Veronika Miňovská- A worldwide campaign in a high-end B2B segment for $1,000

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Veronika Miňovská- A worldwide campaign in a high-end B2B segment for $1,000

A worldwide campaign in a high-end B2B segment for $1,000Veronika Minovska,


What market are we in?

Turnover: $2B / year

CDN turnover: ~$150M

CDN turnover: ~$100M


HTTP/2…? What?!

Tech idea vs. Marketing idea


65 hours to execute17 Aug 20:30

CEO comes with the idea 18 Aug 17:00

Functional HTTP/2 demo (just technology)

19 Aug

Design, copywriting

Researching influencers 20 Aug 12:30

Website ready!

Starting the campaign


But how?...screenshot kodu TW API...


Generic email vs. Individual approach 0:1“Hello Tsahi,

My name is Veronika and I am HTTP/2

Evangelist at I have noticed that

you compared HTTP1.1 to HTTP/2 on your blog

recently and we just released the new

protocol support.”

“I just wanted to suggest you checking our

demo” ... “Just test it yourself :)”

Re: HTTP/2 live demothank you Veronika

if you think could put together a technical

article (commercial free) on http/2 and webrtc,

let me know -- would be happy to publish it

alternatively, could publish a technical http/2...

Re: HTTP/2 live demo

Hi, Veronika.

Thanks for the demo. It was neat.

I've not "viewed source" care to

tell lazy me how it works?

Re: HTTP/2 live demo


I'll keep this in mind for my next mention of

HTTP/2 on my blog


$1,000? Prove it!Backend HTTP/2 technology 2 man-days $0

Frontend 2 man-days $190

Marketing 4 man-days $350

Paid campaigns AdWords, Twitter Ads $400

TOTAL $940


What did we get for our $1,000?3 days; 20 - 22 Aug

600,000Twitter reach

31,100Unique visitors

22.3%Avg CTR for search

+176%Sessions on our brand website



What we learned...● It does make sense to use social media for B2B

● It is possible to create content that would spread organically even in high-end B2B segment

● It pays off to spend time with research & personalization when contacting influencers

● It is good to overshadow your brand sometimes:○ helps spreading organically○ remarketing later○ non-pushy topic for sales
