the Filipino youth with greater opportunities for economic and social

advancement within and outside the country.

The higher education institutions shall be key players in advancing new knowledge for the improvement of academic instruction, productivity

enhancement, job creation, and in addressing the key issues confronting the local communities and Philippine society.

The Commission on Higher Education is thus envisioned to be the lead catalyst in transforming the country as the prime knowledge center in

Southeast Asia by revitalizing HEIs and ensuring that their renewed roles in a dynamic environment are fulfilled.

Preceding Vision for Higher Education

LONG-TERM HIGHER EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2001-2010 The Higher Education System of the Philippines is a key player in the education and integral formation of professionally competent, service-oriented, principled and productive citizens.

Through its tri-fold function of teaching, research and extension services, it becomes a prime-mover of the nation’s socio-economic growth and sustainable development

The Commission on Higher Education envisions a vibrant ecosystem of Philippine colleges and universities that are committed to shape current and future generations of Filipinos as engines of change, sources of innovation, forces of creativity, leaders of enterprise, and transformers of the future.

Current Vision for Higher Education

ACE/HERA Vision for a Locally Responsive and Globally Competitive Philippine Higher Education System

Vision for CHED


The Commission on Higher Education – CHED is the key leader of the Philippine Higher Education system effectively working in partnership with other major higher education stakeholders in building the country’s human capital and innovation capacity towards the development of a Filipino nation as a responsible member of the international community.

PRIVATE Higher Education


COCOPEA is the strong and leading voice of private education as vital to human development.


COCOPEA advances, promotes and protects:

1. Academic freedom2. Quality education3. The essential complementarity between public and private education4. The healthy governance of private educational institutions based on autonomous self-governance and reasonable government regulation5. Personal development, social justice and the common good.


Coordinating Council of Private Educational Institutions

PUBLIC Higher Education

Republic Act 7160: Local Government Code of 1991

Section 447. (a)(5)(x)

Subject to the availability of funds and to existing laws, rules and regulations, establish and provide for the operation of vocational and technical schools and similar post-secondary institutions and, with the approval of the Department of Education. Culture and Sports, fix and collect reasonable fees and other school charges on said institutions, subject to existing laws on tuition fees;

Local Universities and Colleges

PUBLIC Higher EducationPreceding Vision


The publicly-funded higher education institutions, especially the state universities and colleges, made more capable and accountable to the State through enhanced public investments are main instruments in developing high-level professions to meet the manpower needs of industry, public service and civil society.

Through their triad of functions, e.g. instruction, research and extension, SUCs significantly contribute

to the urgent tasks of alleviating poverty, hastening the pace of innovations, creating new knowledge and

functional skills; and increasing the productivity of the workplace and the dynamism of communities

PUBLIC Higher EducationPreceding Mission

MTDPHE 2005-2010• It is the mission of higher education system of the Philippines to provide

higher education institutions that are innovative, responsive, accessible, and effective towards the social transformation of the country.

• These HEIs shall be dynamic and conscious of quality in promoting the academic pillars of instruction, research and extension. Their programs and activities shall be relevant to the needs of their clientele, stakeholders, and the communities they serve.

• Access to quality higher education will be provided to capable Filipinos regardless of socio-economic status.

LTHEDP 2001-2010• Education, research and extension service for self-reliance, sustainable

development and quality of life in a diverse and globalized society.

PUBLIC Higher Education

Proposed Vision for Roadmap 2

SUCs are national instruments for poverty reduction, holistic human development, and generation of new

knowledge and innovative technologies that translate to balanced and self-sustaining engines of

inclusive growth.

Proposed Mission for Roadmap 2

1. To educate and train high-level professionals with 21st century competencies 2. To generate new knowledge and technologies that translate to innovations for self-sustaining and inclusive development3. To extend knowledge and mature technologies for improving

productivity and addressing societal problems, and serve as intellectual resource institutions for policy formulation *(techno transfer, community outreach, policy formulation)