Veroy martin

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Veroy martin

  • 1. Apes always surprise us. When did Ai Ai start tosmoke, and why?Ai Ais partner at the zoo died in 1989 and thenthe zookeepers took her dougther to anoterzoo.The poor chimp felt sad and lonely. She didntwant to eat or play..

2. She was a nice and friendly chimp but she gradually became very agressive. She began to smoke and her health started to deteriorate.Nobody knows how she got the cigarettes (maybe people threw them near her cage in the zoo and she picked them). 3. She cried and cried for cigarettes all the time and didnt want to eat. The people at the zoo were really worried. They began to help and she gradually forgot about her partener and dougther. 4. Memory specialists are doing a lot of research on animals and they say that animal in general forget past situation after the time. 5. Shes feeling happy now, zookeepers say, were giving her delicious food- she loves eating good food. Were playing pop music for her, and shes not smoking any more! 6. Tanks for watching :D Vernica y Martn!